
Chapter 173

Booz and Tarusa had completely controlled the black goblins at this time.

And after their general trend of encouraging fertility, the black goblins now have a lot of pregnant female black goblins, and I believe they can quickly increase the population.

And these days, Buzz and Tarusa have not been slack in the slightest, and have always been helping Ren Qi to collect the soul power of dark creatures.

Although Ren Qi said that the pure dark holy stone can be used by the black goblins, but at the level of Buzz and Tarusa's current shit, they directly ignored Ren Qi's words.

What is meant for the tribe to use?

That must be used first by the master. Letting the master improve the power of the territory is much more important than improving the power of the clansmen!

Coming to Ren Qi, Tarusa directly handed the bag that could store the soul to Ren Qi.

"Master, after this period of hard work, we have collected the souls of a thousand dark creatures, and now they are handed over to the master."

Ren Qi raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, looked at the soul storage bag in Tarusa's hand and said, "Don't you need to raise the master's rank?"

He had promised before that the dark souls obtained by the black goblins could give priority to raising the rank of their own clansmen.

Tarusa heard the words and said directly: "No, master, even if our current strength is improved, there is not much improvement."

"And the master's territory definitely needs to be improved. The soul of these dark creatures should be given priority to the master."

After hearing this, Ren Qi didn't continue to refuse. After getting the soul storage bag, he said to Tarusa: "Go to the warehouse and get two thousand energy crystals. If you lack anything, take some more."

When Tarusa and Buzz heard the words, they both hurriedly thanked them.

Soon, Tarusa and Buzz headed towards the warehouse in the territory.

Looking at the bag in his hand, Ren Qi's eyes flickered slightly.

After Elis returned from hunting, she asked her to absorb all the souls of dark creatures in this bag with dark pure holy stones.

Just thinking about it, Yang Mei came over.

"Lord Ren Qi."

Seeing Yang Mei's fully armed appearance, Ren Qi raised her eyebrows and said, "Want to go out?"

Yang Mei said: "We want to go out to practice, just hunting in the black fog jungle, it is too slow for our improvement."

"We want to try our luck in the new terrain to see if we can get more resources."

Because of the existence of the Succubus Legion and the Dark Elves, the resources in the Black Mist Forest were basically monopolized.

Especially in this area.

The resources that Yangmei and the others can obtain are already very small.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Ren Qi's territorial protection is very safe, but it is also very exhausting.

After all, there is no sense of crisis between life and death, as long as they enter the succubus territory, they know that it means absolute safety.

For the hunters, walking among the dead is the fastest way to improve their strength.

After this black fog mutation, Yang Mei knew very well that the changes in the black fog would get bigger and bigger.

Moreover, the mutation of the black mist may represent the occurrence of something.

Under this kind of wave, Yang Mei is not willing to be wiped out, even if she has no territory.

You must quickly improve your strength, otherwise in the next mutation, they can only be eliminated.

Even with the protection of the succubus territory!

Listening to Yang Mei's words, Ren Qi's eyes flickered slightly, but he did not stop her.

"Okay! Now that you've decided, let's go."

Before taking in Yang Mei and the others, it was because there were not enough succubus in the territory, and they also had the idea of ​​increasing the strength of the territory.

Facts have proved that Yang Mei and the others are indeed good, and they can come forward and help the territory when the territory is in danger.

Now that the succubus has more and more people, since Yang Mei and the others want to improve their power faster, then Ren Qi will not stop them.

Listening to Ren Qi's words, Yang Mei's eyes showed a touch of emotion.

If it is the master of other territories, I am afraid that they will not let them leave so easily.

At least they will hand over all their resources.

"Lord Ren Qi, don't worry, we will always be vassals of the succubus territory. If there is any danger in the succubus territory, we will rush back to help as soon as we get news, although we may not be able to help much."

Yang Mei looked at Ren Qi and said excitedly.

Ren Qi smiled and said, "Everyone has infinite possibilities. If you become a hunter, you may be able to find another way. I wish you good luck."

Yang Mei nodded, then turned to leave.

Shortly after Yang Mei left, the Five Elements Teleportation Formation was lit up, and the figure of the Dark Elf Queen appeared in the Five Elements Teleportation Formation.

"Hello, Her Royal Highness, come to use the dark pure holy stone?" Ren Qi looked at the dark elf queen and greeted with a smile.

The Dark Elf Queen nodded lightly, and then headed straight for the warehouse.

Seeing this, Ren Qi also followed.

After all, it's the husband...cough, the head of the clan, I have to personally receive it.

In the past two days, the dark elves have been working hard to hunt dark creatures, and then collect the souls of dark creatures for the queen of dark elves to improve their power.

The current dark elf queen has already faintly felt that she has touched the threshold of the half-step holy order.

If you can work harder, maybe you can directly become a half-step saint without using a secret technique.

