
Saturday 8th July 1995

"Minister I believe that we should first address the charge of being an unregistered animagus as the other charges all stem from the same incident." Amelia Bones turned to address Fudge who was seated next to her.

"Proceed as such Madam Bones." The Minister still looked annoyed at his failed plan.

Reading her notes Amelia fought to keep a smirk off her face. "Lord Potter you are accused of have an unregistered animagus form, according to witnesses that of a Phoenix, and having failed to register with the Ministry during the month since the end of the school year."

Daffodil leant over to whisper in Harry's ear. "How has your holiday been so far?"

"Amazing. It's really cool to see more of the world." The young Lord responded in likewise fashion.

"It is true that my client, Lord Potter, has a Phoenix animagus form. It is also true that he is not registered with the Ministry." Daffodil stood for long enough to respond to the Head of the D.M.L.E before returning to the seat.

"So you are admitting to the crime despite having failed to plead guilty." Umbridge interrupted gleefully.

Bones turned a scornful look at the interfering Ministry employee. "That will be quite enough Madam Umbridge. This is a Wizengamot trial and only Members and the prosecution team of Minister, Head of the D.M.L.E and Chief Warlock are allowed to question the accused. That being said it is a valid point Lord Potter."

"It is true that Lord Potter is an animagus, and that he is unregistered, but he has not broken the law and therefore why would he plead guilty?" This time Daffodil didn't even bother to stand fully but just barely left her seat.

"His Lordship does not exempt him from this law or the punishment for breaking it." Fudge interjected.

Daffodil smiled sweetly at the Minister. "Of course, Sir. However that was not what I was referring to. Section 57 of the Transfiguration Act, the section dealing with Animagi, clearly states 'an individual who studies to become an Animagus during their education, whether at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry or elsewhere, has one month from the termination of their schooling to register with the Ministry'. My client has not terminated his education with Hogwarts and therefore can't have failed to meet the one month deadline."

Sirius caught Dumbledore's attention and indicated that he had a question for the accused. "Lord Black is recognised."

"Thank you Chief Warlock, Minister, Madam Bones and fellow Members of the Wizengamot. Obviously the Law was written under the assumption that only seventh year students would be studying how to become one, or graduates in later life, and didn't take into account a fourth year student achieving such an impressive feat. Lord Potter, how is it that you learnt this particular skill?" Sirius eyes were dancing with mirth.

Alest pulled a document from his briefcase before standing up. "Lord Black my client was taught personally by Minerva McGonagall, the Transfiguration Professor and Deputy Headmistress at Hogwarts. This is signed testimony from Professor McGonagall saying so and she is willing to come here and testify in person if it is deemed necessary."

The testimony was given to Amelia who then circulated copies around the room. While that was happening Dumbledore examined the original before verifying it as legitimate to the room.

After several more questions, mainly around his form and what it meant for the first ever confirmed magical form for an animagus. Harry was polite but only answered those questions with that while they had several theories regarding how it happened he refused to go into more detail than that.

Several Members had tried to force him into telling them, but were stumped at every attempt by the simple fact that they had no legal grounds to gain that information as it wasn't relevant to the trial, nor was it a crime to withhold an unproven theory from the Wizengamot. "It could also prove dangerous if an unproven theory got out and people tried to use that to become animagi with magical forms. I refuse to be responsible for letting out information that may harm, or even kill, somebody. I won't have that on my conscious."

"Without any new questions for the accused let us have a vote on whether or not to remove the charge of illegally being an unregistered animagus from today's proceedings. As always a vote of two thirds majority must be reached to remove a charge. Lord Potter you are unable to vote." Albus declared while scanning the room.

Harry smiled as all but 4 Members voted to dismiss the charge, meaning that a vote on his guilt would never come to pass. It didn't make much of a difference either way to Harry but it threw a spanner in the well-laid plans of those trying to destroy him so he couldn't help but smile.

"Lord Potter, the other charges all come from an incident on the 30th June this year. (A/N: I have made a scheduling mistake and therefore according to dates given in early chapters this trial and the incident are both on the 8th of July so have changed the date of the Dementor attack) On this day you cast two charms breaking both the Statute of Secrecy and the law preventing underage magic users from spellcraft outside of school. What do you have to say for yourself?" Amelia Bones continued proceedings.

