
Chapter 454 Butterfly Effect

When the Imperial Army's Fleet Commander called for immediate support from their own Void Magic Corps, not only was there no prompt response, but more and more Alliance Void Magic Warriors were arriving on the battlefield.

Of course, the Fleet Commander had no idea what was happening, as he could never imagine that all of this was caused by a single person, Rocky!

At this moment, Rocky was still engaging with the host of Imperial soldiers. Why couldn't the Empire's Void Magic Corps send anyone?

It wasn't that they didn't want to; it was simply that they couldn't!

At that instant, over thirty squad leaders were desperately chasing Rocky. Considering the Imperial Army had dispatched only slightly more than fifty squads, this meant that aside from those who had died in battle and those incapable of fighting, all the squad leaders were now pursuing Rocky alone.

But even so, Rocky had not been caught, nor had he been trapped even once!