
Lord Pyreleos' Son God of Mercy and Flame

Growing up in the sums of the Capital City of the Valor Kingdom, Isarial is as much an orphan as any boy left to the slums would be. But is he? After a series of events proved him to be an adored son of a strict rich, yet cold merchant he was sent on a mission to assassinate the people who threaten to harm his Father's pregnant girlfriend. However, the mission goes awry and he is sent to a parallel universe. To get home, he makes a dangerous deal and selects the beginning of the year to return to. How shall this God touched boy's new life go? Better than the last, he swears. And he'll do anything to see that happen. For added context, I recommend reading The Sleeping Ox Guild. This story is based on that.

Irrylath · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Learned Behaviours

"I wonder how many versions there are of you." Zelda commented.

"As many as there are stars." I replied. "Literally, there's little white stars everywhere that Archimedes is missing. They are entire life times worth of his memories."

"I have no idea how many that is." Zelda said, pouting.

I chuckled. "I've never met you before. Not in either reality or the future. I'm glad I have this time."

She smiled and said, "I'm enjoying this time, too. A lot."

"I'll be absent for some time in the morning." I said.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"The Sultan requested I accompany his ... advisor to Winter's Halt concerning matters with the church." I said. Then I frowned deeply. "Is the man sane?"

"Are you referring to the Sultan? If you're referring to the advisor, and I think I know who you mean, I don't think so." Vincent said.

"No, I mean the Sultan. I don't think he's sane." I said. "Phintias is currently sane."

"What makes you question the Sultan's sanity?" Vincent asked, curious.

"Well. You know bout Phintias, don't you?" I asked.

"I do. Through rumors. Never directly from the man himself." Vincent said.

"All the paladins are in Winter's Halt." I said.

"Ah. That's what your concerned about." He said. "This is why I question his sanity currently. He makes regular trips to Winter's Halt. I asked him about it once. He called it a power move."

I froze for a second. Followed by the hardest laugh I'd done in a long time. "That is very like him."

Vincent replied, "I didn't know you knew him so well, but then I don't know who you know so well."

"Oh, he once openly threatened me, so I was going to try to kill him. Glad I never attempted it, though. Because while in the other reality I got to know him well. To be fair, he had been itching for a fight, probably, he'd told me." I said, still sorely amused. "Keeping myself busy is best for my health."

"Brother, no matter what you do, do not fight Phintias. I've never seen him fight, but he terrifies me." Vincent said.

"I would only fight him if it's a sparring match." I replied. "Knowing what I know of him, I have no intent to fight him in any serious manner. Plus, if he didn't kill me, his lady would."

"I do not know much about his lady yet, but if she's anything like him, I wouldn't doubt it." He said.

"The only thing they share in common is their species currently. She's a very sweet individual. Probably the only person to have cried because she hurt me." I said. "Though that was in the other reality."

"How did she hurt you?" Vincent asked.

"She had unexpectedly opened a door into me, then had hugged me to apologize. The resulting panic attack and bleeding made her cry. That was before I was spoiled by the amount of affection I received from everyone there." I explained. "I'd tried telling her I was fine, but she wasn't having it until her brother healed me."

"She sounds very caring." He said.

"She may have been afraid I'd be angry with her, or she could have been pregnant." I replied. "But she is a sweet and mischievous person. I helped her with a few pranks on Phintias."

"Oh my. Pranks on Phintias. That sounds intriguing and dangerous." Vincent said.

"He's a decent person to get along with." I shrugged. "I almost didn't come back to this reality. Everyone probably misses me."

"I'm glad you did." Zelda and my mother said at the same time.

I chuckled and said, "I belong here, not there. They were all too happy and affectionate. I couldn't stand it."

"Well then, you're in trouble with me." Zelda said.

"Nah. You're a single person that I've accepted to have with me. My mom and Vincent are also individuals I've accepted having around and I can express affection with you both, too. But I'm still a bitter prick at my core." I shrugged.

Zelda said, "I find this acceptable."

