
Chapter 67


Ren Qi only felt that it was a bit nonsense. In this world for three years, he worked hard to absorb knowledge. Among the various historical books, there is absolutely no record of similar formations.

Even in Feng Shui, there is no such thing as gossip formation, only divination, finger-pointing and so on.

However, looking at the trajectory of the black mist in the sky, Ren Qi always felt that it was very similar to the circulation of the formation.

It doesn't look like the circulation of some kind of formation, and Ren Qi has never studied formations.

But looking at the flow of the black mist, it was as if the concept of formation should flow like this.

With the flow of black mist in the sky, the sun that has been blocked seems to have found the gap between the black mist, and more of it penetrates and spills out.

The whole world was instantly brighter.

But this only lasted for a few minutes.

Soon, the black mist in the sky seemed to become more and more dense, the sunlight was blocked again, and the sky and earth dimmed again, even darker than before.

Just like the afternoon before the rain.

'Boom! '

Suddenly, a roar came from the black fog, like thunder, and like the roar of some ancient creature.

A heavy breath swept out from the black mist, causing Ren Qi's complexion to change.

The succubus and dwarf in the territory became a little panicked. Obviously, what they could perceive was more profound than Ren Qi.

Then, Ren Qi's eyes shrank suddenly.

He saw that the black mist in the sky fell.

As if the cotton floating in midair was suddenly hung with iron blocks, the black mist in the sky was suddenly torn apart, and pieces of black mist fell downwards.

What shocked Ren Qi even more was that the direction of the black mist was not anywhere else, it seemed that it was right here.

What's happening here?


Ren Qi carefully looked at the falling trajectory of the black mist. It was not coming towards his territory, but was heading towards the mountain behind his territory, which was shrouded in black mist.

Pieces of black mist dragged the black tail flame, like a meteor, and quickly smashed down into the mountains behind Ren Qi's territory, which was shrouded in black mist.

A roar sounded. I don't know if it was because of the proximity. Ren Qi felt that the ground under his feet was shaking.

Ren Qi's expression changed, the impact of this power was really like a shooting star.

If these black mists fall into his territory, I am afraid they can directly smash the territory.

Ren Qi counted the falling black mist and found a total of ninety-nine.

The whole world seemed to have only the roar of the black mist falling into the mountains, and everything else seemed to be stagnant.

But Ren Qi's eyes fell on the mountain behind him with black mist lingering, but he found that the entire mountain had not changed in the slightest, as if nothing had happened.

Those black mists that fell into the mountains were like pebbles falling into the lake, splashing ripples and disappearing.

However, the black mist that seems to be lingering around the mountain seems to be more intense.

Until all the black fog fell in, the feeling of time stagnation around him disappeared.

Then, the roars of monsters rose up in the black fog forest ahead, and the roars of monsters also spread from farther away.

It's as if these monsters are collectively chaotic!

And at this moment, a huge roar came from behind the black mist lingering mountains.

'Boom! '

The black mist lingering around the mountain behind him was suddenly broken, and a huge figure appeared in the sky.

It's that eighth-order complete black giant dragon!

"Could it be that this guy has always been in the mountains?" Ren Qi sucked in a breath of cold air.

The last time I saw the black giant disappearing into the mountains, Ren Qi prayed that the other party had better leave.

But now it seems that the other party has been in the mountain all the time.

The black dragon of the eighth-order complete body, even the eighth-order Elis, I am afraid that it can only be restrained a little, what's more, Elis is not here now.

Ren Qi's gaze fell on Tina, who was beside her.

Tina blinked: "Master, what are you looking at me for? I can't tempt this big guy. You have to find a female dragon for this."

Ren Qi took a deep breath and looked at the black dragon in the sky.

If it attacks the territory at this time, I am afraid that the territory will not be able to withstand it at all.

However, the black giant dragon in the sky was obviously a little flustered and didn't care about the territory below.

It flapped its wings frantically, as if there was something terrifying in the mountain behind it.

Soon, the black dragon flew to the top of the black foggy forest.

As if it was only now that he realized his fear and ran away, the black giant dragon was so embarrassed that it exhaled dragon breath and headed towards the black fog forest below.

The black foggy forest below burned instantly, and then the black dragon turned back and glanced in the direction of the mountain. It seemed a little unwilling in the dragon's eyes, and then quickly flew away.

In the succubus territory, Ren Qi looked at the black giant dragon in the distance, and his expression became solemn.

"As an eighth-order black dragon, and a hundred-level complete body, why did you run away in such a panic?"

"Could it be that there is something terrifying in this mountain?"

Before, Ren Qi thought this mountain was very mysterious.

Because of the lingering black fog and the black dragon disappearing inside, Ren Qi never thought of going to the mountains to hunt when he asked the succubus to hunt.

Now it seems that my decision is very correct.

The black giant breathed down, and the black jungle below burned, causing a large number of monsters to roar.

Soon, Elis came back with the Succubus Army and came to Ren Qi's side with a solemn expression.

"Master, did you see that black dragon just now? My heart is a little heavy."

Ren Qi frowned. This place is very mysterious. From the current point of view, there must be some unknown secrets in the mountains behind him.

And because of this magic tide, it may have caused some changes in the mountain.

And the black fog in the sky, how can it flow like a formation?

Ren Qi rubbed his temples, these are not what he can explore now.

If you want to face these, you must first strengthen your own strength.

Let the succubuses count the spoils this time, Ren Qi opened the chat group.

All the new lords saw the vision in the sky, and the chat group at this time had already exploded.

[Fuck! What the hell! What the hell! what's the situation? How could the black fog in the sky fall down? How terrible. ]

[This place itself is abnormal. Did you find it? After the vision of the black mist, the surrounding monsters seemed to be violent. ]

[Shock! A vision appeared in the dark sky, and the black mist fell. Is it a normal change in the sky or the front end of the apocalypse? Let's go into the...]

[Don't play tricks upstairs, I feel stuffy in my heart, as if something is going to happen. ]

[Don't be so suspicious, we must strengthen our minds, no matter what difficulties, we can get through it! ]

Ren Qi looked at the frantically surging news in the chat group, her expression slightly raised, and then she typed a line and sent it.

[What about the new lord with a prophetic wizard? Come out and figure out what's going on here. ]