
Lord Pyreleos' Son God of Mercy and Flame

Growing up in the sums of the Capital City of the Valor Kingdom, Isarial is as much an orphan as any boy left to the slums would be. But is he? After a series of events proved him to be an adored son of a strict rich, yet cold merchant he was sent on a mission to assassinate the people who threaten to harm his Father's pregnant girlfriend. However, the mission goes awry and he is sent to a parallel universe. To get home, he makes a dangerous deal and selects the beginning of the year to return to. How shall this God touched boy's new life go? Better than the last, he swears. And he'll do anything to see that happen. For added context, I recommend reading The Sleeping Ox Guild. This story is based on that.

Irrylath · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Fey Things

"Oh, no I normally never pay the price a merchant states. For example, when I bought a pair of those boots in East Haven, I bought beads of force, a magic cart, and some other thing for one eighty." I told him.

"That's quite the haggle." He said. "The poor man who sold you that must have been quite desperate for the sale.. But I don't know the prices in the Kingdom."

"Naw, my group and I had killed every thug and guard in the place an hour before. He just wanted to live. I wouldn't have hurt him." I said.

"The price of one's life if quite the cost. I'm lucky no one has tried that here." Vincent said.

"If ever you have need to, seek shelter with Phintias. He'll protect you." I told him.

"Oh, I know of mister Phintias. He's been to my shop a few times. Even threatened Father once.. to turn him into a.. Vampire Spawn. Maybe he knew of the mountain, too." Vincent said.

"That's kind of hilarious." I said. "Which reminds me, I've been cursed with lycanthropy."

"Oh my. Have you tried going to the church?" He asked.

"It won't work. It was a loup garou. It has to be killed before there is a change to no longer be cursed. The good news is, all non magic attacks don't really hurt." I told him.

"Do you have an idea where the creatures lair is?" Vincent asked.

"Somewhere North of the mountains keeping to the West. That's all I know." I replied.

"Well, at least that's a searchable area." Vincent said.

"My father is having a team hunt for it." I told him. "Anyways, we need to go check on Plight's sister. We left her with Phintias for company."

"Alright, stay out of trouble, Brother." Vincent said.

"I will try to do a better job of that, Little Brother. I'll see you soon." I smiled. "If I remember I'll bring you a treat."

"Oh? Well that's something to look forward to." Vincent said.

I chuckled and left with Plight and our new gear. We found Phintias and Lucretia still on their tour. Lucretia had made some sort of covering to shield the pair from the sun. She was making him carry it, and he dutifully kept it over the both of them. Her face was still bright, clearly enjoying Phintias' company. Phintias had noticed us, but waited for us to get to them before reacting.

Lucretia hugged Plight and said, "Look, compromise!" Pointing at the item.

"It's a.. um, fine compromise. I don't believe I've seen something like that before." Plight said.

Phintias said, "Compromise is an important part.. of survival."

"There is a mushroom in the fey that resembles that. It's called a parasol." I told them. "How'd you make it?"

"Oh, I just got a bit of cloth and sewing things and some bamboo. The part that isn't edible for people." Lucretia told us.

I flinched a little, "Are your fingers ok?"

"They healed." She said cheerfully. Then blinked. "You know I can't sew without stabbing myself?"

"Yes, this one has an odd tendency to know things he shouldn't. But it seems fine." Phintias told her.

"Is that why you called him an oracle?" She asked.

"Indeed." Phintias nodded.

I smiled and said, "The Exalted one said my idea was cruel and he'd use it."

"Is it cruel?" Lucretia asked.

"In a way. It's mostly just out maneuvering the inept." Phintias replied.

I shrugged and said, "I intend to make a trip to the Fey before tomorrow. There are people I'm hunting."

"People your hunting? In the fey? That seems concerning." Phintias said.

"Oh, it's only an Archfey and her children if she has them." I replied. "Along with two others."

"It's 'only' an Archfey. Bold. I tend to be quite cocky, but even I wouldn't want to hunt an Archfey. In the literal sense or not." Phintias said.

"I have good cause to." I replied. "Do you remember Alexander Lockheart? The Bard who traveled with Bibs and Tilton?"

"Can't say that I do, no." Phintias replied.