"Besides, Sienna and Sarial and their kids kept clinging to me. Jaime, Sarial's son, rarely left his mom alone, but would also cling to me just like he did to his mom." I told them. "... I guess I didn't hate it. I do kinda miss the brat."

"I am more than happy to cling to you." Zelda offered.

".. I'll let you." I said. "Sarial often called me a cat."

Mother muffled a laugh and Vincent said, "I can understand that."

I shrugged and said, "I intend to head back and check on Alexander. It'll be late soon."

"Well, then, we should get going." Zelda said.

I smiled at her, before turning to Mother. "What would you like to do, Mother?"

"I will stay here and get to know Vincent." Mother said.

"Would you like to keep the dining table, Brother?" I asked.

"I do not feel I will have much use for it." Vincent replied.

"Alright.." I said before returning it and the chairs into the orb. "Shall I do something with that?" I pointed towards the door that our father was behind.

"Only if you wish to." Vincent said.

"Very well." I opened the door, "Do you want to go work?"

"What did you have in mind?" He asked.

"At the moment? Not much. But you said you can do physical labor so I figured you can help the Dwarves." I replied.

"Alright. I will go and help these Dwarves." He said.

"Pack if you need to, then come out." I instructed him.

"I should have everything packed very shortly." He replied.

I nodded and took a step back. "Mom, if you wish to have a word with him, I simply ask that you don't break him."

"If you're talking about who I think you're talking about, then no. I can not guarantee that I will not break him or worse." Mother answered.

"I can heal, Mother." I said.

"Still, no." She said. "Maybe one day I can have a heated conversation with him. But not currently."

"Fair enough." I replied. I mind linked with Zelda, <The man who I am speaking to fathered Vincent and I. He is the one who sold me to my Dad to pay off a debt.>

<Ooh, can I have a conversation with him then? No, what he did got you to where you are today, but still don't like him.> She said.

<I intend to use mercy to.... Ah. Yes. I know what I'll do.> I smiled coldly. I ended the mind link with her and mind linked to that Fool. I played my memory of the torture and assualt to him. It was hard to not react to it, but I was good at shutting down outwardly. I then played the memory of his abandoning me.

He stiffened and said, "If that's what you intend to do to me, then do it."

"It is not. I am simply sharing memories with you." I told him.

"I will not shy away from what I have done to you." He said.

I started playing the memory of hungry nights when Miran had taken all of mine and Dean's earnings and the things I'd had to do to earn money. Then I showed him a few memories of jobs I'd followed Dirthin on, how he'd ripped people apart before me, though I didn't show him how Dirthin had reacted when he'd realized I was there. He'd froze, cursed himself, then tried to make himself small and slowly approached me, speaking gently. He'd been so shocked when I'd went to him and told him I could help, brandishing my knife.

"You've.. certainly had a .. colorful upbringing." He responded. He was terrified of Dirthin.

I ended the mind link. "I brought myself up."

"I was expecting you to have a very easy life as maybe a servant or something. Not all of this." The Fool said.

"It was not an easy life at all. I've worked hard for everything I've ever owned. Paid for it in blood and sweat." I told him. "And still I don't intend to harm you."

"I still don't understand why you don't." He said truthfully. He had a bag and was ready to go.

"Can't say I understand it. It's not like I acknowledge that you're a person. If you can prove to be useful, you won't lead a bad life." I replied.

"As long as there is no gambling halls I think I'll be alright." He said.

"Mom, Vincent, see you soon." I told them affectionately. "Let's go."

Mother stood and said, "Before you run off, can I have another awkward hug?"

I smiled and went to her and gave her a hug. "You want one, Bit?" I asked, the nickname from the other reality slipping out.

He raised an eyebrow, "Bit?"

I grimaced, "It's a nickname from the other reality. And what your store is called in that reality. 'Bit's and Bobs.'"

"Who is 'Bob' if I am 'Bit', there must be a Bob, right?" Vincent asked.

"It's a play on odds and ends, or bobbles and trinkets. That girl sucks at naming and you'd taken her joke and used it." I explained.

"I cannot ever imagine myself taking such a name for my store. Then again, I didn't grow up with a sister calling me 'Bit' So there's the difference." Vincent said.

