
Lord Of The Stars Of Asgard

Mtl novel

Johnywalker_0705 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


Lord Della, wake us up suddenly, what happened?" Thanatos and Hypros woke up from their practice

As beings endowed with divine power by Della, they hold the power of star destruction and the power of star creation respectively.

With unparalleled combat power, he is considered the leader under the Level Sub-God Father class! No weaker than Thor of the future

"After cultivating for so long, it's time to go out and see the world with me." Asgard's matter has been dealt with, and there will be an extremely long peaceful time.

The starting point of the big event in the Marvel world is 2?0?0?8?, which means that Della has a development time of nearly two thousand years.

Two thousand years later, Della believes that even if he can't reach the Almighty Universe Level, he can reach the multi-universe level!

Under the rule of Odin, the Nine Realms will become very peaceful and there will be no wars? During this time, Della is ready to find some opportunities in the universe

The chance in the big world of Marvel is no worse than the chance in some immortal novels!

With any luck, you can even go straight to the sky in one step! For example, the god-slayers of later generations killed countless gods with just one sword.

The current Della strength is already considered the strongest in the universe! There is also a strong force under his command! I have completely passed my weak period and entered a growth period.

"Yes" Thanatos and Hyupoulos didn't ask any further questions. As their brother's allegiance, Della's order was absolute to them. Even if Odin came, it was impossible to disobey it.


A few days later, Della has arranged all the matters after his departure, and also bid farewell to Odin and the goddess Frigga.

For this eldest son who does not go out all the year round, the king and his wife are also unpredictable. After all, Asgard has never had an example that has not been out for thousands of years. They still agree with Della's idea of ​​going out.

"Heimdall! Send me to Midgard!" Della and the twin gods came to Bifrost and saw Bifrost's Asgardian! Della still respects the special existence of Heimdall, who may be a strongman who can see the universe with his eyes!

A rainbow streamer flashed, Della and the twin gods appeared on the earth. At the moment, the earth is still wild, with few human footprints, most of which are mountains, forests and rivers.

"Is this the earth now!" Della felt the air of the earth! At the same time, he also felt the center of the earth, the huge divine power that was being nurtured!

"Is that the new Tenjin group!" Della's power of the Tenjin group is vivid in his mind! That's an existence that he can't fight with his best efforts.

"Anyway, I can't be born smoothly!" Della couldn't help laughing when she thought of what happened to this god group in later generations!

A dignified member of the god group! It is undoubtedly a very ironic thing that he was almost pressed to death by Thanos in the embryo, and finally died in the hands of the Eternals created by the god group.

And the current members of the Eternal Race are still promoting the technological development of mankind on the earth! Trying to breed more human beings with a better environment, but only Ajak, the leader of the Eternal Race on Earth, knows about this.

It's not without reason that Della came back to Earth. As the center of major events in the Marvel universe, the Earth is undoubtedly a very special planet of life. In the thousands of years of the universe, there are not as many broken things on Earth, let alone this place. It is also being followed by big guys of all dimensions!

The Lord of Hell, Mo Faith, the Trinity God of Magic, Wei Shandi, anyway, all the messy bigwigs like to get on the earth!


Even the celestial group has placed celestial seeds on earth, but most importantly, Della wants to meet the current Sorcerer Supreme on earth, Agomoto!

As one of the gods of the Trinity, he gave the earth human beings the right to practice magic, and mastered the existence of the Time Gem, which is a great shortcut for Della to find the unmanned dimension, because he is originally a dimension Mephista, and extremely powerful

"Who!" The twin gods behind Della felt the change in the space beside him! Like pieces of broken mirrors, it enveloped the three

"Don't be nervous! It's not the enemy!" Della looked at this familiar scene and knew that the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth had arrived. As one of the few people in the Nine Realms who could confront Odin head-on, he was also one of the Trinity gods.

Sorcerer Supreme Agomoto has a high status and strong combat power. Even Della will not easily enmity with Sorcerer Supreme, let alone this trip has a purpose

"Prince of Asgard, Della Odinsen! I heard that you haven't left Asgard for nearly a thousand years since you were born. Why did you suddenly think of visiting Midgard!" The figure of Agamato slowly appeared in front of Della

"I'm bored, so come out and take a look, don't worry, I have no ill will towards Midgard! And I'm not your opponent now." Della looked at the Time Gem on Agamotto's chest, her eyes flashing.

Della has not been exposed to Infinite Gems, Tesseract originally belonged to Asgard, and Odin has not got it

Looking at the Time Gem on Agomoto's chest, Della can feel the powerful energy bred in that gem.

You must know that time has always been mysterious and unobservable, but as long as you master the Time Gem, then time will have no secrets in your eyes!

At least, in the universe corresponding to Time Gem, this is the case


"I have used Time Gem to observe a lot of timelines. Your influence on Midgard is too great. Every decision you make affects the future direction of Midgard. To be honest, I don't want you to have too much with Midgard. Contact!" Agamotto looked at Della, the infamous prince of Asgard!

In the past, the limelight was completely covered by his sister Hela, and many people didn't even know that Asgard had a great prince.

But two years ago, when Odin and Della faced the end of the gods in the starry sky, the power displayed by the prince shocked all the spectators!

They didn't expect that Asgard actually had someone close to the Level God Father!

But Agamotto has long known the extraordinaryness of this Prince Asgard. After all, he likes to use Time Gem to observe the timeline when he has nothing to do. He has observed countless major events in the future.

Like a detached deity, observing the development of the earth with a unique perspective, this point, Sorcerer Supreme and Marvel's observers are the same

At the same time, the reason why he appeared to meet Della this time is also one of the futures he sees. Della is very helpful to him!

Moreover, the eldest prince of Asgard, when he arrived in later generations, was an extremely powerful being, even surpassing his body, Emperor Weishan!

When he first observed this, he was taken aback by this great prince!