
Lord of the Stãrs

Mat goes to sleep and finds himself in the body of Solemn. In a chaotic world that just got out of a cataclysm the most knowledge has been lost. Solemn is approached by the Watchdogs and joins as he leaves behind the orphanage for a new life. Will Solemn rise or will be fall and suffer the consequences of his own actions.

Dazeye · Fantasy
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Chapter 2 Origins

Chapter 2 Origin

Solemn sat there contemplating the choice. If I say yes I can get a fresh new beginning, but what about my promise? I will find her when I am an adult, but for now, I need to develop my skills. Plus I would rather die as Solemn in their eyes rather than some imposter.

But do I deserve to die as Solemn in their eyes? "Yes, I'll join." The bartender smiled and brought over a contract and an emblem of some kind. "What is that emblem?"

"It is the symbol for the Lord of Contracts. Sign here and You will be an official member."

Solemn read the contract and signed it. This contract has no harmful things in it so it should be fine. While patting Solemn's back he said, "Welcome to the team, the rest of the members are in the back room. I am the boss of this place, but you can call me Chise."

That is a cool name since Chise means wisdom. "Come on let's go to the back room." Chise dragged Solemn into the back room which looked like a mix of a bar and a nightclub. "Seriously Captain, we fire a bad employee and you bring in a child."

Chise looked straight at the man who said that and said "Yes."

"Anyways let me introduce you all, this is Solemn. The man with brown hair that is super short with brown eyes is John, the young man over there with blonde hair that is around three inches and blue eyes is Micheal."

Wow, the staffing is limited. I wonder why they have so little staff. "Wait why did I have to sign an NDA if it is just a job at a bar?"

Michael looked over in surprise while John rubbed his temples. "You didn't tell him?!"

"Oh sorry, your job is to do investigations along with Michael as the bar is only a front."

What am I investigating? Hopefully, it's nothing dangerous. "Oh, and you are investigating the activities of cults." FUCK, I should not have jinxed myself. Well, this type of thing has always been interesting.

"Please put your hand on this." Chise slid over a semi-transparent pocket watch. Solemn complied and put his hand on the pocket watch. The semi-transparent watch changed to a normal-looking watch and a copy of Solemn appeared.

"What just happened?" Solemn stared at the clone in amusement and horror.

Chise smirked as he proudly said, "This is an authority that I got after taking down the Cult "Church Of Imposter"

"What is an authority?"

Chise signaled for Micheal to go and do something with the clone. "An authority is an object that gives you special powers when in your possession, you can also fuse with some."

"We currently have three authorities in our possession one is the watch, the second is a book that is green and has vines on its cover. The book shows everything about an object you give to the book. Some items take more than others, for example we had to give the book one thouand cooking books before it showed every recipe. The last authority is a quill that never runs out of ink."

The book seems to be a potentially useful authority, maybe the book can help me get home.

*At the orphanage*

"It has been a while since I left the bar, the boss always makes me investigate cults and barely gives me any breaks." Micheal walked along the road before pulling out a whistle. Michelle blew the whistle and a white dragon appeared. The Wyvern was about the size of a blue whale.

"Hello Aiden." The Wyvern landed and with a deep powerful voice said, "What do you want, after all, I know my student never calls me just to say hello."

"In return of staging an attack, I will tell you some interesting news." The Wyvern looked at Micheal in interest and sat down and awaited the news. "A human has made it to godhood."

"Very interesting indeed, so who am I pretending to kill?"

Micheal pointed to the clone of Solemn. "You are to kill this clone in the village near the orphanage."

The Wyvern flew off awaiting a signal to begin as Micheal and the clone of Solemn made their way to the village. With Micheal leaving the Wyvern began his assault on the village.

"SOLEMN, WHERE ARE YOU!?" The voice of Alice and Melicine rang out as they looked for the missing Solemn among The flames.

People were screaming as some burned to death, some were crushed under the collapsing buildings, and some were killed by the Wyvern.

Alice starred at the scene in horror while Melicine rushed towards Solemn. The smell of ashes and burning wood was all that Medicine and Alice could smell.

The heat was almost unbearable but Melicine pushed through. "Alice's run, run before it is too late!"

Alice snapped out of her frozen state and dashed towards the orphanage while praying the three were to survive.

Melicine finally made her way to Solemns lifeless body and realized that it was not Solemn as the body did not have the same aura as Solemn.

