
Mistery Woman


Noises of breaking branches and leaves can be heard, in the middle of the forest three people lay lying on the side of the bushes, it was difficult to see it unless you came too close and it would be difficult since it was not accessible unless you climbed up logs in disrepair that were about to collapse.

Nathan wakes up while trying to remember why he is in the middle of the forest, looking at his side he sees his wife Lily with broken pieces of clothing and blood from some wounds in his face arms and legs, when he looked at his right side he could Seeing something that I thought had only been a nightmare, her little lifeless girl, wanted to scream and cry loudly but remember they were running away, trying to wake up his wife.

Lily opened her eyes with difficulty, did not know or did not remember why but she felt sore all over her body, she felt that her body was so heavy that she could not lift her eyelids, when she heard how her husband called her she understood that she was not a dream, he realized that it had really happened, his son, Alex, that attentive young man who always had a happy smile when she spoke to him, even when he rebuked him he had that smile just for her, but this nightmare was now before his eyes , dead, he was dead, little did she imagine that someone as important as his Alex also lay dead a few centimeters away.

Nathan saw his wife even with red eyes because of the sadness and did not know how to act, seeing her as distant as she did not respond and her movements were as slow as a snail decided to move her and put her aside so that she did not see the body of little Carly, pitifully her movement made the stunned Lily see the deep wound in her daughter's neck, ** AAAARRGGG ** a heartbreaking sound could be heard through the forest, encouraging her pursuers that could be heard running towards them.

With no other option Nathan grabs his wife while running with the forces that half recovered after fainting, while running at the fastest speed he could with his wife could only beg that the persecutors were slower.

In the middle of the forest you could only see shadows of many people running after a man who had almost dragged a woman while shouting at him


Nobody knew that the closer they got to the central part of the forest, the more the beginning for some and the end for others approached, fate is something intangible that like a bitch hits when you least expect it, in the middle of this forest where this moment a situation of life or death was being fought was very beautiful, full of life, green all over the place, many flowers and fruit trees could be seen, the more you approached the center the more alive it felt, and right in the center of all you could see a kind of very large spider web that was not made by any animal, it was a spider web in the middle of the air composed of many holes that at first glance could not be understood as holes but if you approach they looked like worm holes like those They have black holes in space, it was the most beautiful place in the world but at the same time the most dangerous.

Nathan ran as much as his heavy body allowed, pitifully it was little since his resistance was affected by the pain he felt when he saw his wife so desolate in his arms, the more he ran the more he felt his body tearing and something even more painful he felt as if something deep inside him was so broken that he felt that he could never recover, while his strength left him and his mind wandered in pain he did not realize how beautiful the place he was running, he suddenly felt that someone he grabbed his neck and almost made him fall, as he managed to let go and jump forward without realizing how, but to his pain his wife fell right in the middle of the men behind them.

*POV Evan*

Evan was running at full speed, if it weren't for these trees and shrubs he would have already reached his target, as he could throw his open hand forward while closing it on the neck of that damn animal that was running away from him, ** as he can run so much ** Evan thought as he watched as this animal jumped almost as if it were a beast, to his surprise this idiot made a serious mistake, that sexy woman who so much wanted to desecrate fell almost tripping over him, he could only stop and laugh.

**POV end**

When Nathan saw his wife fall, he could only bite his teeth and jump again in the midst of his children's murderers and with a branch hitting everything that stood in front of him, he could see a shocked Evan trying to avoid the blows to counterattack, but could not since several blows fell on him, Nathan looked like an injured animal defending his own, but could not see how his almost zombie wife got up and crawling approached a beautiful scene in the middle of the forest, she just got up his hands and to the dismay of all his body began to be subsioned by something in the middle of a web that he had not seen before.

This was the tip to end Nathan's already shattered mind, his mind went blank, you could see someone who moved like an animal that threw several men through the air, not knowing if it was premeditated or not but all Cayeros on the sides of the web while their bodies disintegrated leaving only bones at the sides of the beautiful web.

In the middle of the beautiful forest you could hear a piercing scream which looked like an injured animal, next to it you could see several bodies if it can be called a body since only the bones were left, an old man was among those bodies with the last breath he could to get out of his body, it seemed that a lion had shattered his body, and standing on top of the old man a man if he could be called a man, full of blood all over his body was the empty housing of what was once Nathan, what looked like a The wounded animal moved very slowly towards the beautiful spider web, after what seemed like an eternal time, it entered right in the middle of the black hole spiderweb disappearing just like his wife while the skin, muscles and bones disappeared as if he had never been there.

In the middle of a totally black place so black that you could not distinguish absolutely nothing or know if you were blind or it was that the light would never enter, there in the middle of that place a dripping sound could be heard as if a tap was badly closed and It fell on a puddle, although you could not see anything the sound was transmitted everywhere, a soft song was transmitted from every drop that fell, suddenly someone spoke with a voice that can melt the ice and make even the dalai lama lustful , but what came out of his mouth would leave anyone speechless, damn, son of a bitch, crap, you're going to regret having gotten me here, I swear you're going to regret it.

While the woman's voice was heard a sound began to break her murmur, the voice went out and could only be heard as the drop that fell before now sounded as if someone had opened the tap completely and a lot of water fell on the puddle that could be heard, fell so hard that you could not ignore, a few minutes later the sound returned to the monotonous drop that fell again, the woman's voice rang again but this time seemed extremely happy, it seemed that happiness would remain in his voice Forever while saying: ** YEEEESS FINALLY FIND IT ** ** FUCKED ANCIENT FUCK ** ** YOU WILL SUFFER NOW ** ** JAJAJAJAJAJA **

The woman's voice grew in intensity as time went by, * I'm going to put it in a place where you can't find it until it's too late for you old man *

a village in the middle of the mountains you could hear the cry of a baby


In a wooden house with a thatched roof, a woman was sweating while trying to give birth on her own, trying to tear the baby from her bottom, you could hear the screaming that was heartbreaking, after what seemed like an eternity the woman could take The baby and using his teeth cut the cord and managed to tie a knot while the force left her.

the house looked in ruins with several holes between the wood, in a kind of bed that was almost overthrown by insects a very beautiful woman could be seen despite the fact that her beauty was pale lifeless could spell anyone, the only fault that It could be seen that she had no breasts, it was totally flat, a baby at her side was crying uncontrollably, the woman next to her did not move, at first sight it could be seen that she was dead, the blood gushed without stopping from her lower part.