
Lord Venkateshwara Bhava Samadhi Darshan

Attract Wealth, Abundance And Limitless Prosperity Into Your Life

Experience the Darshan of KAILASA's Ananda #Venkateshwara that showers you with wealth, abundance, and prosperity.

Do you want to effortlessly create wealth in your life?

Do you want to achieve your financial goals this year?.

Do you want to manifest your desires into reality?

Clear all obstacles and incompletions that block the manifestation of abundance.

Remove all the fears that hinder financial growth.

Receive initiation and mirror the neurons of Sri Ananda #Venkateshwara manifesting through the living incarnation of Paramashiva, SPH JGM Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam.

"Nithyananda" name is invariably used in all sampradaya.. Vaishnavites call #Venkateshwara as Nithyananda in their stotras. It is like a universal name, universal concept!

Venkateshwara's Tirupati Temple not only exists in physical plane, it exists in all seven planes.

Tirupathi #Venkateshwara is the of the largest worshipped deities on the Planet Earth.

Lord #Venkateshwara is in the very system of Telugu people. When they become doctors, they always feel that they are committed to Venkateshwara, they are responsible for life, for ethics.

It was in the sacred hill shrine of Sri Ananda Venkateshwara, the conception of the Avatar's physical body in the womb of the biological mother of SPH got confirmed.

The very energy of Sri #Venkateshwara Swami filled the womb of SPH's mother, manifesting the presence and grace of Sri Ananda #Venkateshwara in the muscle-memory of the physical body of SPH.

SPH has invited Sri Ananda #Venkateshwara to be present in the deities in Shri KAILASA and has done Avahana and Prana pratishta to the deities of Sri #Venkateshwara in various Adheenams.

Do you want to manifest your desires into reality? Register : https://events.kailaasa.org/bhavasamadhidarshan/venkateshwara/ #Nithyananda #Bhavasamadhi #Venkateshwara and @SriNithyananda

Lord Vankateshwara is one of the most powerful, modern day incarnation happened in Kalyuga. #Nithyananda #Bhavasamadhi #Venkateshwara and @SriNithyananda

KailasaUNAcharyacreators' thoughts