After returning to his body Hector went and collected a few sheets of paper from the cupboard in the office and sit behind the desk where he continued to write his Book of Sin. He thought of with what chapter he should begin, he could start with punishments or defining sin and sinners. Both were important parts of basic education for any starting devil, so Hector wanted to be as clearly understood as possible.
Still, he wanted for readers to understand that they will make mistakes in their judgment as only he himself is infallible in his view of the world and the people that exist there.
So he wrote into the book that he will surpass that of the book or anything else. Hector thought of ways to sell his point until he just decided that he would use his corruptive abilities on the book when he will be a lower sequence.
That way any reader would be shown and educated in a correct manner in no time. Hector's energy got received by that notion and so he started to write.
But he knew that he must also write how they are to punish those that commit those sins. Hector was a believer in fair punishment and so he thought that ideally crimes committed on others should be experienced back, but he also understood that this was not an ideal world, and unless their punishments wouldn't be so horrific that sinner's blood would run cold they may not learn properly.
Then it hit him, what about those that hide it inside their dark hearts? It should also be the Devil's job to test others if they are worthy of being innocent. There may be a sinner in even the purest of hearts.
"Who knows, maybe even innocent are in actuality sinners deserving punishment... No, let's not go there for now." Hector shook his head and continued to write for the rest of his afternoon.
On the next day, he thought of taking a stroll in East Borough so he could take a walk that would hopefully end with bloodshed. So when he woke up he decided to skip breakfast and took his tattered and dirty clothes in his suitcase.
After playing with the puppies Hector sneaked out of his home evading the staff. After taking a few alleys he boarded the carriage that took him into East Borough.
When he changed his clothes he hid the suitcase and started to walk through the streets. He thought of visiting Conor, "I forgot about him..." Hector chuckled as he walked to his home where he knocked on the door.
After what sounded like moving furniture the door before he opened and there stood a sickly thin woman with scars on her face. She sized him up and said, "Who are you and what do you want." She spoke with a strange accent that Hector could not pinpoint but he heard before.
"I'm looking for a boy named Conor," Hector said smiling, but then he realized that his actions were weird as people in East Borough wouldn't smile unless they were up to something.
Thankfully she thought nothing of it as she turned and yelled, "Conor, someone is here to see you!" While she yelled Hector looked into the building and as he did he could see a floor full of beds next to each other, 'Oh they all have beds. For East Borough that is pretty good.
'That should have been that sound of moving furniture, not very safe if there would be fire.' Hector thought as he waited for Conor.
When he saw him Hector told him to follow. Together they walked into something that looked like a diner. There he told Conor to order what he wants. While they waited he asked what he found on Street Rats.
While Hector gave him the assignment to gather the information he did not expect to get anything valuable, he wanted to see what type of person Conor was.
After he was satisfied with Conor's answers he gave him fifteen pence and told him he would be back later.
While walking through the street he could hear weeping from one of the allies. It piqued his interest so he walked closer until he saw a middle-aged man crying on the ground, while he held his head.
Hector felt slightly disappointed so he turned around and started to walk away. But then he heard the man mumble something that stopped his legs, "They took everything..."
'Everything you say?' Hector thought as he smiled and hurriedly walked to the man.
When he got closer he could see that the man was missing his left eye and his clothes were of higher quality but were torn and dirty, not to mention sunburn which meant they were either very old or he is from far away.
While looking at him Hector could also see scars on the man's hands, among them some that looked like bullet wounds. His physique was thinner from malnourishment but he was still quite muscular.
'Former soldier?' Hector guessed.
"Good day to you sir," Hector spoke as he stood over him.
The man continued to weep while ignoring him, "You see, I could not help it but overhear that someone had committed a great sin against you."
Finally, Hector saw that the man reacted to him. He continued to cry but now he made nearly no sound. After a few more moments he raised his head and looked at Hector.
"What... do... you... want..." The man spoke like a broken machine.
"I just want to know what happened to you, sir." Hector was genuinely interested in why he was crying in the alley and not seeking vengeance on those that wronged him.
Hector was forced to speak a few comforting words to the man until finally, he started to talk.
"My name is Alfred... I was L-Leon soldier..." Alfred sobbed for while until he started to talk once again.
"I was married you know, but when at deployment my child passed away from the sickness..." Hector watched as Alfred's sobbing had intensified, " dear wife took loans so she would be able to pay for her treatment she even sold our belongings but even that was not enough.
"Banks would not loan her more as she had no collateral except our house which she already used...
"But nothing helped, and soon our dearest and most precious child died..." Hector listened to what the man had to say attentively.
"W-When our child died she tried to pay the debt that accumulated, and slowly she was able to manage, but then William local businessman brought her dept and called for immediate repayment of the dept or ownership of the house.
"A-And my dearest wife was forced out of our house becoming homeless without any money to buy food or rent a roof over her head. And worse still they demanded that she would pay even more money...
"She d-died soon after of cold and overworking... When I was able to finally come back and return home they threw me out of my own home saying to come with the money that we own them.
"When I was finally able to find her she was but a shell of her former self. Her clothes were dirty from all kinds of filth, her hands bloody and scraped. Her beautiful hair was torn and dirty. Her skin burned in some places and her eyes were hollow of any life.
"She died soon after, I-I held her as she passed away. They came to for me to pay them or work my dept directly..."