Alest took over the defense. "Witches and Wizards of the Wizengamot it is a very serious allegation that the Ministry has brought forward today. Allegations of these two crimes could result in Lord Potter being thrown out of Hogwarts, having his wand snapped, his magic bound even. Before this progresses any further I ask what evidence has the Ministry got? This is a farce of a trial and the sooner the Ministry admit they have absolutely no evidence of a crime, the sooner my client can return to enjoying his holiday."

Usually antagonising the government is not a smart tactic, especially during a trial, but it was all part of the plan. The masterplan. Proving Harry was innocent would not be enough, instead they were going to prove that Harry Potter was on a warpath.

"Obviously the Improper Use of Magic Office received a record of your spellwork, recorded in the 'Underage Magic Book' via the Trace attached to your wand." Minister Fudge drawled out.

"Will the book be submitted into evidence?" Alest inquired politely.

Umbridge shuffled nervously in her seat before leaning over to whisper in the Minister's ear. Fudge nodded before speaking. "Unfortunately the risk to the book is too great for it to leave the Improper Use of Magic Office."

"So your only evidence is a book you are unwilling to produce? Surely if the book is given an Auror escort its guardian can bring it the very short distance to this courtroom… Madam Bones could you please arrange for it to happen?" Alest bulldozed on.

Before the Minister could object Amelia had sent off a patronus messenger and the lawyer had returned to his seat obviously content to wait. While they waited the room was buzzing with the whispers of both Members and the audience of media sitting in the cheap seats. This morning was shaping up to be much more exciting than your typical Wizengamot session.

It took the better part of 10 minutes before there was a knock at the door, the audience fully aware of how agitated the Minister and his Undersecretary appeared in complete contrast to the accused throughout the wait. Madam Bones let in the keeper of the book and her two auror escort.

"Mrs. Hopkirk, thank you for making yourself available to us this morning. Can you please confirm that the book in your hands is the record of Underage magic book?" The Chief Warlock inquired.

Mafalda Hopkirk made a show of checking out the book before responding. "Yes Chief Warlock, Sir."

"Thank you Mrs. Hopkirk. Can you please hand the book to Madam Bones? There will be several more questions for you soon." Albus smiled at the Ministry employee as she followed his instruction.

Amelia accepted the book and flipped through the first couple of pages before closing it again. "As is standard practice I will now cast a detection spell to test if the book has been tampered with since the last scheduled check, which was on the first on January this year. Tesario Virganic."

The book pulsed with a red light twice before it started flipping through pages on its own power. After a minute it came to rest on a page and two lines started to glow red. Amelia Bones held up the book for all to see.

"As you all can see the two entries from the day in question, saying that Harry Potter cast the Patronus Charm twice, is a fraudulent entry in the book. Mafalda can you remember anything unusual about the 30th of June?" Amelia asked the other lady.

Mafalda thought about it for a moment before responding. "No Director."

Bones scowled. "So nothing happened? Nobody visited?"

"Oh yes, we had a visitor. The Senior Undersecretary visited, but that is not uncommon how she used to work in the Office." Mafalda Hopkirk smiled at the woman asking the questions.

"And what time did she visit?" Was the next question asked.

Hopkirk didn't even have to think. "Just before 11:30. Maybe 11:10 or quarter past. I had an 11:30 meeting so only got to talk for a few minutes."

"What did she do in the Office?" Albus asked.

"I couldn't really say, I had a meeting like I said. We talked for a few minutes and then she asked if she could borrow some stationary to write down an idea she had had and then I left." Mafalda looked apologetic for being unable to help.

Amelia cast the counter spell on the book before closing it and returning it to Mafalda's possession. "Thank you for your time Mafalda, you can return to your office."

"One question for Mrs. Hopkirk if it pleases you Madam Bones?" Alest stood up and inquired.

Amelia nodded. "Proceed Mr. Ollivander."

"Mrs. Hopkirk can you confirm that you sent this letter to my client?" Alest handed over the letter informing them of the breach Harry was accused of.

The Ministry employees brow furrowed. "It has my name, and it is on my stationary, but I have no recollection of writing or sending this. I'm sorry."

"Thank you, that is all." Alest responded while waiting for her to leave. "Madam Bones this is the letter we received on the 30th of June from Mrs. Hopkirk informing us of Lord Potter's alleged Underage Magic use. I would like to enter it into evidence as you all just witnessed that the supposed author of the document can not recall it."

