
Lord Pyreleos' Son God of Mercy and Flame

Growing up in the sums of the Capital City of the Valor Kingdom, Isarial is as much an orphan as any boy left to the slums would be. But is he? After a series of events proved him to be an adored son of a strict rich, yet cold merchant he was sent on a mission to assassinate the people who threaten to harm his Father's pregnant girlfriend. However, the mission goes awry and he is sent to a parallel universe. To get home, he makes a dangerous deal and selects the beginning of the year to return to. How shall this God touched boy's new life go? Better than the last, he swears. And he'll do anything to see that happen. For added context, I recommend reading The Sleeping Ox Guild. This story is based on that.

Irrylath · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Occurrences Uncharted.

When I regained my awareness, I was laying on my back in a hole, with water in it. And debris. I'd torn some wood up while out of control. The water was chilly. Then I remembered about Zelda being in here with me. Or had I made it in at all? No, unless Mother did something, I'd have been.. handled. So I definitely got inside the orb. Right, with Zelda. I sat up to climb out of the hole.

I was very muchly naked again. With a disconcerted grunt, I climbed out of the hole. It was dug a ways from the house, and as I came out, I saw Zelda. She was perfectly fine, or so it appeared. She also had my bag. She walked over to me, but waited.

She reached to wipe some dirt from my face, but stopped herself. "How are you feeling?"

"Ruff." I joked. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. I bubbled myself." She replied with a big smile.

"Atleast it looks like you recovered from your scare. Are you sure you are well?" I asked.

"Well, that was hours ago. To us." She said. "So, yeah, I am completely fine. A little peckish, but fine."

"I'm sorry you had to experience that." I said.

"Well, it certainly wasn't on my list of things to do today. I just wanted to go shopping, get to know Lucretia.." Zelda was saying.

"She's a nice woman. She's probably very traumatized and remorseful." I said. "I suppose I should wash up and get ready to explain myself to Mother."

"Might want to add 'put pants on' to that list." She suggested.

"That's part of getting ready. And after being washed up." I told her.

"Ah. Well, alright, if it must be." She said in a lofty tone.

"Hm? Like the view?" I joked.

"Indeed, it is quite the specimen." She responded.

I stood and said, "Thanks for saving my bag. I'm sorry I lost myself."

"If anything, I take it as a compliment." She replied.

".. Why?" I asked.

"You got so mad I was being harassed you lost control." She said.

I hesitated. But I trusted her. As I started towards the house, with her following, I said, "It's part of my trauma. The people who whipped me... also violated me. Situations like that cause me to lose my self control."

"Ah. That makes.. a little more sense with your. reservations on touch." She said.

"It's what my father was talking about earlier that he handled." I told her. "If you have questions.. I can attempt to answer."

"That's ok. We can talk about it later. I really feel I could use a nap. Just a little one." She said.

"Hungry and wanting a nap? Goodness, girl. Would you care to bathe with me?" I asked.

She smiled, "Lead the way."

Once we reached the house, I ran a bath and got in it. When she joined me, I pulled her to me and held her again. Feeling a bit tired in spite of having just woke. I used a washcloth to gently clean her body, before I bit her wrist lightly.

"Sir, you are pushing my limits, and I believe you know this." Zelda warned.

I chuckled and washed her hair for her. "There are worse things I can do."

"Oh, I'm sure of that, my torturer." She said.

"Would you like me to?" I asked.

"Bring it on, I won't break so easy." She said.

I rinsed her hair, mulling over if I would or not. Then I turned her head and kissed her. There were so many sensuous places on a woman that I didn't need to touch her privates. So, I started with her feet. The women had told me about massages that could make the most seasoned whore respond that started with the feet. It took a moment before I had the right pressure and touch figured out for her, once I had her responding nicely, I moved to the pressure point of her inner ankles, and behind her knees.

I kept this massage going for her entire body without touching her privates once. After a little over forty minutes, and making sure to give her kisses, I moved away from her to wash myself. She shivered and seemed to restrain herself.

