
Lord of the Seas

I don't own anything in this story besides the personality's of the characters and my mc there is a being born of chaos and order. a pure anomaly of existence, of reality no matter the universe or world he is a singular being with no duplicates or Doppelgangers. This is his story of endless adventure to find his purpose and understanding of the universe. he has a system but it only tells him what he had gained as he naturally absorbes those he has eaten, kinda like a slime but in shark form.

Some_creative_name · Video Games
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17 Chs

Ch 3: Exploration

Special thanks to Mackenzie_Land for the first powerstones

" talking "

' thinking '

< System >

{ Author Note }

I stay still wanting to see what's coming at me and see a giant stalker with rage in his eyes and ready to tear me apart. 'goddamn he's almost the size of a reaper.'

{ A/N I know that stalkers aren't supposed to get as big as reapers but I want it to be more realistic and also show that the kharaa virus has brought changes to this world in ways more than just killing its lifeforms. }

I swiftly move out of the path of the charging stalker and get under him and hammer my tail into one of his dorsal fins tearing it straight off. "why the fuck are you trying to kill me" I asked in a confused and slightly infuriated tone.

"you killed my son you fucker why shouldn't I try and kill you." the stalker says with fury and swiftly turns thanks to his dorsal ridges. "well you seem to be much more experienced than your son was but I plan on killing you as well and making this kelp forest my territory as well."

I use my expulsion tubes to rocket under him and my dorsal ridges cause deep cuts in his underbelly but he smacks my jaw with his tail sending me toward the ground and bouncing off the lip of a cave.

"Well he has good reaction time which is good for him." as I propel myself off the floor and rush towards his pectoral fin to tear it off but he slightly moves his body and bites my tail and swings me into some kelp getting me tangled.

"You may be stronger and faster Devourer but I'm older and much more experienced than you are and ever will be." he rips my pectoral fin off and circles around and rips out a tail spike.

"you fucking shithead I'm going to kill you for that." I scream and thrash around enough to get myself untangled and spiral myself around his body and slice off another one of his dorsal ridges and start eating it and feel my Pectoral fin slowly growing back.

"I won't die you asshole I will just constantly heal and keep coming at you until one of us dies." I yell at him in rage and continue to charge at him slowly forming more and more cuts on him.

'He's coming at me from my left' I turn towards where he's coming and twist my body around some kelp into a cave and get behind him and tear some of his tail fin off and slice some of his side open while stunning him with some electricity.

I rush up towards his gills and full swing my tail into his gills diving down causing my tail to rip through from his gills towards his pectoral fin making him die from blood loss and lack of oxygen.

"I told you I was going to win you sack of shit." As I start eating all of his organs beside his intestine. "you may have been a raging asshole but you taste absolutely divine." As I finish eating the giant stalker only leaving a skeleton of his former being.

"now let's find where the rest of the stalkers live I'm going to make them my fucking bitches." As I quickly swim through caverns looking for stalkers and where they live.

"This is the last cave and I can sense a lot of movement inside." I rush in and announce my presence to all the stalkers inside the giant cave. "Why hello there everyone I killed your leader and his successor and I will give you the option to either be my subordinate or die."

Out of the several Stalkers, only one comes forward. "Ohh mighty boneshark we do not wish to die so we submit to your will just please don't hurt us."

"I won't hurt my subordinates unless they become traitors." I swim towards the only stalker that came forward. "Since you are the only one who had the confidence to come forward and talk to me I will name you Jengu and the leader of your species in this forest."

"Thank you ohh mighty one." says Jengu as she swiftly swims back to the rest of the remaining stalkers. "My name is Dakuwaqa Address me as such instead of mighty one." as swim into the kelp forest looking for anything I haven't eaten yet.

'Well, I ended up eating a whole lot again totaling 15 hoopfish, 20 eyeeyes, and 10 bleeders.' as I started heading towards the cave where the stalkers were at.

<DNA Absorption>

Hoopfish: 100%, Eyeeye's: 100, Bleeder:50%

Mutations: Antennae, Oversized Eyeball, Underdeveloped Fins, Moss Green and Dark Blue Coloration, and Ductile Sack.

<Antennae and Underdeveloped Fins have been deemed irrelevant will you remove>

<YES > <NO >

<Moss Green and Dark Blue Coloration can be absorbed by Camouflage do you allow it>

<YES > <NO >

<Oversized Eyeball and Ductile Sack can be absorbed by Great shark's body do you allow it>

<YES > <NO >

'I allow all of these.' I feel small pouches grow in my mouth used for sucking in blood as well as my eye-sight grows even more clear allowing me to see much farther.

'I'm pretty sure that only leaves rabbit rays and bleeders to eat before I have eaten everything I can here but I absolutely refuse to eat hoverfish, Let's start heading over to the stalker cave.'

