
Ch 24: Pacific Rim

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

'It's nice to see everything come together so well, though. I guess it's time to see the memories; at least this time, the span is close together.' I fly to the same spot I did last time and sense a Sandbuster a few miles away, snuggled into the sand and already forming his treasury.

I then click on the memory influx reward and feel the world around me shake again, just as it did last time, but in a more controlled and less hazardous manner.


Yes, the world believes the dragons are gone, if they ever existed at all. But we Berkians... we know otherwise. And we'll guard the secret until the time comes when dragons can return in peace.

"So, did you enjoy the movie, Ollie and Ellie?" I say as I look away from the giant theatre screen and look to my left to see the kids with gaping mouths in awe at the movie.

"Dad, it was amazing, especially with how toothless roared in the hidden world. It was so cool with all the dragons." Ollie says as I see stars in his eyes about the scene.

"What about you, Ellie? What did you think?" Dad, can we watch it again? I want to see the Light Fury again. She was like a cuter Toothless," Ellie says in her voice, wanting to see the movie in any way possible.

"Well, we can watch the movie again once Mom gets back from her trip, I promise." I put my pinkie out to the two of them as they they wrap their pinkies around mine.

"You have to keep your promise now, Dad." They both say as they look up at me with giant smiles. As they get up from their seats, we head out for the door.

[ Memory influx is now over ]

My consciousness then quickly returns to me as my eyes focus back on the area around me. I see that there is a monsoon around me, but it is much calmer than it was last time.

'I don't feel angry this time, why? ' I ask as my eyes scan everything around me and see that I'm in my Na'vi form again, encased in purple flames.

'I shouldn't feel this fine. I usually wreak havoc whenever that happens, but I feel happy this time.' I see the storm clear up and several roars across my inner world as if they are all harmonizing.

'Well, I guess it's fine, though I now have more memories to go through, especially to see how much info I can get on all these new dragons. Since I ate Grimmel, there are humans here now, so I have to deal with that in the future,' as I delve into my mind, I look at the mass of dragons in front of me and quickly start to sort them.

'Now let's begin.' I put my hand on the head of a Gronckle and see its memories and how it interacted with other dragons and people. 'so Hiccup was right. They seem to be peaceful until they are messed with or under the control of another dragon.' as I make an entry for the Gronckle and add it to the HTTYD section of my knowledge tab and quickly repeating this with all of the other dragons while making more in-depth entries for dragons that are more rare and unique.

'Well, I'm done with the dragons and their entries with Skrills, Night Furies, Death Songs, Singetails, and Drimillions with the most in-depth entries as they have the most to offer, but they are also incredibly unique with how they won't serve other dragons unless made or raised by it.' as I send their entries into their section which are also split up to their classes.

'Now for the one I have both been looking forward to and slightly scared of, Grimmel and Drago.' I stand before the two fragments, two with Grimmel with a sadistic smile on his face and Drago having an annoyed grimace.

'Let's start with you, Grimmel.' I put my hand on Grimmel's shoulder, get through his memories, and see how he tamed the Deathgrippers and his many inventions to cage and subdue dragons.

'So you are the one who learned how to make those dragon fireproof cages and then made them widespread for the hunters. You truly are a genius, but sadly, you were a cocky one.' I see how when you killed a Night Fury when he was young and celebrated for it led to him starting to wipe the species out.

I then take my hand off his shoulder and watch his fragment disappear as I write an entry about his memories and all that he learned and invented. I then send the entry to its deserved section, face Drago, and put my hand on his shoulder as well.

'Now let's see what you have for me, Drago.' I get sucked into Drago's memories of seeing him make several conquests over villages to enlist him as his hunters as well as him taking over the homes of dragons to force them as part of his army.

I then saw that he had his Bewilderbeast, a hatchling from one of his earlier conquests, which he used to enslave his captured dragons when they didn't listen to him. He also quickly went for the kill of anyone who did not do as he said.

'You were quite the genius in your own right, though yours was through military might and your way of making dragons submit to you no matter how strong.' as I look over another memory of him as a child when he had his arm taken off by a dragon and his village destroyed right before his eyes.

'Though outside of those two things, you were just a normal person.' I take my hand of his shoulder and watch Drago disappear as I open an entry for him and write down everything there is to write down before sending it to the same place as Grimmel's.

'Now, do I just head to the next world, or should I look over the new things in my world? ' I start to ponder. I look over the realm and see that it is the same as it was before the memory influx, with more animals in the Arctic and volcanic areas.