"God's, you truly are my torturer." She said, panting. "But I still stand, weak in the knees as I may be."

"Was my goal meant to be to make you unable to walk?" I asked, looking at her.

"I don't know what your goals are in this regard." She responded.

I smiled at her and said, "Would you like it to be my goal?"

She stood, faced me and pointed. "Fight me."

Without reaction, I rinsed myself off, pulled the plug on the tub, and got out. I wrapped a towel around my lower half and offered a towel to her. "I'll do as you like, my Lady. If you wish to be unable to walk, I shall make it so."

She stepped out of the tub, and took the towel, beginning to dry herself off. "If I can hold out for five minutes, you have to teach me how to do these things."

"Hmm. Then I'll up what I was planning to do." I replied.

"You tease with words as gracefully as your fingers, but I will win." She replied, swallowing.

I scooped her up and took her to the bedroom, unconcerned by the dampness we both still bore from the bath. I tossed her on the bed lightly. "My Lady, to warn you, if I lose my self control I would like to ask you a few questions. Are you prepared to answer?"

She sat up, "Yes, I am prepared."

"Very well. My Lady, if I lay with you.. do you want me to prepare something against pregnancy?" I asked her. "I know several ways to protect against it. None of which are currently available, but easily acquired. I'll of course try to not, but I am still a man, and you're a beautiful woman who is allowing me to play with her."

"Of course I'm prepared for that result. I am fine with having your child. The big question is, are you ready for one?" She replied.

I said, "Never really thought bout it. Just thought you should be aware that there's ways to prevent it."

"If it's not something you want or are prepared for, then we should probably prevent it." She said.

"I am capable of supporting you and a brood of children for your entire lives. If you do not intend to protect against it, I'll take responsibility." I said. "My intent in this moment is only to torment you, and not to lay with you." I leaned over her body, carefully and kissed her. "It's good to know I have your permission, though.."

"What do you want? Besides to torment me." She asked.

".. I want peace and a place I belong." I replied. "I realize that's not the answer you want, but it's the one I can give."

"Then instead may I simply hold you for a time?" She asked.

"Lost your bluster, Lady?" I joked.

She pouted and said, "Can I or not?"

I sighed lightly. "You may."

"Then come here, or do I have to pull you to me?" She teased.

I moved forward, getting onto the bed over her. I situated her to where I thought she'd be most comfortable, then I laid my body onto her. Her body was warm and soft. She smelled of sweetness and jasmine, with a hint of lavender. As I settled myself to be comfortable on her, she shifted herself and wrapped her arms around me, rubbing her calves against my own. I tensed up a bit, but willed myself to loosen up. To try to relax.

"You may tell me to let go whenever you think it's to much, alright? I won't force you to stay like this." She said.

"..Are you uncomfortable?" I asked.

"Nope." She squeezed my body with her arms and thighs, "I'm very comfy."

It was poor timing, or positioning? But my arousal came back from the squeeze. "Alright, then take that nap, Lady."

"I feel like you won't be sleeping." She giggled.

"It's quite alright." I said. "You said you were wanting a nap."

"Alright, alright. I'll leave it be." She said.

"As you please." I said.

She smiled, closing her eyes while saying, "Alright. Good night."

As she actually began to fall asleep, I started thinking. Thinking was a strong suit of mine. Would I want to father a child? Would I even be capable of being a father? I didn't exactly have good role models for such things. She made me feel worth while, whereas I usually felt like I was no one and nothing and that no one wants me around. Then again, I'd grown up feeling unwanted and like an inconvenience.

Her steady breath and heartbeat lulled me until my thoughts slowed and I fell asleep myself. I woke a few hours later to yet another hard on, since she was squirming underneath me. I looked at her face, realizing she was dreaming. I wondered about what, but I was incapable of reading minds. She continued to squirm and flex her hands occasionally. I kissed her chest, over her heart, and settled my head back on her. I was definitely awake and trying to not wake her.