I chuckled. "Did you want the hug?"

"I have not given or received hugs very often.. But I suppose." Vincent said.

I gave my mom another squeeze before giving my little brother and affectionate hug. I was able to tolerate touch from kids easily, so there was no awkwardness from me. Kids are innocent after all. I took a step back from him and said, "I'll see if a teacher magic can be sent by midday. Unless you'd like Lucretia to teach you?"

"Someone a little more.. inclined to violence may be a little better for protection." Vincent replied.

"A Lucky Stone employee it is, then." I replied, smiling at him. If I knew more magic that would be best. "Don't forget to learn how to physically fight. Mother and I are adequate teachers for such."

"Well any time you wish to teach me to throw hands.. I'll be here." Vincent said.

I chuckled before leaving with Zelda and that fool. I went to an alley and drew a glyph to Mills' house. Once I activated it, I went through with them. The fool was immediately ill upon arrival.

He wiped his mouth when he was done. "H-how'd you learn that? That was awful."

"I wished to know glyphs to wherever I wanted to go." I replied. I approached Mills' house and knocked on the door.

A scrap of a chair was heard, then footsteps, and Mills opened to door. "Hello, Isarial. What are you up to this fine day?"

"Well, I'd like you to manage this person." I said, pointing at the Fool. I then held up my hand briefly, before telling him my history with the person and his vices for lying, gambling and cheating. I concluded it with a shrug and saying, "He's a body to work towards our goals."

"Indeed. A body I will put to work. Hopefully he'll survive it." Mills said.

"Just out of curiousity, how do you feel about royalty?" I asked.

"Our royalty or royalty in general?" Mills inquired.

"In general." I replied.

"Well, I they actually do what they are supposed to, I have no problem with them." Mills replied.

"Perfect." I said. "But I don't intend to let them do as they are supposed to."

"I'm not sure I follow." Mills said.

"I'm going to intrude on your mind because it's sensitive information. I can not read minds or manipulate them." I warned him before I mind linked to him. <On the other continent there is a Mad King. I am going to kill him after rebuilding the burnt Kingdom. His daughter, I've heard, is a good person who seeks to restore the crown, she'd be a problem for me, but I don't wish to kill her, so I'll bring her to you to help you manage the town and the Denoir holdings when your brothers and Father are dead.>

He winced at the last part. <After everything you've said and done, I am not even surprised you know who I am. And I understand that's the necessity but it's still hard to hear that is going to become a reality.>

<I'm sorry to upset you. You are someone I value. Currently they are committing high treason and if you do not claim the land and title, the crown will seize it. I can try to manipulate matter so the land ends up in Hearthry hands, but I'd like your opinion.> I told him.

<I have never known the Hearthry's to want land or title.> He said. <I suppose I will.. have to take the lands.>

<If you do not want to, I can ask James to take it. He will if I ask.> I told him.

<If he wishes to take the lands.. Then he may have them. I'm a little.. burnt out on political affairs.> Mills replied.

<I'll handle that, then.> I nodded. <Does that mean you do not wish to be Mayor?>

<No, no. The mayor of a city is far different from being a noble.> He said.

"Thank you, Mills. I wish for your happiness from today onward." I told him, ending the mind link. "Truly. You deserve it."

"I don't know about all that, but I'll certainly take the wishes." Mills replied.

"It's ok, I know much. I'll leave that person to you, then. I must go and check on a friend." I said.

"Then, I will see you later." Mills said.

I nodded and left with Zelda after telling the Fool to obey Mills. I walked her a ways away before making a glyph to Sienna's tower. "I figure you're curious." I told her. "The princess of the kingdom I'm going to take over and rebuild is a problem. I had considered a political marriage with her, but I hadn't wanted to do that in the first place, and now I have you. Keeping her alive would hinder my legitimacy, and I don't want to keep her as a concubine. So I figured I'd introduce her as 'help' to Mills and maybe they'll like each other enough to marry one day."

"Aww, little match maker." She said.

