
Ch 3: Exploits

" talking "

' thinking '

[ System ]

{ Author Note }

I then quickly swim out of the tumbler's empty husk as all that's left is its skin and bones and quickly swim to a nearby cave seeing that I'm in a completely different grassy plateaus as I see the dunes in the distance. As I get into a cave I nestle myself into the grass and keep an eye out for any bleeders and then quickly fall asleep.

As I wake up I send out several clicks and short roars for recon on outside before I leave and wait for the signals to come back. 'That was a great nap though I don't think I can consider it one since I was probably asleep for 5 hours. I guess while I wait for my signals to come back I should check my status'.


Species: Mutated Boneshark

Titles: Giant Slayer

Length: 17m (55ft)

DNA Assimilated: 16

'my status seems not to have changed much though I have grown a good bit though its really showing how much my giant slayer title is helping as I fought a leviathan that is 45 meters and another that was 85 meters'.

'though it looks like I'm good to leave as my signals have come back and they only bounced off rocks and nothing else really'. I then start to slowly swim outside to confirm if I'm okay to leave and see that there is nothing outside.

'I need to think more before I go into battle, the frill was fine but the tumbler not so much. I need to focus on other things now though maybe since I'm in different grassy plateaus I can find more new stuff that can be useful'.

as I start quickly swimming out of the cave and looking around while making sure to put distance between me and the dunes as even though I can deal with leviathans now I don't know what's new over there, especially since it is near where the end of the map would be.

'Now that there is some distance between me and the dunes I can explore and hopefully find some new animals or even find the jellyshroom caves'.

While I swim around the grassy plateaus I see that there is no real difference to the other one so I just start using my echolocation in every direction to hopefully find the jellyshroom caves.

`well that sucks there isn't anything new but I guess that makes sense though any other big animals in the same biome would make it too difficult to live here'.

'But there is an upside'. While I stare at the cave beneath me as I see all the jelly shroom sprouts and the more curious crab snakes come out of the cave. 'time to have Crabsnake for dinner'.

I then quickly propel myself down towards one of the Crabsnakes and slice its sides then quickly twist myself around it to let me bite the back of its head to quickly kill it.

'well, that was simple, though I can kill leviathans now, and since the Crabsnake was bigger than me making my title take effect which kinda makes it feel like cheating'.

'but who cares honestly now let's dig in'. I then start ripping into the Crabsnake as its taste reminds me of king crab which causes me to eat it even faster.

[DNA Absorption]

Crabsnake DNA

Mutations Gained: N/A

'well that's kind of disappointing, I'm assuming it means there was nothing good to gain then but I will sadly have to accept this though they did taste really good so I will probably come back for more'.

I then left the cave as quickly as I entered it. 'well I don't know what to do now maybe I should head to the Grand Reef to eat some crab squids and hopefully find some cool stuff on the way over'.

I then started to quickly swim through the plateaus seeing several bone sharks and Scythefish they were both fighting to survive usually with the Scythefish winning but hey what can you say, nature.

as I finish going through the plateaus I get a good look at the blood kelp trench as I pass by seeing several ampeels and what seems like another new leviathan tearing through them as well as other animals in its path.

'Keep in mind when I head over there try not to immediately mess with that guy'. While I continue swimming on I go through the sparse reef and see a leviathan that looks like a mixture between a gasopod and a sea turtle.

as the giant yellow bulbous sacs on its back glow slightly as it swims by with what looks like a small herd of what I assume are its children. while it sees me swim by it eyes me down in case of my sudden movement to attack it.

When I finish looking at the turtle leviathan I continue through the sparse reef relatively unbothered. 'Finally, the grand reef is as beautiful as the game made it look if not even better'.

While I admire the scenery around me I swim through giant rock arches and admire the sights of the anchor pods that seem to be swaying back and forth and the membrane tree giving its beautiful off the rocks around it making it all the more beautiful.

'I think I might choose this biome to live in once I'm done exploring the planet'. I then start moving with more speed through the rock arches and admiring my surroundings not even realizing that I arrive in the sea treaders' path as they walk slowly under me.

'I accidentally swam too far though this isn't exactly a bad thing and there seems to be what kind seems like a sea horse following them, It's kind of cute I'm not going to lie but it is probably important to the sea treader and I would rather not mess with the nice leviathans when there isn't a need to'.

'I guess I should turn back around since I mainly after the Crabsquid for its bio-electric organ so I can deal with ampeels easier as well'. While I finish looking at the sea treaders and what I assume are their smaller distant cousins I turn around and head back to the beautiful grand reef.