While walking towards the warehouse, the dark elf queen asked, "How is Fengya? Haven't you suffered any grievances here?"

Ren Qi smiled and said, "How can I do that? I take good care of Fengya."

Tina sometimes teases this little girl.

The Dark Elf Queen nodded, then looked at Ren Qi and asked, "How has your ninth-order succubus improved in strength? How is your current strength?"

Ren Qi replied, "I've been concentrating on using the dark-type pure holy stone to enhance her power these days. The effect is still there, but it's not comparable to Her Royal Highness."

The dark elf queen rolled her eyes, then looked at Ren Qi and said, "After using the dark pure holy stone this time, I can determine whether I can enter the half-step holy level with my own strength."

"If it doesn't work, there's no point in another two days, and if it's successful, there's no need to wait another day."

"So, no matter whether it is successful or not, let's start the attack one day earlier and start the attack tomorrow."

Listening to the words of the dark elf queen, Ren Qi frowned: "Don't wait any longer? We have the pure dark holy stone. The longer we wait, the stronger the power we can improve."

The dark elf queen shook her head and said, "You are wrong. Although the elemental elves have been suppressed for some reason, they also have holy stones."

"Furthermore, what the element elves possess is the element holy stone, which is more powerful than the holy stone with a single attribute."

"They must also be constantly hunting, and then increasing their strength to break this ban effect."

"The longer it drags on, the worse it will be for us."

Listening to the dark elf queen's words, Ren Qi nodded.

"Since that's the case, let's attack directly tomorrow."

While talking, the two came to the outside of the warehouse.

Ren Qi asked the succubus to carry out the dark pure holy stone, and the dark elf queen came to the dark pure holy stone.

Looking at the pure dark holy stone in front of her, the dark elf queen's face showed a complex color.

During this period of time, she can be regarded as an excessive improvement of her own strength, which is still relatively dangerous.

Today is a day of decision.

If you can successfully improve the Dao Half-step Holy Rank, the hidden dangers left by the rapid increase in strength will be swept away.

However, if the promotion to the half-step holy rank fails, not only will it not be able to be promoted again in a short period of time, but it will also greatly increase the failure rate of the next promotion.

Therefore, the dark elf queen is still very cautious about using the dark pure holy stone this time.

Coming to the dark pure holy stone, the dark elf queen first took out ten magic crystals.

Putting both hands on the magic crystal, the dark elf queen directly absorbed the energy of the ten magic crystals.

Then, the dark elf queen opened the soul storage bag that stored the souls of dark creatures.

A large number of dark creature souls floated out from the soul storage bag, and were quickly absorbed by the dark pure holy stone.

These are obtained by the dark elves' constant hunting.

With the power of these souls entering the dark pure holy stone, the dark pure holy stone is also activated directly, and begins to convert the power of the soul into pure energy.

Seeing this, the dark elf queen also hurriedly put her hand on the dark pure holy stone.

In an instant, the dark elf queen felt an extremely surging energy submerging into her body from the dark pure holy stone.

The Dark Elf Queen closed her eyes and began to absorb the power with all her might.

Ren Qi looked at the slightly frowning brows of the Dark Elf Queen, and also asked the surrounding succubus not to disturb her.

Since it is a critical time, it is necessary to give the dark elf queen a quieter environment.

Ren Qi had nothing to do, just observed what the Dark Elf Queen looked like at this time.

A large amount of pure energy submerged into the dark elf queen's body, causing her body to levitate slightly.

I have to say that my mother-in-law's figure is still very good.

Fengya is completely incomparable in front of her.

Cough, cough, look crooked...

The dark elf queen used the dark pure holy stone this time, and there was nothing too different.

It just takes longer.

In the past, it took about half an hour.

This time, it wasn't until two hours later that the Dark Elf Queen slowly retracted her hand from the Dark Pure Holy Stone.

Her brows were still furrowed, as if she was trying to suppress something.

Ten minutes later, the dark elf queen was slightly relieved and slowly opened her eyes.

Looking at the appearance of the Dark Elf Queen, Ren Qi smiled and said, "Success?"

The dark elf queen nodded, this time it was relatively smooth, and it was a success.

Half-step holy order!

The current dark elf queen has been promoted to a half-step holy rank.

With such strength, the Dark Elf Queen has a greater grasp of attacking the elemental elves.

"How do you feel?" Ren Qi looked at the Dark Elf Queen and asked aloud.

Ren Qi was still very curious about the power of the half-step holy rank.

Looking at Ren Qi's appearance, the dark elf queen stretched out her fist and smiled: "What? Do you want to give it a try?"

Ren Qi hurriedly waved his hand and said, "No, no, just kidding."

The dark elf queen said coldly: "Take care of Fengya, I'll go first, since I've been promoted to the half-step holy rank, we'll attack directly tomorrow."

"I have already told you the secret method of raising to the half-step holy rank, the ninth rank you will tell you when the time comes."