"I feel pity for him, because in the other reality his is married to Sarial. That's simply not going to happen here." I told her. "But I grew to understand and respect him, and my respect is not easy to gain."

"Well then I hope this princess does the smart thing." She said.

I chuckled and kissed her forehead. "You took that in stride well."

"I find it easier to take it in stride than focus on anything bizarre you may say. It's easier on my mind." She said.

"I am a little strange, hm?" I asked, before knocking on the tower door.

"A little, yeah. But that's ok." She said.

I chuckled as Alexion opened the door. "Yes. He is awake. You may leave."

Amused, I entered the tower with Zelda following me. "You know, you should make some sort of expression when you say such things or people will find you abrasive."

"I was being serious."He said in the same tone.

I ignored him and went to the lounge room. Sienna had made. Sienna, Alexander, Sylvia and Plight were all there. "Hey, Plight. How are you feeling?"

"I feel despite Alexion's wishes.. Still alive and in good health." Plight said.

"Ah, he's not so bad." I chuckled. "He would just be sticking down if he was openly friendly, you see."

"There are loose screws in your brain." Alexion retorted.

"Indeed. I'd have to be insane to find you agreeable." I responded.

Alexion blinked in a manner that told me he didn't know how to respond. Sylvia and Alexander laughed lightly and Sienna said, "Daaang you sure stumped him."

"Alexion is just shy." I said, glancing at the shorter man. "If he's telling someone to go away, it's just because he doesn't know how to handle them."

"You should stop talking." Alexion advised.

"Don't know how." I replied, grinning. "Anyways, it's great to meet you, Alexander. I am Isarial."

"I hear I owe you thanks." Alexander said. "I've also been told to not ask you too many questions unless I want answers I shouldn't know."

I tilted my head slightly, then sat comfortably on the floor. "That's fair. Yeah. Very fair. Hey, Alexion, might I ask you for a favor?"

An expression came across his face. He was anxious and put off with my asking him that. "... What do you want?"

"If I came forms, knock me out or something. Don't let me hurt anyone." I said. "It's a full moon tonight, and my skin feels prickly."

He blinked. Processing the words. "Of course." He said.

"Did last night. She put me to sleep with a spell." I said, gesturing to Zelda. Then I looked at Plight, "And she took me into the orb to keep me from transforming in public earlier today. I'm sorry, Plight. I erred. Your sister and Zelda got harassed in the market today. Phintias is.. handling the occurance. But they were both shaken."

"For some reason, I'm surprised you let them live. But I'm not sure why." Plight said.

I smiled and said, "I wouldn't have. Pretty sure I broke some idiots nose when I punched their face. But comforting the Ladies was more important. And then I lost control. And if the Sultan hadn't said Phintias was going to handle it, I'd have tried to tonight."

"I will need to contact her and make sure she's okay then." He said.

"Phintias and I must go to the church in Winter's Halt in the morning, I can take you to Ymir's Town so you can spend the day with her, since he'll be out for atleast the morning. She hates being alone." I offered.

"I would appreciate that. Sienna, would you like to meet my sister?" Plight offered.

Sienna smiled brightly and said, "Certainly."

"Uh oh." I said. "I'll just warn you, those two will probably be thick as thieves. But they'd be able to go shopping together. Sienna is feral."

Sienna threw a pillow at me and pretended to be offended. Alexion commented, "You know her well."

"Alexander, I talked to Tilton. He is waiting for you to speak with him next, but he won't aim to kill you now." I said. "It was probably not necessary, but.. Anyways, he's... oddly gentle with his words."

"Wait. Tilton wanted to kill me? That's concerning. And now he wants to talk to me. Even better." Alexander said.

"Well, that's just based off my memories. Elf Tilton is more rational than Half-Elf Tilton. Which is probably confusing for you. My travels altered this world some." I told him.

"And none of us will ever know the full reprocessing to that." Sylvia commented.

"I think your life and Alexander's is better off this way, being together, that is." I smiled. "Alexander seems more of an entire person than a complete air head with you."

"Well that doesn't sound fair. I can be air headed or completely rational whenever I want." Alex replied.

