
Chapter 129

Prophecy wizard?

Ren Qi raised his eyebrows, and then thought of Tian Jizi's prophecy.

"You are the wizard who predicted several times before? No way? Tian Ji Zi will send you here?"

With such an army, Tianjizi probably wouldn't send it over to support him, would he?

The wizard in front of him said: "No, that is our leader. I can only briefly predict the attack methods that will be used in the place, and then warn you to respond."

A flash of clarity flashed in Ren Qi's eyes. It turned out to be a weakened version, but it was enough.

After arranging for the twenty supported troops to rest in the territory, Ren Qi returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

Nothing special happened all day today. Ren Qi was fine in the territory, but he just looked at the news in the chat group to see if there was any news or if he had something he wanted to buy.

Elis, who was hunting at night, came back with the succubus. Today's harvest is still very good.

The succubuses decomposed the monsters in the territory, and Elis came to Ren Qi's side to report on the hunting situation today.

First, he simply told Ren Qi the results of today's hunting, and then Elis continued: "Master, when we went deep into the black fog jungle today, we found some dark elves' footprints."

"Dark Elf?"

Ren Qi looked at Elis and his expression became solemn.

His exploration of the black fog jungle is not very deep. Although the succubus army can go deep into the black fog jungle now, it is relative to the previous exploration scope.

The current Elis and the others are exploring the depth of the Black Mist Forest, which is only about one-third of the Black Mist Forest.

There is something in the black fog jungle, Ren Qi is still unknown.

I met black goblins before, but I didn't expect to encounter dark elves now.

Unlike ordinary monsters, black goblins and dark elves are all intelligent creatures, and they will gather together to form tribes and even kingdoms.

Compared with ordinary monsters, this kind of monster is obviously more difficult to deal with, and sometimes they are even treated as a very powerful territory.

Ren Qi doesn't know much about dark elves, most of them are from books.

According to legend, the dark elves are a family of fallen elves, and some say that the dark elves themselves are a branch of elves.

Ren Qi remembered that there was also a dark elf unit before the top 100 in the kill list, but her territory was not near the Black Mist Forest.

Moreover, only wild dark elves should be able to penetrate into one third of the black fog jungle.

Although it is said that the performance of the dark elf arms in the kill rankings is not satisfactory, but it is a class after all.

The wild dark elves can be said to be very powerful.

In Ren Qi's cognition, both elves and dark elves are a group of evil spirits.

Their lifespan is extremely long. Maybe you see a young, beautiful, long-legged, and innocent elves. They may be your ancestors at their age.

"Is there a conflict?" Ren Qi looked at Elis and asked.

Elis shook his head: "I don't know the number and strength of the opponent, and I didn't attack rashly. The opponent is also very afraid of us. After encountering us, it quickly dissipated in the black fog jungle."

Ren Qi nodded, elves live in groups, and this group of dark elves must be at least one of them.

Before figuring out the opponent's strength, it is best to be safe.

Having said that, elves are extremely rare species outside the black fog.

Because of their natural beauty, many elves were not killed like other monsters, but were caught by the lords and sold.

The value they sell far exceeds the value gained by killing them.

Before, Ren Qi had heard that the elves who had been caught were rarely seen.

If the outside territory can come in, I am afraid that the dark elves of the Black Mist Forest will also be unable to escape the claws.

After letting the succubuses eat and rest, Ren Qi returned to the bedroom, ready to rest after watching the news in the chat group for a while.

At this time, Li Tianlan's private chat was sent again.

[Ren Qi, the latest news is that Yongjing Feng, the leader of the Alliance of New Lords of the Wolf Country, has summoned more than 250 new Lords, assembled nearly 20,000 troops, and headed towards your territory in the afternoon. ]

[It is estimated that tomorrow afternoon, they will be able to reach the Black Mist Forest. There are no less than ten new lords of the eighth-order arms among them. If you feel that you can't stand it, you can give up the territory and come to me as a hunter. ]

Li Tianlan did not expect that Yongjing Feng would be able to assemble so many new lords, and there were so many high-level troops.

There are more than 20,000 troops, at this stage, it can be said that gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

Li Tianlan felt that Ren Qi should not be able to withstand so many troops.

Seeing the news from Li Tianlan, Ren Qi frowned slightly.

With so many troops, it seems that the opponent is bound to win.

This time, we need to prepare more and deal with it well.

[Well, I see, thank you for reminding me, I will definitely be careful. ]

Ren Qi replied, then checked the messages in the chat group, and then went straight to rest.

The Five Elements Leilin Territory.

Li Tianlan frowned as he watched Ren Qi's recovery.

This Qiqiqi is not a fool, such a force is unlikely to stop him, is he not willing to give up his territory?

But if you don't leave at this time, even if you want to leave, you won't be able to.

"Sister Tianlan, what did that Qiqiqi say? Are you going to give up the territory and join us?" Shi Yuhan said.

Li Tianlan shook his head: "It seems that he is going to stick to the territory, but it is, the territory that has been developed for such a long time, and his development should be very good, no one will be willing to give up~www.mtlnovel.com~ Shi Yuhan pouted. Said: "Cut, I think he is a fool, he still can't see his own strength at this time, if he doesn't leave at this time, he will lead the people to empty. "

"By the way, Sister Tianlan, we don't have to help him now, right? With so many new lords and troops, the end is already doomed."

Li Tianlan frowned and thought for a while, then said, "I'm still going. If he can't stop the attack and is killed in a short time, then we really don't have any effect if we don't make a move."

"But if he can stand it, I'm going to support him."

"Sister Tianlan, why are you so dead-headed, this time has passed, maybe you will be implicated by that guy." Shi Yuhan said anxiously.

Li Tianlan shook his head: "Okay, don't say any more, I have already decided, let's go back to rest first."

That night, Ren Qi slept soundly.

Li Tianlan and Luo Ming didn't sleep well all night.

Xuan Ming and Tian Jizi were so excited that they didn't sleep all night.