"Unsurprising. Hardly anyone remembers him in his current state. But she can restore him." I explained.

"Well, if you need someone restored, an Archfey could certainly do it if they have a good enough reason to do it." Phintias said.

"Are you going with him, Brother?" Lucretia asked.

"Indeed I am." He looked straight at Phintias. "I trust that if you choose to stay here that Phintias can keep you safe."

"If she chooses to stay with me, I certainly will." Phintias agreed.

"I can cast Sunbeam, Brother. I'm fully capable of defending myself from people and lesser Undead with my Authority." Lucretia stated.

"Well, that works too. But not all threats are Undead." Plight said.

"Well, it's only a threat if my natural Allure doesn't enchant the person or creature." She pointed out.

"I don't know much about that or anything else our people can do. I've never put much time and effort into figuring that out." Plight said.

"Hold on." I interrupted, taking out the orb, "If you want to explain, let's go to a private place."

"And what is that?" Phintias asked.

"Archimedes' Vacation Orb." I answered.

"An Archimedes product, eh?" Phintias replied. "Alright. Let's go look at what he's created now."

He and the others touched it and I spoke the pass phrase to have us enter. "Here we are. General safety. Shall we go inside for your benefit, Phintias?"

"Yes, that would be rather appreciated. It is rather bright out here." He said grimly.

"I love it." Lucretia said cheerfully, but she pulled him by his arm towards the house.

"You can open the sliding door and move a chair to the sun, then." I replied.

Once she'd entered the house, she really did do that. She found the comfiest couch and moved it, by herself, to where she wanted it. She literally just picked it up with one hand. I watched her, a little astounded as she proceeded to rearrange the entire sitting room.

Once it was to her preference, she sat in a sunny spot and said, "All done."

"Well, never have to hire movers.." Phintias commented.

"I didn't know you were that strong." I said.

"Hm? The ring makes me a bit stronger. It's very handy." She said. "But vampires are also usually very strong. It is just odd to me, because Brother feels weakened."

"That's because I am." Plight said.

"Why?" She asked. There was no judgment in her eyes. Then realization struck her. "I had not thought their attempt to kill you would do such a thing. Would you not like to keep the ring, then? It will make you resistant to non-magic damage. It helps with hunger, too."

"Are you sure? This ring is very beneficial to you as well." He said.

"I'm one of the most high ranking vampires. A lot of the rings benefits I naturally had anyways." She replied.

"Hey Phintias, question." I said, interrupting the siblings.

"Yes?" Phintias asked.

"Can a wish duplicate the ring?" I asked.

"I don't know." Phintias said. "Personally, I've never tried to duplicate a magic item with a wish. Only way to find out is to try."

"Is that a good compromise you two?" I asked.

"If it works, I'd say it is." Plight said. Lucretia nodded.

So I went and got the sword. It was the last wish I had available to me, though I knew where another item was. I took a plain ring from my things, just some trinket I'd lifted from Miran to piss him off. With the ring in one hand, the sword in another, I said, "I wish this ring had all the properties that the Acheron Family's Vampiric ring possesses."

The sword and ring glew for a moment, before the ring begane burning into my palm. I dropped it, with a growl, clenching my first tightly against the searing feeling. Phintias approached me, "Are you alright? That seemed painful."

"Yes, I'm fine, hurts like a bitch, but I'm adjusting to it." I replied. "Well, try it Plight."

Plight gingerly picked it up and slipped it on to see what happened. It took a moment, but it attuned to him. "Hwuh." Plight sighed, adjusting to it. "Yup, that works. I'm not sure if that was the best use of a wish spell, but thank you."

"Well, now you won't feel guilty for taking it from Lucretia and she won't feel guilty for not giving it to you." I smiled. "Win, win."

"True. You can consider that a win win." Plight agreed.

"Besides, I know how to get another one." I said.

"Please say you don't mean the card game." Plight said.

"No. I doubt Archimedes will let me play again. There's twin devils in the way to get the other, though. I'm not strong enough to kill them yet." I told him.

"You are truly an odd one." Phintias commented. "What are you going to do with yet another wish?"

"Probably nothing. There's nothing in the world I want that I can't work towards." I replied.

"I'll make a suggestion. Never wish to be immortal. wish to be long lived if you'd like, never immortal." He said.

