
Chapter 77

Ren Qi looked at the news in the chat group, and her expression became solemn.

As for the news from the outside world, he naturally wants to know very much.

Soon, Xuan Ming's news appeared in the chat group.

[Everyone, according to the news from the Alliance of Five Powers, we are an area at the junction of the five powers. ]

[After the lords were incarnated at that time, this place was shrouded in black mist, and all the new lords of the five countries were incarnated in the black mist. ]

[The five major countries searched for the first time, but because of the mystery of the black fog and the large number of ninth-order monsters hidden in it, they were not able to enter the black fog. ]

[In these days, the new lords have been incarnated, and the five major countries have also joined forces to gather together their respective lords who are good at exploration, and gather the lords of high-level electronic equipment and arms to explore the black mist. ]

[Although it is impossible to investigate the place shrouded in the black fog, the five major countries have a general understanding of the situation inside the black fog. ]

[The black fog cannot enter, and the five major countries are hurrying to find a way. ]

[Now, the five major countries have found boxes made of new materials, which can pass through the black fog and airdrop us resources. ]

[However, this new type of material is very rare, and the quantity is not very large, so it is not possible to airdrop resources to every new lord. ]

[So, the Five Nations Alliance decided to rank according to the kill list I made before. When this monster attack is over, it will be the first resource airdrop. The higher the ranking lord, the better. many resources. ]

[Because there are not many boxes, I can only give airdrops to the top 100 new lords. I hope everyone knows that I will announce the list information in the chat group later. Come on, everyone, work hard to improve the ranking, and strive to get the resource airdrop . ]

After Xuan Ming's news, the chat group was still quiet, and all the new lords were shocked by Xuan Ming's news.

Their location is actually at the junction of the five countries, and all the new lords of the five countries are actually inside the black fog.

The five countries joined forces, yet they still could not enter this black fog!

There are ninth-order monsters in the black mist!

Every news shook the hearts of every new lord, but what they cared about most was the resource airdrop that Xuan Ming said at the end.

This is about their survival here!

Resource airdrops based on kill rankings? Some new lords just exploded.

[Why should you allocate resources according to the kill ranking? Shouldn't we give priority to investing resources for the weaker new lords, so that we can survive better? ]

[That's right, what did the five great nations think? How is it so unfair? ]

[Protest! I want to protest solemnly! ]

Knowing that they need to use the kill ranking to airdrop resources, some weak lords were directly angry.

After all, it is impossible for them to enter the top 100 kill list, which excludes them at all.

However, most of the new lords fell silent. Looking at the news in the chat group, their eyes became eager.

The five countries jointly carry out resource airdrops. Presumably the airdropped resources will not be too bad.

If you can enter the top 100, you will have the opportunity to obtain free investment sources.

At this moment, some new lords directly sent their troops out of the territory to attack the surrounding monsters, trying to improve the ranking of the kill list.

Ren Qi frowned slightly while looking at the news in the chat group.

It turns out that even if the five countries joined forces, they could not enter the black fog for rescue. It seemed that this place was more troublesome than he imagined.

Ren Qi didn't have any surprises about the ranking of empty investment sources in the following kill list.

After all, the number of boxes that can be airdropped here is limited, and it must be given priority to the powerful new lords, so that they can improve their strength faster.

After all, the stronger the strength, the more new lords the Five Great Powers want to protect.

As for those new lords who are weak and need more resources, the five major countries have not considered them at all.

You might even think airdropping them is a waste of resources.

Cruel is never just the magic tide, but the world!

However, Ren Qi's eyes flickered slightly. From the news given by Xuan Ming, Ren Qi could tell that this guy definitely didn't get news from the outside world just now.

These news are so well organized, there must be a lot of time to digest them.

Maybe even this kill list was made after contacting the outside world.

Before announcing this news, kill the new lord first.

Of course, this Xuan Ming did not dare to take advantage of the relatively powerful new lord, and would simply give it away for nothing.

Just selling the list, I am afraid this Xuan Ming has obtained a lot of resources.

In addition, as a bridge to connect with the outside world, he must have gained a lot of benefits in the five major countries.

Ren Qi was called a profiteer before, but now Ren Qi believes that the word traitor is more suitable for Xuan Ming.

Is there an airdrop of resources?

Ren Qi's eyes flickered slightly, and a decision was made in his heart.

He wants to compete for this kill list, and strive to obtain a higher ranking.

After all, the higher-ranked the new lord, the better the airdrop of resources.

Right at this moment, Xuan Ming posted the ranking of the list directly in the chat group, and everyone could view it.

[Grass! I was tricked and bought the list, but I didn't expect that everyone can watch it now. ]

[This Xuan Ming is really treacherous, and honest people are deceived. ]

[Don't talk about it, let's take a look at the rankings. People have poor information, so it should make you money. ]

All the people who bought the list in the chat group were swearing, but they still clicked on the list.

With the list in the chat group~www.mtlnovel.com~ who still watches private chats?

Ren Qi also clicked on the list to check the ranking.

[Killing list ranking: 10 points for killing first-order monsters, 20 points for killing second-order monsters, 30 points for third-order monsters, 40th-order monsters, 50th-level monsters, 100th-level monsters, 500th-level monsters 1,000 points for the eighth grade, and 10,000 points for the ninth grade. ]

[Severely injured monsters will be scored according to the situation. ]

[First place: Silver Dragon Territory, kill points - 10086]

[Second place: Black Dragon Territory, Kill Points - 9888]

[Third place: Golden Dragon Territory, Kill Points - 8989]

[Fourth: Cyclops Territory, Kill Points - 8555]

[Fifth: Five Elements Lei Lin Territory, Kill Points - 8333]

[Sixth place: Necromancer's territory, kill points - 8010]

[Seventh place: Succubus Territory, kill points - 7777]

[eight place:...]


[100th place: Ice Crab Territory, Kill Points - 3334]

The kill list has been newly optimized, and the ranking is based on points. After all, the monsters killed are strong and weak, so the ranking cannot be based on the number.

And everyone's eyes fell after the top few for a short time, and they were directly attracted by the seventh-ranked succubus territory.

[what's the situation? Succubus territory? Number seven? Am I blinded? ]

[Isn't the succubus' combat power extremely weak? How can it be ranked seventh? ]

[Don't tell me it was the succubus that sucked up all the attacking monsters, hahaha, Xuan Ming, is there something wrong with the list? ]

[It's definitely a bug, Xuan Ming will fix it quickly! ]