

On the stage, one was a bounty hunter, the other a martial disciple seeking revenge.

The martial disciple's eyes glared fiercely at his opponent, his battle intent terrifying.

Undoubtedly, someone had placed a bounty on the martial disciple's loved ones or friends, and this hunter took on the job.

Now, the martial disciple sought revenge, driven by the need to avenge his kin and friends.

He was at the First Stage of Qi Awakening, while the bounty hunter across from him was at the Second Stage, the gap between them not large.

With such a difference, both had strength and combat skills.

But once on this stage, all rules were thrown aside, and anything went.

"Place your bets."

"Place your bets."

The house called out as spectators placed their bets.

"I'm betting on the bounty hunter." Mad Dog immediately placed 500 pieces of gold.

"None of you Martial Arts disciples are supporting your own?" Lin Ruomei asked.

"I think the bounty hunter has better odds, after all, he's at the Second Stage of Qi Awakening," Mad Dog replied.

"Brother, your view aligns with mine. I'm going all in on the bounty hunter."

"Right, hunters have seen all sorts of battles. This seasoned hunter surely has the upper hand." Another spectator joined in, betting on the bounty hunter.

"My thoughts exactly. I'm betting on the hunter too."

500 gold! 800 gold!

1000 gold!

10,000 gold!


Most people bet on the advanced hunter, with the total amount reaching 500,000 gold.

"Any more bets?"

Just as the betting was about to close, a VIP waved his hand.

100,000 gold!

"No wonder he's from the VIP section. Such extravagance."

"Yeah, with that 100,000 gold, I could complete several C-rank missions."

The ratio of bets between the martial disciple and the bounty hunter was 20% to 80%.

Judging from the betting ratio, everyone believed in the hunter's strength and experience.

Yechuan smiled silently, "Maybe not!"

"50,000 gold on the martial disciple!"

"Isn't this guy Yechuan who almost died in the C-rank mission earlier? Why is he betting against us?"

"Seems like it's him! Damn!"

Some bounty hunters recognized Yechuan, resentful of the money-grabbing team.

In their view, everyone was executing C-rank missions; why did the money-grabbing team, which suffered some injuries, receive the Grand Leader's favor?

Even the first-tier Phantom Assassins of the Bounty Hunters' Alliance didn't receive personal reception from the Grand Leader. Yet this team, which suffered heavy injuries in a C-rank mission and lost several members, received applause from all hunters upon returning to headquarters.

This made no sense at all.

Everyone knew that someone in this team must have a relationship with the Grand Leader, at least through blood ties.

Newbie bounty hunters in the Bounty Name Sect were willing to believe this.

As this news reached the ears of the advanced hunters, they became indifferent, for they believed in might makes right—respect is earned through strength, irrespective of lineage.

At this moment, Yechuan paid no heed to the other hunters' bets, but carefully observed the two engaged in mortal combat.

One was a seasoned freelance advanced hunter, battle-hardened from numerous engagements; the other was a disciple of martial arts, having inherited true martial teachings, with combat experience that naturally matched up.

"Brother, why are you betting against me? I've wagered 500 gold coins on the hunter. Just looking at the hunter's cultivation, he clearly surpasses the martial disciple," Mad Dog said politely to Yechuan.

"Both are at the Qi Awakening realm, first and second stages. As long as their cultivations aren't significantly different, the outcome remains uncertain. Moreover, the martial disciple arrives with anger, naturally prepared," Yechuan calmly explained.

"Look, from the martial disciple's initial eyes filled with hatred to now calm as water, his rapid change in demeanor shows stability. His mind hasn't been completely clouded by hatred; at least, he possesses clear rationality, knowing precisely whom he's about to face."

"Observing this advanced hunter sought by enemies for vengeance, it seems he's accustomed to being sought after by foes. His indifferent demeanor suggests he believes, due to his extensive battles, that any challenger is the same, his pride might prove to be his downfall."

"That's why I'm betting on the martial disciple," Yechuan analyzed the two on the death arena meticulously.

Audience members and hunters who had hesitated to place their bets heard Yechuan's analysis and found it quite reasonable.

"Well, since Master Ye has such insight, I trust you this once! 10,000 gold coins on the martial disciple!" declared a woman in a white robe, pushing the money forward with boldness.

"I trust you too, 50,000 gold coins on the martial disciple."

At the noble spectator's stand, a man lightly swirled his wine glass, the sweet liquid rippling within, catching layers of faint light. He spoke softly and slowly.

Following this, his attendant swiftly placed 50,000 gold coins on the martial disciple.

Now, the percentage of bets between the martial disciple and the advanced hunter had shifted:

40% : 60%

"Betting closed!"

With the referee's command, no more wagers were accepted.

At this moment, the death arena was enveloped in a fearsome aura, forming a barrier.

Rather than calling it a barrier, it resembled more of a death cage.

Those inside couldn't escape, and nothing from outside could enter. This would continue until one side had perished or all were dead, only then would the barrier vanish.

"Mad Dog, who are you hoping will win?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Nonsense, of course I'm rooting for the advanced hunter," Mad Dog impatiently replied, his gaze filled with disdain towards Zhang Chen.

Just earlier, Mad Dog had wanted to use Zhang Chen's bounty to bet on the advanced hunter but was turned down, which left him quite displeased with Zhang Chen.

"So, are you implying you want Yechuan to lose his 50,000 gold coins?" Zhang Chen mocked.

"Who dares to say that? My big brother's bet is sure to win," Mad Dog asserted, though deep down he still hoped his bet on the advanced hunter would prevail.

"Enough talk, go buy some wine!" Yechuan smacked Mad Dog on the back of his head, ordering him to fetch some drinks.

The entire bounty hunting team found their seats, and immediately, attendants began serving the entire party.

"Hello, I'm Sophie. Today, I'll be serving all the hunters here. May I ask if you would like something to eat?"

This woman who called herself Sophie had a sweet voice. She was dressed in attire that revealed a faint necklace around her neck.

It seemed that all the women serving guests here had such a necklace.

"What do you recommend?" Yechuan asked Sophie, feeling a sense of familiarity with her.

"This is spirit beast meat, prepared with a secret method that enhances its spiritual energy. It's highly beneficial for cultivation."

"This is spirit fruit, a magical fruit that not only tastes sweet but also enhances cultivation or aids in healing injuries."


Sophie continued recommending dozens of dishes, just enough for about six or seven people, and the prices were reasonable.

"Let's go with your recommendations!" Yechuan agreed to these dishes but omitted one or two that he didn't want. He then looked into Sophie's eyes again carefully.

"Have we met somewhere before?"

"Have we met somewhere before?"

Surprisingly, the two spoke in unison.