
lord of Wolves

In the world of Westoros, bastards are considered vile creatures. Full of lust, envy and greed. One bastard will accomplish what others could not. He will rule and none shall stand before him.

Intisar_An_Nafi · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

It has been a year since I was born in this world. At first he thought about all the things I could do. Having the most ridiculous headstart ever was awesome. Then I realised that he wasn't born in a normal world. How did I knew that? Well I was born in the tower of fucking Joy. The moment I heard ' ned is that you? ' I knew I was in deepshit.' Why you ask? '

First because this was one of the most fucked

up fictional world ever written.

Second because Catelyn and Sansa stark.

Third because ned is ned.

Fourth being the white walkers.

And the whole me being a Targaryen thing.

In short it's a disaster waiting to happen. Because no way in hell I am going to put up with Catelyns shit and Theons mockery. I will not play second fiddle to either. And I have no wish to save this shitty world. And I just beginning to point out the problems. Why couldn't he be Robb or Joffery or even Tyrion. But of course I had to be the bastard of Winterfell. The Prince that was promised and all that bullshit.

' You know what fuck it, this world is already doomed. Why not enjoy while I am here. Because legitimate or not being the son a Warden has its percks. This is why I am going to do everything that is beneficial to me. I will get what I want or this world can fuck itself. So what do I want and need to survive and enjoy this world as long as I can. Now I need to make a list. First I need to climb up the ladder. Damn I sound like a certain person. Back to the point, I order to not only live but also thrive I need all the wealth and power that can be accumulated. The second thing is I want all the beautiful girls. Or at least fuck them once. Daenerys is first on that list. Then Cirsei and....' and then I realised I just soiled my pants or whatever. Being a kid sucks. Now I need to cry to get attention. Damn it!

Six months passed away and I finally have something resembling a plan. It goes like this :

(i) Try to be as normal as possible without harming my progress. No need to be Itachi Uchiha. It causes a severe backlash. Also try to learn as much as possible.

(ii) Need to be in Neds constant good graces. If say that I can learn something then nobody can stop me.

(iii) Actually doing childish things to make sure I am not seen as a freak.

(iv) Make sure that I can make the starks dance around my fingers.

Well it needs a lot of work. so I do the first thing I can do. I use my older brain to create a bond with Robb. It didn't take long as I thought. Now he follows me around like a lost puppy. And why not, it was me who helped him how to walk and speak. Well he needs more help in the speaking matter. I've also trying to impress ned. Both tasks would be a whole lot easier if it weren't for Catelyn. Still I am confident in myself. For it is slow and steady that wins the race.

It's my fourth year in this world. Damn I sound like Harry Potter. Anyway now I am perfectly capable of reading and writing. Robb not so much. It's not lack of trying from my part. He's like 25%. I am also trying to increase my physical prowess without damaging my growth The exercises hidden in the games we play certainly helps. To me it's just an extra mile, my main workouts are done in secret so I can stay ahead of Robb, when our martial training starts. Catelyn doesn't bug me as much because I am like a positive influence on her son. Ned is also proud of my achievements. Life has been always busy. The only time I am not working on my plan is when I am asleep and about right now. ' Why now? '

Well the answer to the question is because Catelyn is giving birth right now. Possibly Sansa. Not sure because I may have already messed up the Canon. My thoughts were broken by wailing of a newborn baby. Robb was ushered in while I waited. It wasn't until I the next day that I had the opportunity to baby. I didn't had the permission of holding her so I watched. Tully red hair and blue eyes, I observed Sansa Stark of Winterfell with rapt attention. There was a vast different between what she is and what she will become. A cruel smirk began to form in my face as an idea came to mind. This will definitely blow up the Canon to kingdom come. In the end it didn't matter. I will make this world my playground and none shall stand in my way. A maddening laugh echoes in my mind as I start to walk away from the chamber.

Years passed on like a roaring stream. Changes were added to my plan as time flew. Though a lot of things happened since then but none could hold a candle to my fifth birthday or name day as it's called in westerosi. As in canon Catelyn prayed for my death and I got the pox. My fever fever reached its peak at night of my birthday. Since I changed a lot from the canon I lost hope in cats regret and drifted into sleep. Things got hazy from there. I suddenly found myself in a office in a suit. If I was scared then, the next thing should have driven me mad or I am mad and don't realise it. In front of me sat a charming and funny man. He was rather good looking in his suit which was better than mine. He quite tall and slender. Why was he smiling was beyond me. And then he began to talk. It took me a while to figure it out and when I did, never did I wished for my death more. For in front of me sat the the god of many faces, the crawling chaos, NYARLATHOTEP.

"Now mister Nathan, I have a deal to propose to you. What do you say to that? " said the cosmic deity with a grin that nearly gave me a heart attack. As if my drenched in urine pants wasn't a sign enough, I wanted to be anywhere but here. After what seemed to be an hour of panicking which was actually a few minutes I was able to answer.

" And what the deal entails, O herald of the outer gods? "

" Quite simple really. I make sure you live and grow stronger than you ever could on your own. In return, you will unleash untold chaos in Westoros, Essos and beyond in my name. You will my servant until deem otherwise. Refuse or fail me, and I will show the truth you cannot unsee. "

In that moment I knew I fucked no matter what I do. Seeing I have no other choice , I agreed to make the deal if he helped me in a way I wanted. Even before I made the deal official I knew that I played right into his hands.

So my fever ended and the maester declared that I will live. I did have some changes though. As per my request, every strand of hair on my body turned pure snow white. While I retained my silver eyes, they now looked as if they belong to an actual direwolf. I had two reasons for this. Firstly I am a massive fan of Kakashi and secondly if you're going to make a deal with the devil, might as well make the best out of it. It will also appeal to my white wolf persona. The training was the hard part. Because the only place he could train me was in my dreams. Due to the time difference between dreamworld and my on, he crammed 72 hours of training in a single night. And that wasn't even the hardest part. Once the training was over it had a effect on my body. So both my mind and body experienced the training without aging a little bit. It felt like being stabbed by a million needles at the same time. A tug at my clothes drew my attention. Little bran, safe in my arms was looking at me with wonder. Because of the cosmic training and me not being shy like jon made sure I had a closer relationship with the stark children minus Rickon as he wasn't born yet. The entire family was having a luncheon. Catelyn couldn't treat me harshly because of the guilty dreams every now and then. Our peaceful gathering was disrupted by Luwin.

" Lord Stark! a raven from the capital. "

"Then let me read it. " Said ned quite sourly. An expression that morphed into dread as he announced the beginning of the Greyjoy Rebellion. It made sense as helped Robert win the throne, he would help him keep it.

At the same time I started to enact the next stage of my plan. With much difficulties I managed to become Neds squire for the duration of the war. He thought it was a good way of keeping me out of trouble. Little did he knew. I packed everything that I needed including a favour from sansa. A red handkerchief tied around my left wrist. Unlike in the canon he put Robb in charge of Winterfell and Catelyn and Benjin as advisors. Guess I helped more than I thought. Back to the plan. It wasn't all that complicated, All I have to do is become the youngest knight to ever exist. And what better way than contributions in a war.