

Elaine lay in the dark alleyway, slumped lifelessly. Her small frame was covered in injuries, her eyes lifeless.

The memories of that day were still vivid in her mind.

She could never forget that kind eyes of the stranger. She had seen many eyes, but none of them were that pure, untainted. Probably it was her imagination, but...it doesn't matter anymore.

She was happy that day. Finally, she could afford the medicine for her little sister, Lilian, but when she went to the place that they called home...she doesn't even want to remember.

But the eyes of her only relative were forever branded in her mind. Lifeless, despaired, pained...

- She suffered a lot, she was waiting for me, yet I let her down...

She blamed herself, but more than that, she hated the Grey gang, a local band of rotten people, the culprits of the siblings' despair.

It was at that time, she felt something snap in her mind. The dagger danced in the night, drawing blood. The screams of her enemies were muffled in the dark on the night. That very night, the demon was awakened...

Grey gang, by a single 6-7-year-old kid, single-handedly annihilated...

The news shook the city. Now there was 1 silver coin as a bounty placed on her head. Soldiers seeking some easy money patrolled and ventured in the alleyways.

- Does it all have a meaning anymore? Should I join you in heavens, Lilian?

A tear trickled down her cheek. There was nothing to live for, the life was full of so much suffering, she was just tired, very tired...

But then an image of the stranger resurfaced in her mind...No, she cannot die, not until she repays his kindness, then probably she can rest, rest forever...

* * *

- Cough, cough...

The sickly old man with a handful of white hair sat near his desk, reviewing the reports.

He wore a bright sophisticated yellow-white gown and elongated hat, indicating his position as a priest.

Tobias frowned as he read on the vague report

'Edmond, 1-star warrior and 2-star mage went to investigate the circus case in Rosewood city, never to return.'

His eyes flashed as he read the report. Hesitating for a moment, he lightly shook the bells near his table.

Gallant looking paladin with deep black eyes appeared from the door, bowing to a degree. He was Garibaldi, apostle rank paladin, acting as his personal bodyguard.

- Father Tobias...

Tobias nodded his head and went straight to the point.

- See the papers, tell me your opinion.

Garibaldi nodded his head and proceeded to read the report.

- Speak.

He urged him.

Garibaldi's brows were furrowed as he answered.

- Supposedly this has something to do with the case of desolate villages. I don't know who the culprit is, but they are a way to brazen to think, that they can hop on our necks and start annihilating cities. Though Rosewood is very backwater place, city lord being a mere 4th rank veteran, it's still a city. Its population is more than 10 times that of massacred villages. I don't understand why we let these devils roam.

Tobias listened on the following hot-headed statements of his bodyguard calmly, without a change in his expression.

- You can go now.

He ordered in a monotone voice when Garibaldi was done.

The bodyguard bowed and left the room.

Tobias closed his eyes, his thoughts unknown.

Suddenly he felt the presence of someone in the room, but he wasn't concerned as he already deduced as to who it was.

Opening his eyes, Tobias saw a thin old man in beggar's clothes 'reading' a report. His face was full of wrinkles and he wore a silly smile. What stood out the most was his unfocused, colorless eyes, indicating his blindness. This old man wore a conical hat, but as he was leaning over the table, his facial features became visible.

- What are you doing here, Kirin?

Tobias frowned. It was a wonder how he infiltrated this place.

- Ai, Tobias, you're going senile, forgetting to greet your old pal...

Kirin had this dumb smile plastered on his face as he commented while straightening his back like a javelin. He put one hand over his conical hat, slightly lowering it. It was his favorite pose, thinking it was cool...

Tobias just shook his head, not playing along with this naughty old man.

- Don't be stingy, bring out some good wine, I've been really tight on coins lately.

'As if I would believe that!'

Tobias commented in his mind, but his face remained ignorant. He flicked his hand and a jug of wine appeared out of nowhere.

- Oh, much appreciated, your heart hadn't grown that cold...Terror Bird...

Kirin said as he gulped down the jug of wine hungrily while spilling some on his shirt and floor.

Tobias frowned.

- At least don't use the code names here!

He received no response. With brows twitching, Tobias tried to maintain his indifference, while hearing the sound of big gulps.

- Jaaaah, good, that's some good stuff...

Kirin hiccuped unceremoniously.

- Why're you here?

Kirin's body wobbled, as if drunk, but the things he said wouldn't be uttered by a drunk man.

- This old man never liked Mantis' ideology. To directly kill innocents, that's a bit uncultured, hic...

Tobias sneered in response.

- The result will still be the same, no matter the method used.

Kirin wobbled his finger.

- Tut, tut, I say he's useless, this old man's got a wiser plan. If this is successful the Salamander kingdom and the holy church will begin the all-out war, weakening the forces of both our enemies. He will be delighted, haha, you'll see, that's a genius plan...but I need your help.

Tobias frowned as he listened on. It was true that Kirin liked to joke around, but when it came to important matters, he never did so. In fact, his schemes were something, that even the royalty would never fathom.

- What do you want me to do?

Tobias asked seriously, indicating his full support.


Kirin had his back facing him as he was looking out of the window. Outside the lightning was flashing from time to time. Heavy rain poured down the snow, which started melting.

His silly smile seemed especially frightening.

- I want the holy maiden to visit Salamander...is that doable?

Tobias frowned and shook his head.

- I know what you're trying to do, but she is much more powerful than us. Don't forget you are the weakest of us. Besides, do you think she will come unprotected?

Kirin chuckled sinisterly.

- Don't worry, I have an insider information. The plan is perfect. Faceless has already approved of this, you don't have a say in this, Terror Bird. You just need to make that happen.

Tobias had his wrinkles scrunched up, contemplating the implications, but in the end, sighed.

- Do what you want, just don't say I didn't warn you. I'll try my best, but I need some time...

Kirin lowered the conical hat with his left hand as he said the last piece.

- You have a year's time.


The lightning flickered like a snake outside.

Kirin was gone.

When he was gone, Tobias's face turned ugly to behold.

'They're no longer trusting me...I need to relocate my base. This country's going to hell.'