
Lord of the mysteries : circle of fate

It's just story of Klein if he knows what waiting him at the pinnacle of power. and you can skip first 20 chapters if you want.

Sd_paNdit_2361 · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs


Blackthorn Security Company."

Seeing the signboard, Kein was stunned for quite a while. He felt that it was unexpected but reasonable at the same time.

[It's really… I don't know how to say…] He shook his head and laughed. Then, he stretched out his right hand and tapped on the half-covered door.

Dun. Dun. Dun.

The slow and rhythmic knocking of the door echoed, but there was no response. He could only the faint sound of "da da da" that came from behind the door.

Dun. Dun. Dun.

Klein repeated it again, but it was the same result.

He changed from knock to push. As the gap widened, he glanced into the room and saw a group of classically designed sofas that were perhaps used for reception. There was also a table placed directly opposite the door. Behind the table, he could see a girl's head dropping low as if she was sleeping.

He walked into the room and leaned close to the table. Then, he knocked on the table twice, close the girl's ear.

Dun. Dun.

The brown-haired girl instinctively sat up straight, she grabbed the newspaper in front of her hands and covered her face.

["Tengon's Honest Paper"… what an interesting brand name…] Klein silently read the newspaper in front of his face.

"The steam train 'the Flyer' will be connected to Conston City today… Really, when can it be connected to Desi Bay? I don't want to go there by boat anymore, it's so uncomfortable, too uncomfortable… Hey, who are you? "The brown-haired girl pretended to read aloud and made a comment. Then, she lowered the newspaper, revealed a smooth forehead and light brown eyes, and turned to at Klein. She is Rozanne.

"Hello, I am Klein Moretti, I am here at the invitation of Mr. Dunn Smith." Klein took off his hat and placed it on his chest.

"You mean Captain?… Ok, please wait here, I will ask him." The girl hurriedly got up and entered the room from the side door.

[And you don't even ask if I need a glass of water… The level of service is worrying…] Klein smiled a little. He stood in the same place and waited, with no intention to sit on the sofa and chair.

After two or three minutes, the brown-haired girl pushed the door out and smiled sweetly.

"Mr. Moretti, please follow me, the captain is on duty today at 'Chanes Gate' and can't leave."

"Okay." Klein quickly walked behind. In his mind, he pondered.

Walking past the partition, the first thing that came into his eyes was a corridor that was not very long. There were three office doors on each side of the corridor.Glancing around, Klein noticed a familiar person. He was Leonard.

The brown-haired girl forcefully twisted the handle of the left office at the end of the corridor. She pushed open the door, pointed to the inside and smiled.

"This leads to a few floors downwards."

There were no decorations nor furniture in this office. There was only a set of gray-white stone steps extending downwards.

The walls on both sides of the stairs were lined with elegantly designed gas lamps. The steady light dispelled the darkness and brought a sense of peace.

The brown-haired girl led the way in front. She kept staring at her feet as she moved cautiously.

"Although I walked here often, I am still scared. I will always worry about falling and rolling over. You know, Leonard had done such a stupid act in the past. On the first day of becoming a 'Sleepless', when he had yet to master his own abilities, he tried to sprint down the stairs. And then… he became a wheel! Haha, it's so funny to think of it. Well, I'm talking about the guy who daydreaming now. It's been three years since then… Speaking of which, I have been in the Night Watcher for five years now, back then I was only seventeen years old…" 

While the girl was looking down at the road, she started to strike a conversation habitually. Suddenly, she patted her own forehead in a hidden way.

"Oh, I've forgotten to introduce myself, my name is Roseanne. My father was a formal member of the Night Watchers, and he sacrificed in an accident five years ago. We should be colleagues in the future. Well, it is more accurate to use the term 'colleagues'… since we are not teammates. After all, we are not Beyonder."

"I hope to have this honor. Klein looked at the enclosed surrounding. He could sense that the two of them had begun to enter the chain gates.

This was a long aisle ahead. The gas lamps were surrounded by metal grids and embedded on the walls on both sides. The lights shone down and the dragged the shadows of Klein and Roseanne far into the distance.

Klein keenly observed the surrounding and noticed that there were many "Dark Sacred Emblems", each at a regular distance on the wall. This was the symbol of the Goddess of the Night, "a deep black background, adorned with half a crimson moon."

Not long after, a crossroad appeared in front of them and the brown-haired girl briefly introduced.

"Turn left to the Church of St. Serena. Turn right to the library of weapons, materials, and documents. Walk straight to Chanes Gate."

The St. Serena Church on Red Moon Street was the headquarter for the Goddess of the Night Church in Tengon. It was the sacred place that all local devotees were yearning to visit. On the other hand, the "Scared Numeric Church" of the God of Steam and Machinery was located in the suburbs, while the "River and Sea Church" of the Lord of the Storms was located in North Tengon. Together, these three churches jointly supported the religious circles of Tengon City as well as the affiliated towns and villages.

Conscious that his current identity was not suitable for probing too much, Klein just listened silently and did not ask any questions.

After crossing the intersection and walking straight, in less than a minute, a black iron gate with seven holy emblems appeared before the two of them.

"Chanes Gate," Roseanne said. Then, she pointed to a room next to the gate. "The captain is inside, you can enter yourself."

"Okay, thanks for your trouble." Klein politely replied.

The room that Roseanne pointed to was just in front of the "Chanes Gate". It had an opened window and lights could be seen coming out from it. Klein took a deep breath and calmed down.

Dun. Dun. Dun.

