
Lord of the war

In the pages of history there is mystery, and it has not disappeared forever from the pages of history, and this is what makes horror present and eternal Who is the enemy? Who is the ally? In the twentieth century, at the beginning of the industrial revolution, the hero of our story, Hermes Joe Radicar, rises from the ruins of an ancient war battle in order to impose his dominance and the beginning of his legend

TRAYND · Fantasy
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16 Chs


After the mercenaries arrested the mysterious magician, the mercenary members went to the city, leaving the place, and night had fallen upon them and the moon appeared high above the sky

Commander, why don't we rest now ?

In serious terms, the commander said, "We are 100 km away from the city. We don't know what might happen to us while we are outside the barrier !

OK. Commander

Gray walked quietly and thought inwardly. The magician's power is ominous, where did he get such power and the Cypheric line from

It seems that the Middle Earth is no longer safe for humans.

In serious terms, Gray looked at the iron-cuffed wizard as he walked behind the mercenaries

Walking next to Gray was a sturdy person with normal expressions who looked to be in his twenties and was looking at Gray

Gray, are you thinking of a wizard ? Yes .Gray replied with a smile.

Even you knew how dangerous it was. An object like this what does it do within the borders of the empire.No doubt they asked us to capture him alive !

Gray smiled and said yes! They want to get some information out of it. Unless you agree with me

Yes. I'm still a little worried

Well we all have the same anxiety Hermes responded and said but we have the leader on our side. No need to be afraid, buddy

You are right.

Hermes smiled as he thought about what had happened

With the magician

Well we're finally there. The commander moved forward and the gate was in front of him.And the mercenaries are behind him.

Okay, go to the headquarters and I will hand over the magician

Okay, Commander. Repeat everyone in one tone

Gray offers among beautiful buildings and strange people

Most people in the city were wearing black jackets and black coats. Some of them were wearing hats

Gray was dressing themselves up and he went to the mercenary bar to sleep.

In a mysterious place in the huge tower was Commander Leon, with his assistant Leonard next to him

Leonard was a beautiful young man in his twenties who had blue eyes and dark black hair. His cheeks were straight but small

He and the commander were advancing together to enter the huge tower

You stop !

One of the guards came out and stopped them in order to take their numbers, but Leon's sharp gaze made him tremble

Leon entered the tower and entered the elevator to reach a very beautiful room. In the middle of the room was a desk on which sat a person with short red hair, black eyes, and beautiful, sharp features

You arrived huh ? The person at the desk responded calmly

Yes. We found it!

Good then

Leonard left the magician on the floor and the person at the desk looked at him and said, So this is the reason for our headaches over the past month ? Seems pathetic

Leon looked at the magician and said, "His Excellency, this representative has ill-fated powers that are alien to our continent

What ?

A battle took place between me and him, and he had very ominous explosive powers.

Through the short clash that took place between me and him, I found that it was likely that he was using the dark line

Impossible. The person at the desk, looking at Leon, responded with serious expressions and concern

Yes, Attorney General, I think it would be better to question him

About why he is within our borders

There must be reasons behind it

The red-haired person got up and said, "I agree with you"

We should know all his secrets !

Somewhere there was a beautiful palace, around the palace there were beautiful flowers and trees, and Hermes was small and fell to the ground facing a group of children

You are a coward. Pathetic. You are a disgrace to our family, you weak one. Many children spoke on Hermes.

Hermes was wiping his tears and looking at the children

With looks of intense hatred and malice

One of the children came forward and said, "I do not recognize you as a brother

Leave our palace, you lowly coward

Pathetic. The children were gone when Hermes was falling to the ground. When they left, Hermes gathered his strength and stood on his feet. And he stops .Tears,

Just wait. You cowards. One day .I will teach you. Real meaning. For strength, you cowards.

I. I will become the greatest being on earth and I will make you all feel my pain. Hermes got up, wiping his tears

Oh. Hermes What happened to you, a little girl with silver hair and brown eyes ran towards Hermes with worried expressions. Did they bully you again ? Why didn't you tell my father!

Hermes looked at her and said, "Leave. I don't need anyone's pity

Suddenly the girl calmly hit Hermes and said, "Don't pretend to be strong in front of me, you idiot.

Hermes looked in front of her in shock and was holding his nerve.

He said I just want to be like my father. Why can't I.

The girl smiled and said, "You cannot become as strong as my father ! You can become stronger than him!

What ? I . Hermes responded with a stunned expression.

The beautiful girl replied and said yes, she can. Through perseverance you can become stronger.

Struggle and determination are the secret of success.

Failure may haunt us at the beginning of our lives, but success is the reward for our perseverance and determination

Hermes smiled and looked towards the sky with beautiful expressions and said perseverance, huh ?

Hermes woke up with a cold expression and found that the sunlight had shone. He got up from his small bed and left his room for the bar.

It was found that Leon was in the waiter's place wiping the cups with a normal expression.

Leon noticed Hermes coming and said good morning, boy

Hermes smiled as he went to the commander, and said, Has our mission won a big award ?

Leon looked towards Hermes and said a bunch of trophies actually. Hermes was surprised by Leon's response and said, "Should I know her?"

Just 300 gold coins and 160 silver coins and we got a recommendation from the Attorney General at Leideno Academy

Hermes smiled and said his recommendation ?

Leon looked at Hermes and said, "If you prove to me that you deserve praise, I will make you go

OK then !