I chuckled and said, "Sorry for slipping up. I was going to try to act like I didn't know you well. Bibs and Kershka should be back tomorrow, too, if you wanted to see them. May I share a memory with you?"

"Sure, what would you like to tell me?" Alex asked.

"It'll be through Mind Link. I am a Kalashtar." I explained. "I can not read minds."

"That's an odd qualifier, but ok." Alexander said.

I mind linked to him and began playing the memory of telling Tilton about Alexander's disappearance from the battle, and how Tilton had covered his mouth to hide a grin, but his cheeks had risen, showing his amusement. 'That does sound like him.' I stopped the memory there and ended the mind link.

"Ah. So my shame is already spreading." Alex said.

"To be fair, your blunder taught me a good lesson. You also saved myself and Dueling Rivers in your 'other' form last time. Even when you aren't you per se, you still help others." I told him.

"Well, I am glad my entire self wasn't lost. My memories of the time are very much gone." He said.

"I could share my memories of you at those time with you, but they never happened this time, and are irrelevant. To me, I still owe you a life debt." I told him.

"That's alright. You don't need to share them. I am more of an in the moment kind of fella." Alex said.

"Your children are wonderful people who I adore immensely." I told him.

"Could not tell that through your antagonism." Alexion said.

"You like it." I retorted.

"It does seem you get along with them quite well." Alex said.

"Alexion more so than Sienna." I admitted. "But Sienna enjoys hugging. And I do not like to be touched."

"I can see where that would be an issue then." Alex said.

"Hmph. I'll just hug Plight then." Sienna said.

Plight blushed a little and said, "If I can be of help."

I smiled at them. Atleast it was likely Eos would be born. "Plight. I've been rude to you. I neglected to ask your opinion while making my mind up on how things should be just because I saw how it can be. I apologize."

"I thank you for your consideration." Plight said. "So far, I am happy with the way things are going in my life. Which is a rare occurance."

"My brother is the one who made me realize that I shouldn't be so linear of mind." I said. "When I went to see Haril in the Capital, I came with plans to build a kingdom on the other continent. I had it in my mind that you and Alex's family would prefer to stay in Hearthstone or Dueling Rivers. When I told my brother of my plans, he wanted to become the treasurer. So I wanted to ask you what you'd like. This will not be done until close to the end of this year, so there is time."

"I would very much like to help you build a kingdom." Plight said. "If you'll have me along, I'll be glad to go."

I smiled at him and said, "Plight, if you weren't someone I wanted around I would have never tried to find you. You don't know me well, yet, but I have a bad tendency to keep people around even when I shouldn't if I consider them a friend. It's something I am going to work on, but I don't think you're a bad choice of friend."

"You are most certainly not a bad choice of friend." Plight said. "One of the first I can claim to have."

"I can't guarantee this ambition will be safe. You should also know I intend to destroy a clan of Leonin." I told him. "They may kill Snow Den, otherwise. Plus I kinda hate them for their abandonment of my Uncle, Dad and Snow."

"Sounds like we'll be busy over there then." He said.

"It's not an order this time, so I don't have to kill the kids." I told him. "I'll admit that I was conflicted on that originally."

"Hmph." Zelda said. "Knew it."

"Ok fine. Yes, I have a soft spot for kids, because they are innocent and don't mean to hurt others most the time." I said to her. "Kids are the products of their environment and don't have the reasoning adults do."

"Yes, because all adults have solid reasoning capabilities." Zelda pointed out.

"Perhaps not. But I will hold adults accountable for their stupidity." I replied.

"That's fair. They can be really dumb." Zelda noted.

"I agree that adults should be held accountable for the stupidity of their actions.. But that we should also forgive them sometimes for their actions." Alex said.

"Guilty conscience, Alexander?" Alexion asked.

Uncomfortably Alex said "... Possibly."

"Your actions weren't stupid. It would have worked. You just had extremely poor luck." I pointed out.

"I do indeed feel it would have worked. I don't know what happened." He said.