"Just because she doesn't recall writing it doesn't mean she didn't." The Minister interjected.

Alest nodded sagely. "Perhaps, however that would be unlikely give that it was only a week ago and she just showed us all that she remembers that day vividly."

"Mr. Ollivander can you give me that letter?" Amelia held out her hand and waited for him to walk over and give it to her. "Is this the original?"

"Yes it is Madam." Alest responded while he returned to his seat.

Everyone watched as firstly Madam Bones examined it carefully before handing it over to Albus who did the same. Lastly the Minister received it before checking it and reluctantly confirming that it was Ministry paper.

"There is a charm that may work to verify who wrote this paper, if you can indulge me Chief Warlock?" Amelia looked at the man beside her.

Dumbledore smiled his trademark smile. "Of course Madam Bones."

"Lacala." With that the paper shot into the air, circling around Amelia's head. After several seconds it took off on a direct path towards Umbridge hitting her in the face and wrapping around her head.

"Finite." Bones cast the counter charm and the letter dropped to the table in front of Umbridge. "It only works when another Ministry employee writes on parchment from an office they are not attached to, but as you can see when cast it causes the document to return to who wrote it. In this case Undersecretary Umbridge."

"Madam Bones I believe this is a good time for us to enter into evidence some documents that we came across while working on Lord Potter's defense." Daffodil spoke up while she and Alest started pulling out documents.

"Proceed council." Dumbledore responded.

Alest stood up holding a single sheet of paper. "On the 25th of June the Minister and his Undersecretary were witnessed in talks with Lucius Malfoy and less than 30 minutes later Malfoy transferred 5,000 galleons into the Minister's account. It was also at this time that Undersecretary Umbridge went on leave without giving a reason for it. What was this money for Mr Fudge?"

The Minister looked outraged. "Those goblins told you that? I will have their heads for this! Transfers are private!"

"Usually that is the case, Minister, but this time there were special circumstances. When Malfoy junior attacked Heir Black less than a year ago it breached the conditions of the contract for marriage between Lucius and Narcissa Black. Part of that breach involved the return of 40,000 galleons from the bride price. At the time the Malfoy's only had 46,000 galleons in their account, and Lord Black didn't want to leave them destitute so waved the other 10,000 galleon debt." Daffodil respond to the Minister.

Alest took over once more. "What many people don't know is that in this circumstance Gringotts keeps track of the offending parties accounts to insure they are not cheating the other party. Because of this we were alerted to a transfer as large as the one that Malfoy gave to the Minister. What was that money for Minister?"

"None of your business!" Fudge shrieked out.

"Mr Ollivander, Mrs Smith, this is quite irregular. What does any of this have to do with the charges against your client?" Albus interrupted.

"Simple, Chief Warlock. We believe that payment was part of a conspiracy between Malfoy, the Minister and his Undersecretary and some other outside parties against the life and freedom of Lord Potter." Alest stopped there as the entire room gasped.

Fudge looked equal parts angry and scared as he yelped out. "Outrageous!"

Umbridge wasn't quite as refined. "I will ruin you for this stupid Half-Blood!"

"Order! Order!" Dumbledore yelled out, trying to regain control of the room. "That is a very serious accusation which I hope you are not making lightly."

"Of course not. The transfer of funds is just the first piece of evidence. The unexplained absence of Madam Umbridge is the second. Is it not suspicious that minutes after that meeting she went on leave, and only returned to work minutes after the attack on Lord Potter by a pair of Dementors. Even more unusual is the fact that the first thing she did was go to the Misuse of Magic Office, where she wrote that letter to Mr. Potter, before going to the Ministers office and ending her leave." Alest turned his attention to the Undersecretary. "There is also the fact that Undersecretary Umbridge went to Azkaban less than an hour before the attack on Lord Potter and presented a note to the Warden who then released two Dementors into her care; the only two Dementors not accounted for in all of Britain at the time of the attack on Lord Potter."

More gasps and yells of accusation and disgust filled the room at that. The fear was evident on both Fudge and Umbridge's faces as they realised just how bad this was going to go for them. Nobody was supposed to think to ask the Warden.

"Lord Ollivander can you please confirm to the Wizengamot what your Family member Garrick Ollivander told you this week?" Daffodil asked one of the Members.