Melicine looked at the body in amusement. "I wonder what you are up to." Melicine picked up Solemns body and brought him back to the orphanage.

After a couple minutes Melicine made her way back. All of the kids and adults were waiting outside with a look of horror and disbelief on their faces.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?" Rebecca screamed while running towards Melicine. I won't betray your plan, whatever you are planning. It is best if I act like he is actually dead. Melicine kept her head low as she mumbled, "I'm sorry."

"I am back." Micheal walked into the backroom with te watch which had turned semi-transparent again.

"Hey Micheal it is almost rush hour so I am leaving the responsibility of planning out Solemn's new identity to you."

Micheal glared at Chise, clearly not amused. "So let's get your new name sorted out, how about Damon?"

"I have no problem with that name."

"Alright, here you go


Name: Damon

Age: 6

Race: Human

Birth-date: October 3rd, 5036"

It seems that they only changed my name. "Hey, won't they realize the similarities between me and the "dead" me?"

Micheal chuckled as he sat down, "Trust me, out of almost 400 million people I don't think they will recognize you."

That is concerning, how does a city this small hold almost 400 million people, oh I almost forgot there was a bottom area. I wonder how many people are never found due to the sheer size of the population.

Chise walked in and tossed a key towards Solemn "Hey Solemn that is the key for room 3. Use it as your room." Wait they want me to live here? Oh well, at least it means I won't be homeless. "Thank you for the room, I really appreciate it!"

Solemn made his way towards the room. I wonder what my room looks like, hopefully it is not too dirty. Solemn opened the door and saw a room with a window in the middle opposite of the door and two bookshelves that made up the walls on the left and right. Under the window was a bed.

There was a closet with nothing in it. I really need to get some other clothes. It's kind of funny how the technology of this world is at the level of the mid-1800s but the knowledge about many things like the fact the world is a sphere is relatively unknown.

(If you enjoy this please read Lord of the Mysteries as it inspired me to become an author.)

We are currently in the 5th era with an era happening every one thousand years. Ever since the start of the 5th era we lost a lot of knowledge due to the cataclysm.

Solemn then made his way to the market where many people were heading home after a hard day of work. Solemn made his way to a stall and bought himself some clothes with his money.

Once Solemn made his way back he saw that the bar was packed. "Hello Damon, do you need help?"

"Oh hello Chise and no I am fine," said Solemn as he tried his best to carry in the clothes. I can't make him help me when he is this busy, after all, it is impolite.

".m.Who'/s the kid?"

"Oh he is just a new employee, his name is Damon."

*Birds chirping*

Damn I slept until 8 am. I wonder how the others are doing right now.

A bunch of people wearing black were surrounding twelve graves and one of them said, "Solemn 5036-5042" Rebecca cried on the shoulders of Turmen as Margeret sat on a tree stump smoking a cigar while Alice was sitting next to Margeret crying.

Alice said in a shakey voice"Why is it that every time I hold something dear it disappears, it's only a matter of time before you die of cancer too." Margeret looked at Alice with a sympathetic look.

While brushing through Alice's hair Margeret said, "I am going to tell you something, the world just is not fair but don't let that affect you as whether or not you enjoy life is up to you. Yes, it is easy to just cry and focus on the bad but don't lose sight of the good things as they are where the joy in life resides."

Melicine was sitting on a tree branch while playing with a dandelion. What are you up to Solemn, where did you go? Will I ever see you again? I wonder if I will ever get another chance to give him the present I got him.

Solemn got ready for the day and headed to the back room. Chise and John were playing cards and Chise was winning.

"Oh hey, can you please wake Micheal up and bring him here."

Why can't he just do it himself? Is he really that lazy? "Yeah, sure."

Whilst opening the door to Michaels room he noticed a whistle but he didn't pay any more attention to the whistle.

"Hey Micheal, wake up." Solemn shook Micheal trying to wake him up.

"Do I have to?" Micheal tried to cover himself in his blankets. "Yes, Chise wants us."

When Micheal heard this he sprang up and got ready within a minute, he was tightening his tie as he started to walk towards the back room with a purpose. "Come on Solemn, we have no time to waste."

Once the two made it to the backroom John led them to the front area. Chise prepared 4 drinks as he pulled out some documents.

