
Chapter 1: A New Beginning

"Ahhh!" sixteen year old Kharter Ellis yelled as he quickly sat up in his bed, breathing heavily. "That same dream again" he said to himself, "Its been happening more often now, it seems so real, like that actually happened"

As he sat there, breathing short and sweating very hard, someone suddenly knocked on his door.

"Rise and shine, Kharter" his mom called through the door, "I made your favorite, bacon and eggs, with pancakes on the side!"

Smiling, Kharter flung his feet of the side of the bed, "Coming!" 


It had been two weeks since they have moved to Rashford, California, which meant that he would be the new kid once again. Thanks to his dad's job they had moved around a lot, but because of a promotion recently received, his parents promised him and his siblings that this would be the last time. 

Five minutes later, showered and dressed, Kharter made his way downstairs to the kitchen. There he found his dad and twin siblings already gulping down their food. "Morning!" Kharter greeted cheerfully, rubbing the twins' heads. 

Not wanting to be late on his first day of school, Kharter hastily gulped down his food and within five minutes, he was out the door.

Trenton High School, the words shone brightly in the early morning sun on the building. Kharter was having mixed feelings, both happiness and fear. He was happy for the fresh start, but fearful that he would make a fool of him self. 

In a hurry, Kharter decided to skip every other step, which led to him falling flat on his stomach at the top of the stairs. 

"Have a nice trip, see you next fall!" a voice shouted, mockingly.

"Ugh" Kharter grunted, "People still say that?"

"Uh no, just him" A voice said sweetly above him. He looked up to see a beautiful girl smiling down at him. He was dumbfounded. She had long, wavy, dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes.


Hey, guys, sorry for the long wait, really has been hard balancing college and work and other extra-curriculars. Also, I was having some serious writer's block

Khagedwritercreators' thoughts