
Lords of another world: Reality Lord

This is not for children... The MC is Pansexual.. he will fuck whoever he wants regardless of gender or identity... I'm getting bored of writing so much so.. Chapters will be at least 400 words, Max being 600 words for now... This is fiction... Everything inside of this book is not to be taken seriously.. I'm an amateur so don't expect anything great... This story is mine.. I just write as a past time.. story might get longer later on.. Also I plan to do a backstory for every character that is directly involved with the main character.. so this will be fucking long.. backstorys won't take much chapters only about five chapters max for each backstory. This will be slow as hell, so stick in for the ride~

Lupe_chaidez · Others
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30 Chs

Chapter XXVI

Eventually all the water was gone from his lungs. I smiled as I saw the lovely fanatic look in his eyes. I commented..

"Welcome back~ I was starting to think you were actually dead~! Hehehe~"

After my comment he jumped almost on top of me as he looked worried.. I was confused I knew the process Awakening the power locked in themselves, but what exactly did he see? David is usually never this jumpy around me.. it looks as he is checking for injury, oh this is a bit confusing why is he checking for injuries?

After a few seconds he turned beet red as he removed his hands.. I know it took his some restraint as I saw how he looked so worried.. The worried looked quickly went away as I saw only his embarrassment. The important thing now was the status window, he has now in front of his face.

{Name:David Parker}



{Species: Mutanted homosapien}

{Status: Healthy/Slightly exhausted}

{Strength:60 Endurance:60 Speed:60 Stamina:70 Flexibility:65 Soul:80 Charm:30 Luck: 15}

David's status window got me thinking, it was different from Markus's.. Which surprised me as David has more Stamina, flexibility and soul than Markus which was interesting.. As Markus is more durable and Flexible than David.. I didn't know it at first but I unknowingly mumbled out loud..

"hmm~ it seems a unknown factor has caused him to mutate as well.."

I saw David blush as well definitely hearing me.I thought about it for a few moments as I secretly asked the system what was happening, because they were unordinary..

'System what is happening to them.Are they mutating?'

I heard the systems voice in my mind.

[Negative host, Subjects known as Markus and David are experiencing a abnormality in growth as they are constantly absorbing energy of all kinds]

'why is this happening though?'

[System believes that due to hosts intervention in awakening them early, their body's have learned to adapt to energy and consume more compatible energy at a accelerated rate...]

[This leads the more compatible energy to mutate their bodies.As a result they're abnormally not rounded out. System believes that this isn't harmful to their forms so host has no reason to worry.]

I mentally sighed in relief ,as I didn't want any problems to start to bud and bloom out of nowhere. I was about to ask System another question before I heard David ask..




just needed some time

Was Not really motivated in the past weeks...

But decided to speed things up a little so at least expect 1 chapter a week from now on.