The man in question stood up and politely nodded to Daffodil. "Of course Miss Smith. Garrick, who you all know runs the family wand business, confirmed to me that during the Christmas Holiday break at Hogwarts Lord Potter had the Trace removed from his wand. As a recognised Lord he was no longer considered Underage and therefore had the Trace removed before it would naturally wear off in several years time."

"As you have heard today the entrance in the Book Of Underage Magic was fraudulent, but of course it had to be given the Trace was no longer attached to the wand. How then was the fact that Lord Potter cast two Patronus Charms on the day in question known? The only possible way is that after Umbridge set the Dementors upon Lord Potter she stayed to watch what happened. It is obvious that her plan was to have Lord Potter's soul sucked and if that failed have him thrown in Azkaban for defending himself!" The last part was barely heard as Alest's words were drowned out by the yelling from dozens of different people.

The cannon-blast charm was readily employed by Dumbledore but it still took him minutes to regain control of the room. "Why do you feel this happened?"

"It is hardly a coincidence that the day after Lord Potter claimed that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has returned that an accused Death Eater paid the Minister and exorbitant fee, and then the Minister and his Undersecretary were involved in an attempt on Lord Potter's life." Alest words caused more of an uproar and this time a fair bit was directed his and Harry's way.

Amelia spoke next. "Lord Potter's claim has not been verified about the return of the individual calling himself the Dark Lord Voldemort."

"Actually Madam Bones, they have been." A figure in a black cloak stepped out of a shadow causing all in attendance to gasp as nobody had seen him standing there.

"Unspeakable this is most unusual. Why are you here?" Albus was confused, never before during his tenure had an Unspeakable appeared before the Wizengamot without being asked to appear.

The Unspeakable walked into the middle of the room, slowly turning around surveilling the room. "After he claimed the return of Voldemort we brought Lord Peverell to our offices to investigate. After reviewing his memory of the event as well as research of our own we have found evidence to support Lord Peverell's account of that evening. Using a Blood Magic laden ritual servants of Voldemort returned him from whatever state he has been in for the last decade."

"How did he survive?" Lord Ollivander questioned aloud.

The Unspeakable snarled, audibly. "Dark Magic. Very dark Magic. Some of the most evil magic ever created. That is all I feel comfortable disclosing."

With his piece said the Unspeakable disappeared from the middle of the room. That stunned everyone because he hadn't moved, spoken or anything. He just disappeared.

Before anybody else could say anything there was a doorbell type noise and the doorway glowed yellow. The Head of the D.M.L.E spoke up. "One of my Aurors needs me for a moment, please pardon the interruption."

She walked over to the door and opened it to reveal Tonks standing there holding several letters and the arm of a nervous looking Percy Weasley. The Auror bent over and whispered to her boss who nodded and led the pair into the courtroom.

"Witches and Wizards of the Wizengamot Auror Tonks has something to share pertaining to this morning." Bones indicated the young woman.

Tonks looked nervous. "Ah… This morning when Lord Potter found out about the change in trial time he asked me to go down to the Owl station and confirm what time they had sent him the notice. They told me no letter to Lord Potter, his Lawyers or Lord Black had been sent in days. I waited and roughly 5 minutes ago Mr. Weasley here arrived to send letters to Lord Potter and Lord Black."

"Mr. Weasley why are you only just trying to send those letters now?" Amelia Bones questioned.

Percy shuffled nervously. "Well Undersecretary Umbridge told be to wait until 9:45 to send these out."

Harry stood up for the first time and every eye in the room snapped to him. "In light of the evidence brought forward today I am calling for the 'Myrddin vote' immediately!"

The Lords of the Hereditary houses and Amelia Bones all sat up straight at that whereas confusion reigned supreme around the room. "What do you mean by that Lord Potter? What is that vote?"

"When the Ministry was created and empowered several checks and balances were created, one of which is the 'Myrddin vote'. It is a vote that is only for the Hereditary seats and can be called upon when the Minister's Office has been seen to attempt to overthrow the Hereditary seats. Throwing Lord Black, when he was Heir Black, in Azkaban without trial and the attempted assassination of two Hereditary Lord's, Lord Potter and Lord Peverell, shows a history of the Ministry and Minister attempted to destroy the Hereditary votes. They also are willing to throw innocent men in Azkaban." Harry explained to the room.

