
Lord Wei's Fiancee is a Mystic Arts Expert

The legitimate daughter of the Feng family actually had to stay in a haunted house. Everyone thought she'd make a fuss and hang herself, but she ended up staying calm and quiet each day. She even set up a stall to make a living. A few months later, the Feng family asked her to return. She smiled and shook her head. If she returned to the Feng family, she wouldn't have ghost maids to carry out chores for her at home. Lord Wei of Chizhazun City possessively pulled his fiancee into his arms. "My wife is a scaredy cat. Don't frighten her." "Are you joking?" The ghosts who were captured asked. Just as everyone anticipated Lord Wei to call off the wedding with his fiancee, news of them getting married arrived."Special edition! Special edition! Lord Wei has married Ms. Feng!" "Impossible! Lord Wei is celibate. He's mysterious and keeps a low profile. No woman can even get close to him." Lord Wei smiled in a satisfied manner. "Nian, where would you like to capture ghosts tonight?"

Yan Wanyan · General
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40 Chs


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After leaving the rented house, Feng Nian went straight to the Wen residence. This time, when the people at the entrance of the Wen residence saw her, they hurriedly welcomed her in because Wen Wen had specially instructed them to be extremely polite to her. She was led to the back hall by the servants.

From time to time, servants would pass by the corridor in the back hall. They were busy with the things they needed to prepare for the funeral.

It was said that late last night, the red princess dress on Yu Yanhui's body had turned into black paper ashes after Feng Nian dispersed the dark force on Wen Rou's body. However, she had yet to wake up. Wen Rou's funeral was personally organized by Wen Wen.

There were people passing by outside the back hall, but other than Feng Nian, there was only Wen Wen and another girl left in the back hall. The girl looked 70 to 80% similar to Wen Rou. She was wearing a black dress and had a sad expression, but she did not say a word. She threw the paper money into the fire in front of her. With a twist of the tongue of fire, the paper money turned to ashes.

After Wen Wen greeted Feng Nian, he took the initiative to introduce the girl to her. "Master, this is Wen Rou's, Wen Qing." After the introduction, Wen Wen said hesitantly, "Master, please help me take a look at Wen Qing. S-she hasn't said a word since Wen Rou left!" He had two daughters. After Wen Rou left, only Wen Qing was left.

Feng Nian walked around Wen Qing and replied softly, "Second Miss is not infected by evil spirits." In other words, she could not help Wen Qing.

Her words made Wen Wen sigh heavily. Wen Qing had already seen many doctors, but they could not find the cause of the illness. He had originally placed his hopes on Feng Nian, but he did not expect his hopes to fall through.

After glancing at Wen Qing, Wen Wen turned to Feng Nian and asked him what he needed to pay attention to during Wen Rou's funeral.

"Wen Rou was born in the year of Ding You, the month of Ren Zi, and the day of Gui You. Today is an auspicious day for her. When the time is up, I can send her on her way." She glanced at the back hall. The coffin where Wen Rou was placed had long been replaced. The original willow coffin had been burned, and the cold temperature inside was no longer there. This proved that Wen Rou was fine and was willing to be reincarnated. This was much easier. She did not have to restrain Wen Rou's soul anymore.

The butler came to Wen Wen's side and whispered a few words.

Wen Wen nodded and gestured for the butler to get busy. He came to Feng Nian and said, "Master, I'll go ahead and greet them. I'll have to trouble you here."

Feng Nian nodded.

Soon, there was only her and the warmth of burning paper money in the back hall.


The Wen family's door, which was rarely opened, was always open today. Guests in dark-colored clothes kept entering through the door.

A low-key and luxurious black car slowly stopped in front of the Wen family's gate.

"Young Master, we've arrived at the Wen family." A bodyguard opened the door for the person in the car. A boy got out of the car. He was wearing a black suit and looked to be about 14 years old. He looked up at the Wen family. This place was the same as when he usually came, but Wen Rou, who promised to be good friends with him for a lifetime, was no longer here. His surname was Wei, and his name was Wei Cong.