"Come in." Dunn Smith's low and welcoming voice came out.

Klein gently pushed open the semi-closed door. He saw a table and four chairs in the room. The high-hairline Dunn Smith was wearing the same type of black windbreaker as last night. He was reading a newspaper leisurely, and there was a gold watch chain appearing beside his left chest button.

"Please sit down, have you thought through the decision? Are you sure you want to join us?" Dunn put down the newspaper and asked with a smile.

Klein took off his hat and greeted Dunn. Then, he sat down at the table and nodded slowly.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Then, you can take a look at this contract. Huh, now everyone likes to call it a contract," Dunn opened the table drawer and took out two copies of a contract.

There were not many of terms on the contract. Most of those were already mentioned by Dunn Smith. It mainly focused on the confidentiality clause. The violators no longer passed through the kingdom court but would be directly put on trial by the arbitral tribunal of the Church of the Goddess of the Night. The procedure was similar to the military, where convicted officers would be put on trial in military courts.

There were not many of terms on the contract. Most of those were already mentioned by Dunn Smith. It mainly focused on the confidentiality clause. The violators no longer passed through the kingdom court but would be directly put on trial by the arbitral tribunal of the Church of the Goddess of the Night. The procedure was similar to the military, where convicted officers would be put on trial in military courts. Klein finished reading the terms one by one, and firmly answer.

"What are the terms if I want to become a Beyonder." Klein ask shamelessly.

Dunn said "There are many procedures for that you need to make contributions for that."

Klein thought he had no choice and chose to first method. Then captain coughed slowly and placed his hand on table and said "But, last night we get a telegram from headquarter and instructed us for increasing in staff. So you can join immediately but after becoming a Beyonder from this method you need to look around the city for paranormal activities.

Klein was delighted but then thought is church looking for zangwil or something I don't know happened this time around. Well it's can be checked after becoming a Beyonder.

"Ok." Klein nodded.

In this meantime Dunn write down extra clause in a new paper. He said in all seriousness, "Do you wish to become a Beyonder? You can only choose the starting Sequence of an incomplete Sequence .

"Of course, you can give up this chance and choose to accumulate the merit you have garnered . Then, all you have to do is wait till there's sufficient room for you to become a Sleepless, which is also the first, complete Sequence the Goddess has bestowed on the Nighthawks . "

Klein felt delighted and did not have any hesitant emotions . He took the initiative to ask, "Then from which of the Sequence 9s can I choose from?"

Dunn turned around and seemed to be cloaked in the crimson veil that shone down on him . He looked into Klein's eyes and said slowly, "Apart from the Sleepless, the Church has three Sequence 9 potion formulas . One of them is Mystery Pryer, Our Mystery Pryer potion formula and the later Sequences that aren't directly chained were obtained from the Moses Ascetic Order . Back then, it was said that they had yet to fall to corruption . They persisted in their morals and precepts, determined in their pursuit of knowledge . They kept their secrets strictly confidential . Anyone that entered the order would be barred from speaking for five years after becoming a Mystery Pryer . They would learn to keep silent, so as to cultivate and enhance their focus . The motto of Moses Ascetic Order—do as you wish, but do no harm—began from them .

"Mystery Pryers have a comprehensive but rudimentary understanding and grasp of magic, witchcraft, astrology, and other mystical knowledge . They also know a fair number of magical rituals, but they can easily sense certain existences that hide among matter . Therefore, they have to be careful and show respect to their powers as a Beyonder .

"We lack a large portion of this Sequence, causing it to be an incomplete chain . For example, its Sequence 8 . Of course, perhaps the Holy Cathedral has it . "

Klein knew what he needed to choose he said "what about the other two."

"The second type is named Corpse Collector . Quite a number of cultists who worship Death in the Southern Continent choose it . After consuming the potion, unintelligent dead spirits would mistake them as one of their kind and not attack them . They would gain resistance to the cold, decay, and corrosiveness of cadaveric auras . They will be able to directly see a portion of evil spirits and see the characteristics and weaknesses of undead creatures, as well as gain certain attribute enhancements . We have the Sequence 8 and Sequence 7 that follows it . Heh heh, you probably can guess Sequence 7—Spirit Medium! This was chosen by Daly back then," described Dun in detail .

Dunn Smith looked sideways and said, "We only have Sequence 9 of the third type . Whether the Holy Cathedral has it, I'm not sure . It's called Seer . "

Klein tried his best to remain his usual self as he asked with genuine interest, "What abilities do Seers have?"

"Your question is inaccurate; the question should be, 'what abilities does consuming the Seer potion give?'" Dunn Smith shook his head and chuckled . His gray pupils and face turned away from the moon as his features hid in the shadows . "There are many kinds of things involved—astromancy, cartomancy, spiritual pendulums, and scrying . Of course, it does not mean that consuming the potion will immediately allow you to grasp all of them . The potion only equips you with the qualifications and ability to learn it .

"As they lack direct means of fighting enemies, heh . You can probably imagine that setting up a magical ritual requires a lot of preparation . It's not suitable for combat . Therefore, in terms of knowledge of mysticism, a Seer will be more learned and professional than a Mystery Pryer . "

After unknown period of time klein remains sitting on chair.

"Have you decided?" he asked

Klein took a deep breath and answered seriously, "Yes, I have made a decision . " .

Dunn slowly sat up straight . His expression became solemn but the deep recesses of his gray eyes remained the same

"Tell me your answer . " . Or you can take your time.

Klein replied without hesitation, "Seer