"All my closest friends are immortal or long lived." I pointed out. "Plight, Arity, and hopefully Lucretia are immortal. And the others, I haven't met again yet, are long lived by a lot. But I don't want to live. I also don't want to die."

"I understand that on a very deep level.. Maybe not for the same reasons." Phintias replied.

"I wish I knew what to tell you." Plight said. "But I don't think your in the right room of people. Or maybe it's the right one. I don't know."

I chuckled, "I suppose I should figure out what god is watching over me."

"How do we go about doing that?" Plight asked.

"I don't know. How bout we ask that guy there." I gestured to Phintias.

"Don't ask me. I stay away from the gods and they stay away from me." Phintias said.

"You've been treated like a God a few times though?" I said. "Look, you're chatty... Nevermind."

Phintias looked at me, with restrained annoyance and said, "Alright fine, I'll ask around. Just stop talking."

"I'm sorry, I don't have a filter. I blame my father." I replied, defending myself.

"Why don't you try divine channeling?" Lucretia asked.

I blinked and said, "I'm not religious. Being studied is the closest I've been to religion."

Her face blanched. "You've been studied on by religious people..."

"Not that badly. I know what they can get up to, saw what they did to an Half-Elf girl. I had a piece of the Shadowfell bound to me, and it was where it manifested that was studied to purify a city. I can assure you, no one has hurt me in that manner since I was six." I told her.

"Good gracious, boy." She said. "You've had a time."

"Anyways, you were going to tell Plight about your abilities? This 'Allure'?" I reminded her.

"Oh. Yes, the Allure is meant to attract people for an easy and willing meal. It's not something I can shut off." Lucretia explained. "I can also shapeshift."

"Sometimes I wish I had that ability, not for a meal, just.. Well anyway. Shape-shifting, huh?" Plight said.

She said, "Yes. I can look like anyone I have seen." She then changed her form into a child version of herself.

"Wow. Is that something I can do? Can I do that?" Plight asked.

She took in Plight's features and in Plight's voice said, "Focus on someone you wish to look like, and will yourself into their shape. Almost like bringing your fangs out."

Plight, to my surprise, became me. Lucretia returned to her normal form. She clapped her hands and praised him, "Good job, Brother!"

He looked at his hands and said, "I guess I succeeded."

"You wanted to take on my appearance?" I asked. Ideas started popping into my head and I chuckled bout it.

He looked at me and said, "I wanted something simple."

"Ouch." I said.

Plight chuckled and said, "Sorry, it was a good joke in my head."

"Oh, no. It was a good one. Just ouch." I laughed.

"Is being simple a bad thing?" Lucretia asked.

"Simple minded, yes. Simple looking? Depends on taste." Phintias replied.

"Alright. I'll keep that in mind." She said. "Let's see.. I don't know if it's the ring, or if it's our bloodline, but we do not bare the weaknesses or vulnerabilities of typical vampires, though I do know that being immune to the Sun is one of our natural traits."

"Yes and you are both quite lucky for it." Phintias said.

She looked at him and nodded and said, "Yes. I don't think I'd like to live without the sun." She touched his hand and smiled, "See how warm it is?"

He smiled for her and said, "Even if I were to ever become fully immune to the sun, I will always love the night."

"That's ok. The stars are lovely, too. I just enjoy warmth. But not fire." She said.

"Warmth is an endearing sensation." Phintias said.

She smiled at him, "Cool things are nice on hot days."

"Hm, yes. But I must be careful, my skin can get quite icy if left unattended." Phintias replied.

I didn't want to interrupt them, they were doing well. Looking at Plight, who'd returned to normal, I could see that Plight was hesitant, but accepting. He really didn't like vampires.

"I told you this place was really nice." She said.

Lucretia chatted with Phintias and her brother. She asked them various things and didn't show any signs of being afraid. It was good they were both so unintimidating. I nodded off some, thinking of various plans. By the time I opened my eyes next, either Plight or Lucretia had covered me up. I looked around, they'd continued their conversations.

I realized I'd made a mistake. I'd not paid enough attention to my different dietary needs. I hadn't even realized I had been tired to fall asleep, but I was at high danger of shifting if someone managed to get on my nerves, an easy task. Lucretia had noticed I was awake. I was sure my expression was calm, but she looked alarmed. After directly asking what was wrong, she informed my that my eyes had changed. Plight had looked and acknowledged that they had indeed changed. They were between red and purple.

