
Chapter 126

Six succubus, all of them are sixth-order mutant succubus.

Among them, there are two Succubus Slayers, two Succubus Fallen Thunder, and one Succubus like Maggie.

And the last one is a brand new succubus.

Her body is very white, and the white is somewhat abnormal, as white as pale.

The wings behind her were extremely black, a very deep black.

The two are in stark contrast.

And the fluctuations from her body are very silent, revealing despair and death.

Ren Qi checked the attributes of this new sixth-order mutant succubus.

[Dead plague succubus]

[Level: Level 6]

[Level: Level 0]

[Succubus, a symbol of death and disease, is proficient in various disease and death abilities, and has the means of spreading viruses and lethality on a large scale. ]

Looking at the attributes of the dead plague succubus, Ren Qi's eyes flickered.

This new-born mutant succubus is also a succubus with large-scale attack methods.

However, unlike the large-scale direct damage attack of the Fallen Thunder Succubus, the large-scale attack of the Death Plague Succubus is continuous.

For example, the use of disease or virus means to kill the enemy.

The initial attack of this method is not very high, and it is even difficult to kill the enemy directly.

But as long as it is contaminated, the enemy will take continuous damage, and it is difficult to heal.

In terms of direct lethality, the dead plague succubus is inferior to the thunder succubus.

But in terms of the long-term fatality rate, the Succubus of Death Plague is able to completely crush the Succubus Fallen Thunder.

If the death plague succubus can be used well, it will have great lethality.


The six newborn mutant succubuses came to Ren Qi with very respectful expressions.

Ren Qi nodded towards the six newborn mutant succubuses in front, and then named them one by one, and then asked them to eat demon meat and prepare to go hunting.

Elis was also eating demon meat with other succubus. When he saw Ren Qi bringing six newborn mutant succubus over, he asked the surrounding succubus to take the six newborn mutant succubus to the side to eat, and then came Ren Qi's side.

"Master, are you still hunting in the black fog jungle today? Do you want to make some traps around the territory?"

Ren Qi had already told her that the general's territory might be under siege, so Elis was still very concerned about it.

Ren Qi knew that Elis was thinking of taking advantage of these few days to increase the defense of the territory, so he shook his head and said, "No need."

"Now it's the most important thing for you to upgrade your level. Those guys who are besieged don't have to worry too much. Compared with them, I'm more worried about what may happen after the quiet period."

Listening to Ren Qi's words, Elis nodded.

She will unconditionally support Ren Qi's decision.

After eating, Elis continued to hunt in the Black Mist Forest with the Succubus Legion.

And Ren Qi checked the chat group.

After Tianjizi announced that there would be a quiet period, the atmosphere in the chat group became much more relaxed.

News of various sales transactions also kept emerging. Ren Qi checked it for a while, but did not find the news he needed.

At this time, Li Tianlan's private chat came over.

[777, I got the latest news here, the new lords of the wolf country have already started to gather troops, and there are many new lords joining them. ]

[In about a day today, they will be able to assemble and head towards your territory. It is estimated that they will arrive the day after tomorrow! ]

[You have to be careful, I will go back to support you when the time comes. ]

Seeing Li Tianlan's private chat, Ren Qi chuckled.

These guys move very fast, can they come the day after tomorrow?

Really looking forward to it.

I don't know how much resources Tianjizi will be able to harvest.

With so many new lords and territories, is it not too much to get a dozen or two hundred thousand energy crystals?

After thinking for a while, Ren Qi replied with the next line.

[Thank you for your reminder, as for the support, there is no need. They come to besiege, and I have only a solution. ]

It's not that Ren Qi doesn't trust Li Tianlan, it's just that he thinks that the Star Alliance is unlikely to help him, even if Li Tianlan is the leader of the Star Alliance.

Besides, Ren Qi really doesn't need any support now.

[Don't worry, even if it's just me, I will help you, we are allies. ]

Looking at the private chat coming out of the communication device, Ren Qi shook his head with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

This Li Tianlan is really interesting.


At this time, Nagai Feng, the leader of the Wolf Country New Lords Alliance, was entertaining the newly joined Wolf Country New Lords and the new Lords of other countries in the territory.

Looking at the more than 100 people who had gathered around, Nagai Feng showed a smile on his face.

After the news of the crusade against the Succubus Territory was announced yesterday, today is the gathering of so many new lords, making Nagai Kaede very confident in this action.

The attack on the succubus territory this time is to covet the resources of the succubus territory, and the second is to improve his reputation.

As long as the succubus territory can be breached, as the new lord alliance of the wolf country, he will surely become famous, and it is estimated that his deeds will be circulated outside the black fog.

At that time, it may be supported by air investment sources other than the black fog.

As for revenge for Kentaro and the others, that's just an obvious reason.

"Everyone, everyone's purpose is the same, then crusade the succubus territory!"

"The practices of the succubus territory are really abhorrent, and several new lord territories have been destroyed one after another."

"Although he threatened that someone else took the initiative to attack him, who knows the truth? Maybe it was his deliberate trick to annex the new lords around him."

"Such a new lord, we must not allow him to continue his evil deeds!"

"Our current situation is unknown. We should unite. For this goal, we must destroy the succubus territory!"

Nagai Feng said his oath righteously~www.mtlnovel.com~ set a just tone for this crusade.

The new lords below waited until Nagai Feng's voice fell, and they all applauded.

"Che, why are you talking so much nonsense? Who doesn't know what it is for."

"That's right, let's talk about the resource allocation after destroying the succubus territory this time."

"Mo Mo Ha Ha Ha, isn't this a waste of time?"

Several new lords of Eagle Country and Xiong Country started to discuss.

The new lords of the countries below gathered together to form small groups.

The new lords of the Eagle Country and the Xiong Country were relatively few, and they formed a small group together.

Nagai Feng looked at the people who were talking about it below, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Of course, I also know the needs of everyone to participate in this crusade. Next, I will explain to you the issue of the distribution of spoils after the succubus territory is broken."