

After resting for a bit, Lorian's head cleared up. He hadn't drunk a lot, after all.

When he came downstairs, he noticed, that costumers have halved. Most of them already went home to their wives and children.

- Yo, Lorian, you're awake, good, why don't you join us, let's drink some more, hahaha~

Red-faced middle-aged man, who was clearly drunk yelled, his spit flying everywhere.

- Sorry uncle, not now.

Lorian smiled and politely declined. He had no time for this now.

The red-faced man grumbled, but his companions calmed him down.

Lorian sighed and pushed the wooden door, going outside.

Unconsciously, he shivered. It was really cold outside. Unfortunately, he had no time to buy some decent winter clothes yet.

Sighing, Lorian followed the familiar path which led to barracks.

- You're early.

Voice sounded from near.

Lorian made out outlines of Loki, who stood near the barracks gates.

- You too.

He replied shortly.

- Let's go in. We'll be bothering you.

Loki turned to the gatekeeper.

- No problem.

Young gatekeeper complied and opened the gates for them, then closed when they went inside.

The barracks was a huge, long building. The usually bustling barracks was quiet at night.

As 0-star warriors, Loki and Lorian had no authorization to use most of the facilities in the barracks. Lorian wondered where Loki was bringing him.

The grounds around the barracks were smooth. It was a stone pavement, which was cleaned daily.

In the dark of night, the duo could only make out rough outlines of the huge building.

- We stop here.

Loki suddenly stopped. There was a weirdly shaped chandelier, attached to the wall, below the roof, lightening up the path dimly.

It was right outside the barracks. The stairs leading up was merely 5 meters away

* Clang

Loki unsheathed his sword.

Lorian also turned serious and did the same.

Pale green light from chandelier outlined contours of their faces.

- As you can see, the light is dim. I'll start slow. Trust your instincts. Act accordingly, keep calm...

Loki advised.

Lorian took in a deep breath.

- Here I come!

Loki approached fast, with his sword lowered. When he came close, he lifted his sword upwards horizontally. Lorian panicked a bit, but followed his instinct and slashed down to block.

* Clang!

Lorian took a step back to stabilize his body.

* Clang! clang! clang!...

Loki intentionally moved at least 30% slower and attacked from all angles. Lorian quickly familiarized with the feeling. After 10 minutes, Lorian's breathing turned hurried.

- Did you get the hang of it?

Loki stopped his attacks.

- Huff, yeah...

Lorian replied, a bit excited. He couldn't feel night's coldness due to the adrenaline rush.

- Alright then, let's stop here.

Loki sheathed his sword and pat his shoulder.

- Huh? Why?

- You should have dressed up more, you'll catch a cold here. Besides, hurrying won't necessarily do you good in training. Go back, remember that feeling, replay the scenes in mind, think of areas you could improve, better ways you could respond with. You've got to train up your instincts. Fancy moves, no matter how deadly, won't help you in every situation and you, my friend have only a single life.

Lorian was stunned. He found Loki's advice inspiring and helpful.

- Alright, let's go now.

Lorian nodded and they both left the barracks. They parted ways midway. Lorian entered the inn. It was already night. Elena was collecting the dishes when he came in.

- You're back, sir, umm, Lorian, right?

She greeted with a lowered head.

Lorian was surprised that she remembered him.

- Yes, can I help you with something?

Elena glanced between snoring drunk duo and Lorian. He instantly understood.

- You want me to return them home?

Elena shook her head.

- No, they're also staying in the inn. Could you umm...

- Alright, what are their room numbers?

Lorian guessed her meaning.

Elena's face brightened up and replied.

- One on the left in room number 5, another one in number 8.

- Alright.

Lorian barely lifted up drunk men and brought them in their respective rooms.

- Th, thank you, sir...

Elena said with her head lowered.

Lorian felt amused by girl's shyness. As a waitress, she did her job excellently, but as it turns out, she rarely took the initiative to talk to someone outside the work.

- You're welcome.

Lorian smiled and patted her head.

- Good night.

He waved his hand and went upstairs.

Elena stood there, stunned, then pat her own head looked at her hand in a daze, then chuckled.

Afterward, she proceeded to collect the dishes, cleaned the place and turned off the lights.

Following that, she entered her place.

- Father...

She was surprised to see her father there.

Her father though old was gallant looking. He wore simple linen clothes, half showing his hairy chest. His hair was white and a bit messy. Mostly, his wooden prosthetic leg stood out.

He smiled kindly, pat her head and said.

- You worked hard, you should sleep.

- No, I'll wash the dishes first.

She insisted.

Genos sighed and reassured.

- I'll deal with that. You go.

Elena hesitated, but then nodded her head obediently.

Genos' heart ached as he looked at his child's skinny figure. He clenched his fists and looked down at his wooden leg with a glint of hatred.

- I won't let them take you away, not you too...

His eyes revealed coldness, which soon vanished, replaced by previous calm. He silently proceeded to wash the dishes in the middle of the night. Light stones dimly brightened the room.