I explained what was going on with me, before we returned to the town. I assured them, rightly or wrongly, that I can control it. I'd done it before, I just had to keep myself calm and monitor my habits. Anyways, Lucretia had decided she would stay with Phintias, she didn't want to adventure and Phintias stayed home or in town for the most part. I wasn't sure if they'd discussed marriage again or not, but Phintias looked pleased. He had his chance to woo her and could bring up marriage at his leisure.

Plight would be visiting her at will. I drew some of the glyphs for her on paper that would get her to us at Hearthstone or some other safe place, like the Capital to get to the Lucky Stone. It was just for emergency situations. I also gave her the one to Phintias' basement, just in case. I knew she was probably going to tease Phintias quite a bit. She sought ends to her lonely feelings physically, and in the alternate reality had slept with Dean even, though I heard that from him, not her. Guy talk.

It was officially no longer my business. Whatever Plight had discussed with her had left her very confident and feeling secure. I was very glad of it. After that was decided, Phintias continued his tour of the town with her, shielding them with the parasol. I took us to a secluded spot lit the lanterns, and drew the glyphs to a Fey city called Tir na Nog. The land through the mists. This glyph was complicated, and I was nervous to be going here. I didn't know how welcome either of us would be. But if I could speak to Sylvia, it'd work out.

As is, once I completed and activated the glyph, we stepped through to Sylvia's home on the outskirts of the city. I heard a young woman gasp as soon as we began to look around. I turned towards the sound and saw Sienna, the beautiful blonde haired blue eyed Elven woman. She had a little water spirit sitting on her shoulder and she had wild plants in a basket in her hands.

The three of us stared at each other for a good moment before she smile. "Hello, travelers, I am Sien, and you are?"

"I'm Rail and this is Light. I hoped to find Sylvia Briar." I told her.

She said, "You're looking for Amilësse? Why?"

"To help Alexander." I replied.

She dropped her basket in shock. "You know Alexander?!"

Plight stooped, cleaning up her basket, when I saw Alexion coming. "Shit." I hissed. I stepped before Plight, watching Alexion. He was in his paladin armor and coming home for the day. As soon as he realized we were there he used his Divine Sense, it was habit for him. His reaction was not good. He drew his sword and attacked us, going for Plight, who'd stood and given Sienna back her basket.

I barely managed to block his attack, he was a much stronger opponent than I currently was, and his god given duty was to destroy Undead, which Plight was. Sienna, not knowing the situation, teleported Plight and myself away, then followed us, casting her Leodmund's Tiny Hut. Her brother didn't manage to reach the casting area in time, and so yelled at Sienna to drop the hut immediately. Plight seemed a little taken aback, but I smiled at Sienna.

"Yes, I know Alexander and why he's not been home. You see, when he went to war against the Orcs, in the final part he got a genius idea. He'd use his bag of holding, trap the chief in it, and turn it inside out over a cliff. Unfortunately for him, he tripped over something and fell inside." I told her, to her growing horror, "No one saw to save him in the chaos. While in the bag, he began to change and alter until he became what he is today, a bag man. An unkillable, altered, demonic appearing entity. But Sylvia can reverse his change."

She shed tears as she heard of Alexander's blunder. She'd longed to meet him all this time. Her skin took on a blue appearance, so did her blonde hair. I didn't have it in me to comfort her as she needed. She turned towards her brother who angrily waited outside the hut and launched into him, crying over her father's tale. Alexander, angry but more concerned for his sister, wrapped his arms around her, keeping his blade towards us and speaking Elvish to her. Comforting her.

"Yes, Alexion," I said, "Plight is a vampire. But, he serves a god of mercy and flame. Can't you let him off the hook for being born?"

Alexion glared at me, "How is it that you know my name?"

"That is a long story that I won't be sharing so long as your blade is ready to harm my kindest and dearest friend." I replied firmly.

The stalemate continued until Sienna had recovered. "Alright. Let's go get Amile so that we may save my Father."

"Don't just believe them!" Alexion scolded her.

"I do believe." She replied. "I can tell that he's not lying. His mannerism say he was remembering, not imagining."