Lord Ollivander stood up. "The outcome of a successful vote is the removal of the entire Minister's Office, who are then investigated by a Wizengamot panel which doesn't include any affected parties, and the Minister position temporarily assumed by all of the Hereditary seats working in committee. They have a fortnight to instill a replacement Minister who holds the position for six months while an election is organised. I second Lord Potter-Peverell's call for the vote."

"I vote guilty!" Said Sirius starting the vote.

Lord Ollivander, Lord Gilios, Lord Ruwas and Harry all also voted guilty making it a clean sweep. "Cornelius Fudge you are hereby relieved of the Office Of Minister Of Magic alongside your entire staff. Lord Ruwas would you please lead the inquiry? You can choose the other 4 Members to be on the panel. Madam Bones have your Aurors bring Lucius Malfoy in for questioning on charges of attempted murder, conspiracy against the Wizengamot and whatever else you feel he is guilty of."

"Lord Potter the vote on your guilt still has to take place." Amelia Bones reminded him.

2 minutes later Harry took his Wizengamot seat grinning widely. 80% successful so far and now for the next part of the plan. As people started filling out Harry called out. "Can the Hereditary seats please stay behind. We have business to see to."

When only the 5 other men were remaining he spoke up again. "I feel we should declare war on Voldemort. The longer we wait they more trouble it could cause us."

With agreement all around and resounding support for this direction the group dispersed and Harry left the courtroom. "Lord Potter! Lord Potter! A minute of your time please?"

Harry turned around to see a small, young blonde girl who looked vaguely familiar. He might have seen her at Hogwarts or in Diagon Alley or somewhere. "Yes?"

"Luna Lovegood for the Quibbler magazine. How do you feel about today's proceedings?" The girl asked.

"Vindicated." Harry smiled at the girl. "Obviously it's disgusting that the Minister would conspire to have me murdered or thrown in Azkaban but we got the truth out and now Fudge will face the consequences for his actions."

The girl jotted all that down on a notebook before continuing. "And what was discussed by the Hereditary Lords after the end of the trial?"

"We decided to declare war on Voldemort and Lord Gilios is heading to the Minister's Office right now to engage the correct defensive measures while Lord Ollivander has gone to tell Madam Bones." Harry was happy to share this news.

Once again Luna wrote it all down before continuing. "What's next for you?"

"I'm just going to enjoy the rest of my time before classes start again at Hogwarts. That's all for today." Harry waved goodbye to the girl before making his way towards the exit.


Saturday 8th July, 3pm.

Harry appeared before the doors of Hogwarts in a ball of flame. Dumbledore had caught him just before he left the Ministry and told him there would be a meeting at Hogwarts after dinner that he wanted Harry at.

It was a bit early for the meeting but he figured he could get some Board work done while he was there. Harry would never have guessed just how much paperwork there was involved in being a Board member for anything. Even worse when you are the person in charge.

The solid doors were closed but swung open on well oiled hinges at his touch, allowing the young man entrance to the castle. The doors usually stay sealed over the period between terms and entrance to the castle is limited to those who are allowed through the Floo network, but as Chairman of the Board they recognised his right to pass unhindered. Harry closed the doors behind him and felt them seal the entrance once more.

Tonks and Shacklebolt were not pleased with the boy being unguarded, but they had several meetings at the Auror office this afternoon and Harry had promised to stay behind the Hogwarts wards until they got there. The Aurors were all out of sorts with the sudden declaration of war and Amelia had her hands full getting everyone up to speed.

Harry made his way through the castle languidly, enjoying the stir his presence made for the portraits adorning the walls. Level by level he climbed the castle with the whispers and muted tones following him the whole way to the top floor.

"Mr. Potter! What are you doing here during the break?" The fat lady asked from where she guarded the entrance to the Gryffindor common room.

"The Headmaster invited me for a meeting this evening but I figured I would make the most of the quiet and get some work done here, Finella." The boy filled the painting in.

Finella's brow furrowed at that. "I'm sorry Mr. Potter the password has not been set by the new Head of House yet so no level of flattery will get you in. Even if I haven't been called by my name in a century."

"Override Board Chairman code Cadhaearn." Harry let a bit of authority into his voice and the portrait popped open.

"Don't make a mess Mr. Potter!" Finella got the last word as he closed the entryway behind him.