I wonder what my mission is going to be, hopefully, it will be interesting. Chise slid over the documents and guided everyone to sit.

"The two of you will be investigating a cult that goes by "The Chosen Ones" but their official name is the cult of the infected blood. John will be accompanying you to protect you since the Cult has a verified kill count of sixty-eight hundred."

"Sixty-eight hundred!? What the hell, why haven't the official police dealt with it?"

Chise stared at Soleminand and laughed. "We are the official police, we're the watchdogs."

"Oh" Solemn's face turned a little red "Now go on we don't have all day or the Emperor will cut our budget to feed his gluttonous appetite. Oh and here is the information packet."

Chise tossed over two papers, one for Solemn and the other for Micheal. Solemn read the paper which said as follows,

"Name: Cult of the infected blood

Nickname: Chosen ones

Age: 3 months

Danger level: level 3.5

Official groups working on the case: Watchdogs, Lovers, Lucky bastards, and The Royal Knights

Summary: This cult seems to worship a god-like entity that is human-like in appearance but has no pupils, the cult worships this entity by draining the blood of people and drinking it or offering up the body to the entity-we still do not know what the entity does with the bodies. The entity comes from a plane complex that is comprised of multiple planes, we have sent in explorers who have reported that there are hostile entities in each plane and that they are all connected and infinite."

This seems like a nightmare, an infinite plane with hostile entities, the place kind of reminds me of the backrooms. "So is our goal to go into the plane complex?"

"Yes, and please promise me something. Do not do anything stupid, a level 3.5 mission only happens once every one thousand years."

Solemn nodded his head as they made it to the cult's headquarters, hundreds of cultists lay lifeless on the ground in a bloody mess. Hundreds of people are hanging from the ceiling. "Wow, it stinks, I am starting to regret waking up." All four of them covered their noses as they headed to the center. A stary stone lies on a pillar.

"I have a bad feeling."

"No shit Solemn, we are surrounded by dead people and a sketchy stone is on a pillar." Retorted John as he kicked a body that scared him.

"That is three years of bad luck."

"Shut up Micheal, we might not live that long."

Chise cleared his throat "Before we enter does anyone have anything they need to do."

Well yes, I did make that promise with Melicine but I am sure she can deal without me as she has always been better than me. "No, I don't" replied all three of them as they touched the stone.

The four of them found themselves in a camp full of other departments, there was a tent for the Lovers, one for the Watchdogs, one for the Royal Knights, and one for each of the others.

Where am I? Oh yeah, I am in that weird plane complex. Solemn looked around as he saw many people getting ready for something, groups of people were arming themselves as the black sunset.

"Hey kid, get armed and get ready for the new moon. There will be an entity rush."

"Wait what do you mean entity rush? What happened?"

The guy sighed and sat down, he had green hair and big muscles. "I guess I'll tell you what happened. I am a member of the Royal Knights, the list of participating groups is in reverse order."

"When we first got here we had no information so when we set up camp we naive thought we were safe, but we were mistaken. We thought that the few entities that came were all to come but on the first new moon thousands of entities came and killed 37 of our 45 member squad."

"The last 7 fought with everything they had to protect the other 8 and allow us to escape to the spawn point. Once the other teams got here we started to learn how to deal with the entities more efficiently. The one problem is that the moon only has 10 phases."

"The first is the new moon then 2-5 are waxing, 6 is full and 7-10 are waning, now get ready."

This place really is a nightmare.

"Oh and for some reason we can't get out of this hell hole."

What! I am stuck here! This is awful, how will I keep my promise to Melicine. NO, I must find a way out. With new determination, Solemn picked up a spear and got ready. Thousands of eldrich monstrosity-like entities came into view as they charged at everyone.

(If you can make art of this add a cute one in the crowd as a funny little joke. Ok, enough of my sleep-deprived words. But I do want to talk to you about the story. I am trying to write a long story that focuses on world-building but that takes time as I am still in school so please cut me some slack. I am not a disciplined writer so I will be very ununiform with my uploading schedule, but I will update at least one chapter a week, I hope. Please forgive my other writing flaws and descriptions as I really have no idea how conversations go between normal people as I do not really talk with people. As you have guessed at this point I am trying to reach 5400 words so blah blah blah blah blah blah.)

I will be publishing a new chapter every Sunday at 20:00 Colorado Moutain time

Dazeyecreators' thoughts