I noticed when she did wake. She'd inhaled deeply, and stretched her body. Jerking slightly in surprised when she felt my foreign stiffness between her legs. It had become a continual issue, every time she'd settled and I'd calmed, she'd began moving again. Intentionally, she wiggled her hips against me.

"Well this is an interesting way to wake up." She noted, teasing me. "We could handle that, you know?"

"Fine. The torture I promised will begin." I replied.

"I meant fix your problem, but ok.." She said, unsettled.

I ignored that. Instead, I started the meticulous process of adequately arousing her. Starting with giving her kisses, designed to leave her breathless, and all of the erogenous zones that I could massage and nibble. She was more sensitive than when we were in the bath, probably because she'd just woke up. To try to keep her squirming under control, she'd wrapped her legs around my waist. It did less to keep her still than she'd aimed for.

Her little gasps and moans as I teased her drove me to continue. She groaned loudly when I began to torment her breasts, licking, sucking and fondling them. Her body was much warmer now, as she rubbed against me. I bit the inside of my mouth to keep myself in check. My own skin was fevered as hers from our activity. When she began asking for more, I licked and nibbled her wrist, before moving myself down her body. Kissing and nibbling my way lower.

I had never done this before, so I had no idea how she'd respond to it, but I teased her genitals with my mouth. She was extremely aroused, her orgasm was intense as she screamed and shook with it. But I wasn't intending to let her up. I'd promised she wouldn't be able to walk, and I fully intended to carry out the threat. I bit her inner thing, not hard enough to hurt, but with enough pressure to have her moaning breathlessly.

Then I returned to teasing her clit with my mouth and her entrance with my fingers. Her cries of pleasure were uncontrolled as she ground herself against me and sank her fingers in my hair, I'd always kept it long, and she made use of this, grasping onto it while her thighs tensed around my head. Her orgasm was intense as I felt her pulsing around my fingers. My own arousal was nearly unbearable for me. When she throatily cried my name, my control failed. I'd moved up her body, kissing her hard, while entering her.

The next few minutes were frantic and uncontrolled all the way until I emptied myself deep inside her. She'd cum once more, in my arms at this moment. We panted together, fully spent. I looked at her beautiful flushed face. "... Did it hurt?"

Her eyes were unfocused as she turned to look at me. Realizing I'd asked her a question, her eyes focused. She said, "..What? No.. A little. I'm fine."

Slowly, I withdrew from her, eliciting a moan and shiver. I kissed her, and said, "You're beautiful."

"And you're gorgeous." She replied, then a look of horror crossed her face, "Wait, was that five minutes? I don't think I made it five minutes."

"I was inside you maybe five minutes." I said, embarrassed, "But it's been well over an hour since you woke, my Lady."

She smiled and said, "Then I won the bet. You have to teach me."

Her stomach growled then. "I suppose I can abide by your bet. But we seem to have worked up an appetite for you."

"Does that mean I get to enjoy a nap, fun time, and a home cooked meal?" She asked, her eyes big and hopeful.

"I will cook you a meal, Lady. Or should I just torment you more?" I grinned.

She actually debated it. I could see it in her eyes. Then her stomach growled again. "Food first."

"You want to do it again?" I asked, a little surprised.

"Is that an honest question?" She asked. "I haven't felt that good..since I don't know when."

"You surprise me. Being insatiable sexually isn't a bad thing, though." I told her. "Let's go make you that meal."

"Indeed, let's." She said. "I can help. I can atleast cut things."

I got out of the bed, wondering where my bag was, I was down to a single set of clothing now, we'd passed my shredded clothes on the way to the house. When Zelda moved to join me, she was very wobbly. I'd been a little rough with taking her. It was her first time, after all. And mine. As soon as she'd stood, she got a concerned and embarrassed look on her face.

"Oh... um.. ooh.. I need a towel." She said.

I picked up the one that'd covered me earlier, and guessing her need, knelt before her to tidy her privates. She hadn't bled much, but my semen was seeping out of her at the moment. "Sex is a little messy, I'm afraid." I chuckled.

"Still feels very worth it." Zelda said.

"Liked it that much? Or like me that much?" I asked.

