
Chapter 377: The Sparrow Stalks Behind

"Ascend! Ascend immediately!"

Realizing they had fallen into an ambush, Lapaton issued the command urgently, ordering all the warships to ascend immediately.

This command seemed simple, but it was the only command Lapaton could give.

It's an old saying, only a Void Magic Warrior can stop another Void Magic Warrior. With their own Void Magic Warriors ambushed and annihilated, facing the enemy swooping toward the fleet, what could Lapaton do but order the warships to ascend?

He could do nothing else.

In fact, he couldn't even manage to get the warships to ascend!

Because the fleet was too close to the cargo ship...

Previously mentioned, Lapaton had led the fleet there at midnight. So, to facilitate the investigation by the Void Magic Warriors, he had ordered the fleet to descend very low and had the ships surround the cargo ship for illumination.