'I'm definitely going to live here in the future though I need to focus on finding a crab squid and maybe even a juvenile Ghost leviathan after it came out of the lost river'.

as I swim through the arches I move into the cave system of the Grand Reef and use my echolocation to get a good grip on the area. 'well it seems like there isn't anything around me for the time being so let's get a Moven'.

I start quickly swimming through the caves and occasionally use my echolocation throughout the way to try and find a Crabsquid and hopefully a Mesmer.

'Finally some beautiful wildlife'. As I watch a Crabsquid walk around the floor eating a dead cousin of mine. 'well it sucks to suck I guess'. I then quickly dart forward and bite into the crab squid's squishy membrane of a head.

'delicious' as I start tearing through the crab squid's brain and stomach making sure I eat every bit of its head to make sure It doesn't somehow EMP me before it fully dies.

'who would have thought that a Crabsquid would taste like a perfect mix of Calamari and Alaskan crab honestly I love crab way too much to have to hold myself from hunting crab squids and crab snakes into extinction'.

[DNA Absorption]

Crabsquid DNA

Mutations Gained: electric organ, rubber coating, and 3 hearts

as I finish eating the delicious Crabsquid I start to feel my lower body hurt slightly as well as the middle of my body. As two more hearts grow it increases the blood flow in my circulatory system strengthening my muscles and making it easier to move.

while my entire outer body gains a slight sheen as it is coated in a thick and very durable rubber letting me endure electric shock to a higher degree and being completely unfazed by anything under 2 megavolts.

I also feel a small electrical organ grow tightly between my liver and stomach but create hundreds of pathways throughout my body to let electricity easily flow out of my body with a simple command letting me release 1 kilovolt with 3 amps in a spherical area around me but quickly disperses around me.

{ A/N I prefer not to do this but this is absolutely crazy with the fact that I just made our man able to tank 2 million volts and dish out a thousand volts easily and with it having 3 amps he can practically auto-kill anything with it.}

'holy mother of Christ I can probably kill anything now with this many volts and just 1 amp with this much would practically let me kill anything but a god as you only need 20 volts and 1 amp to kill a human if they are wet'.

'I'm practically the good of instantaneous death through electricity. I need to test it now I really hope there is a new leviathan I can find here or a ghost leviathan because I need to test this'.

I then hurriedly shot out of the cave easily moving between rocks and plants looking for anything of noticeable size to shock. 'finally I found something'.

When I catch eye of what looks like a catfish I rocket towards it as fast as I can then circle around its body and release an emp blast around me that stretches 3 meters in each direction away from me causing it to make quick contact with the leviathan and instantly kill and fry it.

'well damn I didn't want to kill it but I guess I will take it but god is this cool to have eI just fried a fish underwater with electricity I can probably go fight any leviathan and be fine now unless it's a sea dragon as it might hit me before I get close as my range is sadly not far'.

I then start to quickly gorge myself on the cooked fish in front of me as it tastes exactly how it looks the taste of catfish brings me back to early memories of Lake Champlain with my dad.

[DNA Absorption]

Tzi Tzi Leviathan DNA

Mutations Gained: Flashable Whiskers and Retractable whiskers

as I finish eating my cooked fish I feel my face burn slightly as right in front of my nostrils long whiskers grow letting me more clearly feel the temperature in the water.

while another pair of them grow on top of my head near my ears that can unfold and let me release a quick blinding light to blind anything near me for a sneak attack.

'wait isn't a Tzi Tzi a creature from Monster Hunter why is it in the form of a fish on this planet and why is the thing it gave me pretty useful to me in case I need to stun something that's too far away for my emp'.

'I can ponder this later I guess and try to look for a Mesmer to try and get its hypnotic eyes so I can become even stronger for no reason at this point really'.

I then shot down toward the floor of the ocean and looked closely for a Mesmer while also using my echolocation and electrolocation as well which caused me to quickly sense one that was currently ensnaring a spadefish with its eyes.

'well, this is perfect if I've ever seen it'. as I shot towards the Mesmer from behind and quickly ate it and the spadefish in one quick bite and swallow which makes it look like they never truly existed in the first place.

[DNA Absorption]

Mesmer DNA Spadefish DNA

Mutations Gained: Hypnotic eyes and hallucinogenic wings

as I finish feeling the movement of the fish in my stomach I start to feel my eyes burn lightly as I feel them able to quickly change color in rhythms and according to emotion.

while my top whiskers burn as well causing the color of them to change as well as make hypnotic effects to ensnare anyone looking too intensely at them.

'well that is quite a good upgrade and one I have been hoping to get since I figured out I could do this'. as I fold my whiskers out and observe them looking at the change in colors I can do with them.

