
Lord Theodore's Favorite Ritual

"I have waited for you in all of my lives, Gooseberry, and, in all of them you had left, please stay in this one" he pleaded, his eyes locked with hers. "I wish to stay too, My Lord Husband, because you are forever, Theodore " she whispered with tears in her eyes. A possible sacrifice is sent for him to devour but he will worship and do her however she desires. Every day, every season, forever, he will repeat the routine of the ritual which is her because she is his favourite ritual. Lydia Statham, an illegitimate girl living with her noble-born family in a land where her kinds were an unacceptable abomination, forced to live as an employed and never to be seen outside as a part of the Statham family, Lydia craved to be outside but never got to, but only through books and stories from others does she know the outside world, until a day came when a letter had been delivered to their estate ‘they was a bridal pick banquet at one of the biggest mansions in Critic Arley’ that was what Lydia knew as she travels to a banquet that every young lady was invited to but Lydia found herself alone in the enemy’s mansion. Lord Theodore, a feared outcast, an enemy of the Empire in which he dwells, of royal blood with no surname, a threat to the throne and possibly a lot more than the eyes meet has never wanted a wife, couldn’t fathom the idea of having a bundle of emotions living in the same mansion as he, but after a banquet had been thrown by Conan and half the population of critic arley had been invited. No one came but her. ******* "Call me Lordess Theodore" "I am Lordess Theodore and I am his favourite ritual" Dear Critic. Do you wish to https://buymeacoffee.com/nanafirdausi Discourse with me on discord @i_nanafirdausi Cover photo is mine.

I_Nana_Firdausi · Fantasy
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207 Chs

Their first night together

Bedroom, Theodore Mansion.

Critic Arley, Critic-Ishire.

Lydia took his breath away and shoved it down, beneath her wedding dress, she fell asleep fully clothed, she looked so breathtaking even asleep he felt his heart leap to life.

He moved closer, it was as if she never woke up earlier, she was sound asleep, making him narrow his eyes, he wasn't the only one who'd heard her gasp or her presence but she could sleep off after that. Maybe he had underestimated her after all. 

Looking at her from his standing position he gets a marvellous view of her, in the dress he had picked up himself, she is so beautiful his heart constricted.

Her eyes were closed so the view was obstructed by skin which he didn't mind as they were also as alluring as her ocean-blue orbs, he didn't dwell on what might have gotten her so exhausted to have fallen asleep even after the supposed horror she just witnessed.

He bent on one knee between her legs, she slept off in a sitting position, her legs barely touching the ground despite the disturbing high heels she wore, and her back was straight on the bed.

Theodore lifted her left foot and started to remove the straps of her cream heels, the straps were fastened a bit too tight, creating a small line of red around her feet, he traced the lines with his index. Her toenails are so short he mused with a smile in his eyes.

After a while of massaging both her dainty feet, he dropped them and stood up with the heels in hand, he walked to the closet and dropped them neatly.

Lydia was already sitting up when her husband turned to the shuffle he heard behind him, her eyes were tightly closed as she fumbled with her dress zipper and strap, it felt complicated.

Theodore approached her half-asleep form and took her hair out of the way so he could help with the zipper, she leaned into his touch, her head resting on his shoulder, she must have been extremely mentally stressed about this day for her to suddenly be so drained, he mused, or did something he was not aware of happen?. She had been until he had shown Red to her. Mmmm.

He let his hands lead as he unstrapped her dress without taking her off his body, he then unzipped the unfortunately two-zipper dress helping her exhale so deeply, he hated himself for not paying attention before, he didn't know how to help her out of the dress without alarming her, so he simply helped her lie on her back, he took her left hand and deftly remove the silky hand gloves from her arm, dropping her hand he repeated the process with the right hand, she mumbles something and gripped his hand but she seems to think better of it and she let go of his hand to search for something angrily. Her dainty hand went around the bed frantically making Theodore frown.

What is she looking for? He knows for sure that she sleeps alone so she isn't looking for a sleepmate or anything, so a coverlet? 

As he reaches for a blanket to cover her, her hands shoot up and hit his face, he nods with a small smile, her action seems to shake her up from sleep and she sits up with hooded eyes, her unfocused eyes made out Theodore and she yawned, unable to stop herself.

"Theo… I... " she started 

"Sleep Gooseberry, rest" he whispered, lying down along with her, he drew her into his arms where she snuggled closer and slept off like a carefree kitten. She is adapting so well today, that he's curious about how tomorrow will go.

