

"F.. F.. Five?!?" Sage Albert couldn't play calm and control himself any longer, the mask that he tried to wear had fallen off after Robin's words.

"Your Highness, are you okay?" Robin was surprised by his reaction... 

A while ago he was saying that the offer was not good enough and inappropriate, it is not possible that it is still inappropriate to the degree that it stunned him, right?

"Ahem.. you said.. you're going to give me five keys to Five Minor heavenly Laws of the Fire Path?" The Sage man restrained himself a little and asked

"That's right, But not right now! it just happens that I knew of one now, as for the rest I need time to research, every year I will give you the keys to one minor heavenly." Robin nodded

In fact, Robin could easily write him dozens of minor heavenly laws Keys while he was sitting now!