The castle had several override passwords, one for the Headmaster, one for Board members and one for the Board Chairman. The Chairman and Headmaster codes worked throughout the castle on any sealed doorway or hidden passageway, while the regular Board one couldn't get into staff bedrooms. Rumours spoke of the founders having places sealed even to the Chairman but Harry didn't know if that was fact or fiction. Maybe he should test it on the Chamber Of Secrets.

Pulling a miniature briefcase from his pocket Harry expanded it to its proper size before flicking the catches and opening it. Pulling out the relevant documents he settled down to the mind-numbing reading. And Harry thought History of Magic has bad.


The house-elves had splashed out for dinner with three extras in for dinner, and it was much nicer than the standard fare according to Albus. Harry had focused on the food and ignored the glares sent his way from Snape and Filch, while Tonks looked uncharacteristically worried and Shack had engaged with Dumbledore in conversation.

Not feeling like having dessert Harry stood up and made his excuses. "Headmaster where are you planning on hosting the meeting? I think I will make my way there now."

"The meeting room on the second floor, do you know the one?" Albus tore his attention away from the Auror he had been discussing the merits of oak to iron transfiguration with, in comparison to using yew.

Harry did a quick mental check before shaking his head. "Never been to it, but I'm sure I can find it. Enjoy your dessert."

He noticed that Tonks stood as he was leaving and slowed his pace for her to catch up. They walked silently beside each other as they tried to find the meeting room. In took them five doors to find the right room.

"So tell me Tonks, what's up? What's going on with you?" Harry asked while pushing a chair up against the wall and collapsing into it.

The Auror sat in a chair and put her feet up on the table that dominated the room. "It's this whole 'declared war' business. When I joined the Auror academy I thought I would be a bobby right? I know that it's different to the muggle world but it's the same idea right? I never thought I would be a soldier in a war! And no offence but I wasn't sure if I believed you about you-know-who before and I could pretend that it was business as usual, but now? Now… I'm scared."

"Do you remember the last war?" Harry wanted to be comforting but he didn't know how in this case especially given she is older than him.

Tonks nodded her currently black-haired head. "I was young but old enough to know bad things were going on and people were dying. I had some nightmares on and off for a few years."

"Do you want to know a forgotten truth?" Harry inquired and Tonks shyly nodded. "Most Death Eaters were pretty useless. They might know two 'Dark Spells' but apart from that everything else they learn from Hogwarts. Maybe 30 Death Eaters knew 5 spells outside of the school curriculum that could be used in a fight, and at most 20 were better than that. I assume it will be much the same this time around. How many combat spells have you learnt as an Auror? A dozen?"

"I don't know, but something like that." Tonks seemed a little more confident now.

"One-on-One only the very top Death Eaters, Voldemort's inner circle, would be able to last 2 minutes with any Auror. The Death Eaters had success by attacking in five-on-one or eight-on-two type circumstances when sheer volume of spells made up for their lack of ability. And they used the Killing Curse. And the fact that everybody was so afraid of them that hardly anyone fought back. You will be able to hold your own against any of them Tonks, and come out on top." Harry was sure he was starting to comfort the girl with what he was saying.

Her hair had returned to vibrant pink. "Thanks Harry! I feel much better now." A thought crossed her mind and the hair dulled in colour a little. "And what if I'm against you-know-who?"

"Run. Don't bother engaging him, get a safe distance and then apparate away. Voldemort is actually dangerous. I don't care if you have Shack, Mad-Eye and a couple other Aurors beside you and he's on his own, all of you need to get out." Harry turned serious.

"But it's fine for you to confront him? Bit arrogant of you isn't it Potter." Tonks obviously felt hurt and insulted at that.

Harry let out a short, humourless laugh. "I have never confronted him and never intend to. He has come after me several times and only dumb luck has let me get here. I'm not being patronising Tonks but Voldemort is best left to the professional; Dumbledore."

The Auror was formulating a response when they were interrupted. "Harry! How are you dear? What are you doing here? When are you coming to the Burrow?"

Harry's eyes swung to the door just in time to see Molly Weasley enter with her husband, Shacklebolt and the Headmaster. "Mrs. Weasley, Mr. Weasley how are you?"

Harry just managed to leave his seat in time before he was pulled into a crushing hug. Looking over Mrs. Weasley's shoulder he was able to locate Arthur's hand and shake it before escaping Molly's grasp and regaining the ability to breathe, only catching several of the words she spouted out about how the Weasley Clan was.

