
Ch 41: The M.P.C.

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

"Lastly, Yamata-no-Orochi for the fact that most legends related to them are true as they have shown several sadistic tendencies that I have seen and several fights have started between Tiamat and Yamata-no-Orochi as well as Yamata-no-Orochi sometimes going out of there a way to attack sea vessels," Ishirō notes down before closing the folder and just looking at me before he hands me my folder, which he was sleeping on.

"Look through it. I haven't been the only one adding to it." Ishirō says as I look at the folder before opening as he continues writing notes down for the four MUTO's

While I look through the folder, my eyes start to widen more as it is much more detailed than when I last checked it. It pinpoints points of where I have been and what I did in those places, even with how my mutations affect my surroundings, especially my teleportation, which leaves spatial signatures and prints.

"How could you find all of this out, especially related to the signatures I left? Even I didn't know about that." I look up from the folder to Ishirō, to which he just shrugs.

"I honestly don't know. Some guy just showed up and gave us some data and details, but since we haven't seen him, or at least not that, I have been told." Ishirō says, making me confused about who it might be before snapping his figures and opening a draw to his left.

"I do have a picture, but it is very blurred. We don't know why that might be, and he said he was part of the M.P.C., which he didn't tell us what that was." Ishirō hands me a picture of the guy that is scratched and somewhat corrupted, with the edges looking like a static TV.

"Don't you guys have state-of-the-art tech? Why is this picture so bad?" I ask as I look at the picture of what looks like a man in a suit and tie with a cane and a raven at the top.

"We do even for our cameras, but for every frame he was in for any picture or video, it became like this even for ones with just his hand or cane," Ishirō explains as I look over the picture more to try and discern any details but only seeing that it might be an old well dressed white guy.

"What else did he give?" I continue to look over the picture, but three different parts of my brain are trying to recall who this might be through any media I can think of from home.

"He gave us something that can tell spatial disturbances, which we completely deconstructed to analyze, and a couple of papers about things related to you," Ishirō says as he grabs a bundle of papers from the same drawer where he grabbed the picture.

"Do you mind if I keep this picture?" I ask Ishirō, to which he just nods as I try to put it in my inventory. However, the moment I do, the inventory crashes, shredding the picture.

"What the hell? " I feel my senses blare suddenly, causing me to snap my head to the right before teleporting into an open field in Texas. 'What was that? ' I look over my surroundings to see what is happening, but my senses do not pick anything up from either my thermal vision or my ability to see through camouflage easily.

'What is going on here? I don't remember this from the movies, especially an organization named M.C.P., at least not one that was actively shown in the movies.' I look around more before shrinking the spread of my senses down just to a thirty-mile radius around me, letting me sense slight changes in the air and small shifts in the dirt, with several parts of my brain sorting through the information.

I then feel a small tingle behind me as I teleport to the right. A loud, resounding boom rings out in the surrounding area, and a man walks out of the newly formed crater, each step completely silent besides the hitting sound of a cane.

"So you are the disturbance we have been picking up lately," the man says with a slightly sarcastic voice as he looks me over. The dust around him finally settles, but he still does not let me see any discerning features besides looking similar to the man in the picture.

"What, no talk from our file? You were quite talkative when fighting Ghidorah and wiping out the RDA from Pandora," the man says before picking his cane up and tapping it on the floor, causing a wide area around us to fizzle before changing into a barren plane with no life or signature.

'How does he know about the RDA? What file does he have? How big is it.' I lower my body before condensing my size down to a small version of myself. Causing the man to laugh slightly before snapping, causing chains of light to burst out of nowhere to surround me. I just shrink myself more before teleporting behind him.

"Now that isn't very fun, Cameron." the man says as my eyes then go into slits with my body exploding in ice and fire. "There is the beast we have a record on. Don't you want to know more." the man says with a taught as he pulls on his cane, and a sword comes out.

"How do you know that name? Tell me, god damnit." I yell as my horns glow a blinding purple and release a white plasma-like flame scorching the very air around me.

"You aren't asking very nicely, Cameron, and besides, you should already know that it is your name." The man says from what sounds like behind me, not seeing him there but also having easily dodged my torrent of flames.

"Come on, be creative. Show me what you have. After all, I know you have a lot of things you haven't properly used yet." The man says as my eyes narrow more before I burst with radiation around myself to try and kill him.

"Now, now, did you think I didn't know you ate a bone from Dagon." the man whispers right into my ear before slashing his sword towards one of my eyes which I narrowly teleport away from but not before him cutting under my eye.

"Who are you, and what do you know of me?" I yell, covering half the area, which is now an icy wasteland, with the other half covered in a rainy torrent with constant strikes of lightning.

"You should already know enough by now, Cameron. Besides, not knowing me is a little hurtful, especially since we are friends or at least used to be. That is, after all, you have been gone for a couple trillion years." The man says with my eyes widening before he stops the sheath of his sword on the ground, causing an army to appear behind him.

As he then dashes forward with the army behind him charging forward as I then just say screw it and shift to my full size and summoning forth an army of my own as several MUTOs, Kaiju, and Dragons mounted with both humans and Na'vi as I also see Precursors come out of the portal mounted on more aquatic based dragons and animals.