After Wei Cong entered through the gate, he came to the garden. In the garden, the left and right sides were filled with wreaths. In the middle of the main hall hung a black and white photo. It was a photo of Wen Rou.

Stopping in front of Wen Rou's photo, Wei Cong bowed three times.

Wei Cong looked up and saw that the Wen Rou in the photo was still smiling. She had ivory white skin and flaxen curly hair.

"Young Master Wei." Wen Wen stopped beside Wei Cong.

Wei Cong was the only grandson of the Wei Family in Zun City. He was protected by the Wei Family like a gem. Wen Wen was not surprised that he came to Wen Rou's funeral today.

Wei Cong's mother and Wen Rou's mother were best friends, and Wei Cong and Wen Rou were about the same age, so the two of them played together since they were young.

Wei Cong looked at Wen Rou's portrait and recalled many memories. When he was young, Wen Rou often followed behind him and did many naughty things with him. He plucked the flowers that his grandfather carefully cultivated and broke the old man's treasured purple sand teapot. The usual scenes were as clear as yesterday. However, he did not expect Wen Rou to suddenly die.

Wei Cong suggested to Wen Wen that he wanted to see her Wen Rou and send her on her last journey.

Wen Wen gestured politely to Wei Cong and brought Wei Cong to the back hall where the coffin was.

When Wei Cong arrived at the back hall, he saw a person lying by the side of Wen Rou's coffin. He thought about it and guessed that the person should be a funeral master who helped Wen Rou dress up.

As a good friend of Wen Rou, he wanted to thank the Funeral Master for dressing Wen Rou up for the last time. Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked in, he heard a puff. The person took out a wooden nail from Wen Rou's forehead. There was still sticky dark-red blood dripping down the wooden nail.

"What are you doing, stop." Wei Cong angrily stepped forwards to stop her.

Hearing Wei Cong's voice, Feng Nian turned around and realized that it was a boy who was half a head shorter than her. He ran to the side of the coffin nervously and looked at the girl sleeping quietly in the coffin.

Feng Nian did not know the background of this boy, but she did not seem to have heard of a boy in the Wen family. She guessed that he should be someone who came to pay his respects to Wen Rou. She took out a handkerchief with a patch and carefully wrapped the peachwood nail that she had taken out from Wen Rou's forehead.

Wei Cong saw that the Wen Rou in the coffin was still the same as in his memory. Her originally ivory white skin had turned pale white, and her slightly curly flaxen hair was still curled. There was a smile on her lips. However, after she took out the peachwood nail, a hole the size of a nail appeared on Wen Rou's forehead. Because the blood had stopped flowing, there was not much blood when she took out the nail. Only some black marks were left around the hole.

Wei Cong turned around and looked at Feng Nian. He did not expect someone to place a nail on her forehead, "You are too much, you actually…"

However, before Wei Cong could finish, Wen Rou's father Wen Wen immediately explained, "Young Master Wei, you've misunderstood. Master Feng is helping Rou Rou."

"Help? I've never heard of anyone being able to take it out after nailing a peachwood nail into their forehead." Wei Cong did not give Wen Wen any face.

However, Feng Nian was interested in this boy because this boy looked to be about 14 years old, about the same age as Wen Rou. However, he could tell at a glance that it was a peachwood nail she had taken out. It seemed that he had studied this aspect, but his research did not appear to be deep.

"Then why don't you tell me why a peachwood nail is needed?" Feng Nian glanced at the boy. Judging from his attire, his family was either rich or noble. However, such a family should not let their children know about this.

"Is there even a need to ask? The peachwood nail is naturally used to prevent corpses from rising and evil spirits from rising." The moment Wei Cong finished speaking, he looked at Wen Wen in disbelief. Wen Rou's forehead was nailed with the peachwood nail. Could it be because Wen Rou almost rose from the corpse?

Seeing that he could not hide it anymore, Wen Wen could only nod heavily.