
Lord of the Karmic Fate

They say luck is an uncontrollable force and karma is nothing but a cycle of cause-and-effect that depends on one's deeds. But what if luck somehow really could be manipulated while the way karma worked could be changed? With the appearance of the Realm Games where every life became worthless and Artifacts that granted various powers, humankind was pushed to the ultimate path of evolution for one last time! Raven, a simple young man, was also forced to walk on such a path, which with his cursed bad luck became even more difficult than for others! However, what he did not know at that time was that it was not only humanity that was coerced with such a cruel fate but every living being in the far cosmos too! Come and follow Raven on his journey and witness how he struggles his way through hardships and how he shifts his seemingly already decided fate that the Gods have destined him to walk from the very start! ----- Disclaimer: This is not the same Earth as the one we are living on so do not use common sense unless you can breathe fire out from your nostrils! ----- Notice: The cover does not belong to me.

Gery_ · Fantasy
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174 Chs

Beacon of Light

"And for that, you have my wo-" Raising his hand as he was ready to clench it into a fist, the sight around Raven changed and a panel popped up before his face.


[Title: The Blessed Prodigy First Effect had been triggered!]

[All Avatar Traits +10!]

"-Rd... Fuck!" with a loud cuss, Raven summoned his Serpent Poison Dagger into his hand, and pushing his feet against the ground below his body he turned into a blur.



With a loud blast that was akin to a smaller detonation, Raven's body appeared several meters in the distance while on the spot where he just stood a few moments a massive creature with a long and bloody gash on its skin shivered and shrieked in pain before it stiffened and froze.

It was dead.

Raven stood still and stared at the beast, when suddenly a weird, black liquid came out of it and shot at him, taking him by surprise and melting into his body.

[Congratulations! You have slain Rank 6 Razer Maw Centipede!]