
Chapter 175

Xi Rui's figure emerged from the shadow of the elemental elf who wanted to sneak up on Ren Qi, grabbed her ankle directly, threw her violently, and threw her away, keeping her away from Ren Qi.

Afterwards, Ciri's figure appeared again from the shadow of the elemental elf, and a dagger was inserted into the heart of the elemental elf fiercely.

Xi Rui would never give in to those who dared to threaten Ren Qi's life.

'boom! '

There was a huge aftermath, and the elemental elf queen and the dark elf queen fought together in an instant.

The dark elf queen is already a half-step holy rank, and the element elf queen can also exert power beyond the ninth rank. The collision between the two sides is very terrifying.

The surrounding succubus, elemental elves and dark elves are all wise choices for the place where the two fight.

And Elis also did not choose to use the secret method to raise his strength to the holy level for the first time to join the battle between the two.

Because the current dark elf queen obviously has the upper hand and doesn't need her too much help.

Therefore, Elis turned his attention to the elders of the elemental elves.

There are many elders of the element elves, and they are all at the peak of the eighth-order. Because their strength is suppressed, they can exert the power of the ninth-order, which is very terrifying.

There are very few dark elves who can fight against them.

Elis rushed out directly and quickly moved towards an eighth-order magician element elf elder.

This elemental elf elder is the most lethal, and she must be eliminated first.

And this elemental elf elder also discovered Elis's attack trajectory, and without any hesitation, he directly chose to target Elis.

At the same time, an element elf elder holding a giant hammer on the side greeted Elis, trying to stop Elis and buy time for the magician element elf elder behind him to condense magic power.

There is also an archer element elf elder bending a bow and arrows, and a long arrow exuding a strong flame breath is coming towards Elis.

Elis's eyes flickered slightly, and the cooperation of these elemental elf elders was very good. At first glance, they often fought together before.

Elis ignored the long arrow that was coming towards him quickly, raised his right hand slightly, and a pitch-black lotus rose up at the feet of the elemental elf elder holding a giant hammer that he ushered in.

Shadow Lotus!

The shadow lotus directly opened its petals and swallowed the element elf elder who wanted to stop Elis.

At this time, the long arrow that exudes flame has already come to Elis.

'Om! '

A pitch-black energy mask rose directly in front of Elis, blocking the arrow in an instant.

Elis's speed did not stagnate in the slightest. He passed the elemental elf elder wrapped by the shadow lotus, and the pitch-black long sword that appeared in his hand instantly slashed towards the magician elemental elf who was releasing magic.

The magician element elder obviously did not expect that Elis could cross the obstacle to attack her so quickly, and there was a panic on his face.

Afterwards, she directly retreated, and there was a slight movement under her feet, holding up her body, trying to stay away from Elis.

However, how could Elis have what she wanted?

A shadow appeared in Elis's original position, and then Elis' body came to the back of the magician's element elf in an instant, and a sword stabbed into her body.

Elis did not choose to kill the magician elemental elf elder directly, but made her lose her combat effectiveness in an instant.

Before he came, Ren Qi had already said that if he could not kill himself while ensuring his own safety, then try not to kill him. After all, these were likely to become their companions.

The dark transformation pool in the succubus territory is already hungry and thirsty.

The battle between the two sides soon turned into a melee.

Ren Qi rode on the body of a dark dragon, came to the sky to watch the battle, and could also schedule attacks.

The most critical point on the battlefield is the battle between the elemental elf queen and the dark elf queen.

As long as the two sides can decide the outcome, basically the final result can be established.

Because Ren Qi and the others are actually similar in strength to the elemental elves.

Although there are quite a few Elemental Elf elders who are widening the gap in strength, but with Elis and Ciri sniping, the gap will get smaller and smaller.

The battle between the elemental queen and the dark elf queen is fierce.

Although the two are close sisters, there is no means at all when they start their hands. Almost every attack is a killer move!

The Elemental Elf Queen prefers to use magic-type attacks, while the Dark Elf Queen is more head-to-head.

Diablo experienced the queen's constant bullying and came to the front of the elemental elf queen, constantly launching attacks.

The element elf queen is constantly raising the defensive mask to block the attack of the dark elf queen.

At the same time, the magic wand in the hand of the Elemental Elf Queen can also continuously release attacks, heading towards the Dark Elf Queen.

The magic wand in the hands of the element elf queen is very special. The element holy stone inlaid on it allows her to perform instant magic without condensing and singing.

This is more difficult for the dark elf queen.

But at this time, the dark elf queen is already half a holy rank, and her strength is much stronger than that of the elemental elf queen.

Therefore, although the elemental elf queen can exert far more power than the ninth-order, she is still being suppressed by the dark elf queen.


The Elemental Elf Queen retreated and kept releasing attacks, but they were all blocked by the Dark Elf Queen.

