
Lord of Time (Ken)

Ken is betrayed to death by his best friend and lover during the time wars. However, the Goddess took his soul and gave him a new opportunity.

4DeathLord · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 7 - New World Order

Ken and Titania decide to start a new life after the death of the shadow assassins. After the war with the demons, the world was at peace, and there was good living among humans, elves, and other beings.

Ken and Titania decide to build a new city that will be a place where all beings can live in peace.

The new city will be a place where humans, elves and other beings can live in peace, and Ken makes a great defense system for this city.

This defense system blocks the attacks of demons and other evil beings and the people of the city are safe.

Ken and Titania name their new city the "City of Peace", where it provides equal rights for all beings.

The City of Peace becomes a world of peace and tolerance, and Ken and Titania live a happy and peaceful life there.

Now, Ken has become the world's most powerful mage and guardian of the City of Peace, and will fight demons and other evil forces in the future. Titania will be by her side and together they will use her powers to protect the world.

When Ken and Titania establish the City of Peace, the public warmly welcomes them. Peace and tolerance have been established among humans, elves and other beings, and everyone leads a happy and peaceful life.

Ken and Titania take their mission of protecting the City of Peace very seriously and thwart the onslaught of demons and other evil beings. Their defense system blocks the attacks of demons and other evil beings and the people of the city are safe.

Ken provides equal rights for everyone living in the City of Peace and wants it to be a place where everyone can live a happy and peaceful life. Titania is with him, and together they continue their mission to protect the world.

In the future, Ken and Titania will fight demons and other evil beings and continue their mission to protect the world. The City of Peace will be a place of peace and tolerance on earth, and Ken and Titania will live a happy and peaceful life there.