
Lord Pyreleos' Son God of Mercy and Flame

Growing up in the sums of the Capital City of the Valor Kingdom, Isarial is as much an orphan as any boy left to the slums would be. But is he? After a series of events proved him to be an adored son of a strict rich, yet cold merchant he was sent on a mission to assassinate the people who threaten to harm his Father's pregnant girlfriend. However, the mission goes awry and he is sent to a parallel universe. To get home, he makes a dangerous deal and selects the beginning of the year to return to. How shall this God touched boy's new life go? Better than the last, he swears. And he'll do anything to see that happen. For added context, I recommend reading The Sleeping Ox Guild. This story is based on that.

Irrylath · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Settled Matters

After spending time with my friends, I looked at Thomas and said, "You know, I just remembered about your Father. If you are interested at all, I can take you to beat him up. He's very irresponsible."

"You know where dad is?" He asked.

"Yes. If you become stronger, I'll take you to get your mom, too." I said. "You've just met me yesterday, like with a lot of people here, but for me, I've known you a while."

"Have you been watching Thomas? Tilton said that's weird." Thomas said.

"No, I haven't been watching you." I said. "You know plenty about magic, so I'll tell you. I was taken back in time after nearly dying. In the future, Thomas is my very good friend who helped me fight all kinds of monsters."

"Thomas always knew he'd be good at fighting monsters." He said.

I chuckled. "You were better at it than I was, for sure."

"What way did Thomas beat monsters?" Thomas asked.

"With your bare hands." I said. "You punch very well. To be clear, I don't intend to drag you around the continent with me. But I'll take you with Bryna around locally."

Thomas did a few punches at the air and said, "Yeah, Thomas beating them up."

In Draconic I said, "And Thomas can train other kids to be strong, too, when they come to live at Hearthstone Town, which is being built in the goblin caves nearby."

"Thomas could train once Thomas learns how to punch." He replied in Common.

I smiled at him. "Maybe I will convince your mother to let you go to the other continent. Once you're strong enough, I don't think she'll mind. Especially since those dangerous people won't be around."

"You know my mom, too. You have been stalking Thomas." He said.

I laughed and said, "Your mom's advice is very good, usually. Her human name is Wren."

Thomas shushed me and said, "Hush."

"It's fine, Bibs won't be mad with me knowing. Tilton will be distracted enough, soon." I said. "But you know, Thomas is right about that church."

"Thomas knew it!" He said. "Thomas didn't know how but he knew it."

"Yep. The Dwarven district is actually a lot worse, though." I told him.

"Oh? How so?" He asked.

"If you're curious, make sure to train enough so that you can fight, ok? If not, you'll be evacuated when I tell Tilton about the danger." I said.

"Thomas must find somewhere to fight." He said.

"Well, if you stay near town with Bryna, I'll take you to visit the Capital to join the guild. You ca. get stronger that way. But you gotta be smart about it, if the enemy is too many in number, or too big, you retreat, ok?" I told the boy.

"Thomas wouldn't dare take on too many." Thomas said.

"How come you aren't making Thomas' Daddy come back?" Bryna asked.

"Because Thomas doesn't care bout him. He's a mama's boy." I said.

"Thomas doesn't care because he was never there even when he was not dead." Thomas said.

"Eh? Why?" Bryna asked.

"He's a mercenary." I answered. "Used to be an adventurer. Wren's gonna be very angry with him."

"Momma's gonna kick his butt." Thomas grinned.

"Yep. She'll be very angry when she knows he left like that. She was counting on him to look after you." I nodded.

"Oh, he's in lots of trouble. He was not here for long." Thomas said.

"Alexion, do you know about Aboleths?" I asked.

"They are nasty things that dwell in the water plane, why?" Alexion asked.

"I know they bare eternal grudges and will hunt whoever slights them to the end of their lives. Just not much else." I replied.

"I thought you were purposely ignoring me, go back to that." Alexion said after a moment of thinking.

"Openly antagonizing you, yes." I said. "It's fun."

Sienna glimpsed her brother, "Aww, you made a grumpy friend to accompany your grumpy face."

