
What can be

While he had time before the meeting of the tarot club would begin Hector went to his room to start writing the Book of Sin.

He understood that the book wouldn't be written in one day he still needs to start somewhere. So he took a pen, ink, and a few papers.


"Do not harm innocent"

'Obius but still needed to be said, but the question is what makes one innocent.'

"Who is innocent:

Those who are pure of sin, and those who do not stand in a way of our path."

'Sure for now that definition should be enough, now then...'

"To punish sinners is our purpose, to break them is our joy, to educate them is our duty."

'Basic way to see the world.'

"Do not see your enemies as people, but see the true truth of our master. They are nothing but an object that needs to be educated in ways of suffering and fear."

'They will need to be able to do what needs to be done, no matter rules or convictions of others

"For you are spears of pain and misery. Each evolution of wrong to correct."

'To make them feel important but still keep them obedient to me.'

"You shall map every scream, harness every aggression until you understand every method by which to ravage the hearts, minds, and flesh of wicked."

'So they would understand that everyone begins somewhere.'

"And in doing so we feed our desires, our lust, our greed, our fear until we become an instrument of vengeance."

'It sounds cool.'

"But take heed of your own heart, for only our master is perfect, only he sees the truth. And so we must follow his will, so one day we may be part of his great vision."

'It is somewhat embarrassing to write in the third person.'

"Blessed be the Fanatics, for their minds are pure.

Blessed be the Murderous, for they see the beauty in our truth.

Blessed be the Heartless, for they have the strength to do what must be done.

Blessed be the Wicked, their suffering makes us stronger.

Blessed is our lord, who sees the truth and whose will is our will. So do not doubt and follow us to the truth."

Hector thne stoped and looked over what he already wrote. When he was satisfied he stoped and looked at the pocketwatch.

He saw that soon it will be 3:00pm he went to lay at the bed and awaited the pull.

While he laid on the bed he watched the ceiling awaiting for needle on his pocket watch turn to three.

When time came he saw burst of red light came from his body drowning him in it.


In the city of Tingen Klein stood in the room and walked four steps in a counter-clockwise manner in squarish shape. Murmuring incantations.

Soon his body turned light as he floated up. He saw the grayish-white and blurry fog. There he saw three red "starts." each of then had minuscule connection with him, and he could feel abnormal sense of familiarity from them.

After few moments fog around had again transformed into the opulent divine palace with the tall bronze table under the domed ceiling, as well as the twenty-two high-back chairs that corresponded to the different constellations.

When he sat behind seat of honor he extended his right hand and tapped three red starts and created a miraculous connection.


In a basement without any window, Alger Wilson sat behind long table upon which various apparatuses and goatskin parchments were laid.

Alger's hair was disheveled like seaweed with a deep blue color that resembled black. He wore a robe with lightning patterns embroidered on it.

When needle striked three in the closk hanging on the wall he pressed down on his temple as his eyes turned dark.

Then Deep-red light appear like a tidal wave from nowhere, drowning him instantly.


In Backlund, Empress Borough after dismissing her dance teacher, Audrey locked the door and sat straight up in front of her dressing table.

The sun outside was bright and gorgeous. Before her laid light-brown notebook made of exquisite goat skin, which pages were black. She prepared a fountain pen with golden tip and embedded rubies so she could write down teh formula the moent she left the gathering.

Then she looked at the mirror however, she did not see herself reflected. Instead, a dark red and illusory beam burst out from her body.


Above the gray fog stood a majestic divine hall that looked like a giant's residence.

Dark red colors bloomed on both sides of the bronze table. They surged upwards like a fountain before pattering down. It 'carved' three blurry figures who sat in the same spots as before.

Audrey, with her soft blond hair and tall, slim build, instinctively looked towards the Seat of Honor. She saw the figure immersed in thick gray fog sitting back. One hand was flat, touching the table's side while the other hand was stroking his chin.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool!" Audrey shouted in cheery voice.

Following that, she turned her head and looked at the person opposite her. With the same tone, she said, "Good afternoon, Mr. Hanged Man!". Then she turned to the last mamber who sat next to Alger and once again spoke with cheery voice, "Good afternoon, Mr. Devil!"

When Hector heard he and rest returned her greeting "Good, afternoon, Miss Justice."

Then he was able to see that Klein lowered his head slightly and move his left hand and tapped his glabella twice.

'Ah, yes. He became beyonder and so he is using spirit wision on us.

'If I remamber correctly than when he lookes at the Justice's aura, he should see that it perfectly matches the colors of healtly non-beyonder. With her emotions being of... REd and yellow. It was joy and excitment.

'While color of Hanged Man's emotions should be similiar but their are calm, thoughtful, careful and as he got beyondre ingredient from Justice already he should be pleased.

'Diference from Justice And Hanged Man was innermost layer. hanged Man'đ was nearly of the same color. It should represent deep blue akin to the sea.'

Reason was that he was beyonder of sequence 8 from sailor pathway.

'And lastly or in midle or at begining he should look at me. From what I feel my emotions should be calm, but still there should be colors of being happy and pleased.'

Then Hector could hear Audry speak, "Mr. Hanged Man, did you recieve the box of Ghost Shark blood?"

Alger looked at Klein and then back at Audry, "Thank you very much. It perfectly met my expectations. I never expected you to send it to me so quickly. The Ghost Shark blood is not the typical extraordinary creature,"

Audrey smiled humbly and said, "I'm very happy to see this outcome."

Alger looked deeply at The Fool who was enveloped in fog before turning his head back with a smile.

"According to our agreement, I will tell you the formula to the potion, Spectator. But..." He spoke as he looked at the Hector.

Hector could gues he didnt want to say the formula before him as he paid nothing for it.

Next chapter