
Chapter 146

Since the last time Ciri fell asleep and cultivated, she has been sleeping in this place, and today she finally woke up.

"Xiri, how do you feel?" Ren Qi came to the room, looked at Xiri on the bed and asked aloud.

Looking at Ren Qi, Xi Rui didn't know what to think, her face flushed slightly, and she said softly, "Master, I'm all right, but my legs and feet are still a little weak."

Tina whispered: "Humph! Twice, for two full hours, it's no wonder that your legs are not soft."

Ren Qi: "Cough!"

Ciri's face instantly flushed red, her legs tucked into the quilt, and her palms grabbed the corners of her clothes, feeling a little overwhelmed.

Compared to other succubuses, Ciri's character is more restrained. If it is Elis, although he will be shy, he will probably reply: "If you have the ability, you can also let the master mess with you for two hours."

Maggie said, "Sister Xi Rui has just woken up. It's normal for her body to be weak. Eat something and rest for an hour, and you'll get better."

Ren Qi nodded, and then checked Ciri's attributes.

When the death succubus Yalita was recruited before, she said that Ciri was now her superior, the death succubus, and Ren Qi was still quite curious.

[Death Succubus: Ciri]

[Equal order: eighth order]

[Level: Level 68]

[The superior of the death succubus, in addition to possessing all the abilities of the death succubus, also has a more secretive means of concealing aura and speed. As the king of assassination, he is targeted by the death succubus and must be prepared to face death. Prepare. ]

The same eighth-order death succubus!

More powerful than the ability of the death succubus!

And now that Xi Rui is only level 68, and to level 100, there are still four possibilities for leveling up.

In addition, there is still a pure holy stone, and there is still great hope for Xi Rui to upgrade to the ninth order.

Now for the use of pure holy stones, Ren Qi is prioritizing the use of the fifth and sixth orders.

After all, if a sixth-order mutant succubus is upgraded, it can be directly upgraded to an eighth-order succubus, which greatly improves the combat power of the territory.

And Maggie and the others, when the level is raised to level 100, they are using pure holy stones to raise the level.

After all, they need too much soul power to improve the rank of the eighth rank, and now every tenth rank has a chance to increase the rank.

In doing so, all resources can be fully utilized.

"You have a good rest first, then go hunting after recovery, and raise your level as soon as possible."

Ren Qi looked at Xi Rui and said softly.

Xi Rui looked at Ren Qi and nodded heavily.

At this time, Xi Rui was extremely happy in her heart.

Not because of the two hours before with Ren Qi, but because she finally has the strength to help her master now.

At this time, in Xuanming's territory, Xuanming was frowning in front of a huge machine with a solemn expression.

"What's the matter? Let me come in such a hurry." Zhao Yuheng fell from the sky and looked at Xuan Mingdao.

"Yeah, I'm exploring an unknown land with my troops, maybe there's a holy stone in it, so you called me here." Tian Jizi also muttered.

Xuan Ming said solemnly, "Something has happened!"

When Zhao Yuheng and Tian Jizi heard the words, they became solemn, and their eyes all fell on Xuan Ming.

Xuan Ming looked at the two of them and said, "The news just came from outside that the Five-Nation Allied Forces are going to attack the Black Mist!"

"What!" Tian Jizi was shocked when he heard the words: "We haven't understood the secrets of the black mist. The coalition forces are about to attack? Where's the family? Didn't they stop it?"

Zhao Yuheng raised his eyebrows and said, "The power of the aristocratic family is not enough to compete with the state machinery. For our family, the black mist is something that has been studied for a hundred years. on us."

"Our aristocratic family believes that the emergence of the black mist will once again cause a drastic change in the world, and in this drastic change, if we take the lead, we will be able to go further."

"However, for the country, stability and stability are the most important. If they can't understand the secrets of the black fog, they would rather destroy the black fog."

"If I were the decision maker of the Alliance Army, I would also do something to the black fog, but I didn't expect it to be so fast."

Xuan Ming heard the words: "Oh, by the way, there is an important news from outside, that is, the black fog has begun to spread. This is also an important reason why the Alliance Army wants to attack the black fog."