Plight chuckled, while trying not to, and Alexion looked vaguely disgusted. "You both have odd hobbies." Alexion grumbled.

"You should be best friends with Tilton. You can sit in the same room and be disdainful together." I said.

"Would be better company than you." Alexion retorted.

"Oh, much, until he lectures you." I said.

"Tilton's good at lectures." Bryna said.

"And Tilton will find something to lecture you about. Guaranteed." Thomas agreed.

"Not if you out logic him." I said.

"You can do that?" Thomas asked.

"I had never tried.. Hm. Hey, I'm gonna go visit Tilton for a moment, you all have some lunch, Sienna's a good cook." I suggested.

"Thank you for the compliment." Sienna said, smiling brightly over my words.

"Should I come with you?" Zelda asked.

".. You can if you'd like, but Sienna is better company than Tilton." I replied.

"Yes, but it's your company that I'm after. Shall we go?" She asked, standing and heading towards the door.

I watched her for a second before shrugging and saying, "I'll come back for you shortly, Mother."

"Oh, don't mind me, I'm sure I'll be entertained. Maybe I'll start teaching Thomas, I was the Arena Champion." She said.

The kids immediately went to her with big eyes. I laughed as I left, knowing what she'd just gotten herself into. Zelda was waiting outside for me, and smiled when I came out. I looked at her a moment, before heading towards Dueling Rivers. "That was rather bold." I told her.

"I suppose it was, but I feel it was necessary." She replied.

"Do you not like them?" I asked.

"Liking them is not the issue." She said, stopping and looking at me, "I. Like. You."

I blinked. "Why?"

"Because you are kind to me and listen to my ramblings. You took time to make me feel listened to and improve my skills. Far as I'm concerned there's not much to not like." She said.

"I treated you like a person." I said, starting to walk again. "I don't wish to disregard your feelings, but you should know that everyone you'll meet while with me will treat you as well or better."

"Maybe, but you were first." She said.

"You're aware of my goals." I said. "I can't guarantee what'll happen tomorrow."

"Good." She said. "It's better if life has a little mystery."

"Should I assume you're interest is as a woman for a man, or are you meaning as friends?" I asked.

"If it wasn't for your aversion to physical touch, I'd kiss you." She said.

Since we were by the river now, I said, "I could toss you in the water."

"Oh, are you wanting me to have more hand squirt practice? I thought I was pretty good, but could always practice more." She said.

I glanced at her while we crossed the bridge and began to follow it Northwards. I was contemplating what I would do with her. I was quite undecided. But, I was also an impulsive jerk. Or so I had been told repeatedly by Lana and Ash. So, I turned swiftly, lifting her up by her arms, pinning them to her sides. "Practice is good." I told her. "You should do more of it."

"Might as well make it worth it, then." She said, leaning forward and kissing me, "Throw me, then." She closed her eyes tightly with a smile.

I looked at this cheeky girl, walked her towards the water, and set her on her feet. "Incidentally, I wasn't actually going to throw you in. The water is quite cold, you see." I told her conversationally. "But now you've stolen something from me. What shall I do to you?"

"I don't know, can you tell people a little islander girl managed to steal something from the mighty dashing rogue?" She teased me.

I pinched her chin lightly and kissed her properly, the way the prostitutes had told me to do it. "Little or not, anyone can be robbed. Tilton's house is just up that hill, let's go."

She laughed. "Alright, let's go meet this Tilton fellow."

Her eyes were practically shining. I had made her happy with such a simple and small thing. It was interesting. Women were supposed to be hard to please, but I seemed to have a decently easy time of it consistently. Thinking of ways I would be comfortable entertaining her, I led her up to Tilton's house and knocked on the door.

Tilton had an open door policy as a Half-Elf, keeping his front door open as long as the gates were open. But the full Elf Tilton did not have such a policy or habit. Not that it mattered. He'd come to talk to us anyways. Surely enough, after about a minute he came to the door.

"I've been expecting you." Tilton said, then looked at Zelda, "But not you."

"Ah.. Did Bibs tell you?" I asked.