After a little bit of swimming, I get to the stalker's cave. "It's good to see that none of you ran away Well it's fine From this point on you guys will be living with me and my other subordinates in the Underwater Islands." I say with readiness to head home.

"But lord Dakuwaqa we have never left the kelp forest beside a select few and we are quite scared to leave this place could you perhaps have one of your other subordinates come here to make sure we don't flee so we can stay here." Jengu says with concern and hopefulness.

"I guess that is expected, I will indeed have one of my subordinates come here to keep track of you all but you still be expected to hunt your own food to stay alive in packs of at least two." I say with acceptance.

"Yes lord Dakuwaqa we shall stay here and hunt our own food and not be useless." Jengu says with happiness. "I shall be back tomorrow with one of my subordinates and your future advisor until I know I can trust you not to flee and run away from me." As I swim out of the cave and head home once more after a long day.

'I can't wait to go to sleep and see my subordinates Today was long but very fruitful.' as I get to the outside of the cave entrance and slowly swim in.

"I'm back everyone and I have a job for you tomorrow Anubis after we all get some most needed sleep." Not realizing everyone was just staring at me in shock and wondering. "What's wrong spit it out." I ask in confusion on why they won't answer me." I asked with confusion

"lord Dakuwaqa your huge and you look so different from what you looked like this morning when you got back from you hunting stalkers." Anubis says with awe and wonder.

"I didn't think I changed all that much did I" as I looked at myself not seeing any major changes besides me being larger than Amphitrite and Tsukuyomi.

"lord Dakuwaqa you changed a lot from every part of you, your plating is much thicker and stronger than both mine and Amphitrite's." says Tsukuyomi while he swims around me to examine my changes.

"Okay, I get it I changed a lot but I want to sleep." As I swim to the corner of the cave. "but lord Dakuwaqa we have caught a lot of prey today I think something is going on in the Blood kelp area." Amphitrite says with concern

"Well shit that's not good, what prey did we catch today then." I ask with slight hunger evident in my tone. We caught 18 Garryfish and 20 of these annoying cave crawlers.

"Ohh that's a very good haul I will eat all of those I'm assuming that there's still a bunch of stalkers to eat." as I start eating all of the food that was caught today.

<DNA Absorption>

Garryfish: 100% Cave Crawlers: 100%

Mutations: Eye Stalks, orange coloration, Gas Exchange Membrane, Mandibles, and Light Red Coloration.

<Eye Stalks have been deemed irrelevant will you remove>

<YES > <NO >

<Orange coloration and Light red Coloration can be absorbed by Camouflage do you allow it>

<YES > <NO >

< Gas Exchange Membrane can be absorbed by Great shark's body do you allow it>

<YES > <NO >

'Yes, I allow all of these.' I start to feel my insides churn and feel myself start getting full from just breathing in the air. 'Well, that's incredibly convenient.'

"Okay everyone it's time for sleep After that I'm taking Anubis to the kelp forest as that is now are extended territory as I have killed the leading stalkers and made the rest subordinate like you 14." I say with tiredness while swimming to the darkest corner of the cave and drifting asleep.

[Time skip 10 Hours]

'That was a wonderful sleep' as I slowly wake myself up and start waking the others. "Time to wake up everyone lets get the day started I need to get stuff done." I scream in the cave to wake everyone up.

"Since everyone seems to be awake I want you to continue the daily routine but today someone is going into a team of three instead as Anubis is coming with me to the stalker's home." I start swimming out of the cave with Anubis following behind me.

"We're here Anubis This is where you will be living now you will be keeping watch of the stalkers as well as being their advisor to make sure they don't do anything stupid." As I lead Anubis into the cave.

"Understood lord Dakuwaqa I shall watch over them with great diligence and make sure they are useful subordinates." Anubis says with Pride and confidence to succeed with the task he's been given.

"I take my leave now Anubis I wish you the best of luck." As I swim into the kelp forest caverns to try and find some unique prey. 'well shit that's a Mesmer I hope to god it won't see me' as I turn off my bioluminescence and try to get under the Mesmer carefully.

I then swiftly eat the Mesmer whole to prevent it from getting to me. 'well shit that was terrifying if that thing hypnotized me I would be screwed.' as I start to chew and swallow the Mesmer enjoying its taste.

<DNA Absorption>

Mesmer: 10%

Mutations: Hypnotic eyes

< Hypnotic eyes can be absorbed by Great shark's body Do you allow it>

<YES > <NO >

{ A/N I know that it's supposed to be an outer shell and it shows you it's inside to hypnotize you but that would be really hard to do with our current MC's form maybe in the future I can use something similar. }

'Fuck yeah, I just got the thing that would allow me to hypnotize things I should be able to kill a reaper now with this, let's start testing it out.' I quickly swim around finding several victims.