'Let's just head to the next world. Maybe it will be quick as well, and I will only need to do one more after it before I can pick where I go next.' as I open the world travel tab and click on the random button as, I start to feel a tug on my stomach as I then disappear from my inner world.

'Still, it's a weird feeling, though I will get used to it eventually. Now let's see where I'm at.' I then open my quest list to see what I have to do before I can leave.


[Pest Control]


1: Kill The Precursors

2: Kill The Kaiju

3: Explore


1: unique mutation

2: Memory Influx

3: Knowledge

'just one quest again. Well, I can work with that, and by the tasks, it means I'm in Pacific Rim, which means I get to fight something my size again and possibly have fun with it. First, let's see Oblivion Bay and some zoos. That way, I can get some normal animals in my inner world.' I morph into a Night Fury and start to fly toward Oblivion Bay to get some Jaeger parts quickly.

'So this is the Jaeger Graveyard. There are definitely a lot of them, though; I guess that's to be expected. After all, it is the world's defense against the Kaiju.' I morph into my normal form, pick up the Jaeger's and their scraps, and throw it all into my inventory while also using my telekinesis to make the process faster.

'Wow, this place is a lot cleaner now, though it seems like Gipsy Danger isn't here, so they have already either pulled it back out for closing the breach, or it has yet to be taken down by knife head.' as I look over the now empty graveyard before morphing back into a Night Fury and teleporting above Berlin Germany.

'Now, here comes the part I don't like all that much, but I need to add some normal animal life into my inner world, so why not here? Though I doubt my System will even count anything I eat here since they have nothing to offer.' I then silently dive into the zoo and land on the top of the zoo's sign.

'Let's get this started.' I then start teleporting across the zoo, eating the animals in one bite to ensure it is quick and silent, and teleporting in front of the Aquarium section.

'Just this and the bird enclosures, and I'm done. Also, it seems like my suspicion was correct about how the System won't count them since they are regular animals.' I then teleported into the aquarium and followed the same process I did with the other animals, resulting in me quickly finishing. I then teleport into the aviary and eat the wide variety of birds.

'Now, my last stops are the S.E.A. aquarium in Singapore and Birds of Eden in South Africa. Then, I will have most of the animals on earth, and I can deal with the Kaiju.' as I teleport above the aquarium in Singapore and quickly dive towards it before teleporting into the building and eating one of every species there is in there before teleporting and repeating the same thing with aviary in Africa.

'That felt wrong, but now there will be hundreds of everything I just ate in my inner world, though a lot of them will just end up being food for dragons, leviathans, and the animals of pandora, though, with enough time, they should adapt and evolve to fit.' as I then teleport in the Pacific ocean and start to dive towards the breach in my normal form.

'So Slattern, Scunner, and Raijiu are already here, which should mean that this is the end of the movie, so why not save them some time and deal with this for them.' I then teleport between the three Kaiju and quickly tear through them, with only Slattern truly realizing what's happening before they all die.

'Much smaller than I was expecting. They were all half my size, with Slattern being the closest to my size. However, I should probably eat them before they bleed out too much into the ocean.' I quickly eat the three Kaiju and contain all of their blood with my Hydrokinesis so it doesn't spread. I put it all in my inventory to be stored.

[DNA Absorption]

Slattern DNA Scunner DNA Raijiu DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'To be expected, though it's time to head into the breach now, and there I might be able to test something finally.' as I quickly swim into the breach and see several spindly and aquatic insect-like aliens around several advanced computers as they look at me before hurrying to the next as I hold my self up in front of them with my telekinesis.

'Well, aren't you some ugly bastards, though it's not like you guys are going to live long anyways once I'm done.' I say with my telepathy, sending the exact words across to every Precursor I can sense as I start to grab the tower they are in and look at the cloning facility attached to it and quickly crush it all together, making a giant metal cube with Kaiju blue oozing out of it.

'With what I can currently see, there are another forty of these facilities, with there being a giant one underground.' I then pull the giant cube towards my face and compress it more so it fits easily in my hand. Then, I throw it in my mouth and swallow it.

[DNA Absorption]

Precursor DNA Otachi DNA Leatherback DNA Mutavore DNA Yamarashi DNA Knifehead DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'That's fine, though. That was pretty good. It had a nice metallic taste with a chewy center. Maybe I will do that again with the other ones since it gave me the DNA of the Kaiju they were making here.' I then teleported above another cloning facility and repeated the same process I did with the last as I ate it in the same manner.

[DNA Absorption]

Ragnarök DNA Onibaba DNA Trespasser DNA Hundun DNA Kaiceph DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Not bad, though. I guess I should just speed it up and see if they send anything special my way when I'm done with at least half of them.' as I start teleporting across the Anteverse and wiping out the facilities, I appear at and crushing them down before eating them.