"The Headmaster invited me to this meeting. I've been enjoying my break, spending time with Sirius and Remus. I might be able to make it to the Burrow near the end of the holidays." Harry finally got around to answering Molly's earlier questions.

When his words registered she spun on the offending Headmaster. "Albus! He's a child! He doesn't need to be here for this."

"Molly… Harry can be a valuable voice in this meeting and I am sure will have a lot to add. He also is no longer a child, but Lord Potter." Albus was calm under the anger of the mother of 7.

Molly was not swayed from her opinion so easily. "Albus he is a child! Harry how about asking the Deputy Headmistress if she will let you use her Floo and going to the Burrow."

"No Mrs. Weasley. The Headmaster has not told me what this meeting is about but I think I should probably make the decision on whether or not it's suitable for me to be here myself." The boy in question jumped to his own defense.

"Right you are Lad. The Death Eaters aren't going to go gentle on children, him especially, so you can't shelter him woman." This came from Mad-Eye who had just stumped into the room with Flitwick and a man and woman Harry didn't recognise.

"How are you doing Alastor? Is the recovery going well? He is right Molly, Harry won't be sheltered from this coming war no matter how much you wish otherwise." Dumbledore walked over to greet the newcomers and pulled Mad-Eye to the side and into a whispered conversation.

Harry sat back in his chair from earlier and caught the eye of Tonks who looked much like her usual self and was only just holding in her laughter. That's how the room stayed for the next ten minutes with Mad-Eye and Dumbledore in intense discussions, Molly ranting to Arthur and anybody who would listen, and a slow stream of people being brought to the room by McGonagall and Flitwick.

Including Harry the group was soon 15 strong, many of whom Harry had never met before, and he pushed his chair back to the table and sat there with Hagrid on one side and Sirius on the other. Shack stood resolute behind Harry while Tonks stayed in her seat from earlier but was obviously in alert mode.

"New friends, and old acquaintances, I would like to welcome you all here to the first meeting of the reborn Order of the Phoenix. From the ashes of this last decade of peace unfortunately we must rise up to defend our world. Voldemort is back, and I am sure he will not be a better person this time around. Positive steps have already been taken to insure our enemies defeat, and tonight we will discuss our next moves." And with those words Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster Of Hogwarts, and a man with too many titles to list here, started his war effort.


Saturday 8th July, 9am.

The formal dining room of Malfoy Manor was big enough for a 30-a-side table, but the table had been removed to create more room for the throne room of Lord Voldemort which had replaced its original purpose. From his throne surveying all Tom Riddle bathed in the screams of the two muggles and single low-level Ministry worker that his slaves were torturing.

Death Eaters he called them to their faces, and they loved it, but he knew the truth. They were his slaves. Proud Purebloods who willing bowed the knee and worshiped him. Pathetic, the lot of them.

He had met a lot of witches and wizards in his 68 years of life, even if for a decade of it he had been disembodied, and yet less than a handful he had met in that time weren't pathetic. Albus Dumbledore was the only one of them that he had to worry about, and year by year age was weakening the old fool so that soon even he wouldn't be a concern.

He also couldn't overlook that grizzled old Auror Moody. Barty Crouch, costly loss that he was, only just managed to get the drop on the crazy veteran and Voldemort was well aware that it wouldn't happen again. In the last war Voldemort took Mad-Eye's leg and while he would never admit it it was a lucky cast that hit.

Malfoy had acted angrily and without his consent in organising the attack on Potter, but it had actually worked out brilliantly. Any minute now one of his minions would arrive to tell him the good news that Potter was on his way to Azkaban.

The revelation that Potter could apparently use the Animagus ability to turn into a Phoenix, and use the mysterious flame-travel, was concerning, especially when none of his slaves knew about it in advance, but soon he would have the needed knowledge of how to beat it. Tom had even briefly toyed with trying to become an Animagus because if Potter was a Phoenix imagine the magical beast he would be, but several things scuppered that idea.

One of the rituals he had used to bolster his power had made it impossible for the Animagus transformation. Nobody knew why that was, but it even stopped prior Animagi from being able to force the change. Besides; Lord Voldemort would never lower himself to the level of becoming an animal, even a magical one.

"Death Eater, friend, go fetch Snape and Rookwood." Tom singled out one of the men standing off to the side watching the festivities. "And bring over one of our guests for me to entertain personally."