Well, I sadly didn't find any more Mesmer's but I did get some more bleeders.

<DNA Absorption>


Mutations: N/A

'Well that's not very nice I didn't get anything but at least I'm getting closer to completing another species.' as I swim out of the Kelp caverns toward the Grassy plateaus.

'Look at this beautiful place filled with all new sorts of food for me to snack on.' I quickly swim through the plateaus looking for any source of living beings but not finding anything yet.

'well, this sucks I can't find anything I was expecting all sorts of wonderful snacks.' I turn around to see a bunch of sand getting disturbed but nothing above the sand.

'Well, this is good Finally some food it's time to snack on some sand sharks and their wonderful flesh.' I quickly dive towards the sand and pull one of the sand sharks out of the sand by its dorsal fin and sending them flying.

I swiftly swim towards the disoriented sand shark that is spinning in the water trying to stabilize itself and rip some of its exoskeleton off and start tearing its guts out.

'Well, he tastes delicious he was a bit salty though.' As I start to kill more and more sand sharks to the point where I'm surrounded by dead bodies and starting to eat them slowly to enjoy their taste. 'Well, that was a wonderful meal.'

<DNA Absorption>

Sand shark: 100%

Mutations: Three rows of teeth, Forward Dorsal Fin, Segmented Exoskeleton, Feet, and gray coloration.

<gray coloration can be absorbed by Camouflage do you allow it>

<YES > <NO >

< Three rows of teeth, Feet, Forward Dorsal Fin, and Segmented Exoskeleton can be absorbed by Great shark's body Do you allow it>

<YES > <NO >

'I allow all of these' as I start to feel my mouth burn and feel another set of serrated teeth growing in, as well as a stabbing feeling in my stomach as several pairs of feet grow in allowing me to slightly walk on land, and my exoskeleton growing tougher and more firm and an extra dorsal fin growing on my forehead making me look like an idiot.

'well that was quite the haul of mutations I look a little retarded but hey improvements are improvements and I can headbutt things and probably put a hole through them.' I swiftly look to my side.

'shit, that's not good.' I start to flee from the giant crowd of biters hoping not to get attacked and killed by them knowing that even ten of them can kill a reefback.

'This might be a really stupid idea.' as I decide to turn around and get three of them in my mouth and chew them into a paste. 'Well, this might work as long as I make sure they don't get attached to me.'

I swiftly evade the horde of biters slowly thinning them down by eating more and more of them and after a couple of minutes only two are left and are swallowed as well. 'holy christ that was tiring to do by constantly avoiding them but still eating all of them.'

<DNA Absorption>

Biter: 100%

Mutations: Specialized Olfactory Antenna, Secondary Pair of Eyes, Overdeveloped Tail Fin, and Dark Red Coloration.

<Overdeveloped Tail Fin have been deemed irrelevant will you remove>

<YES > <NO >

<Dark red Coloration can be absorbed by Camouflage do you allow it>

<YES > <NO >

<Specialized Olfactory Antenna and Secondary Pair of Eyes can be absorbed by Great shark's body do you allow it>

<YES > <NO >

'I allow all of these.' Right behind my forehead dorsal fin a small little antenna sprouts and lets me sense all traces of bodily fluids in a 20-meter radius, as well as intense burning behind the first pair of eyes as another set starts to form increasing my ability to see small details better.

'God damn, I'm racking in all the new mutations at this rate I will be able to kill a ghost leviathan in a couple of days.' as I start to explore the grassy plateaus for new food.

'Well I found some acid mushrooms Maybe they will taste good and I really hope this won't kill me.' As I start to scarf down five acid mushrooms all at once.

'well, shit it fucking burns but not in a completely bad way kinda like extra hot Cheetos damn now I want more and there is a small field of them on this small rock formation.' as I start to eat all the acid mushrooms.

<DNA Absorption>

Acid Mushroom: 100%

Mutations: Acidic bodily fluids

<Acidic bodily fluids can be absorbed by Great shark's body do you allow it>

<YES > <NO >

'I allow.' I say with complete excitement lacing my voice happy to have acidic blood and saliva. As my entire body starts to burn as my heart is producing acidic blood now and my salivary glands start to become acidic as well.

'This is the coolest mutation yet now I don't care if I get bitten or hurt anymore I fucking dare you to you dumbasses.' as start to continue my journey looking for more food.

'Ohh yay, some Reginald's there in a shoal all for me' As I quickly swim in with my gray camouflage and my bioluminescent off I get five Reginald's in my mouth before they realize I'm there and they quickly start fleeing.

I swallow the five Reginald's I have in my mouth then I start to chase after some of the others trying to get as many as possible to try and fill the DNA absorption in one go. 'Well that took a whole 20 minutes to get all those Reginald's but I filled the DNA absorption to 100%.'