"Indeed, he gave me a forewarning." He said. "Come along." He led us to his study.

"I'm not used to this.. welcome.. from you. What did Bibs say, exactly?" I said.

"Of course you wouldn't be used to a welcome like this, we've never met. It doesn't matter if you've seen me in some other reality." He said dryly.

"I suppose you're right, since this realities Tilton was originally a Half-Elf. I'd share the memory with you, but I'm aware you have protections from such things." I said. "Either way, I wanted to tell you about Alexander."

"Alright. Tell me about Alexander." He said after thinking a moment.

"He'll tell you himself, probably tomorrow, but during that last fight against the orcs he had aimed to shove the Orc chieftain into the bag of holding and turn it out over the cliff to end them. When attempting to execute that plan... he tripped and fell inside. He's been a Bag Man for the last twenty years." I explained.

He covered his mouth, but I saw his cheeks raise. He was trying to not laugh! "That certainly sounds like something he would do."

"It's odd to me that my reality hop altered you and Alex in this reality. Bibs, too. He's more lenient and Alex has a family with Sylvia, twin children he didn't get to meet because of his impulsive mistake." I said. "But I brought Sylvia nearby yesterday, and she restored Alexander last night. They're still asleep, but he'll probably visit you tomorrow, at least within the week."

"Lovely. Visitors. It certainly sounds like your reality hopping has affected quite a few things." He said.

"Yes. Like how I'm not blowing up the church this time." I said, realizing my mistake I asked, "Do you know about Avariel Elves?"

He raised a finger, "What was the first part of that? Blowing up a church? Certainly not my church."

"No, not your church. You're not worshipped." I replied.

"I paid for it." He said.

"It's in a state of disrepair, though." I pointed out. "If I tell you something can you wait to react to it?"

"Depending on what it is. I don't know you well enough to give you any kind of guarantees." Tilton said.

"Well, Kershka and Bibs are eradicating the bloody Hawkes, so you don't have that many strong people in town right now." I pointed out to him.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Well.." I hesitated. "You need a new priest. The priestess is dead."

"That's concerning seeing as I spoke with her just this morning." He said.

"You most certainly did not. She's been a puppet for a while already." I told him. "Yeah, the Oblex Spawn does do the duties properly while eating all the children's memories, but still."

"You're telling me that an Oblex Spawn has infiltrated my town and are eating the memories of the children." He said.

"Yes. Only, the reason I didn't do anything about it yet is because there are three Elder Oblex and a bunch of adults. In every bit of mortar that exists in town, so the paved walkways, and Dwarven district. Though I also know you intend to change the walls to stone, they'd get into that, too." I told him. "The town I am having built isn't ready to temporarily house Dueling Rivers' citizens yet. If you give it a week, then you'll be able to evacuate them to the new town. Also, a few guards are Oblex and a few others. There are Dwarves hunting them... poorly."

"I will be looking into that myself." He said. "I will promise that I won't launch an assault until I am ready."

"If you must, don't acknowledge that you saw them. If you do they'll shriek and activate all of them... Half the town will be lost then, killed and eaten by the Oblex." I told him, guiltily, I continued, "I tried that once, before I knew how many there were.. Most everyone died... But you, Bibs and Kershka weren't here at that time."

"So you were ill prepared and caused a lot of death." He clarified.

"Yes. I was ignorant and impulsive. I thought I could solve it quickly with Gregor.. He fell quickly, as did my companions. And you know with such 'fun' being had Asmodeus had to show." I said.

"That's enough. No more of this reality, I don't like the way it's going." Tilton said.

I nodded. "That's why I'm being careful this time. Do you know of the Arena Champion or Dirthin Hearthry?"

"I'd have to be idiotic to not know them." He said.

"I can ask them both to lend a hand to eradicating the Oblex. I don't know that my mother would want to, but I know Uncle Dirthin would. Kershka needs something to keep him from being charmed, though." I said.

"With a little prep that is easily done. The Oblex are a bit of an issue with that mind control nonsense." He said.

I nodded, then remembered, "Oh, right. Ari- I mean Tyra can keep people from having their minds taken."