[DNA Absorption]

Karloff DNA Scissure DNA Reckoner DNA Hardship DNA Hammerjaw DNA Itak DNA Raythe DNA Clawhook DNA Atticon DNA Ceramander DNA Spinejackal DNA Taurax DNA Insurrector DNA Fiend DNA Rachnid DNA Taranais DNA Hound DNA Bonesquid DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Well, that was fifteen of the facilities, but at this point, I feel like I can make it go by faster, so I guess it's time to test this.' I then teleport in front of the next facility and start to summon a Frozen Leviathan from my inner world as I watch a mass of ash materialize in front of me and let out a roar rivaling that of Godzilla's as it then sprints forward and rams into the facility and start tearing through it as I see a Copperhead come out of it and start fighting against it.

As I watch them clash, I quickly see that whenever the Frozen Leviathan is hurt, no blood is spilled and only causes a cloud of ash to show before soon returning back to it as it repairs as the Frozen Leviathan then slashes its claws at the side of the Kaijus head causing a giant gash to be formed as it starts bleeding all over the ground between them.

'Well, this is useful to know, though let's end it before I get too bored.' I then crush the facility behind the Copperhead and snap its neck off and condense it into a meat block, and whip it into my mouth with the facility behind it. I then unsummon the Frozen Leviathan as it falls to the ground and piles of ash that quickly dissipates.

[DNA Absorption]

Copperhead DNA Acidquill DNA Turantulatos DNA Hammerhorn DNA Hakuja DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'Now that I know that works let's see how crazy I can get with it.' I start to summon a mass of anything I can think of that can fly or run as hordes of Thanator's form with Na'vi on their backs as they start to form packs around me before dispersing with Banshee's following to serve as recon.

while Bewilderbeasts, Red Deaths, and Screaming Deaths form as well, surrounded by other dragons as they head off in other directions. Hundreds of Skrills, Night Furies, and Singetails form, with humans on their backs covered in scale armor from the respective dragon they ride. I also watch Death Songs form and follow the Na'vi group.

I then look to the side and see an army of Na'vi with metal armor on holding steel-tipped spears, riding on top of Titanwing Monstrous Nightmares as they all fly in a uniform direction.

'This poor planet is going to be covered in flames and ice once we finish purging it.' I then see several Kaiju forms there, mainly those like Slattern, Copperhead, and Otachi, as they charge off.

'I guess it's my turn now, though let's show how well I can top their entrances.' as I start to cover myself in ice and smoke with, the two merging together to make a foggy grey ice coating my body with their occasional being flames rocketing out of my back as they slowly form into a set of blue and purple wings. At the same time, my electricity bounces quickly between my spines and tail, giving an eccentric accent to my ice armor.

I then start to sprint forward and quickly take off into the air. My wings flap heavily, and my electricity bounces off of me, leaving massive scorch marks along the earth. There are also imprints of ice where I stepped. Every flap of my wings leaves waves of fire in every direction.

'Now this is a nice armor and also a good way to balance my powers though it sucks; I can't think of a way to add my Hydrokinesis to it.' as I speed forward with every flap of wings as I spread my senses around the world and see my army of ash leaving destruction everywhere it goes with the Na'vi on the Titanwings having the most ease as they set themselves aflame and cut into the Kaiju.

'Actually, there is a way I can add my Hydrokinesis to this.' as I start to fly in place and use my control over the water I have and use all the water and moisture in the air to cause a heavy worldwide storm, causing the Skrill's to roar in happiness and the Bewilderbeasts as well.

'While it might not add to the armor, it adds to the effect.' I then send massive bolts of electricity through the clouds and watch lightning start falling all around me and the planet. I then start to teleport to all of the bases my army of ash has dealt with, crush them down before eating them, and see that there are only a couple left before all of my armies come in contact.

'I love how easy I have made this.' As I teleport above the last and largest base, I start to breathe out tons of gas all around me, ten miles exceeding that. I then set it on fire, causing a massive explosion and leaving a massive crater below me. I see that I have yet to break into the facility.

Let's do this as I harness gallons upon gallons of rain and form a massive spear above me that I make a mile long. I quickly harden it into ice before casting it into the giant crater and piercing the facility.

'Much easier.' I then condense the facility as I have the others and eat it in one quick bite, leaving the world barren besides the waste me and my army have left.

