
Return to base camp

Due to a misjudgment by the intelligence agency of the Bounty Guild, a B+ level mission was mistakenly classified as an ordinary C-level task. Such an error could result in the deaths of dozens of lives.

Assigning a C-level mission to this batch of bounty hunters was intended to filter out those capable of handling tasks and to test whether these newcomers truly met their standards.

If the two dispatched teams were to be completely wiped out, not only would they lose a significant number of painstakingly recruited talents, but they would also have to pay a hefty compensation to each hunter's family. Although it was the latter that they were truly concerned about.

The Bounty Guild's emphasis on money was notorious. People could die, but losing money was unacceptable. This was the key point.

They couldn't afford to lose money if they didn't earn any in the first place.

A B+ level bounty mission was worth at least 100,000 gold coins. Sending a group of rookies to undertake such a difficult task was simply...

"I will immediately lead a team to investigate Dragon and Tiger Abyss. Please grant permission, Grand Commander!" Xiao Jin, in an attempt to make amends, volunteered to lead a team of hunters appropriate for that level.

The Grand Commander sighed deeply, waved his hand, and said, "There's no need. Prepare the compensation funds."

In reality, the Grand Commander already had an answer in his mind and thus rejected Xiao Jin's request to send people to Dragon and Tiger Abyss.

There was no need to waste more manpower and resources on hunters who were already dead.

At this moment, outside the main base, all the new teams were waiting for the debriefing meeting. The public screen displayed the battle reports of the newcomer teams completing their bounties.

First echelon: Phantom Killers, Golden Hunter Alliance.

Second echelon: Touch of Gold, Crystal Dragon Hunters.

Third echelon...

Missing teams: Money Grabbers, Mad Dogs.

Among the ten teams, everyone only cared about the first echelon and the last missing teams.

The missing teams were the ones led by Han Qianye and Mad Dog.

The names of these two missing teams were crossed out and turned gray.

"Phantom Killers and Golden Hunter Alliance. These must be genius-level bounty hunters. Truly impressive!"

Some of the hunters from the lower echelon, seeing the names of the first echelon, silently resolved to have their team's name appear in the first echelon next time.

Being in the first echelon would grant them ample resources from the Bounty Guild.

"But why haven't two teams returned from such a simple C-level mission? What's going on? What's with the strikethrough? What does that mean?"

Some onlooking hunters were puzzled by this.

"That likely means the teams that failed the mission," an experienced old hunter replied.

"Yeah, we are part of the third echelon and completed the mission effortlessly in three days."

"Failing a C-level mission means they don't deserve to stay here."

"Exactly. They must have bought their way in."

Some hunters believed that completing the C-level mission was a breeze. The fact that some teams hadn't returned suggested they were doomed to fail.


At Xiao Jin's command, all the hunters assembled. Standing on the stage was the Grand Commander, wearing a cloak.

The Grand Commander looked at everyone with a serious expression and began to speak slowly, "This mission, you all did very well." He paused, scanning the crowd, "However, two teams have not returned."

The crowd buzzed, whispering to each other.

"According to the rules, teams that fail their missions will be eliminated," the Grand Commander's voice carried an undeniable authority, "But before that, I want you all to understand that the level of a mission does not represent everything. Sometimes, even seemingly simple tasks can hide immense dangers."

At that moment.

Han Qianye, his entire body wrapped in bandages, slowly walked into the hall with the help of Ye Chuan. Ye Chuan and Han Qianye led the way, Lin Ruomei assisting as well, followed closely by Mad Dog, Zhang Chen, Masked Man, and two other team members.

"We did not fail!" Zhang Chen shouted, holding up the tiger heart that glowed green.

The hall erupted into chaos once again.

This time, the most shocked were not the bounty hunters in the hall but the Grand Commander, Xiao Jin, and those who knew the inside story.

"How... how did they manage this? It's unbelievable," Xiao Jin murmured to himself.

The Grand Commander, seeing their injuries, knew these two teams must have faced an incredibly fierce battle.

Mad Dog had lost most of his cultivation, which would take at least a year or two to recover, and Han Qianye was completely bandaged up. The other team members had terrifying scars all over their bodies.

"Two rookie teams managed to complete a B+ level mission. This is a scenario that might occur once in a thousand teams."

The Grand Commander looked at Ye Chuan and Han Qianye, their spirited demeanor reminding him of his younger days.

How similar! The Grand Commander couldn't help but sigh.

Newcomers completing a mission three levels higher than their capabilities was something even the Grand Commander wasn't sure he could have done in his youth.

"Since the mission was successfully completed, let's give them the warmest applause!"

The Grand Commander was the first to applaud, followed by the entire hall of hunters, forming a line to welcome the injured teams.

Thunderous applause echoed through the hall.

Zhang Chen, Lin Ruomei, and Mad Dog found their emotions indescribable.

But Zhang Chen knew it was all thanks to Ye Chuan and Han Qianye, especially Ye Chuan. Without him, the tiger heart would have likely been taken by Jian Wuhen of the Divine Sword Sect.

All the hunters in the hall stared at the crystal-clear, green-glowing tiger heart, knowing it was no ordinary item. If an average cultivator consumed it, they might develop a body immune to all poisons.

A hunter eyed the tiger heart greedily and said, "These guys are stupid. If I had the tiger heart, I'd have kept it for myself. Why stay here?"

However, his captain smacked him on the back of the head: "Keep your voice down! Don't forget, if you swallow such an important treasure, the Bounty Guild will immediately put a bounty on your head worth ten times its value."

Xiao Jin walked over to Ye Chuan, leading him and his team onto the stage.

"They are all heroes!" The Grand Commander gave the highest praise.

He did not reveal the full truth to the public in the hall.

After the debriefing, the Money Grabbers and Mad Dogs teams were led by Xiao Jin into the Grand Commander's office.

"Your bounty is not 50 grams of gold, but gold worth 100,000 coins."

"The reward is ready for you, right here!"

Following the Grand Commander's words, Xiao Jin pushed a cart of gold into the room. The glittering sight was mouth-watering.

Additionally, there were numerous healing elixirs to help the cultivators quickly recover from their injuries.

Seeing so much gold, the group couldn't help but touch it, finding it hard to believe.

This unexpected reward made them smile broadly, already thinking about living lavishly.

"Thank you, Grand Commander!" Han Qianye clasped his hands in gratitude.

"No need for thanks. This is what you deserve. I should be the one thanking you," the Grand Commander said, a bit embarrassed, waving his hand.

"Why do you say that?" Ye Chuan asked, puzzled.

Instead of answering immediately, the Grand Commander walked over, patting Ye Chuan's shoulder and scrutinizing him closely, "I read Han Qianye's debrief. You're an extraordinary talent, calm under pressure, with unparalleled judgment. And to have such cultivation at your age, if only I had a son like you."

Embarrassed by the praise, Ye Chuan said, "Cultivation depends on the individual. I know there are exceptional geniuses in Zhongzhou, from noble families, with profound understanding of cultivation."

Zhang Chen, Lin Ruomei, and the others were envious of the Grand Commander's praise for Ye Chuan.

"Why are you thanking us? What's the reason?" Mad Dog asked, confused.

"Your mission was not C-level, but B+ level," Xiao Jin sighed, reluctantly answering.


"B+ level mission?"