At this time, the dark elf queen held a magic wand and directly turned it into her own attack weapon, and quickly smashed it towards the element elf queen.

Every time it was swiped, a powerful energy wave would be emitted from the wand in the hand of the Dark Elf Queen.

If hit, the Elemental Elf Queen may be directly injured.

Seeing the way the Dark Elf Queen fought, Ren Qi was amazed.

This can be said to be a progress mage, right?

The battle between the two was relatively intense, and it was almost difficult to tell the winner in a short period of time, so Ren Qi turned his attention to other battles aside.

Other battle situations around are also more anxious, especially the elemental elves and dark elves.

The two sides have a blood feud, and it was a hateful night to meet each other.

In comparison, the succubuses are much more 'gentle'.

Even if they defeated the element elves and could kill the opponent, they would 'kindly' stab them a few times in the body of the element elves, so that they would be injured in combat, rather than kill them directly.

With the anxiety of the battlefield, casualties began to appear on both sides, and the number continued to rise.

The loss on the element elves' side is still relatively serious, after all, there is the ninth-order complete body of Elis who is disrupting the situation.

On the Dark Elf side, the casualties are also relatively serious. After all, their battles with the elemental elves sometimes exchange injuries directly, which is very tragic.

The succubuses had the fewest casualties. After all, Ren Qi said before he came that he should give priority to ensuring his own safety.

At the beginning, the element elves were able to gain the upper hand by relying on the advantage of numbers.

But as time went on, the intensity of the battle continued to rise, and the succubus and the dark elves began to gradually gain the upper hand.

After all, Elis over there has almost finished one-third of the elemental elf elders.

Judith looked at the situation on the battlefield and bit her lip.

At this rate, they will lose!

Then, Judith's eyes showed a firm look.

For the future of the elemental elves!

'boom! '

A tyrannical wave of power erupted from Judith's body.

The power of the ninth order!

Judith chose to use the secret method to unlock the ban on her body and return to the ninth order!

The power of the ban on them is very domineering. If they are forcibly released, they will continue to devour their flesh and blood until they completely decay.

Unless the strength is suppressed back to the eighth order!

"Elder Judith!" An elemental elf elder watching Judith's movements couldn't help but exclaimed.

This is simply chronic suicide.

Judith ignored her, she didn't waste a single bit of time, she just rushed towards Elis in front of her.

I don't know if they were infected by Judith, but two more elemental elf elders chose this slow suicide method to release the ban on their bodies, and their power returned to the ninth order!

Elis frowned slightly, not because the other party felt any pressure to return to the ninth order, after all, she was about to touch the existence of half a step holy order.

She frowned because the elemental elders who chose to use the secret technique might have a hard time surviving, so they could not be brought back into the dark transformation pool.

However, Elis did not hesitate, and directly greeted them.

This time, Elis did not gain the upper hand, and began to retreat continuously under the siege of the three elemental elf elders who had recovered their ninth-order power.

Elis was very smart and did not choose to confront him directly, but kept detouring with these elemental elf elders.

As long as there is enough time, they can be dragged to death alive.

Judith obviously understands this situation, but they have enough power to keep Elis.

Ren Qi's eyes were still on the battle between the elemental elf queen and the dark elf queen.

At this time, the dark elf queen has completely taken the initiative, and the elemental elf queen is just relying on the magic wand in her hand, constantly supporting.

However, there was no sure-win expression on Ren Qi's face.

After all, the element elf elders on the side can use the secret method to break through the ban, which proves that the element elf queen can also.

Once she breaks through the ban and enters the holy rank, it will be dangerous.

And what to be afraid of!

Seeing the elders of the surrounding element elves unblocking the ban, and the element elves who have fallen behind, the queen of the element elves is also anxious!

If more and more element elves choose to use the secret method, then even if they win in the end, the element elves will probably lose their vitality!

Thinking of this, the Elemental Elf Queen gritted her teeth and chose to use the secret technique to break through the forbidden power on her body.

'boom! '

The huge aura began to swept through the body of the elemental elf queen, helping her to resist the huge banning power.

The dark elf queen rushed to the elemental elf queen's side, and her body was shocked and flew out in an instant.

The aura of the element elf queen began to become more and more intense, and a terrifying aura began to appear on her body.

That is the power that belongs to the Holy Order.

And along with the strength of the ban, the face of the element elf queen became more and more ugly. Obviously, breaking through the ban made her difficult.

Just when the aura of the elemental elf queen climbed to the extreme and was about to recover to the power of the holy order, the black mist above the sky moved!

Ren Qi instantly noticed the movement of the black fog in the sky.

He raised his head and saw the black mist in the sky slowly flowing.

Ren Qi raised his brows slightly, feeling that this scene was a bit familiar.