[DNA Absorption]

Shrikethorn DNA Jawhide DNA Frightcrawler DNA Raijin DNA Breacher DNA Ripper DNA Bone Spur DNA Vodyanoi DNA Crabcake DNA Sulfury DNA Kaiju Eel DNA Ferno DNA Tundra DNA Thunderhead DNA 

Mutations Gained: N/A

'I don't know what I was expecting really, though there was a nice collection of stuff in there, though it is now time to leave.' as I disperse my army of ash around the planet before teleporting to the facilities I have yet to crush as I quickly do that and eat them before I then enter my inner world to leave the now empty planet be.

" Let's see how chaotic it is here now." I look around my inner world to see that it has almost doubled in size to house the new Kaiju. The new Kaiju are now living underground, even deeper than the caverns connected in the volcanic area. The Kaiju have their own biomes for them to live in and thrive. Some Kaiju species, like Rippers, live on the surface, mainly those of the smaller variety.

'Well, I now have a Hollow Earth, which I wasn't expecting, but hey, I can work with it, and it will also make it easier if I ever do go to the monster verse, though let's see how the normal animals have integrated.' as my eyes scan over my inner world and see that all the normal animals have doubled in size to fit more adequately in this world with lions and tigers now being similar sizes with Thanator's giving it a natural enemy for it to start looking out for through its home.

'At this rate, my world will be the size of Jupiter to house so many different species, though it is nice to see that all the normal animals have been edited to be larger to feel more adequately sized compared to everything else, and it also seems like my artic region is no longer struggling as much since there are more food sources and to see that all the animals have already multiplied at this rate is astonishing as I only ate one of each and there are already hundreds of wolf packs and schools of fish.' as my eyes keep snapping between different areas of my world to observe as much as I can.

'But it is now time to claim my rewards and see what I got.' as I open up the quest tab and claim the knowledge reward and see that it joined the other three with the contents in it spanning on earth and the blueprints on how to make Jaegers and the entire Anteverse and the worlds they conquered.

'This one will definitely take some time to sort through. ' I then claim my mutation reward and see that it is Pyrokinesis, which confuses me since I already have thermal manipulation, which allows me to control fire.

'Why would it give me something I already have unless it's so I can have better control of my fire, though me being able to form wings with it is already a good show of control.' I then expelled some fire from my body, used my Pyrokinesis to control it, and gave it a defined and more guided form.

'Okay, I take back my previous complaint, though I feel like something else could have been more useful. This is quite helpful at this rate. I'm already halfway to being the avatar.' I then make a giant bird of fire and control the water to make a shark.

'Well, now that I have those claims, it's time to see them again.' I click on the memory influx reward quickly so as not to overthink the choice as I fall to the ground.


"Hey dear, how was work today." my wife asks as I see that I'm at the door of what I would assume is my house. I then take my shoes off.

"It was good people are still being idiots as usual, but hey, I can't exactly stop that," I say as I walk towards my wife and give her a kiss before placing my coat in the closet.

"That is true, though improvement is better than nothing, love." My wife says as she turns around the corner and enters the kitchen, doing what I would assume is making dinner for us.

"While you are right, it would just be better if they weren't dumb at all, though that's asking too much," I say as I walk into the kitchen to see that she is in the middle of stirring a pot of pasta sauce.

"That is asking too much, but hey, that's normal of you, isn't it? Now that aside, can you go get the terrorists? That way, we can have dinner and watch a movie like usual." She says as she looks over her shoulder with a tired but happy smile as she says that sentence.

[ Memory influx is now over ]

As the memory ends, I just lay on the floor with my mind completely empty. I stare into the clouds, wondering what happened for this to all start and happen.

'What happened for me to be taken from my wife and kids? Why am I still not there? Why can't I hold my wife's hand and hug my kids? Why must I be here?' I question as my thoughts start to spiral more and more as all the memories I have been given start to flash before my eyes, constantly showing what I once had with the moments of my wife smiling and my kids laughing, showing the most with everything being dull.

'Maybe I didn't deserve it, maybe that's why I'm not there anymore, maybe I did something that deemed I wasn't worth being around them.' I then stand up and click on the next world button as I get pulled to the next world, but I am still left questioning what I did.


{ A/N Well, I have given another long chapter with him going through another world as Pacific Rim is one of those quick stops to go through, as well as the fact I made the ending of this emotional and left our MC wondering what he did to be taken from his happy life.

Though that aside, this should be the last chapter where he speeds through a world as he should be in the next for at least a couple of chapters before we have a big arc where he will be staying for at least ten chapters, so I hope you all enjoyed and I will put the usual below.


Species: Devouring Leviathan

Name: Livyatan

Titles: Flaming Disaster, Savior of Dragons +7

Length: 289m (948ft)

DNA Assimilated: 228