Zhao Yuheng nodded: "It's not surprising that the black fog has begun to spread, and it has already exceeded the control of the coalition forces. At this time, it is natural to take action."

"It's just that no one knows what will happen when attacking the black fog, and what kind of impact it will have on us who are in the black fog."

Tianjizi said: "What are you doing with this news from outside? It's not for you to announce it, right?"

Xuan Ming shook his head and said, "Of course not. When the news is announced, the new lords in the black mist will have great panic."

"The five-nation coalition told me that before attacking the black fog, they will finally drop a wave of air investment sources to support the new lords in the black fog."

"This time, some of the air investment sources are invested by the state, and some are won by major families, and they can be airdropped to the children of their respective families."

"The resources of the family airdrop are not the point. The point is that the resources released by the country will give a specific delivery location, and then they will be snatched by the new lords in the black mist."

"The news from the five-nation coalition forces this time is the coordinates of the specific release location, let me announce it."

Tianjizi was shocked when he heard the words: "What's the situation? Putting this on to raise Gu?"

Zhao Yuheng's eyes flickered: "It seems that the spread of the black mist this time has brought a lot of psychological pressure to the Five-Nation Allied Forces. They want to use this method to 'train' a powerful new lord faster. To correspond to the possible mutation of attacking the black fog."

"After all, although the situation in the black fog can be detected outside, it is not clear. I definitely hope that after attacking the black fog, there will be new surviving new lords to obtain the information in the black fog."

Xuan Ming nodded and said, "Would you like to do something with the coordinates? Publish the wrong coordinates, and then our cloud will collect all the empty investment sources?"

Tianjizi's eyes lit up: "This method is good, presumably this time the source of empty investment will be even better than last time."

Zhao Yuheng shook his head and said, "It's useless, as you said just now, the family's empty investment source will fall first, and then the coordinate news will come in without passing you. The reason why you are notified is because you have previous prestige. ."

"After the world's air investment source falls, other new lords may be dissatisfied. When you announce the news of the country's air investment source, this dissatisfaction will be eliminated, so as to prevent other new lords from attacking us because they are full of alliances. We got the benefits."

Xuan Ming also nodded and said, "Let's do it like this, I'll announce the news when the family's empty investment sources are available."

Zhao Yuheng thought for a while and said, "You think of a way to spread the news to a few of our aristocratic families and ask them to prepare an additional source of empty investment for Ren Qi."

Xuan Ming frowned and said, "Is it necessary? It is difficult to obtain the empty investment source box. Adding one will cost the family a lot."

Zhao Yuheng said firmly: "Even if it costs more, it's worth it! We must win over Ren Qi!"

"He was able to develop the territory to this extent without any first mover, which is enough to prove his potential and strength. He doesn't quite agree with us now, and he must speed up the process of his integration into the cloud."

Tian Jizi exaggerated: "Is this Ren Qi so important?"

Zhao Yuheng glanced at him and said, "If you exchange ten for him, I will be very willing."

Tian Jizi's face collapsed: "Sir, there is no need to hurt me so much, right?"

Zhao Yuheng said, "I'm serious."

"Okay, just do as I said, and don't call me an adult in the future. If you make me look old, just call me Sister Zhao."

"By the way, let's tell the members of the cloud first about the news about the source of the air investment, give them the coordinates first, and do some preparations first."

Xuan Ming nodded, and soon began to contact members of the cloud.

Zhao Yuheng looked at Tianjizi and said, "Has anyone asked or sold holy stones in the chat group recently?"

Before Luo Ming asked about the holy stone in the chat group, it also made Zhao Yuheng think that someone might have obtained the holy stone but did not know anything.

They are likely to ask and sell in chat groups.

Tian Jizi rubbed his head: "I looked through the chat records of the communication device, and I really found another one, but on the second day of the incarnation of the territory, a new lord found a holy stone and used it as an ordinary crystal. The stone is sold for one energy crystal!"

"I also contacted the buyer, but I can't get in touch anymore."

Zhao Yuheng's eyes flickered slightly when he heard the words, it seemed that there were a lot of holy stones in the black fog.