It was exactly the same as the last time I saw the black fog flowing like a formation.

This time the flow of black mist is also like the flow of the formation.

With the movement of the black mist above the sky, a huge force swayed from the black mist, and instantly fell on the body of the element elf queen below.

At this time, the elemental elf queen was fighting against the power of the ban. She did not expect to be hit by such a power suddenly, and her body flew out in an instant.

'puff! '

The elemental elf queen spit out a mouthful of blood in the air, and her expression instantly wilted.

The dark elf queen's brows are also slightly wrinkled, feeling the breath of the other party, she raised her eyebrows.

Not a holy order, but between a half-step holy level and a holy level!

The dark elf queen raised her head and looked at the black mist in the sky with a solemn expression.

Regarding the black mist in the sky, the Dark Elf Queen has always been very mysterious to the other party.

She was swept here a hundred years ago, and now there is such a power to interrupt the Queen of Elemental Elf to break through the ban.

This black fog is like a rich mystery, hiding a lot of secrets.

However, the good news is that the elemental elf queen has not recovered her strength to the holy level!

The elemental elf queen felt the power in her body and was stunned.

What happened to that power that fell from the sky? It turned out to be directly planning to break through to the Holy Rank.

The most important thing is that the consequences of using the secret method still exist.

The Elemental Elf Queen can feel her own flesh and blood being devoured continuously, albeit slowly.

Gritting her teeth, the elemental elf queen charged directly towards the dark elf queen.

The dark elf queen must be taken down within a limited time, and then the power will be banned to the ninth rank, otherwise, she will be severely damaged this time!

Looking at the elemental elf queen rushing towards her, the dark elf queen frowned slightly.

Although the Elemental Elf Queen has not entered the holy rank, her current strength is still far beyond the half-step holy rank.

"Ren Qi!"

Without any hesitation, the Dark Elf Queen shouted directly to Ren Qi above the sky.

She understands that she can't deal with the elemental elf queen at this time by herself.

Ren Qi raised her eyebrows and conveyed a message to Elis below.

Elis slowly released the shadow lotus, and one of the elemental elf elders had passed out.

After receiving Ren Qi's order, Elis didn't hesitate, and directly used the secret method.

'boom! '

A tyrannical force rose up in Elis' body, making her aura keep rising.

At this time, Ren Qi noticed that the black mist in the sky turned again.

With a slight frown, Ren Qi couldn't help but be a little worried. Could it be that the black fog in the sky is targeting Elis?

However, in the end, what Ren Qi was worried about did not happen. Elis quickly entered the half-step holy order, and the black fog in the sky also stopped moving.

Looking at the situation of the black mist, Ren Qi raised his eyebrows slightly. Could it be that if there is a power beyond the holy order, he will be targeted by the black mist?

This is not the time to think about this issue. After Elis, who was below, was promoted to the half-step holy rank, he did not give priority to helping the dark elf queen, but rushed directly towards the elders of the element elves in front.

At this time, the breath of Elis made these elemental elf elders lose their fighting spirit directly.

Impossible to beat!

Even if you use the secret method to raise your power to the ninth order, it is impossible to win.

After quickly and seriously injuring a few elemental elf elders, Elis quickly moved towards the position of the dark elf queen and went to help her.

At this time, the elemental elf queen was already pressing the dark elf queen.

After all, the Queen of the Elemental Elf was a holy rank before. Although she has not raised her power to the holy rank now, between the half-step holy rank and the holy rank, it is enough for her to exert her powerful strength.

However, the Elemental Elf Queen's expression was very anxious. After all, if she dragged on, her flesh and blood would not know how long she would be able to support the backlash.

At this time, the element elf queen also felt the breath of Elis.

Turning his head to look at Elis who was rushing towards him, the elemental elf queen's expression became more and more anxious.


The Elemental Elf Queen raised the wand in her hand, and a dazzling light rose above the wand, and then condensed a beam of light, which quickly shot towards Elis.

Without any hesitation, Elis evaded quickly. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

'boom! '

With a muffled sound, the beam of light fell directly on the ground, and the ground collapsed and split in an instant.

If the ground could speak, it would definitely complain to the Elemental Elf Queen at this time: "You guys don't want me to be implicated in your fights? It's all **** cracking me up!"

After dodging the attack, Elis quickly merged with the Dark Elf Queen, and the two faced the Elemental Elf Queen together.

Although the two of them were also suppressed and beaten by the elemental elf queen, they were more than enough to deal with it.

At this time, Ren Qi saw that the timing was almost there, and directly let the dark dragon drop slightly.

Looking at the anxious, even mad Queen of the Elemental Elf below, Ren Qi made a microphone with his hand.

"Your Highness the Queen of Elemental Elf! Why don't we stop, how about we have a good talk?"

"If you keep fighting like this, your elemental elves will probably be wiped out!"