"That's a great way to put that." I agreed with her.

Alexion stared between us and his sister for a moment. Then sheathed his blade. "Fine. Mother will see the truth of the matter."

Plight sighed and said, "Paladin's never give me the chance to talk first."

"Just be glad he used the sword. A spell I couldn't have blocked. He's a stronger sorcerer than paladin. And he could lay us both out in a heartbeat." I told him.

"That's extremely concerning. Especially knowing the results of that." Plight replied.

The twins were leading us to find their mother now, "Yeah, well, I don't know that he'd act out here. There's enough Archfey here to knock him into the past or oblivion. Whichever they chose." I told him. "Incidentally, be kind to Sienna."

"I hadn't intended to be rude?" He said.

"You reek. That's pretty rude." Alexion said.

Sienna punched him in the ribs and said, "You know me, too?"

"In a way. I didn't mean to slip up. We're Plight and Isarial." I told her, "Sienna is a lovely person. You'll get along with her far better than I can."

"I.. I am.. I try to be very nice to people." Plight said.

"Ignore Alexion." I recommended. "He just has to get used to you." In Plight's mind, after mind linking, I told him, <In that other reality, Sienna was your lady. I hadn't thought she was born in this one..>

<She was my what?> Plight asked.

<Your lover. Essentially wife. She loved you as deeply as her parents love each other. I can't guarantee you that relationship, but she said she loved your kindness.> I explained.

<I'm not sure if you should be telling me all this. She's very attractive, but it's very hard for me to believe.> Plight replied.

<I understand. I could always prove it with sharing my memories with you.. I'll get her to travel with us once her dad is recovered.> I told him. <She's a lovely singer. You can grow to know her and see how you'd like to view her.>

<Alright. Don't share the memories. I was to experience this if it's a thing.> Plight told me.

"Incidentally, Alexion. There is two wars we are about to be in where we will be fighting in. One against the Shadowfell and one against Undead. Would you like to help us?" I asked him.

".. If there are undead enough to wage war... it is my duty to eradicate them, since I've learned of them." Alexion said. "What forces do you have on your side?"

"A few thousand men and retired adventurers against the Undead. Against the Shadowfell it's going to be us and a private army my Father controls. So a couple hundred or so." I explained.

"That's miniscule. Especially with how weak you are." Alexion replied.

"We can help because they're helping Alexander." Sienna said cheerfully.

"We?" Alexion frowned at her. "No. You can stay home with Mother."

"Nope." She said in a sing song voice. "I wasn't invited, but I will go." She sobered, "We're twins anyways. We should stick together, even if you're mean."

Plight suppressed a laugh.

Sienna looked at him, noticing his amusement and grinned, "Oh, your eyes are a happy color. How nice." She looked at mine. "Yours are sad and cold."

"Yeah, that sums me up." I agreed.

"He has a tendency to try and make everyone else happy. Then he'll be happy." Plight commented.

"Aww, that's so sweet." Sienna said.

We'd walked to a rather large building while we chatted. Sienna hesitated at the doors. She didn't want to head inside. A troubled look crossed her face. Alexion watched her for a moment, then petted her hair.

"Alright. You've worked hard. Stay here. I'll fetch Mother." Alexion told her before entering.

"Is everything alright?" Plight asked her.

The spirit we'd ignored that had hidden in her hair spoke to her in Elvish. ":Sienna, Sienna, everything's fine. I'm here.:"

"Yes, Undine, you are here." Sienna said. She turned to Plight and said, "I'm not very welcome here."

"Is someone.. being rude to you here?" Plight asked.

"Basically everyone. Elves are snobs." Sienna sighed.

"Well, you seem quite hospitable." Plight said.

"Well, Fey value manners above everything." Sienna said. "To be fair, they aren't rude to me, Mother wouldn't stand for it. But I'm not welcome here. Only in the trees with the Spirits, like Undine, enjoy my company. Mother and my brother, too."

"Well, so far, I have enjoyed your company very much." Plight said.

She smiled and gave him a hug, "Thank you." She stepped back and said, "Do you two want to look around? Mother will be a moment."

Plight looked at me. I said, "It is dangerous for this one in the Fey. He's forthright."