"I don't know, and I don't wish to speculate." I replied. "Though, I'll also admit to nearly losing a companion in a bag of holding.. it was the only way to escape the nine hells with her, though. I turned it out when we were safe."

"Being inside of a bag of holding is not something I'd ever recommend to another person, but if it worked for you, I'm glad." Alex replied.

"It was do or die." I shrugged. "And a little hilarious when all her stuff was spilt out on my Father's carpet. He was unamused."

"I could very much see him being pretty upset by things being spilled onto his carpet." Plight said.

I grinned. "He would have had her murdered long before that time if she hadn't been dating my uncle. I certainly learned my lesson with that entire situation."

"I'm guessing she wasn't a very good person." Alexander said.

"To put it bluntly... Asmodeus was a better ally and friend than she was." I said.

"I think we know two different Asmodeus'. The one I knew was a prick and followed our party everywhere." Alexander said.

I chuckled. "I know the feeling. He once put us all in an illusion where the bard's brain was ripped out, the barbarian had been overwhelmed by orcs. All that was left was a beat up child and myself. Then Bibs told me via a mental link to get his coat dirty. He had a meltdown and left, freeing us from the illusion."

"Nevermind. Same guy." He said. "It's a very effective strategy."

"Nope. He made it self cleaning after that." I sighed.

"Ah, well it took him long enough to come up with something like that. It was our strategy for years." Alex said.

"He really was nice to talk to.. while he was a snail." I said.

"He could be a wonderful conversationalist as long as he wasn't trying to kill you." Alex agreed. "He was always so fickle about that."

"Oh yes. His germaphobia was hilarious, especially when he tried to pull out my brain and instead got a little statue instead." I reminisced.

Zelda looked at me and said, "Do you have a little man running in your head? Is there a wheel?"

"No. I had died and Bibs sealed my soul to a little statue, made me a homunculous body." I told her. "I came back to before my death, so I can talk about it."

"What an interesting event to have gone through." Zelda said.

"How did you die?" Sienna asked.

"Blowing up a church with black powder and a fireball scroll." I answered.

"Aaah, You've told me about that." Zelda noted.

"That sounds extraordinarily painful. Why did you blow up a church?" Alex wanted to know.

"My mother said I should focus on the fact that there is an oblex spawn in the basement. But, in reality, I was bored and it sounded like a fun idea." I said. "I have grown from that mindset, and am no longer angry with the world."

".. If a monster has taken over a church, it should be eradicated." Alexion said.

"Define monster." I replied.

"An oblex for example. Though, I think you are asking if I find people to be monsters. The answer is yes. People can be monsters, too. Are you insinuating there are churches with problems aside from the oblex one?" Alexion asked.

I nodded. "I don't know of a good or safe church currently."

Alexion frowned deeply.

"I can attest that most churches leap to whatever conclusions they choose to. Which leads to problems." Plight said.

"Most gods don't appreciate vampires." Alexion said dryly. "I don't think this area serves my goddess, so I have no personal jurisdiction. But I would like to do something about it."

"There you go, son. A righteous crusade to fix the church's around here." Alexander said.

Alexion stared at him blankly for a moment, then said, "My goddess would approve."

I tried to hide my amusement. "I know it's hard to adjust to, Alexion. You'll get there. Atlest your father didn't leave you both alone on purpose. Mine abandoned me in an alley to be picked up by my owner, who I call my Dad starting this year. It turned out, I'd been sold to pay off his debt. Not that he'd wanted me anyways."

Alexion blinked rapidly and a look of sympathy washed over his face. "I am so sorry to hear that."

"Like I said, at least your father can love you and never would have willingly left you." I said.

Alexion shifted uncomfortably, turned red in the face, and said, "I don't hate him.. It's just odd to meet him after giving up."

"I'm sorry, son. I truly wish I could do it again, and watch my damn feet. I'm so happy you and your sister turned out so well." Alexander said.

Sylvia leaned her head on his shoulder to comfort him. She smiled slightly at me, when she noted I was looking at them. Alexion sighed a little and said, "You don't need to be sorry or change things. Just be there for Sienna now. I am usually with the religious sect back home, though I visit."