
Lord Vicnan's Bride

" you will be fine," he says before letting go of my hand and about to leave. I didn't even realize when my body reacted. Jumping to a standing position, I caught his hand. Immediately I felt that electricity once again. What is this? " you need something?" "Who...who are you?" Throwing my question, There was a long silence between us, we stood staring into each other's eyes, and I notice he was debating what to say or how to say it. Is it that difficult to answer such a question? " someone who brings you evil and sorrow," he said making me confused. Slowly taking his hand away from my grip, he turns to leave once again, but I stopped him again " ok, can I at least get your name?" " you won't be needing it" he slowly turns to leave" also. Stop getting yourself in a complex situation " with that he vanished into the crowd. I turn in confusion to see the bartender wasn't even paying attention, no one was. No one saw what just happen. Who the hell is that man? Cleopatra is a young surgeon who recently lost her job and her mother. She tries to figure out what her next step in life will be and feels completely lost Until a strange man appears in her life. Saving her not once but twice. Who is this man? Or what is he? She knows very well that he was nothing human and as days pass, She finds herself growing more curious about this man. Not able to forget those unique purple eyes, the need to see him. like a force pulling her. Who is he? What is he? How can she find him?

Slay_kwen1975 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 9

Cleo, are you even listening?" Vivian called out to me.

No, I wasn't, obviously, I wasn't. I have been distracted for a long time now, not being able to focus on anything. I lost my chance to get a new job not just long ago during a job interview, due to this distraction

Two months. It has been two months since I last saw that man. And I think I am about to fall ill. First, it started as curiosity. I was curious about who he was, now I think I am becoming obsessed. I hardly knew him. Not even his name but I can't stop thinking about him, every now and then his figure flashes in my memory, distracting me from everything else.

I have searched google and social media with no luck in finding him. I even went back to the club to search for the CCTV footage of that night and there was nothing captured. Like it never happened, he was never in the club. I need to find this man and fast. " Cleo!!!!" Vivian snapped angrily

" yes?" Coming back to reality

"What is your problem?"

" am sorry " giving an awkward smile. " Just a little distracted " getting back of the game. Weston came over tonight so we decide to play a drinking game, but I can't seem to focus, resulting in me losing countless times. " I am becoming a bit tipsy "

"Are you sure you don't need a checkup or something? I am getting worried about you " Weston said, giving me a concerned look. " You are always off these few days

" She has been like this for over a month " Vivian rolled her eyes " that is the thing with obsession "

" I am not obsessed " I defended awkwardly

" Oh really " she mocked " tell me you weren't thinking about him just now "

" Vivian...."

" Thinking about who " Weston cuts  in feeling lost

" This imaginary guy she claims to have met at the club two months ago, " Vivian said

" He is not imaginary " I frowned. Ever since I described the man to an artist to sketch a photo, Vivian has been making fun of me. She says he is to good looking to be real

" Yes, he is Cleo. even the police confirmed it. He doesn't exist " taking a shot from her bear. I have told you already. Stop playing around and get yourself a boyfriend "

" I agree " Weston supported.

" Haaa..... whatever. I don't care if you two believe me " reaching for the bottle of beer. I took a big gap " haaaaa....." Letting it digest slowly. " Let's just go back to the game "

" You killed the mood, " Vivian said " and we only just started " frowning

" Sorry. " I bit my lower lips

" Ok, ok " Weston sat up. " What do you two think about camping? " Said out loud

" Camping?" we both said with a confused tone

" It's okay....why do you ask, " I asked

" I have prepared for us to go camping with three of my friends. Two just engaged "

" Really " Vivian screamed excitedly " why didn't you tell me in advance "

" Sorry, it also came to me spontaneously " he wrapped his arms around her " are you interested? "

" Of course I am. " Smiling " it's been a while since to went outdoors. You are the best." She pecked him on the lips

" Hey. " He frowned " I wasn't prepared " sounding like a cute baby " I want another " he smiled as he leaned in for a proper kiss while Vivian bit her lower lips blushing. I rolled my eyes and looked away before their lips meet.

I quickly got up and left the sitting room when the two began to get intimate

" Haaa" crashing into bed hopping to get a shut-eye

" Who...who are you?"

" someone who brings you nothing but darkness, pain and sorrow,"

" ok, can I at least get your name?"

" you won't be needing it" he slowly turns to me " also. Stop getting yourself in a complex situation "

" Damn " forcing myself to sit up " this man will be the death of me" I have to find him, I need to "


So, here we were in the middle of the woods camping. As much as I didn't want to come, Vivian forced me to, the day was going just fine and it helped to get my mind off that mystery man. We set the tent and the fireplace for the night did a briefing on the activities for the next three days and decided to take a tour around the woods. While Weston's friend Jonathan and his fiance kathie lead the way, Vivian and Weston walked behind us while I walked awkwardly with Edward.