Before outside, the Zhao family spent a hundred years of human and material resources, but they did not find a holy stone.

And now, in the black mist, there are only a few holy stones known.

However, most people don't know the function of the Holy Stone. One energy crystal can be sold, and it is also a talent.

"Continue to stare, if there is any, be sure to bid to win." Zhao Yuheng looked at Tianjizi and said.

If you can exchange resources for holy stones, then paying more resources is worth it.

In the succubus territory, Ren Qi also quickly received news from Xuan Ming.

"The five-nation coalition is about to attack the black fog? A new round of air investment sources? After the Shijia air investment source, will it be launched at a fixed point? And also won a Shijia air investment source for him?"

Ren Qi looked at the private chat on the communicator, his eyes flickering slightly.

The amount of information is still amazing.

The Five-Nation Allied Forces are about to attack the black fog, and no one knows what kind of changes will be caused.

There is also the release of fixed-point air investment sources, which will definitely cause another wave of new competition.

However, Ren Qi did not expect that the cloud would ask him for an additional air investment source.

Although Ren Qi could see the other party's intention to win over, he had to say that it was really fragrant.

From the current point of view, after joining the cloud, there are still many things obtained.

If he can get some resource support, he will have a deeper sense of identity with the cloud.

Then Ren Qi checked the coordinates of the national resource airdrop.

There are a total of 1,000, and the placements are relatively scattered. There are about a dozen in the Black Mist Forest. Two of the coordinate positions are relatively close to his succubus territory, and the others are farther away.

It seems to be an expedition.

After tasting the sweetness of the empty investment source last time, Ren Qi naturally believes that the more the empty investment source, the better.

Although it is unlikely that the air investment source this time will be as rich as the air investment source that he won the first place in the kill rankings last time, it will not be bad, and it is still worth grabbing.

The time for the airdrop is tomorrow, after all, it will give the new lords in the black fog a day or two to digest these resources.

After writing down these coordinates, Ren Qi told Li Tianlan and Luo Ming to prepare in advance.

At night, Elis and the others came back from hunting and brought back a lot of monster corpses.

Today's harvest is very rich, there are five hundred energy crystals and five magic crystals.

What surprised Ren Qi even more was that there was also the corpse of an eighth-order monster.

"Master, today in the depths of the black fog forest, we encountered two shadow double-headed demons, and we joined forces with the dark elves inside to kill them. We and the dark elves each got a shadow double-headed demon corpse." Elis looked at it. Reported by Ren Qihui.

Ren Qi nodded when he heard the words. The corpse of the eighth-order shadow double-headed demon had not been decomposed, and there should be magic crystals in it.

And the soul of the eighth-order monster can be transformed into a more powerful upgrade force, which can completely upgrade a sixth-order mutant succubus to the eighth-order!

It is worth mentioning that after these two days of hunting dark monsters and then using pure holy stones, five fifth-order mutant succubuses have been upgraded to sixth-order, and one sixth-order battle succubus has been upgraded to eighth-order. .

After this shadow double-headed demon soul is transformed, another eighth-order mutant succubus can be born again, UU reading www.uukanshu. The strength of the com succubus territory will be further improved.

Moreover, most of the mutant succubuses are now upgraded to level 70 or above, and many rely on upgrading their ranks. Now most of Ren Qi's mutant succubus are already fifth-order, followed by sixth-order Yes, fourth-order and third-order succubus are already in the minority.

"Okay, after decomposing the monsters and arranging these resources, let the succubus eat and rest." Ren Qi looked at Elis and said softly.

Elis nodded, and then began to command the decomposition and sorting of the acquired resources.

At this time, a group of dark elves came from outside the territory, led by Elder Tasuya.

Ren Qi raised her eyebrows and welcomed them in.

The dark elf also harvested the corpse of a shadow double-headed demon. It is estimated that it is to use pure holy stone to absorb the soul power of the shadow double-headed demon, and then help the clan to upgrade.

Sure enough, after entering, Ta Suya saw Ren Qi go straight in and said, "Lord Lord, we are here to use the pure holy stone."

"Please call Princess Fengya, this time to upgrade her power."