"Oh." Sienna said. "Well, with me and Undine it will be safe."

"Well, if you want to explore, there is an Eladrin village I need to visit." I shrugged.

"Ooh. Why?" She asked.

"To see a friend I've yet to meet, and convince her to stay home." I answered.

"Would you like to come with us and.. talk about your home?" Plight asked her.

"Sure, I'll go with you." Sienna said. She'd returned to Spring and so was cheerful again.

We walked down the steps, and I began drawing a glyph. I was unconcerned about doing this here, because regardless, someone would know exactly what we were up to. Once the glyph was finished, we walked through. Sienna was delighted to see somewhere else. Even though it was simply a little nomadic village. I walked through and saw Kali's father. After a moment I saw Kali.

I approached her with my companions following. "Don't go investigate the Mountain in the Material plane." I told her.

".. Excuse me?" She said.

Her father approached us. "Do not go investigate the mountain. I intend to handle it and see to the return of the seasons. The spirit's bodies died and they are trapped in the dead vessels at this moment. If you come to the Material Plane you'll have a hard time. There is no reason for you to come." I explained to her.

Her father was watching us. Kali tilted her head confused. Then put her hands on her hips, "If I have a hard time, then I'll get through it."

I knew I was going to murder the person who caused her death, but I didn't know if that would change her path. Then I noticed her father was writing a message. I waited respectfully, and he showed us the letter.

[If that is the case surrounding the halted seasons, then Kali has no reason to go to the Mundane Realm for this. Thank you for handling this matter and restoring balance. We look forward to the results.]

I bowed and said, "I appreciate you for listening."

He wrote more,

[I had disturbing visions of her death in the mountains. Whereas things have altered, the fact remains that she needn't head to her death so young.]

I nodded. "Yes, I agree."

With that, I bid them a good day, went back to where we'd come from and drew another glyph. This one took us to the strange place I got the pink spider egg from that had gotten me in trouble last time. Once we'd walked through the glyph, the Fey being I'd talked to appeared.

"Knew you'd be back for this." They said, offering me the egg. "It is yours to take, still. Happy days ahead."

I was surprised. "You remember me?"

"We all do. You traveled through Mundane time, not ours. Some things changed for the better for your having done so, however, so we are extra pleased." They said.

Sienna had placed her hand over Plight's mouth and she herself was pale and not speaking. Odd. I smiled, accepting the egg, "I had hoped this would be available again. My friend will love it."

"He will." They said, then vanished.

I erased that glyph and redrew the one to Sienna's home. As soon as we stood before there Sienna grasped my shoulders. "Do you realize who that was?!"

"No. Should I?" I asked. "I.. don't like being touched."

She looked dumb founded. She slowly let me go and said, "The last time you saw them went the same way?"

I was about to answer when Sylvia and Alexion appeared. "I don't appreciate you taking my daughter all over Fey's Creation today."

"Mother, he spoke to the UnderKing and lived, twice." Sienna said.

Sylvia looked surprised. "Oh my." She said. She then looked at the spider egg in my hands. "And you received a gift.. Do you know what that is?"

"No. But I got in sort of trouble when I gave it to my friend last time." I replied.

She looked surprised. "... You gave it to a friend..?"

"..Yes.. He loves spiders." I answered.

".. Alright. And you intend to give it to that friend again?" Sylvia asked.

".. Should I not?" I inquired.

"It's fine to. A child is indeed a lovely gift." She said.

"Yes?" I asked confused.

"This spider egg hatches a Fey spider that assumes human form." Sylvia explained. "They are very loving creatures. I am just surprised you'd give or receive one as a gift."

"Oh.. Ooh. OK. Yeah, I can see why Bibs was annoyed." I said.

"You know Bibs?" Sylvia asked.

"Yes. He's a friend of mine." I nodded.

"Interesting. And what have you come here for?" She asked.

"You. I wanted to ask for your help to restore Alex to being a human." I replied.

"By Alex.. you mean Alexander Lockheart, a bard?" She asked.

I nodded again. Then I explained to her what had happened to him. She listened to it, then thought for a moment. Soon, she made up her mind. She would come with us to lure him so she may restore him. She ordered her children to get their instruments and prepare themselves. Soon enough, we were ready to go back to Dueling Rivers.