She appeared to mull that over for a moment, then said, "Both."

Once I'd cleaned her up I lifted her, wrapping her legs around my waist, and leaned her back against the door. Kissing her roughly. Then I said, "I like you, too."

She giggled and said, "You'd better."

"I failed you, though." I said.

"The only way you failed me is by not telling me how much stuff there is to buy. Because there is a lot." She said.

"You can walk, though." I pointed out, carrying her to the kitchen.

"Yes, but this is fun." She said, tightening her legs.

"I could make it fun.." I said. "This is a position people enjoy."

"Oh?" She asked. "How so?"

"Let me make you a meal, then I'll show you how this position is enjoyed." I said.

"Alright, but do I have to let go?" She asked.

"Regretfully, yes. But I can feed you in my lap once the food is ready." I told her.

She reluctantly released me and said, "Fine, fine. I can wait."

She sat in a chair while I retrieved my bag to slip my pants on. I then got to work cooking a quick meal, after washing my hands. Once it was done, I set the table and sat her in my lap, just like I said I would. When we finished eating, I got to work showing her how that position can be enjoyed. She seemed to particularly enjoy the closeness of the position. Minutes after finishing, I moved her legs to my arms and supported her back against a wall to continue and deepen the experience. Something that sent her wild, causing her to scratch and bite me between her cries of ecstasy.

Once we were both fully sated, I took her to the bathroom to clean up again. She was definitely not walking after this. She attempted it, failed. It was fine by me. I tended to her, then took her to the bed, where we cuddled and napped again. When I woke next, she wasn't with me. I nearly panicked, but I decided there had to be a reason for it. I went hunting my last set of clothes, they were neatly folded on the coffee table. I dressed, and having not found her, headed outside.

I spotted her immediate up a tree gathering coconuts. I stepped out of view and Mind Linked to her saying, <I can see you.>

She shouted in alarm before realizing who that must be. <Ass!> She shouted at me mentally, <Come here so I can hit you with a coconut!>

<I'll pass.> I replied.

<Were you trying to scare me or did you forget that you sound like a demon in my head.> She demanded to know.

<Both. It's the Quori's voice.> I told her.

<So you did mean to scare me?> She replied. <Alright, I'm coming down.>

<..Should I run?> I asked, grinning.

<No, don't run. It'll make it easier.> She responded.

<Alright. I'm hiding.> I told her. It was a lie, but I didn't figure she'd pick up on that because it was the Quori's emotionless voice.

<The longer it takes me to find you, the harder I will bonk you with this coconut.> She replied.

I didn't respond. Instead I waited till she was close to my location and jumped out at her, "Boo!"

She screamed, crouching down for cover with coconuts in her hands raised over her head, then she slowly looked up at me. Rage crossed her lovely features and she threw both coconuts at me. One flew past me and the other bounce off of my shoulder.

"Ouch." I said, pretending it hurt.

"If that actually hurt, I'm sorry. But that was mean." She said, wagging her finger at me.

"How would you like me punished, my Lady?" I asked with a smile.

"I should just beat you up, but I don't feel that'd get the message across." She said.

"Do you have family?" I asked, curious.

"What? Are you trying to throw me off? I do, but odd timing for the question." She said.

"I'm merely curious about you. I should meet them." I said.

"It's not really a them.. it's just a her." She said. "It's just my grandma. I haven't been home in a bit. Hope she's ok."

"Do you want to visit her?" I asked.

"I certainly wouldn't mind visiting her." She replied.

"We shall, then. After I fight the Shadowfell." I said. "And if anyone bothers you, I'll kill them."

"Well, I hope they mind their business then." She said.

I smiled at her. "All ready to return? My mother was on the way to us when I transformed."

"Oh, that is right. We are probably going to have some explaining to do, huh?" She asked.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Well, we'll only have to explain if someone thinks they saw you." She said.

"Nah. If we ignore it, they'll think they imagined things." I said.

"Ok, I'm fine with completely ignoring it then." She smiled.

