
Beast tide (1)

These few days the weather changed many times.

As a result, there was only a pitiful amount of snow left, covered in mud, littered all over the place.

Lorian decided to move out to a nearby village. Living in the cave was simply too inconvenient. He managed to deduce his rough position on the map, so was more at ease.

- I just need to follow this direction, until I reach this river. Then I will just have to follow the current and will reach, err...Bluehorn village. What kind of name's this?

Lorian traveled at a seemingly leisurely pace, but in fact, he was keeping track of strong beast scents to avoid venturing in their respective territories. These beasts used their feces and urine as a deterrence. Beasts would immediately sense it, but an ordinary human would have a hard time discerning these scents if he/she wasn't an experienced hunter. However, Lorian wore white wolf mask, which helped him perceive more and to navigate through the forest.

This artifact didn't directly increase his strength but surely enchanted his survival in many ways. Lorian was tempted to clear new instances floors in order to acquire more artifacts, but he hadn't even stepped on normal mode of the first floor since that tragic incident. Probably he was already experienced enough and strong enough to handle that difficulty, but he was still unwilling due to the mental scar it had left...

After walking for 3 hours, Lorian finally heard the distant sound of flowing water. Elated, he increased his pace.

Magnificent view of raging currents appeared in Lorian's sight. The river was quite volatile.

After traveling for another few hours, Lorian finally caught the sight of the village. It was situated in the valley below.

Lorian could see the whole village like his own palm. The houses were simple, made out of wood. There were many huge fields, where crops were grown. Different types of trees swayed under the evening breeze, creating a healthy and peaceful atmosphere.

- It'd be great to live one's older days in such peace.

Lorian sighed with emotion. Unfortunately, he had no time to spend his time in leisure as the world was full of danger. Living a comfortable life without sufficient strength was like being a chicken ready to be slaughtered anytime.

A brown-robed figure wearing a white wolf mask slowly descended the path, which led down to the peaceful village.

* * *

- You lost bro, just accept it.

Serene faced man in his late twenties grinned at the person sitting opposite of him, who had his face flushed in indignance. The duo's facial features resembled each other.

The duo sat near the gates, which led to the village. Outside the gates was a path surrounded by vegetation on both sides.

- Jedy, you bastard! What kind of dog shit luck do you have? Come, let's have another go!

Judy complained and reassembled the figures on the board.

- As you wish.

Jedy smiled indifferently, but then showed startled expression and yelled

- Who goes there?

Lorian had already taken off the mask as it would gather more attention. His figure slowly neared the gates as he followed the path.

When he got close, he flicked his hand and showed a soldier's badge.

The duo's face showed happiness.

- An aide? Come, come, we were already having troubles with the last wave of beast tide several days ago. If beasts continue their fierce attacks and no helping hand showed up, we might have had to abandon the village.

Jedy exclaimed.

Lorian was startled. He just wanted a place to stay while hunting daily. Helping them in dealing with beast tide wasn't in his plans. It was unknown what kind of attitude the duo would show if he told them the truth, so he neither agreed nor denied. He just nodded to them and without further elaboration entered the gates.

- Judy, you stay here. I'll help the fellow brother settle down.

Along the way, Jedy talked like chatterbox with a huge smile plastered on his face, however, his words went to deaf ears.

Lorian was deeply frowning as he walked past several houses.

There was no cheerful laughter of the kids. Instead, they hid behind adults. Adults themselves showed the fearful and respectful attitude towards them. Some of the men even hid hostility in their eyes.

The atmosphere seemed somewhat oppressive and stifling.

- Come, I'll bring you to the chief.

Seeing Lorian not giving him any attention, Jedy said his last piece and led the way, no longer disturbing his ears.

'What's wrong with this place?'

Lorian wondered in his heart. He felt uncomfortable in his heart and had second thoughts about staying here.

- Here we are.

Jedy said while leading the way to the garden. He unceremoniously opened the gates and went in.

Both of them saw, that there were people outside the wooden shack split into two sides and were having a dispute.

Lorian was startled and decided to quietly watch the show to understand what's going on.

The middle-aged man with a huge build and messy beard stood in front of 10 or so men with similarly hostile expressions as he sneered at two people opposite to him.

- Old Chief, think about it carefully, don't regret your decision. You've seen the last tide got 5 of our men injured. The frustration is building up. At this rate, we might be forced to give up on this village. However, if you allowed your pretty granddaughter to service us, we might help you survive this year...

The middle-aged man licked his lips as he shot a lecherous gaze at shaking a young girl, hiding behind the old man whose face was ashen, seething with anger.

- Is this how you esteemed soldiers treat us, commoners, after we fulfilled your every unreasonable demand? You're taking this bullying too far!

The middle-aged man showed twisted expression as he snarled in anger.

- Old bastard! If not for our sacrifice how would this village be standing? Truly short sighted old goat, unable to see the bigger picture. What's your daughter worth if you can save the village in exchange? Or is that you don't care about your people at all?

Old Chief trembled in anger as his face paled.

- You...

- Know what's good for you.

The middle-aged man sneered and moved in direction of the old man.



The old man erupted like a tsunami and threw the middle-aged man with a single punch. The punch landed on a middle-aged man's chest as he spat blood and fell on his back.

Undoubtedly, the old man was a 1-star warrior. However, he would not be able to defend the whole village on his own. Besides, because of old age, he would tire fast. That's why he needed the soldiers' help, but after tending to their every unreasonable demand they grew bolder and bolder in their actions. The old man could no longer tolerate it anymore.

- Grandpa...

The young girl cried out as tears streaked down her face. She felt guilty as grandpa was doing this all for her, but if they lost the cordiality, the soldiers would just leave and the village would be destroyed, her friends, aunties, and uncles, his grandpa, everyone, everything would be gone. If her sacrifice can save the village, then...

She walked out from behind old man's back and stood in front of men, who were starting to get angry due to the old chief's actions.

Her expression was grief-stricken but resolute, ready to make a sacrifice.

- Elise, No!

Grandpa grabbed her wrist to stop her. Elise turned around and smiled at the old man with her tear-stricken face.

Old man trembled as his body became soft.

- Haha, wise old man indeed.

Other middle-aged man mocked, while his eyes showed lust and excitement as he stared at Elise's full figure up and down.


The old man raged and rushed towards 10 middle-aged men, whose faces turned pale. They drew their weapons and would surely be able to kill the old man, but the insane old thing would pull several of them in his grave.

- We quit! We're leaving!

The leader exclaimed fearfully as he knew that most of the old man's wrath would be directed to him.

Old Chief managed to find some reasoning and stopped mid-track, but his terrifying expression hadn't subsided.

- Let's leave!

The men started leaving with ugly faces.

- Prepare your and your village's grave, old dog!

One of them said venomously before departing.

Jedy showed a complicated expression and decided to follow the crowd, but noticing Lorian didn't follow them, he turned around with surprised expression.

- Aren't you coming?

Lorian shook his head.

- Without the soldiers, the village's going to fall. You'll die for nothing.

Jedy looked at him weirdly. Seeing no further response, he shrugged and walked with the crowd.

- Grandpa, are you alright?

Elise tended to the old man, who had fallen on his knees and was trembling. The duo didn't notice Lorian, who hadn't said a thing from start to finish.