
Chapter 80

Ren Qi thought about it for a while, and always felt that the number of monsters around his territory was a bit outrageous.

Other lords shouldn't face so many monsters, right?

Could it be related to the special environment here?

In front of his territory is the Black Mist Forest. There must be a large number of monsters hidden in it. In the tide of magic, it can be explained that these monsters are attacking his territory.

Ren Qi looked back at the mountain behind her, her expression became serious.

If it has something to do with the dark foggy forest in front of the territory, then he can still accept it.

But if there are other reasons, then Ren Qi is a little worried.

However, the advantage of this is that there are more monsters around, so the succubuses kill monsters very quickly, and his points on the kill list are also increasing.

Although there are many monsters attacking around, there are also high-level monsters, but most of them are third-order monsters and fourth-order monsters, and it is very easy to deal with the surrounding succubus.

As for those high-level monsters, Elis and the others carried out point-to-point sniping.

Of course, due to the large number of attacking monsters around, the succubus can no longer maintain a record of zero damage, and damage has already begun.

Some weaker ordinary succubus were damaged under the sharp claws of these monsters.

Ren Qi looked very distressed, but he understood that this was a process every lord had to go through.

The surrounding battles continued, and a large number of monsters were killed by the succubus, but there was still a steady stream of monsters rushing towards the territory.

Overwhelming, as if it were endless.

This made Ren Qi feel a little heavy.

After all, although the succubuses are more than capable of resisting now, with the passage of time, the physical strength has already appeared obvious.

After all, it's been such a long battle, and the succubus's physical strength is still relatively large.

If the battle continues like this, I am afraid that the succubus will suffer more casualties.

Elis also noticed this situation and quickly came to Ren Qi's side.

"Master, there are more and more monsters around, and a large-scale extermination is needed, otherwise, the sisters will be unable to withstand it."

"I can unleash a stunt and carry out a wide-ranging attack. The attack strength will drop a lot. It is only about the strength of the sixth-order, but the scope will be expanded a lot. It should be able to ease the current situation."

"Just to release this stunt, one hundred energy crystals are needed as the starting energy."

Listening to Elis's words, Ren Qi didn't hesitate, just took out a hundred energy crystals to Elis.

"Do your best, and if you don't have enough energy crystals, give it to me."

Ren Qi looked at the birth of Elis.

Elis nodded, and then slowly came into the air.

She slowly closed her eyes, and a hundred energy crystals were suspended around her body, trembling slightly.

The energy in it seemed to be pulled by something, and one after another, it spilled out from the energy crystal and submerged into Elis' body.

Elis suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a dark shadow of a flower in his eyes.

Then she pushed her hands forward gently, and dark black flowers appeared around the territory.

Afterwards, these dark black flowers spread rapidly towards the surrounding with the territory wall as the center.

These dark black flowers directly cover the surrounding area of ​​500 meters.

Elis's body trembled slightly in midair, as if he couldn't hold on anymore.

Then she suddenly clenched her hands.

'Boom! '

These dark-black flowers that had spread suddenly erupted, and the jet-black flames were like fountains, spraying out from these dark-black flowers, covering all the monsters within a radius of 500 meters.

The burning of the black flame caused the monsters in it to scream continuously, and soon a large number of monsters were burned to death in this pitch-black flame.

Elis also slowly landed from mid-air, leaning weakly on the wall beside Ren Qi.

"Master, this is the **** flame I summoned with a hundred energy crystals, which can last for ten minutes."

"It's impossible for monsters below the sixth rank to break through these hellfires, you can give the sisters a rest."

When Ren Qi heard the words, she did not hesitate, and directly signaled all the succubus to make repairs.

And Maggie and the two succubus slayers cast their eyes on the burning hellfire ahead.

If there is a monster over the sixth rank rushing over, they will go forward to block it.

And the death of a large number of monsters caused Ren Qi's kill points to explode directly.

Coupled with the fact that he had already accumulated a lot of kill points before, Ren Qi's ranking directly surpassed the fourth and became the third place, and the kill points were close to the second-ranked Black Dragon Territory.

And this change in kill points also caused a great sensation in the chat group.

[Fuck! what's the situation? what's going on? Why did the Killing Points of Big Seven Seven suddenly skyrocket so much? ]

[I'm also stupid. I just refreshed the kill rankings, but I didn't expect the big boss Qiqiqi to jump directly to the third place. ]

[I can see clearly, the kill points of the big boss Qiqiqi have soared by more than 10,000. What is the situation? Could it be that Qiqiqi boss killed a ninth-order monster? ]

[Is this impossible? Didn't it still say that the troop of the big brother Qiqiqi is the succubus? Even if it is upgraded~www.mtlnovel.com~, it is impossible to kill the ninth-order monster, right? ]

[Before, Mr. Qiqiqi brought us a lot of surprises, but I didn't expect it to be the same this time. ]

[I originally thought that although the succubus arm of the Boss Qiqiqi was strong, it would definitely not be ranked among the many advanced arms. Who would have known that the Boss Qiqiqi has now become the third place. ]

[Awesome! Apart from these two words, I can't think of any other words to describe Qiqiqi. ]

[Humph! You bastards, when it was revealed that the Boss Qiqiqi was a succubus, but many people sneered and ridiculed it, I was different. I always thought that the Boss Qiqiqi was the most awesome. ]

[You guys say, is it possible that Big Boss Qiqiqi will be the number one in the kill rankings this time? ]

[impossible! Absolutely impossible! It is estimated that his luck is relatively good. What large-scale attack kills a large number of monsters is definitely not as durable as the first two dragons. ]

[That is, you are optimistic, this Qiqiqi's ranking will definitely continue to decline. Although he is very tough now, he definitely has no staying power. ]

[Are you an idiot upstairs? Didn't you see that the big bosses Qiqiqi have changed from seventh to third? I still don't believe in the strength of Qiqiqi. ]

[That's right, he also said that Big Boss Qiqiqi has no staying power. If I were Big Boss Qiqiqi, I wouldn't be able to bear it anyway, and I would definitely **** you. ]

The succubus territory's kill points skyrocketed, which naturally attracted the attention of many new lords.

And the Black Mist Alliance, which is most concerned about Ren Qi, was also discussed in the private chat group.