".. Are you not sore anywhere? I was rough with you." I replied, thinking bout it.

"Why?" She poked my nose. "Thinking of another round?"

I chuckled. "If you want more, I'll give it to you."

She scooped up her coconuts and said, "Alright. Off we go."

I followed her curiously, surprised when she went to the bedroom. The woman was insatiable. I watched her strip her clothes and get into the bed before beckoning me to join her. I unclothed myself and went to her, pleasuring her before taking her. I made sure to draw it out, and afterwards, I held her. I started wondering about the future. I needed to make her a home. A place she can be safe and well taken care of. I thought of what our children may look like.

I was never opposed to being a father. I simply couldn't stand being harassed by Ash and Lana about the orphaned kids I gave a home to. 'Daddy Isarial' they'd teased me. Even though I'd told them to stop. Ash had even told the dragon I'd fathered him. It was all bullshit. But currently, I didn't mind the idea of Zelda having my child. I'd spent a month in this orb teaching her self defense and telling her and my mother stories.

Surely, that was a short time, but she was more patient and kind towards me than anyone other than Dean had ever been. It was fine. When we'd rested enough, we got cleaned up and dressed again. She ate some of the coconuts and we headed out of the orb. My mother reached us seconds later.

"I'm here. Are you, you, you seem fine. What did I miss?" She asked.

"I lost control and began shifted. Zelda took me into the orb. She put up a Tiny Hut, a magic barrier, to keep herself safe while I rampaged." I told my Mother quietly. "If she hadn't I'd be shifted now, attacking everyone."

"Smart thinking Zelda, I'm glad you were here for him." Mother complimented her.

I smiled at Zelda, "She's a smart woman. Would you both like to meet my cute little brother?"

Zelda said, "Yup."

Mother said, "Yes, I would."

I took them to Vincent's shop then, while waiting for him to get through with his customers, I showed Zelda some clothing options. I also showed my Mom some things I thought she'd be interested in. Once the customers left, I went to the counter where Vincent was. "Hey, Brother, this is my mother, Adelaide, formerly Blood Tears. And this is Zeralidinria, or Zelda, my woman. Ladies, this is Vincent Cross, my brilliant brother."

"Welcome, Adelaide, it is a pleasure to actually meet you. You know, it wasn't long since you were here last and you've got a woman now? I wouldn't have thought you had the time with all your ambitions." Vincent said.

"Yes. She has been an unexpected, but welcome, surprise to my life. Technically, I met her this morning before I met Mother." I told him, "But we spent around a month or so in the orb with Mother and have grown close sense."

"That orb is truly astounding, if you could mass produce those... Anyways." He looked at Zelda. "It is lovely to meet you, I hope you are able to keep up with my brothers ambitions."

"Yes, an entire Kingdom is going to be quite the effort." Zelda replied. "But it is lovely to meet you. You seem very educated for your age."

"Thank you." He said, then turned to me. "Now it's a Kingdom? Last I heard it was a city, now it's a Kingdom?"

"The city is being built currently. I decided it just yesterday. The other continent has a large piece of land that was once a kingdom, it's remains are burnt out. I figure it wouldn't be bad to rebuild it and set it up as a peace keeper for the Kingdoms over there." I explained. "This won't be worked on for a while, though. For now, making this continent safe, and making my family happy are my priorities."

"Well Brother, I suppose I should get busy. You're going to need all the capital you can get to have a stable kingdom. In return I'd like to be head of your treasury, what do you think?" Vincent asked.

I was dumbfounded. "... What?"

"Sorry, I saw an opportunity and jumped for it. I may have overstepped." Vincent responded immediately.

"No, Vincent. I'm sorry. I hadn't thought you'd want to take part in this aside from your current work. I was going to set up an area in the market place for you to expand your current business to. It hadn't occurred to me that you'd like an official role like Treasurer." I told him. "I'd be happy to welcome you into such a position, but you know, if I become a King that would make you a Duke at minimum, and a prince."

"Then, you're going to need an heir or two to keep people pleased that your kingdom is secure." He said.

