

Dead from drowning now born in the sea, waves as his music he sang in glee. A story of a merman, a song of a merman, and a love of a merman. *** Note: Expect a lot of singing, like Disney princess kind of singing. Yes. Because the author is sleep deprived and in need of a very self indulgent novel and yes we sing like a Disney princess because 'mermaids need to sing'. Thank you!

sillymummy · Fantasy
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9 Chs


Lyron Ellis remembered drowning. The painful contraction of his leg muscles, the feeling of slowly sinking. The suffocating feeling he feels with the lack of oxygen and the throbbing of his head, his nose and throat.

When he was able to crawl back to awareness, completely aware of the fast heartbeat he felt, the first thing that comes in his mind is, "I'm alive." Thankfully.

There were few explanations he was trying to work with. One: he drifted close to the shore and didn't drown. Two: some good natured person save his ass back and bring him to the shore. Yes. Reason number one is a good choice, no good natured person would left me hanging-- no, lying on the cold damp beach sand alone.

Feeling a little bit rejuvenated, he tried to open his eyes. The sun is setting, nice. I've been left here lying alone for hours and not one single soul still find me?! The last time I remembered is I was busy fighting for my life around 1 to 2 pm and now it's almost 6, if not already. Damn. Does my adorable existence do not matter at all?!

He tried lifting his arm to add another dramatic effect in his monologue but pauses, grimacing in pain when he notice-- wow bruises. It just then that he registered the throbbing feeling his entire body have. I feel like I've been smashed a thousand times before losing consciousness. Nice. My body is throbbing everywhere and I feel like sh*t. Thank you very much! And I can't feel my legs-- my legs!

Oh my God! Kristoff, I can't feel my legs! Panic was an understatement, no, I am hyperventilating! This is not Frozen but I can't feel my legs!

Grimacing in pain, he tried to lift himself up and fuck-- tail. I have a tail. Blue colored sparkly tail. Ariel. Sebastian! I have a tail!

"No no no." He shakes his head in denial.

I think this is a severe case of hallucination. Yes. That. I am hallucinating. Although I am in pain but this can be a side effect of a severe concussion.

He tried to survey his surroundings, which is absolutely not familiar. The greenery, towering trees, the free chirping birds is absolutely not familiar. I can't see the familiar house of my grandmother or the few fishing boats dock on the shore. Nope. Not familiar at all.

Let me think straight, how straight I can get.

Maybe I drifted to an unknown island, like a cliche plot twist on my already boring life, and was save by the inhabitants and me seeing a tail is just a side effect of the medicine they give me. Maybe they let me smoke some weed, a seaweed. Yes, proper explanation.

I can stomach that.


Suddenly, Lyron Ellis felt a surge of memories poured into his mind causing his head to throb painfully. Clutching his head in pain he notice his hair, before was short but now longer, much longer than he remembered. The last time he remembered was him drowning, hands flailing to wrap whatever he could find just to be save but now it's overlapping with memories he didn't remember experiencing for the last 24 years of his life.

Aside from the unfamiliar memories, he can somehow recall bits of pieces of the information regarding the body he inhabit now. A merman, a 24 year old merman. Known as Arion-- Arion Grande? No! Brain stop pulling weird jokes in this kind of situation. Let me calm down and assist what kind of situation I am right now, as sane as possible.

I drowned. Unfortunately died. Now I'm alive, occupying a 24 year old merman's body. Are you mocking me?! I died from drowning, I can swim well but still unfortunately died because of leg cramps and now I'm freaking alive with a tail-- a tail! Jesus! Tell me you're joking! How on Earth do I have the guts to accept this kind of situation when I think I might blow up because of how aggravated I am!

Inhaling a good amount of fresh air, Lyron tried to calm down-- tried. He sort through the memories of the original to find pieces of information it have to assist the situation he have. According to the original's memory, this world have four major kingdoms ruling it aside from the small tribes located in the peripheral and isolated lands and mountains. The first is the east, Cenia Kingdom ruled the biggest land on the area. The second is the west, a kingdom called Delmont ruled the rich lands and mountains of the area. The Cenia Kingdom and Delmont Kingdom is only separated by a vast river called Rhine. So wide that it can house multiple merchant ships passing to and fro. It is also the biggest and longest river in this world. It started from the frozen land in the north, ruled by Leopenia Dynasty passing through the Cenia Kingdom in the east and Delmont Kingdom in the west and meeting the sea waters in the south ruled by the Kingdom of Nast.

Although the information the original have is not too detailed I can still tell that I am not in my world, aside from being a mermaid-- man, there is no existing Kingdoms back on earth that is name like that. I can basically deduce that I am not from this world. Wow. I am speechless. Thank you.

Aside from those Kingdoms, the original also have the memory of why he is in this state, full of bruises and completely wrecked. Basically he was spying on someone, curiosity maybe, his first close up encounter with humans-- human in this case because the man on the boat is alone. And because he is unfortunate, like me, a sea monster appeared in that area which is not common in the waters of Nast because they often purge monsters in their area, but still it's possible.

Although the monster appeared to be weak, the original have to experience a great trouble dealing with a measly monster just to avoid the human from being affected. After the scuffle with the monster the host still tried to swim near the boat of that human, and boy, he was ripped. Even with the cover of a simple tunic it can't hide the man's ripped body, tanned from being exposed under the sun for too long, it created the harmonious replica of every girl wanted for a man-- tall, dark, and handsome and ripped and handsome again.

Now I understand why the original tried to save the human, although I doubt the man knows. The human is a gift from a divine being, his mere existence is a blessing. I didn't know that the original is secretly-- what do my online Filipino friends called it? Ahh yes 'marupok'. Host! Bless you!