"I do not know who that is." He said.

I nodded and said, "Hopefully my Uncle's girlfriend by now, not that you care bout such things. There's atleast a week longer before Asmodeus is running around, he'll be the King's advisor."

"He will be the King's advisor? Well this Kingdom is going straight to the Hells." Tilton sighed.

".. Actually, he does a good job until he gets bored." I said. "He's after the crown Bibs made, not that he's been able to get it."

"Yes, it has requirements." Tilton replied. "So I do believe there will be nothing he can ever do with it."

"Anyways, do you know about Avariels?" I asked.

"I do, why, is there one of them hiding among my people as well?" He asked.

"No. I was going to bring one here. She makes Glassteel." I told him.

"Glassteel is a very valuable resource. I would certainly not turn away such a thing." He said.

"... Did you know you can make it?" I asked.

"..No, I did not." He said.

"Yeah, you would just need to learn how to, if you wanted to." I said.

"Learning something like that would be beneficial, so yes, I'd like to learn it." Tilton said.

I smiled, "Alright. I suppose I should let you know that Thomas is playing with Ashtar."

"That is not a name someone from the future should know." Tilton said.

"Yes, I think she might have died again in this reality, since the Loup Garou was outside her home. But when in the other reality I met her as Bryna. I just figured you'd prefer Ashtar's name over Bryna's since you use Ashtar." I explained.

"It is concerning that she is mixing with Thomas. Something tells me my guards shins are in trouble." Tilton said.

"Well, most likely they'll adventure locally doing small jobs." I said.

"Well, that'll be fine as long as they stay local." He said.

".. A diferent topic, are you willing to help with the upcoming fight against the undead? The Sultan is arranging his men, and the Hearthry's will be helping with it. I believe I've mentioned it to Bibs already. After the Shadowfell's gate is closed we'll be ready to take back Winter's Halt and get rid of the Lich." I said.

".. The Shadowfell gate? Why are they bothering to try and come here?" He asked.

"I never asked the Shadow Night that, even when he attempted to take over my mind." I said. "But they made a deal with Denoir that the Knight'll take over the continent and let Denoir have a larger territory. Last time, it got.as far as to wipe out the Capital. This time my family and I are going to shut the gate."

"I would be more than happy to assist you in the undead fight, especially if this Shadowfell thing is handled." He said.

"Should be, my companions were able to kill the knight last time, it's just the multitude of enemies that will be the problem." I told him. "Whereas turning away help is ignorant, I feel like we're set up to end them much quicker with less casualty, which is my goal in all things this time, less casualties."

"Less casualties certainly does sound like a good thing." He said.

"Oh, which reminds me, Alexander's student Snow Den is stuck in a time warp. Archimedes is working towards getting her out of it. That's why she wasn't there when you all went to get her from ex Mayor Marshall's mansion." I said.

"And how in the world did Snow Den get stuck in a time loop? That's not exactly common place." Tilton responded.

"Azerime. He's a tree in the Fey currently. He decided that mid this year is when and where she should be. Which is utter horse shit." I said. "I ought to go set him on fire."

"Why in the world would he deem he knows when someone needs to be? Damn fool of a wizard." Tilton said.

"I can't answer that. He seems to think himself a god. Archimedes calls him a cracked pot, and I agree." I said firmly. Extra angry with him because my life could have been happier if Snow had met James sooner, like in the other reality.

"Yes, Azerime is indeed a cracked pot." He agreed. "I hope Archimedes is able to get her out sooner rather than later."

I nodded, "I do, too. She's a spot of bad luck, by my experience, but she's a lovely person. I don't think you've met her, which means it probably won't be her habit to harass you. I like her Nifty Darling spell. It cleans and repairs everything to it's state she remembers it to be."

"Well, if this Oblex incident is as bad as I expect it to be, I suspect that spell will come in handy." He said.

"It would, yes. I think this is about all I can alert you to. I'll make sure of when the undead fight will be so that you'll have some notice. I intend to make holy water, shrapnel hand bombs." I said. "I bet I could make arrows like that, too."

