
Lord Taboo

The world was covered by an eternal veil, interwoven in mysteries of mortal and supernatural cause. From ancient times to the present, it had not been differentiated to a large extent. Demographically, the population was ignorant; The great ones rose up and seized power, becoming mere slaves under the state that represented the veil that covered the distant sky... The struggle of interest remained, apparently without end. But he, who enjoyed without merit the fruit of a great man, rose up and took the reins, whipping the horse in an opposite direction... Finally, as a servant of orders, he perished sacrificing his flesh and blood, massacring the order imposed by the force. Doomed to a realm of oblivion and unforgiveness, engulfed by unexplainable events, Federick is reborn with soft, tender new skin in a world mysterious to his limited understanding. And once again, he must establish himself in a complex world with a new identity with splendid embroidery on its exquisite silk fabrics, having to deal with intrigues and conspiracies according to his position, based on ingenuity and a little madness... But times are constant, worlds beyond the heavens, transcending the starry. Where the three Taoist values prevail, revealing cunning and daring, Federick acts based on his principles. "Demon" "Madman" "Sane."

Goaizu · Fantasy
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14 Chs

[Mysterious sequence]

There was no air, earth, metal, water or fire; the five elements echoed in impresence, enveloped by the authority of a Land Without Belonging.

The sound did not exist, not even because of a mathematical error. There was an absence of light, but darkness did not exist either.

Everything had been wrapped around a non-existent focus.

Concepts could not persist and thoughts could not expand. Like the relaxing sound coming from a zither with the intention of caressing the soul, obscuring its five senses; but the soul did not exist, since the concept did not persist, knowledge being non-existent in a land where expansion was prohibited.

Law and order could not coexist guided by permanence, resulting in the alteration of a space that was dominated by perpetual chaos that confused cognition.

But in this space, where law and order could not coexist, concepts persist, and the five elements exist, an imperceptible wisp of energy gave a sense of creation and destruction.

Its direction was increasing, both ascending and descending. He constantly rose and fell from grace, rising with a boom and falling without salvation.

Its existence was weak, persisting without expectations, in a pitch-black sea. There was no end, because it did not exist; there was no beginning, because it did not exist.

A sentence without being able to owe; the action of a cold sentence from a court without arbitrariness.

This volute gave off a strong desire, capable of going against the idea of non-existence; dominating a forbidden power.

What was even more exaggerated was that desire was not foreign to consciousness and consciousness was not foreign to life...

Desire was deeply buried in cognition, transformed from will into different destinations.

"The world, the sky and the earth... Shit, the world and the earth are the same. Wait, where am I?"

"Who I am...?".

"No, no, no, no. What is this feeling? Why... W-where are they, where are they? My seductive abs!... Is this life or death?"

In the space where light and darkness were absent and silence blurred to a strange nothingness, the scroll suffered constant ups and downs and booms, endangering itself in a thin line. The scroll, in reality, did not constitute a real form, imitating an illusion that flickered between existence and non-existence.

But from the same volute a faint breath of life was emitted, which extended over a small radius in diameter, which became intense in such a place. This irremediably demonstrated an apex of real life where nothing existed.

There, alone, he stood enveloped by a sea of unimaginable pressure. His existence was a constant creation and destruction; its perpetual transformative energy, in a state beyond mortal understanding...

Its frequency changed, its composition changed, the ages changed... But its will remained.

Until suddenly, his disembodied figure was not the only one that occupied the space; A dark purple energy appeared unexpectedly. Like the actions of a god, its nobility could not be challenged and its extent quickly became incalculable.

But the concept of god did not exist nor could it persist, so it quickly faded into nonexistence like everything else. Her state of life was inexplicable, it could not be determined whether she was endowed with consciousness or will, but her palpable nobility still acted in a defiant and haughty manner.

Ejecting countless colorful straight lines from its expanse, it irresistibly stabbed into the remaining unoccupied space.

As if a forbidden existence had been challenged, the entire space bubbled with divine wrath; but still, his anger had no apparent result, ending in the previous calm.

And from the straight lines infinite extensions emerged, which finally impacted and penetrated through the edge of life.

And in just a breath of time, the colorful lines infinitely enveloped and sealed the single axis of consciousness in a terrain with no apparent end.

Quickly the center of energy changed, exchanging its axis for where the volute was previously located. Extending like a shapeless figure, to a robe, until finally imitating a humanoid.

An indifferent individual without face or shadow claimed to be the only presence, capable of causing waves in sentient beings.

The terrain that comprised a quasi-infinite space was strange and mysterious, only reacting to an alteration external to its form, instinctively. But at that moment, with the formation of this new figure, everything broke.

The eternal and impassive space around the figure broke into pieces as if it were a fragile mirror.