We exchange little conversations. To be honest, he was the one trying to engage me in a conversation to make the atmosphere less awkward and as stupid as I am, I keep responding in an uninterested manner.

The sunset, darkness have taken over. We gathered around the campfire, chatting and laughing about random things. Edward mostly spoke about work and all. and Damn, the dude is a wealthy mother fucker. While Jonathan and kathie spoke more about their relationship.

" Here " Edward who was sitting beside me handed me a stick of meat " this one is done "

" Thanks " I gave a soft smile while collecting it and instantly reached for my mouth

" Wait....no....." Before he could stop me, the devil succeeded

" Aaaaaaaaaaaa" I shouted in pain due to the burn as the meat fell to the ground, everyone panicked especially Edward. " Hot..." Fanning my mouth with my palm.

" Are you alright ?" Vivian said with worries in her tone

" I think that just came out of the fire," Kathie said.

" Here, drink this" Edward had already hurried to get a bottle of water " fast " he took off the cap and handed the water to me. Immediately I to a big gap from it, quenching the heat

" Ha " I felt relief instantly

" Are you ok? " I nodded at his question " take another one " I did as he told feeling it was necessary " how is it now? "

" I'm good " smiling " a little sore that is all " eyes on the young man beside me, he had very attractive electric blue eyes, that if it isn't because I am so distracted by those mysterious purple eyes I would have fallen for him

" Are you sure? " he was truly worried

" She is s fine....." Vivian cuts in before I could respond " she burns her mouth all the time " Vivian joked

" Hey, not all the time " I defended, taking my eyes off him

" You should be careful not to hurt yourself," Edward said while collecting the bottled water

" I am, just ignore Vivian " I gave a short laugh and notice he wasn't taking his eyes off me " by the way Jonathan and Kathie, when is the wedding" trying to change the topic

The surprised Kathie said, " Weston didn't tell you guys ?" Her eyes fell on Weston who now looks away " in Six months but we haven't finalized the exact date yet "

" I wanted it on the 25 on Christmas day but she was she wants it on the 15th, her birthday day," Jonathan said with a shrug

" Well it will be easy to remember my birthday and wedding anniversary " She argues

" Yes it is " I supported

" Whatever, we still have a few months to decide, " Jonathan said while reaching for stick meat, then handed it over to her " be careful, it's hot " he warns "

" So what should we do now ?" Weston asked while he wraps his hand around Vivian's shoulder, and pecked her cheek she blushed

" Play a game of Truth or Dare " Jonathan winked at his fiance

" Isn't Truth or Dare a bit childish?" Edward asked

" Oh come on, it will be fun " I punched his shoulder slightly and a gasp escaped his lips

" I like Truth or Dare " Vivian added

" Ok, Truth or Dare it is " Jonathan clapped as he announced. " I will go first and anyone who refuses will drop 50 bucks "

" Ok," we said in union.

The night went by very quickly and we all went to our tent. The men shared one so did we the ladies.

It was past midnight and I couldn't sleep, Vivian and Kathie were already lost in their dreamland, and I could not stop thinking. It has been this way, every night the moment I close my eyes, I see him. It was getting out of hand and I think I seriously need to see a doctor.

    I came out of the tent " haa " a gasp escaped my lips as my eyes explored the environment. Thank goodness for the moon, one could see clearly. I needed to pee.

    I walked away from the camping area, into the woods. When I was satisfied with my environment, I bent down to pee, I then heard movement from ahead, and immediately I stood up " who is there ?" I called knowing very well it was a stupid thing to do.

     I suddenly didn't feel like peeing again and just wanted to return to the clamping area. Then I heard that movement again. " Ok, I better go back " turning around to leave, something ran past me throwing me off my feet so fast, abnormal speed. "Aaaaa" I hit the ground, and immediately I panicked, what just happened? Who did that? Looking around. I got back up, There was no time to waste I needed to run that was what kept ringing in my head. Before I could move, again I was thrown off my feet and hit the ground " Damn, who is that ? " in pain, trying to get up again but the same thing happened and this time it hurt even more " aaaaaa " I cried in pain, my feet were hurt. My eyes fell on my feet and I noticed something. Blood. " Holy shit " my heart raced even more. It wasn't just a minor cut, it was a deep cut that needed immediate attention.

     I tried getting on my feet once again but it was pointless. Looking in several directions, wondering what was out there, doing this to me " Weston!! " I shouted, calling for help and hoping anyone will hear " Weston!!, Edward!!! ".

     I tensed when I sensed a strange presence once again, followed by odd heavy breathing, a breath of hunger. The atmosphere changed into darkness, my breath grew heavy and slow. It was behind me. Whatever it is, It was behind me and I could sense how dangerous it is. Slowly turning around like I was in some kind of horror movie.

I was it. A total beast, trapped in a human, animal form and it was hungry