"That sounds.. devastating." He said.

"Sure, for the undead." I grinned.

"If crafted correctly you could also load it into a catapult for much wider range of destruction." Tilton said, mulling it over.

"Three times the burning shrapnel bursting with the holy water spray would be quite nice, and it wouldn't be too heavy, which could mean up to twice the launch rate." I agreed, liking his thinking.

"Indeed, I do believe that would be quite effective." Tilton said.

"The holy water fog machines wouldn't technically be needed at that rate." I said.

"No, I don't believe they would be, whatever those are." Tilton said.

"Well, you know the spells Fog Cloud and Misty step? The fog machines generate a mist of the water placed inside it that stays in place. Bibs had made them last time." I explained.

"Those still sound like they would be useful." He said.

"As future deterrents and safe zones, yes." I said. "I think I'll go collect the supplies I'll need to show how to make such things and have the Sultan put people to mass producing them. That'd be simpler than making them myself while I still have a lot to do."

"Well, he certainly has the people and materials for that." Tilton agreed.

"Have a good day, Tilton. When I get the Avariel, I'll bringe her to meet you." I said, getting ready to leave with Zelda.

"I do enjoy when meetings are brief. But this one was pleasant, and productive." He said.

"If you're curious about the Town I'm building, talk to Mills. He'll be running it." I said as we left the study. We exited the house and I took Zelda into Town again, heading to Balnur's shop. It wasn't that long of a walk.

"He seems like a nice fellow." Zelda commented.

"Did he? We weren't on good terms before." I told her.

"Now, why would that be? He seemed like a perfectly reasonable person." She said.

"It was more the type of companions I had that were the problem. That and Tilton and I tend to be grumpy, and I often seek to get even with such people." I said.

"Well that does like the two of you may have not gotten along very well." She said.

"It wasn't until I met Mom's ex husband that I changed as a person. I'd stopped being overly chaotic when I'd died, sure, but I was still an ass. You see, most my life I thought my parents had abandoned me and that I was on my own entirely in the world. Dad was always a cold and calculating person, so I hadn't recognized him as my Father." I explained to her as we reached the Blacksmiths shop. "I still struggle with feeling worthy of affection and fearing I'll be left behind. No one has stuck with me without making me suffer. Until I was in the other reality. Now, I'm after that life."

She smiled. "I can help with that."

"You're welcome to try. Navia and Eluvian were the first to try, but I don't intend to have either of them close to me." I said, opening the door. I could see what I needed from this shop right away.

"I'll just have to get some rope." Zelda said loftily.

I glanced at her, before listening to Balnur's typical greeting. I asked him for several different items, knowing I could get the rest from Tibin. Once that purchase was done, I headed to Tibin's with Zelda and bought the other things I needed, as well as another dress, and rope, for Zelda, and a shirt and pants for my mom. I'd get them more clothes in the Capital. We returned to my mother and friends, then.

"You know I said I'd get this rope to tie myself to you, you know that, right?" She asked, having been looking at the rope intently for the walk back.

"An odd hobby. I can show you the correct way to bind a person's body." I said.

"I don't really know how to respond to that besides.. Alright." She said.

We were at the tower, though we'd yet to enter. I took out the Orb and took us inside it. I checked the rope, it wasn't too stiff, and therefore wouldn't dig into her too much or cause rashes. "Take off your dress, then."

"Oh, right to it, hm." She said in a light tone. She followed my command and took off her dress.

I sorted the rope, finding the middle of it and hanging it over her shoulders lightly. It hung loosely just past her shoulders. Then I put five knots in the rope, one above her breasts, one below them, two more spaced evenly, and one more that would tease her privates. I looped the rest of the rope through the slacked part at her back. Then I looped the rope through the rope in between the knots, creating diamonds with the rope and tightening it around her body, and anchoring it at her back. Once all the rope between the knots were made into diamonds, I tied it at her back.

"This is a Hishi Karada bondage body harness." I told her when I'd finished. I tugged on it slightly, knowing it'd tease her body.

She shivered all over her body from that. "You are.. very skilled at this. What else can you do?"

