
Ch 38: The Effects

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

'Apparently, he was tired, though I guess I could always tell him about it tomorrow. I might also speed up the diplomatics with Ishirō, but it is not like I won't be here for a while longer to see other events unfold.' I then walk past Kong into the cave, lie on the cold stone floor, and fall asleep.

(Godzilla's POV)

'I hope I didn't end up making the wrong choice, though it already seems like it will be the right decision as it means more time with Mothra, and I will happily take that time.' as I look over to the side at Mothra before looking back in front of me at Behemoth.

'This would be easier to deal with if he was here. That being said, I still haven't learned his name even after how much he has helped me, but I do hope I made the right choice, especially since the titan that will be ruling Hollow Earth in the future will be from the same species mine hates.' as I listen to the annoyed roars and growls from Behemoth about the Humans and what they have done to his once flourishing forest.

'I never knew how useful his mind links were until I had to deal with this again,' I tiredly sigh and tell Behemoth, with a low growl filled with what can only be interpreted as annoyance at why he was called here just to listen to Behemoth complain.

'If not for the fact that they need to be awake again to help the planet heal, I would just send them all back to sleep; that way, I wouldn't have to deal with the Humans or random things like this.' as Behemoth then gives a roar that says you are king. You should help deal with this problem. Even if Humans used to worship us, they no longer care.

'He sadly has a point, though with time, we might be able to form connections again with the Humans, or I can at least hope so.' I then roar at Behemoth, saying that even as your king, there is nothing I can do about this but keep the Humans away as you regrow this forest, which gets a very pissed-off growl from Behemoth as he just turns around and starts walking away.

'Of course. Well, at least this means I should be done for the day, and Mothra and I can just head back to our lair and sleep some more.' I look up to Mothra, who looks at Behemoth with what I can tell is a sigh before looking down at me and giving me what I can tell is a look of affection.

'I missed that look, though. It is time to head back home, which sadly means we have to split up for a bit as we both have different methods to get there, with her flying through one of the vortexes and me swimming through one.' as I then give a small look of reluctance to split as I then give a roar saying it is time to head back to the lair to which I get a chitter back with her agreeing as she then starts flying towards her way back.

'Maybe I should just make another rift down to Hollow Earth. That way, we can both get there together without needing to worry about anything.' I ponder that idea as I walk toward the ocean and quickly leave the spot where we talked with Behemoth.

(Ishirō's POV)

'I don't understand how I am supposed to explain this to my associates. How do you tell someone you personally talked to a MUTO without either sounding crazy or being called a liar?' I thought as I walked into the meeting room to see some of my friends, associates, and investors sitting around the table waiting for me.

"Ishirō, come sit. We need to talk about this new MUTO," Vivienne says as I nod my head and walk over to the last open chair by Stenz, who gives me a small nod before looking over to the head of the table.

"Now that we are all here, we need to talk about this new MUTO, which we have no history, not a single mural or painting, not even a story related to it. All we know is that it has been shown to have a good relationship with Godzilla." The man says, who I struggle to try and identify as I look over to my right at the projector to see several images of Livyatan.

"We have also found out that he has a type of father relationship with Kong, as shown here, teaching him how to play catch and later baseball, which also stirs another question: how does a MUTO know of our sports and pass times well enough to teach another." The man says with thought of understanding going through my head on what he said and even how I struggle to believe Livyatan is what he is.

"Though those matters aside, we need to know how this MUTO was able to both kill Ghidorah, which I have been informed was the toppling force of Godzilla and make every other MUTO bow for what has been observed to be their king." The man says as I see several people start muttering among themselves, and the man starts to grin slightly before changing the slide to a video.

"But what is most concerning is this video." The man says as he starts it, causing everyone to look over at it with an obvious intent to try and understand what is to happen as. I quickly realize what the video is as they all watch Livyatan jump out of the water with an open maw and swallow the oxygen destroyer before being shot backward but unfazed, causing looks of dread to be shown on most of our investors and even some of my friends and associates.

"How is that even possible? That missile would have the power to kill Godzilla and most other MUTOs, but it could just eat it." I hear someone say as I turn my head to the side to see Diane say with a clear face of confusion

"That is what makes it so concerning. What else can it do if it could easily eat a missile made to kill Godzilla and other MUTOs? We already have many other cases of it doing both extraordinary things that can be easily used to wipe us out if angered." The man says as he then shows another slide, this time from G-day when Livyatan and Godzilla were fighting the Muto's and how Livyatan could teleport others and use telekinesis to reform the buildings with ease.

"There has to be an understandable biological reason why he can do this unless he is like Ghidorah and from another planet, but that is highly unlikely." Someone says, to which I nod as I already know how he can teleport himself and others but not telekinesis.