"I am aware. Having someone as brilliant as you with me shall help greatly, Brother. If that's the case, I'll be able to bring Mother with me, too, because I won't have to worry about you." I smiled.

"That may not be necessary, even if I wasn't going. I have been feeling very well lately." Vincent said. "So well, in fact, I've been able to do magic, which I never thought I'd be able to do."

"You can use magic? That's amazing." I told him.

"Indeed it is. Your wish, it seems, worked a little too well. I'm healthy and can do magic." He said.

"Do you need training, then? I can ask my Dad to send someone to train you in magic." I offered.

"Training may be very beneficial. I may have set a few things on fire that I had not intended to." He said.

I grinned at him, "I've only set things on fire on purpose."

"Well, you also didn't wake up one day with the ability to throw fire around." He retorted.

I laughed, "No, I just willed myself into being able to heal others. I'd foolishly cared for my rotten companions to the point I, as an assassin, became a master at crafting healing potions, and gained the ability to cast healing magic." I shook my head at the nonsense.

"Well, I have heard medicine in a certain dosage is just poison. So most prisoners do know how to heal." He said.

"I suppose you're right." I replied, smiling at him. "Are you sure you'd want such a job working with me?"

"If I was not sure about it, I wouldn't have offered in the first place." Vincent said.

"Rightly or wrongly, I trust you." I told him. "Which reminds me, I promised you treats the next time I saw you." I took out the cookies and Elven Pillow, and offered it to him.

"Now, what are all these?" He asked. "They smell quite intriguing."

"Try them. Cookies and Elven Pillows. Baked goods." I grinned.

"Alright. I'll give them a shot." He said, trying them. He held up a cookie, "I enjoy the crunch this has.. and the sweetness is not something we usually have out here." He gestured to the Elven Pillow, "This, I truly understand the naming, it's like biting into a pillow without actually biting a pillow."

I grinned and said, "I brought the recipe for the Elven Pillow from the other reality and gave it away. It was originally called 'Cloud Bread'."

"I could see that." Vincent said.

"That reminds me, I'd learned about 'noodles' there, too." I said, mulling it over. "That could probably help this region a lot."

"What, pray tell, is a 'noodle'?" Vincent asked.

"It's a wheat based food that adds egg to make. A pound of noodles can be made with just three eggs and two cups of flour." I told him. "It can also be air dried and preserved long term."

"Alright, but what can it be served with?" Vincent asked.

"Anything, really. Tomato sauce, various meats, broths, vegetables, cheeses. It's a limitless possibility kind of dish. Some even just throw herbs in with it." I shrugged. "Interested in it?"

"It certainly sounds like something I would want to investigate." Vincent commented.

Zelda was staring at me with big eyes. She's such a foodie. "I think you'd get along with my friend Mills, Zelda. He really likes food, too." I told her. I looked at my mom who also looked curious. "Alright, alright. If everyone is so curious, I'll have to make some noodles. Aren't you lucky I learned how?"

"Yes. Yes we are." Zelda said. "How long does it take?"

"Vincent, this place has a kitchen, doesn't it?" I asked.

"Of course. State of the art even." Vincent said.

"Then I will go get the ingredients..." My voice trailed off and I grinned like a devil before I said, "Brother, should my Mother not go upstairs?"

"For the sake of my house.. no. And trust me, that's the only thing I am concerned about in that situation." Vincent said.

"I don't think she's that mad, brother." I laughed. "If you ladies will stay here, I'll get the ingredients and make us all a lovely meal."

"This is one of those shopping places right? I will shop while your gone." Zelda said.

I smiled. "Keep my mom close if you leave the store. And if what's his name comes down, don't talk to him."

"I do not know who what's his name is, but I also don't intend to leave this store." She replied.

I gave her and my mom a hug before I left the building and drew a glyph in an alley. I went through, bought some expensive cuts of steak, butter, flour, eggs, oil and herbs, then sugar, and returned to my brother's shop. "Is it weird that I know where the bathtub is but not the kitchen?" I asked my brother.