"I spent a lot of time around prostitutes." I told her. "Whereas I didn't sleep with them, they did enjoy teaching me verbally. So, there are a lot of things I can do to a woman's body. I am just glad that it's not uncomfortable for you, as this is the first time I put this knowledge to use."

"Then your ability to put knowledge to practice is a true skill." She said.

"I have often heard that. As long as I can picture it in my head, I can usually do it." I said. "As far as I know, any movement you make now will tease you quite a bit. Shall we try it?"

"It would feel like a waste if we didn't. What would be your suggestion, oh knowledgeable one?" She asked.

"To be clear, I don't intend to take this rope off you for a while. Though, in all seriousness, if you become uncomfortable, I will." I told her.

Then I took her hand lightly and walked her up the beach. Much to my amusement, she seemed determined to keep herself silent, hitches in her breath revealed that the knot teasing her clitoris was working wonders on her. She also had a lovely red flush to her skin. I leaned towards her and whispered in her ear, to further arouse her, "If you beg, I may have mercy on you."

"I need no such thing." She said hotly, through clenched teeth. "Yet."

"Then, by all means, shall we put you in your new dress and head out to the others?" I asked her.

She looked at me for a moment and said, "Fine."

"Hmm. We'll see." I said, leading her inside the house. I took her before the mirror, so she could see her flushed skin and pouty mouth. "Are you sure you'd like everyone to see you like this?"

Looking at herself in the mirror, she cast Calm Emotions of herself. "Yes. I am perfectly fine."

I grinned at her and pulled on the rope lightly, bringing her back against my chest. "Are you sure?"

Her face flushed again, "No, I don't think I want to leave here, yet."

I chuckled then turned her head towards mine, kissing her while toying with the rope at her back. "You're beautiful."

"And you're evil. But that's ok." She said, kissing me in return.

I took the time, since she had asked what else I could do, to properly tease her body. I didn't touch her, aside from the rope, and kissing her shoulders and higher. Truthfully, teasing her was doing a lot towards teasing myself as well. It was not a game I would lose. Her responses were incredible. After five minutes of our game, she orgasmed and begged for a proper release to the game. To that end, I untied her slowly, tormenting her all the while. I made sure I had her consent before sating her, telling her what I intended to do to help her.

Then while she was panting and calming down, I held her in my lap, trying to ensure she felt cherished and not like a discardable play thing. She promptly fell asleep. Unbothered, I simply held her until she woke from her nap. My own body had cooled by then.

Her eyes lit up brightly, looking at me, "That was fun. You are really good at that."

"Thank you for the compliment. You were a delight to torment." I chuckled.

"It was delightful to be tormented. I had a great time." She said.

"Good to know. I still should tie you up and walk you around, sense your keen on such things." I joked.

"No, I think I'm good for today, thank you." She said.

I stroked her cheek lightly and said, "I'll always try to keep from doing things to you that you don't want done... Such things are very important to me."

"And I have every intention to continue to try and not cross your boundaries. It was extremely hard to not do that." She said.

Meaning she had wanted to reciprocate the intimacy but had restrained herself, respecting my need to not be touched. Feeling adoration towards her in my heart, I kissed her cheek and said, "Thank you.. With time.. I can accept being touched by you."

"Take your time. I'm not going anywhere." She said, then jokingly, "Especially if you're this skilled."

"I can become better with practice." I threatened.

"Careful now. Self control has a limit." She said.

I chuckled. "Feel up to returning, or shall I find another way to torment you?"

She put a hand up, "I surrender. Let's go back for now."

I laughed, and set her to the side, and handed her the new dress. "You'll need more clothing, and I'll refrain from harassing you."

She decided that wearing the dress was definitely the better idea. Once she was dressed, I took one of the necklaces out of my pack, it was a golden one with blue diamonds, and put it on her, then took her out of the orb. "In the future, if you see something in a shop you'd like, tell me." I told her.

"Trying to treat me now?" She asked. "I'm alright with that."

"I like to keep the women close to me happy and safe." I told her before speaking the pass phrase.