One of his slaves, Alewood maybe, something like that anyways, grabbed the leash around the neck of the young female muggle and led her over. She was a pretty thing, or at least had been before they captured her, and he guessed she was about 17 years old. Voldemort's looks of his 17-year-old self had long since vanished but he was happy to sacrifice them for immortality.

"Welcome young one. You are one of the few privileged enough to be brought before my throne. Bow to your Lord, bow to Lord Voldemort." Short but magnanimous in his opinion.

A scowl replaced his evil grin when the girl failed to do more then look at him in fear. "Elralo!"

The girl screamed out as the skin from wrist to elbow on her left hand was peeled off of her body. The grin was back. This was something he missed during his decade without a body.

"Now you know, when Lord Voldemort says bow… BOW!" This time the girl reacted instantly, somehow fighting through the pain, much to Tom's disappointment.

What to try next? So much knowledge in his head, so many possibilities. "Cealus!"

Five conjured needles shot out of his wand and into the left shoulder of the girl cowering at his feet. More screams filled the room, the most beautiful music Voldemort knew. Pain, torture and violence. Life was good.

"But… But… But… I didn't do anything wrong." The girl gasped out so quietly that even Voldemort almost didn't hear it.

"Guess what…" Everyone in the room stopped to listen. "I know and I don't care! Nivuel!"

A shard of ice plunged through the other shoulder of the girl. It was so long, and hit with such force, that it could be seen protruding from both sides of her body. So satisfying.

Tom's gaze wandered to the doorway through which he could see Severus and Augustus approaching with the no-name he had sent to find them. Severus looked like himself whereas Rookwood's healing was obviously slow going. The man was limping, wasn't standing to his full height, and looked severely malnourished.

"Leave us, all of you. And make sure the healer looks over our guests, I don't want any of them bleeding out like that one from last week." Tom watched as his slaves jumped to do his bidding and in under a minute only Severus and Augustus were left in the room.

"Severus, his health, report." No need for wasted words with veteran Death Eaters from the last war.

The potions master looked put out. "Slow going to reverse the effects of a decade in Azkaban and I'm not a healer but he's on schedule I believe. Supposedly Rookwood here was suspected in the death of a guards sister who took a habit of attacking and kicking him every so often."

"Go finish any potions you have on the go, but don't bother starting any new ones Severus. I want you back at Hogwarts by dinner time. Leave us." As soon as Snape was through the door Tom silently cast slamming it closed behind him.

A few quickly applied privacy charms insured the pair were alone. "Augustus is there anything I can do to speed up your recovery?"

"It shames me to say, my Lord, but I think I need time. I wish I could go out on raiding parties but I am not physically or magically strong enough yet. My apologies my Lord." The man was obviously embarrassed at his weakness.

The Dark Lord nodded sagely. "I am sure that soon you will feel like yourself once more and will be out there with your friends. Would you like for me to arrange for that guard to have an accident, or would you prefer to handle it yourself when you have recovered?"

"I will end the fucker myself." Rookwood snarled out, bringing a smile to Lord Voldemort.

If Tom had been honest he had been more than a little worried the time in Azkaban would have broken the man. "The reason I broke you out alone ahead of time is there is something that only you can help me with."

Augustus gingerly lowered himself to his knees and kissed the ground in front of the other man. "However I can serve you my Lord."

"Phoenixes. I have read every reference to them that I have access to but can't find the information that I need and if anywhere had the sort of hidden research I need its the Department of Mysteries." Voldemort shared as he left his throne and started pacing.

Slowly getting to his feet Rookwood took the time to think about all he could remember from his Unspeakable days. "I wasn't in the Magical Creatures section but I do know that a couple of Unspeakables have researched the topic over the years. What do you want to know about them?"

"Their fire travel. Flaming I believe it is called in the reference books. How do they do it? What limits does it have? Can you ward against it or trap a Phoenix?" Uncharacteristically Tom let all his pent up questions spill out.

Augustus shook his head. "Sorry my Lord, I have no idea but I have an inkling that they can't be warded against. Unspeakable Claw, if he is still alive, would be the person to ask. As soon as I can I will go searching for him."

"So be it. Go and heal." Voldemort waved the slave away. "And make sure you tell nobody about what we discussed."

A wave of his wand dispelled the enchantments around the room and he was left sitting alone in his throne room. He would bide his time, and scheme, and when he had this Claw bound before him Lord Voldemort would get his answers. He would wait.