<DNA Absorption>

Reginald: 100%

Mutations: Diet

<Diet can be absorbed by Great shark's body do you allow it>

<YES > <NO >

'Yes, I allow it.' I feel another set of gills growing in and letting me live off just breathing. 'Well I believe that's everything I can get from this grassy plateau as the better one is near the future crash zone of the aurora, I should head towards the mushroom forest that is over on this side.'

I swiftly swim at top speed to get there as fast as possible to eat so I continue to feast on some food. 'Well, that didn't take as long as expected since my top speed keeps getting faster and faster.'

I swiftly swim through all of the mushroom trees looking for some Mesmer's and hopefully some ampeels. 'It's not what I was looking for but I'm good with jellyrays as my first meal here.'

as I quickly swim in to eat the jelly way and eat its head first and slurp it down. 'it tastes like blue raspberry Jell-O damn I'm going to eat them all now because they taste delectable. As I start to swim around and eat fourteen more jelly rays and a couple of Mesmer's.

'Now that I've satisfied my jelly ray cravings let's go ampeel hunting and then Mesmer hunting so I can have every mutation possible to optimize my survivability.' as I use my expulsion tubes to twist around mushroom trees.

<DNA Absorption>

Jellyray:100% Mesmer: 50%

Mutations: Luminescent Body, Light-Sensitivity, and Outer Wings

< Luminescent Body, Light-Sensitivity, and Outer Wings can be absorbed by Great shark's body Do you allow it>

<YES > <NO >

I killed the occasion Mesmer. 'motherfucker I can't find any ampeels it's like they don't exist whatsoever I allow it.' A set of wings formed above my fins allowing me to swim faster and probably glide now as well, My eyes became even more sensitive to sudden changes in light and my Bioluminescence got even brighter.

'Well if that's not perfect timing I don't know what is, but why are their warpers I don't have the virus so they shouldn't be here.' as I quickly swim up to the warpers but instead of my usual attack and ask questions later I do the opposite.

"Hello there strange one." says the warper in the middle of the group. "Hi, Mr. Warper why have you come here I don't have the virus." "That's precisely the reason we are here you don't have the virus which is incredibly strange as every being on this planet has the virus."

"I guess that makes sense but what would you need of me to come here." I ask in confusion. "Well besides you not having the kharaa virus you seem to be ever growing with every being you eat which is not something your species should be able to do." The warper says with Intrigue.

"Well I am quite a unique one among my brethren and those of this planet but you have still yet to truly answer my question." I ask with minor concern.

"Ohh I'm sorry Well we are here to ask for your cooperation to help us cure the Kharaa virus In exchange we will help you with your constant hunger and please don't say you don't know how to help us we can see that you did have the virus at some point." The warper says with slight intimidation.

"Well, I wasn't planning on saying no as I have subordinates here and wish for them to live a nice and healthy life." I say without being scared of the warper's intimidation.

"Well that's amazing Then come with us we shall take you to one of the facilities that the precursors used before they all died." as The warper opens a portal and swims through it.

'Well this is going much differently from what I was expecting to happen today I thought that warpers would have been some insane living lifeforms since they were genetically modified from multiple species so they could exist.' as I swim through the portal.

{ Well I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I'm betting this is a twist no one was expecting to see as the warpers just hunt and kill you in the game but this seems much more eventful don't you think Well that's the end of this author note I shall put the usual down below. }

< Status >

Name: Dakuwaqa

Species: Boneshark?

Titles: Devourer, Leader of the Bonesharks, Leader of the Stalkers

Biomass: 6,875

Health: 11,930

Bite: 450

DNA Assimilated: 14

DNA Processing: 4

Mutations: Enzyme 42, 360 vision, Great sharks body, camouflage, Electric Follicles.

< New explanations >


< Subordinates >


Titles: N/A

Health: 230

Bite: 20

Mutations: thickly-armored exoskeleton, large eyeballs, and Sensitive Nose.


Titles: N/A

Health: 250

Bite: 25

Mutations: thickly-armored exoskeleton, and large eyeballs.


Titles: N/A

Health: 300

Bite: 30

Mutations: thickly-armored exoskeleton, large eyeballs, and Black-gray



Titles: N/A

Health: 320

Bite: 35

Mutations: Quick Teeth, Night-vision, Dorsal Ridges, and Pelvic Fins

Boneshark 1-11

Titles: N/A

Health: 200

Bite: 20

Mutations: thickly-armored exoskeleton, and large eyeballs.

Stalker 1-15

Titles: N/A

Health: 300

Bite: 30

Mutations: Quick Teeth, Night-vision, Dorsal Ridges, and Pelvic Fins