Given this reaction full of strangeness, chaotic winds emerged from the broken remains. They were in nothingness and from nothingness itself, it emerged with uncontrollable force in the form of vibration. Impacting heavily on the upright figure, but causing no damage.

But even with the result, he couldn't avoid a slight setback. Fact that mercilessly shook the scroll now contained in the center of the figure.

At this, the guarded energy trembled uncontrollably.


"Wait, no... It's not today. Turbulence in the astral? I can't even be calm being the fart gas of an obese anti-capitalist Chinese?!"

"Wait...this, I'm moving? We've taken off, ladies and gentlemen! Fetishist S Clark is going for the twins."

"Heh, the kids' superhero."

But to the solemnity of the small consciousness, the slight recoil was only the beginning... Who, through the slight force, propelled itself in the direction of the unknown.

The figure of greatness against common sense was quickly distorted to an unnoticed smallness in the vast expanse. His only revelation being the bright trail left by his rear figure.

Time stopped, thoughts stopped; all mental agility disappeared. Plunging the small energy into an artificial hibernation.

But the changes not only affected the interior, but were also transmitted to the exterior; Its journey encompassed the vast expanse, causing deformations in the surrounding space through which it passed.

Time became incurrent because of the remaining wake: the perpetual river did not stop, did not flow, did not act in a contrary way or turn, it simply existed in confusion. The waterfall no longer amazed with masterpieces of nature and the birds no longer perched on the mountains extending their lineage...

The distance traveled was indefinable; as if this concept was ignored.

The journey found no importance in time, involving disparate routes, but there lay a feeling of endless search. Tal performed in places both forbidden and secret, visiting stars of unimaginable grandeur and passing through blurred spaces.

But every journey has an end, so the energetic figure finally stopped in an unknown and abstract space. What could be perceived as "networks" could be observed. Which contained everything from small koi fish to blue whales; dead and bright spots...

The dark purple dot remained for a fleeting moment in that place, to finally enter one of the networks.

With contact in this new space, the small consciousness began to awaken from its Cinderella dream.

Despite showing signs of awakening, his mental waves still remained adrift. With constant effort, he was finally able to guide his linear thinking to formulate his name.


I couldn't distinguish the back or the front, down or up.

Finally he concluded that he had had 107 dwarves in his guard and the Prince gave off a characteristic extreme ugliness.

But in a prodigious way, quickly compared to another, that state of confused cognition was dissipating.

Clearing your mind little by little; being able to discern his surroundings again, but with blindness.

When his panorama finally opened to an outside world, he was equally confused. A deep blue sky rose on the horizon and as far as his eyes could see, he only saw endless sand... Presumably he was in a desert, but his surprise was concentrated in the large opening to a cave that was in front of him.

But despite being able to visualize the confines and taste them as new experiences, in reality he could not decide his destiny through his will. His limbs did not respond, his body did not listen... In fact, the body did not belong to him.

This immediately caused a solemn expression to be superimposed on his face; He was adrift because of a great dilemma, which would lead anyone to despair: "the hourglass and ignorance."

Soon, with grains of sand falling and ignorance addressing even the deepest tissue...

Stranded without any ideas and without opportunities to order and control what he knew as his body... Unless counting grains of sand was fun, this was bound to be overwhelming.

But suddenly, like the illusion of an oasis, it suddenly moved. Despite the fortune that could be assumed, it was against his will, as he did not have a vote on it.

Quickly its surroundings disappeared, being exchanged for the darkness that belonged to the cave.

And it was at that moment that darkness hovered over him, as if it were a deadly trap awaiting the free-hearted who falls through cunning.

'It's not a commitment, it's not a commitment. There is no ring, there is no ring.' Frederick prayed internally.

The individual route that led to the cave was extremely long. The further he went, the more consciousness lost the use of reason, forgetting time; deforming reality as if the outside world were an illusion.

The strangeness and the hard stretch until a purple light began to replace the darkness deeply attached to the surroundings.

An image that rested in a meditative pose was the one that gave off the luminous purple light. With a blurred figure, he lay in and out of the space around him.

Frederick was already in a seemingly hopeless state of confusion, unable to discern whether the figure represented the beginning or the end of the path.

But still, with his primitive and developed instincts, he concentrated his remaining mental strength on being alert to this figure whose intentions he did not know.

Until it fell apart. Until it fell apart. Until it... Until it was formed. Until it broke. Until it was lost. Until he died. Until it fell apart. Until...

He instantly lost consciousness.

The purple energy became a flow of energy that penetrated beyond the figure that invaded his abode.

The dark purple energy simply resigned itself, cooperating with the end of the foreign energy. Who entered with absolute dominance, permeating the interior until he came into contact with the scroll that represented Frederick...