"I missed this, though. It is a bit strange being on this side of it, and it seems that your army is only at its accumulating stage, which means you have interacted with them already." The man says with a smile growing larger by the second as he looks over our clashing troops before I pull the water from the storm I created, which is only increasingly larger due to myself and the several Ghidorahs.

"Cameron, you seem to forget that I know you and your tactics, though that's to be expected, especially from you." The man says with a smile before dropping into a frown and flashing in front of me, aiming at the front of my snout.

"I don't even know who you are," I yell before bursting out a wave of radiation, which only causes him to move back a bit and chuckle a bit before shaking his left hand. A second sword is formed, though this one is a cutlass made of light.

"How about we just stop the talking? After all, I haven't been able to move my old bones for the last million years or so." the man says before his clothes shift into plated armor, and he grows four more arms before letting out a pleasured sigh and charging forward.

I then charge towards him, shifting into my Na'vi form with my horns still in their majesty and my tail swinging around before grabbing a rock and chucking it at him.

He easily dodges the rock before I crush it with my telekinesis, causing rocks to fly in every direction with our armies fighting below us as I pull my spear out of my inventory and make two shields from ice on my lower arms.

As the man sees my weapon and shields, his face grows into a wide grin. I see him vanish before he appears at my side, swinging two swords in a crossing pattern. I put both shields up to block them with my spear, thrusting forward, to which he summons a bow, shield, and another sword, but this one being a Khopesh.

With the newly formed shield, he used it to easily parry my spear before trying to slash me with his Khopesh, but I made a quick wall of ice in front of it, not even slowing down his sword as it cut off my top arm, making me teleport back a couple of miles.

"You still don't even know how to fight that well yet," the man mutters before he speaks in a voice and tongue I can't understand. He is then surrounded by thousands of weapons made of light, several from different cultures and planets, before they shoot forward.

I am barely sensing them through my senses, so I start to decrease the field that is spread to a small seven meters, letting me sense the interactions of the atoms and molecules around me.

I then rush forward, wrapping myself in my telekinesis to help boost my speed and sending several waves of electricity to help boost the speed. My body reacts as I arrive in front of the man, and I thrust my spear, to which the man winks before teleporting to the right.

My strike then blasted forward, destroying everything in its path. The spear looked like it would be destroyed as I threw it into my inventory before making two gladiuses. 

I then rush forward with my gladiuses as I start to course radiation through it. I adjust the molecules of the radiation and ice to force them to bond with each other before swinging down to where the man is standing, which I quickly cut through him before I realize it was a chunk of wood with a tag on it.

'Substitution Jutsu.' I look to the left to see his cane sword covered in lightning and hear him mutter something: "Bankai." I then feel a giant shudder go down my spine and a feeling of overwhelming fear courses through me.

"Urahara," I muttered, causing Urahara to smile as the air around him blurs to show his actual face before the world shakes drastically with women in a white robe and black thigh-highs teleporting in front of Urahara.

"You know we aren't allowed to harm him, Urahara, at least not yet, that is." the woman looked over at me and gave me a deadly glare with the want for me dead.

"I know Yoruichi, but he is right here, and the old man wouldn't care that much, would he?" Urahara says with a now jolly smile, scratching the back of his head lightly with one of his hands, his Bankai now disappearing.

"We both know how he would react, though we should be able to kill him in the future," Yoruichi says, looking at Urahara. Stop playing around. We need to leave, though, with a small glint of something I can't discern.

"And you, you can leave now." Yoruichi flicks her hand, and the area around me blurs, but before everything shifts, I see Urahara kiss Yoruichi as I then appear back in the field where the fight started.

'What just happened? What was the point? Why did that happen.' I start to continuously question before the image of Urahara kissing Yoruichi appears in my head, pushing everything aside as the code of bro takes over, and I give a slight nod of satisfaction.

'Okay, that small moment aside, and how it makes me slightly happy about what was happening. How does Urahara have all these powers now.' I question as I then teleport back to Ishirō.


{A/N Well, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and the fight that happened. I know that it might seem a little sudden, but there were a couple of hints throughout the last couple of chapters and even a little earlier. 

But what is most important is that I have made Yoruichi and Urahara dating, which should have happened already and should already be canon but sadly isn't, so we take matters into our own hands.

Also, I want to say I am making another fic, Werewolf's Pride. Unlike Oni's Rise, I will update as Oni's was just to get the idea out before making more of it. I now have a Twitch, so please come and follow me. I'm playing Hollow Knight and my tag is livyatan802.

However, I will now put the usual below and will say that the next chapter is the last of this verse.


Species: Devouring Leviathan

Name: Livyatan

OG Name: Cameron

Titles: Kings Guard, Flaming Disaster +8

Length: 413m (1354ft)

DNA Assimilated: 296


[Makings of a King]


1: Kill Ghidorah (COMPLETE)

2: Help Godzilla (COMPLETE)

3: Prevent the death of Mothra (COMPLETE)

4: Explore


1: Unique Mutation

2: Memory Influx

3: Knowledge

[Return to Monke]


1: Kill Skar King

2: Help King Kong (33%)


1: Random Mutation

2: World Kit

[Be a Pest]


1: Annoy Godzilla (COMPLETE)

2: Quality Time with King Kong


1: Random Mutation

2: Mothra's Favor