"While that is true, there is still the fact that there is no history of him being on this planet, and no other MUTO has shown such a wide variety of abilities as this one." The man responded, to which I nodded my head again in agreement, as Livyatan does have a large number of abilities I still have yet to ask about.

"But that is all I have to say about this new MUTO, and I would like to know anything any of you might know, as the more we can learn about this anomaly, the better, " the man says as he sets a remote down, and the lights turn back on. I just realized that they were off when I saw several of my associates look at each other.

"Well, sir, we do know a couple of things about this new MUTO, but it is only a few things as we have recently acquired a video from Skull Island that has yet to be watched by any of us in this room that I know of, but a friend has told me of mine that it should be brought up," Rick says as I give a look of curiosity to him and watch him connect his computer to the projector and start up a video with what is quite frankly some of the worst quality I have ever seen.

"I wasn't told that the quality would be so bad," Rick says as he shakes his head. I see him mumble about smacking Rob upside the head when he sees him next.

"It's fine. Just start it, and we will see what we can learn from it," the man says with a slightly annoyed voice as he leans forward to get a better look at the video Rick starts. It zooms in, and the quality actually starts to improve, which makes everyone release a small sigh of happiness as the video develops a huge blue figure fighting through a mass of what looks to be Skull Crawlers.

As my associates figured out that it was a mass of Skull Crawlers, a look of horror appeared on all of their faces. The video then zooms out a bit to show that the mass is constantly growing, though, with the figure still moving through it. I then identified some of the characteristics and saw that it is Livyatan with what looks like four ice axes, one in each hand.

"My god." I hear Stenz whisper to my side as I continue to watch the video. I realize that it has slowed down, causing a small look of fear to show on my face. I then look to my left to see the man with a giant grin and his eyes shining with greed.

I then make a small mental note to find out who this man is later before looking back at the video and then seeing all the blood surrounding Livyatan gain a sense of life as it morphs into lances and spears being hurled at the Crawlers before he continues to run among them with bodies dropping wherever he passes.

At that moment, I see that everyone has their eyes glued to the screen with more focus than they did earlier. I then see a slight vibration in one of the Crawlers' bodies, making me slightly confused. The ribs of the Crawler burst out into the air, forming bone lances and spears and joining the blood spears as they fall onto the Crawler.

The video then jumps to show all the Crawlers dead with what looks like a lake of blood under Livyatan as he waves his hand. The bones within all the dead bodies burst out, floating in the air as they then fly towards him and magically disappear. Livyatan twitches his finger as all the boneless bodies and blood float up and condense into cubes of organs, blood, and flesh with him, then opens his maw and eats them in quick succession.

After he eats the final cube of flesh, Livyatan snaps his neck to the satellite before the video shows him standing with Kong. The video ends, leaving a look of horror on all of our faces, but the man quickly hides his smile behind a stoic face as everyone turns towards him.

"With this video being shown, I believe we can move to the next topic on how we will be making a rank on how deadly each MUTO is, with even the dead Ghidorah on this ranking, as we have no idea if there might be more than just one of these MUTOs like there was with the Muto's so we will be putting this new MUTO at the top of the list with Godzilla right below it as we will rank him an extinction-level threat." The man says as he looks us all over and receives understanding nods from us all as it makes perfect sense to us all.

"Well, I will let you all discuss the rankings after this meeting, but is there anything else we have on this MUTO? We currently know that it has Cryokinesis, Pyrokinesis, Telekinesis, Shapeshifting, Teleporting, and some form of Telepathy." The man says, and then I see a man standing in the corner of the room, quickly writing something down before looking up at us.


{A/N Well, I hope you guys liked the chapter, and I apologize for being late on the updates. I have been busy lately as the first week of school has passed, so I wanted to prepare for that before writing again. I would also like to say that the update schedule should be Mondays and Fridays, excluding this chapter, as it was supposed to be released yesterday but wasn't.

That aside, I hope you guys enjoyed seeing some other POVs on how our MC has affected the world and how it is reacting to his presence.

But I will now put the usual below and would like to say that this arc will be over in about three or four chapters at most.


Species: Devouring Leviathan

Name: Livyatan

Titles: Kings Guard, Flaming Disaster +8

Length: 400m (1312ft)

DNA Assimilated: 294


[Makings of a King]


1: Kill Ghidorah (COMPLETE)

2: Help Godzilla (COMPLETE)

3: Prevent the death of Mothra (COMPLETE)

4: Explore


1: Unique Mutation

2: Memory Influx

3: Knowledge

[Return to Monke]


1: Kill Skar King

2: Help King Kong (33%)


1: Random Mutation

2: World Kit

[Be a Pest]


1: Annoy Godzilla (COMPLETE)

2: Quality Time with King Kong


1: Random Mutation

2: Mothra's Favor