
Chapter 123

Looking at Luo Ming's reply, a touch of emotion appeared in Ren Qi's eyes.

At this time, hearing that so many new lords were besieging him, Luo Ming had to come to help him, which was enough to prove their friendship.

[No, Tianjizi's method is the best, our territories are far apart, and the variables of your troops rushing over are too great. ]

[Besides, the role of your troops coming here is not too big. This time, I mainly rely on the territory. ]

[Your territory is very close to those of the new lords of the wolf country, and it is the best choice to attack their territory at that time. ]

This time Luo Ming did not continue to say anything else and agreed.

He also knew in his heart that the Boss Qiqiqi, who was able to resist the golden dragon, didn't need his own strength very much.


Lomin's territory.

Luo Ming turned off the communication device, and his eyes became sharp.

At this time, his base has nearly doubled in size, and all around are metal buildings.

Although he did not participate in the kill rankings, Luo Ming has been hiding and developing, and his own strength has been greatly enhanced.

His beautiful girl warriors have reached the scale of nearly 200, and most of them have reached adulthood in the fiftieth grade.

And after reaching level 50, the beautiful girl Zhan Ji will awaken the mechanical equipment that suits her. As long as the material is sufficient, she can forge it by herself.

Now Luo Ming has built more than 100 sets of mechanical equipment, so that more than 100 beautiful girls are fully armed.

The beautiful girl Zhan Ji with mechanical equipment has at least doubled her combat power.

Luo Ming was lucky when he was hunting before, and obtained a blueprint for an energy crystal laser cannon.

Although two energy crystals are consumed each time it is activated, the laser cannon can reach the seventh-order attack power.

Unfortunately, the materials needed are relatively scarce, and he only forged ten doors.

However, this kind of energy crystal laser cannon is relatively small, and his beautiful girl Zhan Ji can carry it with him.

"Don't worry, Boss Qiqiqi, I will definitely complete your mission. I will not let go of any of the new lords who attack you!"

Since they wanted to surround Wei and save Zhao, they had to make a big noise.


Looking at Luo Ming's promised reply, Ren Qi nodded. Originally, he was confident about this siege, but now with the help of Tianjizi and Luo Ming, this time it will be easier.

Originally, Ren Qi still wanted to kill the new lord who came to attack as much as possible.

But now with the help of Tianjizi, the others and Luo Ming, there is no need.

After all, if he hits hard, he will also lose a lot of succubus.

Now you just need to drag it, it will naturally be a lot easier.

I don't know what they will look like when they know that their hometown has been stolen.

It will take a few days for these new lords who want to attack his territory to gather, and he has to take advantage of this time to improve his strength.

"Master, have everything been settled?" Tina on the side looked at Ren Qi eagerly.

Ren Qi looked at Tina's eyes, her heart swayed, and her head suddenly became big.

"It's been dealt with." Ren Qi looked at Tina and said softly.

Tina said with a smile: "Then hurry up, master, go to the bedroom with me, people can't wait."

Ren Qi sighed, for the development of the territory, he had to endure what ordinary people couldn't bear.

Taking Tina back to the bedroom, Ren Qi closed the door.

Ten minutes later, Ren Qi walked out with a flushed face.

After taking a few deep breaths, Ren Qi calmed down his mood.

Holding it for a long time is not good for the body.

At this moment, Ren Qi almost rushed into the bedroom again, and severely flogged Tina who had tempted her in every possible way.

But then Ren Qi slowly closed his eyes and calmed down his turbulent heart.

Now is not the time, wait until Tina is stocking up some more.

In the evening, after night fell, Elis led the Succubus Legion back to the territory.

Today's hunting harvest is very rich. Now the succubus army led by Elis has almost no opponents, and went directly into the black fog jungle to hunt and hunted a lot of high-level monsters.

After transporting the hunted monsters into the territory, the surrounding succubus disintegrated.

And Elis came to Ren Qi's side and reported to him the harvest of this hunt.

"Master, I have killed a lot of sixth-order monsters this time, and I should be able to harvest about five thousand kilograms of sixth-order demon meat, including many energy crystals, about a few hundred."

"Oh, yes, master, this time there are two more magic crystals to harvest."

Ren Qi looked at the magic crystal that Elis handed over and the energy crystal on the ground, smiled and nodded.

After taking the magic crystal, Ren Qi asked Elis to send the energy crystal and some other materials to the warehouse.

At this time, Ren Qi was pleasantly surprised to find that Isarel's level had been raised to level ten.

This speed is relatively fast. It seems that when the territory is besieged, Isarel can also play a good role.

At this moment, Xi Rui in the team looked at Ren Qi and bit her lip lightly.

She was the first to follow Ren Qi, but now she was left far behind by Elis.

Although the master would not treat him differently, Ciri still felt very lost in her heart.

She wants to help the master better, but unfortunately her strength does not allow it.

Ren Qi didn't see Xi Rui's strange expression. After all the monsters were decomposed, the simple treatment was to let the succubuses go to rest.


At this time, Tarusa was dressed unconscious at the underground entrance of the Black Goblin Kingdom.

In order to make the annihilation look more realistic, Tarusa made a few wounds on himself and pretended to be unconscious here for a few hours.

At this moment, a team of black goblins came up and saw Tarusa lying on the ground.

"High Priest of Tarusa!"

Several black goblins rushed over quickly~www.mtlnovel.com~ helped Tarusa.

Tarusa also 'woke up faintly', looked at the black goblins around him and said, "I found the location of the holy stone, take me back quickly, I want to tell the king!"

Soon, Tarusa entered the Black Goblin Kingdom through the underground entrance.

This is an underground kingdom with small houses filled with the entire underground kingdom.

Massive flames rose throughout the kingdom, illuminating everything around them.

Tarusa raised the wand in his hand, and a black wind rose under his feet, dragging his body towards the central palace quickly.

As the high priest of the Black Goblin Kingdom, Tarusa can use magic in the kingdom.

If it was someone else, they would have been shot by random arrows long ago.

Coming to the palace, Tarusa soon met the black goblin king.

"Respected king, I have found the place where the holy stone is sitting. I took out the camp and was attacked by a lord. The holy stone is now in his territory!"