His gooseberry.



Critic Arley.

Lydia woke up in the evening, it was getting dark already and she was alone in the bedroom, her eyes foggy from the excess sleep, she frowned as the recollection of the whole of yesterday assaulted her one by one, she sighed at the end of the recollection, Theodore had helped her sleep comfortably without making her uncomfortable, she'd been so exhausted and now she wonders why, with a disappointed sigh she got down from the high bed.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she decided to think about what she'd do for the day and genuinely couldn't come up with a solid schedule so she simply settled on doing the normal routine, She looked down at herself and her white dress is so crumbled she was sure if the dressmaker saw the dress, they'd be disappointed.

Her gaze settled on the door right ahead of her and she scrunched her face in disapproval

Why is the bed directly facing the door?

She let her gaze wander, finally taking notice of the room, it was very spacious with black and wood, everything in the room was either black or wooden colour and no in-betweens, she shook her head.

Theodore is an extremely boring person, she concluded.

With a space like this, she could keep and do whatever she wanted anywhere yet he had minimal things, last night she had been too mentally pre-occupied to take notice of anything, the bed was emperor-sized with an unsurprisingly black coverlet, at least the bedspread was white, the headboard of the bed is heavily decorated with stones on a wide wood, the designs is something she'd never seen, it looked like the woods were carved to look like the shape of a vase but they were holes in a few places making it less manly and falling a bit to the feminine side with all the gems and stones, she likes the bed, her eyes trail to a small table at the side of the bed, it is also made of fine wood, it has two cupboards attached to it, with a gem handler.

She walked around the room stealthily, the windows were tightly shut making her lips twitch, he really liked his darkness.

She eyed the windows and moved on to the next thing she'd like to familiarize herself with. 

The dresser.

As the bed was designed to make her like it, the dresser was designed to awe her, it was so beautiful she knew she'd fall in love with sitting in front of a mirror soon, just to be close to the design. It is similar to the bed's headboard but a lot more feminine, with some flowers decorated on it.

The mirror was sparkling clean and it also had drawers, a set of five, the dresser desk reached above her waist, which wasn't bad at all and the stool in front of it had a small cushion on it, so she sat to test it, she was elated.

It's as though everything was made for her!

There is a book on the dresser, the only thing on the desk matter of fact, she picked it up and it read 'Letters to You' a romance novel she frowned, whatever is Theodore doing with a romance novel?

She sighed, dropped back the book with the thought of coming back to pick it up for reads, stood up and headed for the bathroom, she needed to freshen up.

Shutting the light wood door, she looked around, the bathroom was vast as well and had a few things occupying it, a huge bath barrel, it glowed as she got closer, she traced her finger on the edge and almost fell backwards.

'McDonalds!' she mentally screamed, It is made of gold and so freaking cold, she is never getting into that she thought before she headed for the bucket of water sitting in the bathroom, she sticks her hand in it and it was warm, she is always lucky with waters in the bathroom.

Taking off her clothes she found soup in front of the bath barrel on a small stool that carried more soaps and a sponge, she smelled all the soaps till she picked the one she preferred with a satisfied smile. Apple flavoured.

Her bath was quick she got out wrapped in her wedding dress, she hadn't opened the wardrobe earlier and now that she had after applying the skin oil from the bathroom, she realized she didn't have anything to wear.

Half of the wardrobe is filled with rich male clothing, which undoubtedly is lord Theodore's, while the other half is empty with only a small box sitting in it, she didn't open it, turning around she starts to look for her chest, the one her mother assured her was packed.

She found her chest of her property at the end of the room nestled in the space between the bathroom and the doorway, one big and the other small from her family estate, she opened the big one first and it was filled only with books. She had come to exhibit quite an exuberant amount of books throughout her life in the Statham estate.

What is she to wear now?

She opened the second chest that was too small to hold much, thankfully her two dresses were inside with a ridiculous amount of seven shawls. At home, she always wore dungarees because she had three dresses in total plus her wedding dress now but her mom hadn't picked any of her dungarees only her shawls and her two dresses, the one she'd worn the first and second times she'd met Theodore before yesterday, she grimaced before something caught her eyes, a dress folded and nestled neatly inside the box, 

Lydia didn't recognize the cloth but she recognised the emotion that clogged her throat at the sight.

Happiness, her mother thought well for her.

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