'wow that's actually really beautiful though it sucks I can't look at my own eyes I kind of want to see how much they changed with the new mutation gain but now it's time to go find that young ghost leviathan then head to the crag field'. 

I then dart towards the area where the crag meets and the grand reef seeing a ghost leviathan that probably recently hit adulthood eat a Crabsquid.

see that the ghost Leviathan is completely distracted I quickly move towards it and bite the left side of its hammerhead then release a weak emp which only seems to knock it out but I see all of its muscles tighten and quickly die shortly after.

'I love this emp though the ghost leviathan was shockingly able to survive it for a second longer than expected which is quite noteworthy but it's time to eat'. I then start tearing into the body of the ghost leviathan and eating its head first to get through the toughest part first.

[DNA Absorption]

Ghost leviathan DNA

Mutations Gained: Continuous growth and microscopic feeder

'that's strange I don't feel any change this time after I finish eating him is there something wrong'. as I look over the system screen intently to figure out what could be happening.

'Ohh it makes sense now it's because Continuous growth is more on the genetic level by just changing it to let me grow bigger Continuously as I grow older'.

'As well as microscopic feeder just being related to me being able to eat plankton and make it easier to extract energy from it on the trophic level. Which kind of makes sense as anything can eat microscopic life but whales and ghost leviathans have it optimized in their genetics'.

'well now that I have made sense of that I should find a cave to go sleep in as it has been a fun and eventful day so let's find something comfortable near here so I can go into the crag tomorrow'.

I then swim lower to the sea floor and find a cave with an anchor pod outside and a beautiful sprout of a membrane tree growing. 'This is a perfect place to sleep though before that I should check my quests'.

[King of the Sparse]


1: Become the ruler of the Sparse Reef


1: random mutation


[King of the Reef]


1: Become the ruler of the Grand Reef


1: random mutation


[The True Leviathan]


1: Become a Leviathan class


1: random mutation

2: Leviathan specific title


'My god I wasn't expecting this many quests to be cleared and why didn't it auto collect like the first one I did and aren't I only bigger than the sea treader to be a leviathan'.

'Well, I guess I should just accept it so I will work my way down'. I then start accepting my rewards and feel my body burn entirely as I feel the mental ability to change my form into anything I have eaten as long as it's smaller or around the same size as I am.

while my little feet burn slightly as I feel them all combine as I grow four small legs with limited mobility but letting me now walk on land. 

as I also feel my brain burn tremendously as instead of having four sides like a humans it has four now letting me move with even more elegance and ease than I already did.

'this is amazing I have legs now as well and I can easily bring them up to my body to increase my speed when I swim and since I can fold my fins against my body like a sailfish I won't be needlessly bulky either'.

'but what's even better is my shifting ability as I can now make myself smaller if I want since it lets me become anything I have eaten and since my body is technically always eating itself like any other so I can shrink myself to constantly be able to use my giant slayer title'.

'but now it's time to claim my new title and see what it is'. As I claim the title I see that I am now known as the devouring leviathan which is giving my already bottomless stomach the ability to process harder materials like metals and fossilized bones.

'This is the best haul I could have ever asked for but I should let my body adapt to these new changes though my body already does pretty well but it works even better when sleeping'.

'Also I really need to see a psychiatrist as I'm explaining my own abilities to myself like a crazy person maybe I can get one once I eat a human and head to earth, But for now sleep'.

I then nestle myself next to the small membrane tree after shrinking myself to not crush it with my size and slowly fall into a dreamless yet comforting sleep.


{ A/N First of all I would like to apologize for this chapter taking so long I got caught up in tests and an apprenticeship but I won't leave I'm here to stay as I am emotionally invested in my own story because honestly, I don't even know where or how it's going to end as I will just let the ideas flow and show me the way. 

also aside from that, I hope you guys enjoyed the powers and the complete random boost of power at the end from quests as well as the friendly but protective leviathan he met in the sparse reef for a short moment.

But now I'm going to end this note and hope you guys enjoyed it but now I have to go practice for a talent show on the 20th I wasn't prepared for so bye guys and I hope you guys stick around to enjoy this book with me.


Species: devouring leviathan

Titles: Devouring Leviathan and Giant Slayer

Length: 26m (85ft)

DNA Assimilated: 22




1: Help The Sea Empress

2: Become Leviathan Class

3: Explore


1: Added system function

2: unique mutation

3: ?

[King of Bones]


1: Become the ruler of the Floating Islands


1: random mutation

[King of the Forest]


1: Become the ruler of the Kelp Forests


1: random mutation

[King of the Grasslands]


1: Become the ruler of the Grassy Platues


1: random mutation