"Now that I'm half-step holy, she can use the secret technique in such a hurry, and she can use it according to the situation at that time."

Ren Qi nodded, and then watched the dark elf queen leave.

During the day, nothing else happened.

In the evening, Elis returned with the succubus army and harvested a lot of prey.

After letting the other succubus decompose, Elis came to Ren Qi.

First, I reported today's hunting situation to Ren Qi, as well as the good news that several sixth-order mutant succubuses had been upgraded to the eighth-order through upgrading.

After finishing speaking, Elis looked at Ren Qi and said, "Master, I found an abnormality in this hunt."

Ren Qi raised her eyebrows when she heard the words: "What's wrong?"

Elis pointed to the black mountain behind the territory and said, "Master, new terrain has appeared in almost all the surrounding areas, and many new monsters have appeared."

"However, only this black mountain has not changed in the slightest, and the distance between it and our territory is still the same."

Ren Qi frowned slightly, he also knew the situation of the mountain behind him.

It's just that, Elis shouldn't need to tell himself so seriously.

"What did you find?" Ren Qi looked at Elis and asked.

Elis said: "During this hunt, we encountered some relatively powerful monsters."

"They are not new monsters that emerged from the new terrain, nor are they the original monsters in the black fog forest."

"They seem to be driven out of the black mountain. There are not many of them, but each of them is an eighth-order existence!"

"We met one. Fortunately, the other party was injured and was taken directly by us."

"But there are still a lot of eighth-order monsters that have gathered in a place in the black fog forest, and they are almost forming a small group."

"Because I still have to attack the elemental elves, in order to preserve my combat power, I did not act rashly, but came back to report this matter first."

Ren Qi frowned slightly while listening to Elis's words.

Ren Qi has always been curious about this black mountain behind his territory.

The impression of the other party in his mind is also very mysterious.

Before, the black dragon he saw had entered this black mountain.

However, the black giant dragon at the back came out of the black mountain, and angrily sprayed the dragon's breath towards the black fog jungle.

Thinking of what Elis said now, could it be that the black dragon was driven out of the black mountain at that time?

So it is angrily breathing dragon breath towards the black fog jungle to vent its anger?

If this is the case, then what is in the black mountain behind this territory?

Ren Qi thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of a reason.

"Okay, don't think about this problem first, you can use the dark pure holy stone first, and absorb the power of the soul that you harvested today."

"Oh, by the way, after you've absorbed it, come to my room, and I'll tell you the secret technique to temporarily upgrade to the half-step holy rank."

Elis nodded, and then went to use the pure holy stone.

Ren Qi returned to the bedroom and simply washed his hands.

After Elis used the dark pure holy stone, he went directly to Ren Qi's bedroom to find him.

"Master, I've done it."

Ren Qi nodded, then looked at Elis and said, "How do you feel? Have you touched the threshold of the half-step holy step?"

Elis shook his head: "Although there is a faint feeling, I understand that it is not the feeling of touching a half-step holy step."

"If you want to enter the half-step holy order, I am afraid it will take a while."

Ren Qi nodded slightly when he heard the words. After all, it was very difficult to upgrade from the ninth rank to the holy rank.

Elis just entered the ninth-order complete body not long ago, and it still takes a certain amount of time.

"Okay, then I'll tell the secret first."

"Oh, by the way, the dark elf queen has been promoted to the half-step holy level, you don't need to be so anxious to use the secret method."

"Remember the secret method first, and then see if you need to use it when the time comes."

Elis nodded, then looked at Ren Qi and said, "What do I need to do?"

Ren Qi asked Elis to come to him, then stretched out his hands and put them on Elis' shoulders.

Afterwards, Ren Qi asked Elis to carefully feel the feeling his palm gave her.

At the same time, the secret method was also informed by Ren Qi to Elis.

Elis closed his eyes, listened to the secret technique in Ren Qi's mouth, and then felt the movement of Ren Qi's palm at the joints of his body, and memorized the secret technique.

This secret method is to combine one's own strength, immerse the strength into each joint, and then explode rapidly to achieve the purpose of upgrading to the half-step holy order~www.mtlnovel.com~ But this will cause damage to the joints of the whole body, and the strength Being immersed in various joints and mobilizing the power belonging to the half-step holy order will cause a great loss of essence.

This will also leave some sequelae. If the force is too large and the support of the joints is broken, it may fall to the realm.

Overall, it's a power that needs to be used with care!

Just when Ren Qi was seriously teaching Elis the secret method, Tina suddenly pushed open the door and walked in.

She didn't find Ren Qi just now, and thought that Ren Qi came here and waited for her to feed back.

Looking at Ren Qi and Elis in the room, Tina was stunned for a moment.

Then, she saw Ren Qi's actions on Elis.

"Ah? Master, did you attack Sister Elis so quickly?"

Then, Tina bit her lip.

"Master, do you want me to come with you?"