
Lord of the Dead Sea

On a rainy night, a shadow knocked on the door of the orphanage, and after seeing the staff come out, they left in a hurry. A newborn baby was abandoned in front of the gate crying, and the teacher who came in a hurry hurriedly picked up the child and looked around and shouted in the heavy rain. No one was around, so I could only take the child back into the house, tidy up the wet hair, and see through the light that there was a pair of unopened black playing cards in the baby's swaddle, with an expression on the cover. The most sarcastic clown. Below it are five English letters in large bloody letters: Joker

KenyattaPeng · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
71 Chs

Chapter 47 - Quarrel

"You are too proud, Bentham, do you think I am planning to win you by brute force? I am a member of the House of Glory.


called Clement!!!"


The mouth under his fangs grew wildly, and Clement's eyes were bloodshot as he let out a roar all day long!

"This .... This is the beast blood boiling! He ignited the blood of the beast war god, God, he obviously has not been baptized!"

"This is the Glorious Family, this is Clement!!!"

"Clement! The future great leader of the Orcs!!!"

With several orcs shouting wildly, all the players watched the green-skinned Clement's body smoldering with heat, his complexion gradually turning blood red with the heat, like steel burned through by fire, he radiated a life-like hot glow in the wind and snow, his thick, red, and smoking hot arm pushed all the way across, and finally heaved Bentham's hand down hard on the iron table!

Clement stood up, raised his winning arm high, turned and looked around proudly at all the players, he had proved himself! And proved the Orcs!

In the process, he emphatically hammered his rolling, solid chest at Liu Yufeng and Kalis, as if to say.

"We orcs never lag behind, I did it!"

Nodding slightly, Liu Yufeng was applauding for Clement, because this orc had been bleeding out of his mouth with two fangs emerging, obviously a side effect of that state just now, he had really put up everything, this was a warrior worthy of respect.

What the players don't know is that Clement, who is holding strong, is not just spitting blood, his heart has been severely damaged and his body is bleeding profusely, which is the price he pays for using an ability he has not yet fully mastered in advance.

Seeing that the winner has been divided, several epic bridgekeepers in the shed sighed and turned their attention to Winifred, because Bentham really still let the water out, the orcs still know to open their abilities, as a berserker Bentham does not know?

But he chose to kick the ball to the strongest bridgekeeper, the next will be the most powerful Winifred to decide the life and death of these players.

At this moment, no one knew what the man was thinking, and as the strongest bridgekeeper, he and his identity were both a mystery.

Soon, the players heard the voice they had been waiting for.

Director: "The orc player --- Clement Bennett --- has defeated the berserker Bentham Luthor and won! Current winning progress 5/7, full victory will pass this round!"

At the same time as an undead fell on the board with the last move of his piece, the director's magnetic voice rang out again.

Director: "Undead player --- Sherwood Quinton --- has defeated the wizard Bridges Griffiths and won! Current winning progress 6/7, full victory will pass this round!"

With a long breath Sherwood stood up shakily, and when he left the table, eleven undead corpses were already lying around it! In order to win this game, the Undead had paid a huge price.

"Lord Tad, there is just one last game left."

Sherwood carefully crossed the corpses of the clan and came to a clan member clad in rags and said.

This is the last undead left on the Bridge of Death, except Sherwood.

And Sherwood called him Lord.

If you can ignore his slightly pale complexion, you will find him more human than human, more handsome than the elves, especially the black eyes, like two black stones, extraordinarily attractive, the head of the long gray hair hammered just to the side of the ear, fluttering in the cold wind to the side.

In short, Ted is handsome like a prince in a movie, because his last name is Karl, the great natural disaster one. Also just after Ted revealed his true appearance, the face of Kalis in the distance immediately changed, and he stared at Ted and said in a cold voice.

"No wonder that dead old undead made that kind of request, so it is." Kalis' eyes stared deadly at Ted, who had revealed his true face, as if there was some deep hatred between the two.

"Besides handsome, is there anything special?" Liu Yufeng followed Kalis' gaze to look at Ted and asked curiously.

The Clement, who had just achieved victory, came over and wiped the blood under his fangs and drew his long knife behind him.

In a crowd of orcs to attack Ted, Liu Yufeng and rush to run in front of Ted, turned to stop them.

Looking at Liu Yufeng, who was blocking the middle, Clement frowned and raised his sword and said loudly, "I respect you, but you must get out of the way, because he is a natural disaster!"

"The natural disaster mastered the secret art of death, you must not have experienced the pain of being with your own family, friends, brothers, and each other's blades, especially when they are conscious, can you imagine that image? It is the family will swing the knife at you, but are crying and begging you to kill them, if you can imagine, you will you will definitely make the same choice as us."

Kalis went up to Liu Yufeng and explained the meaning of the natural disaster, hoping to convince Liu Yufeng in this way.

"He is right, so human, you have to get out of the way!"

Without waiting for Liu Yufeng to reply, Clement growled angrily at Liu Yufeng.

He was obviously evoked some bad memories by Kallis' explanation and looked a bit agitated, but Liu Yufeng pulled out his playing cards and was not moved at all, his meaning was obvious, don't let! Seeing Liu Yufeng's attitude, Kallis went forward and pulled Clement, who was almost about to storm out, while saying to Liu Yufeng.

"Friend, have you ever wondered why there are no humans in our world? According to your story, we should be the four races, right?"

Kalis turned his gaze to Ted behind Liu Yufeng and said icily.

"Because the humans betrayed their allies, those elves who fought with them for thousands of years, for the sake of eternal life! They have become the undead apocalypse!"

As he spoke, Kalis' arm trembled slightly, unconsciously touching the scimitar at his waist, and the hatred in his eyes was even greater than Clement's.

"I still can't forget the night the Tree of Eternity burned, the fire lit up the whole forest, although that day, I was only five years old, the undead for me, just the enemy; and the natural disaster, is the betrayer, betraying allies of the damned."

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Liu Yufeng hurriedly spoke up and reminded.

"Don't forget the promise we made to that old undead."

"This is the reason why he is still able or standing there." At this moment, Kalis regretted a little, he felt that he should not promise that old undead.

Just as Liu Yufeng was calculating how to solve the current situation, Ted behind him spoke up.

"What they said is correct, but it's not entirely correct."

Ted stepped out from behind Liu Yufeng and with an icy smile, Ted stared into Kalis' eyes and said.

"Have humans not sought help from you? In those darkest times, when those players invaded our world! How many times did we plead with you Elves? But you refused to support us! That we betrayed for eternal life? Oh, to repel the enemy, tens of millions of humans survived less than a thousand, and you say that the only thousand of us left are in pursuit of eternal life? Your brain has really been washed silly by your stupid elders."

Looking at Kalis' somewhat confused look, Ted laughed, with such anger!

"You don't seem to know anything? That's disgusting, so what are you talking so eloquently about here? You should go back and ask your great elders who abandoned mankind for the ridiculous reason that the Tree of Eternity had to be kept holy at a time when mankind needed help the most! Then you can tell the story of the traitor in your mouth, and I will swear on the name of the God of Death that I am telling the truth."

The sight turned and Ted gave another disdainful sneer at Clement, he stared dead into Clement's big green eyes, not afraid of the big man in front of him, and as their eyes collided fiercely, Ted spoke up and said.

"In that same time, when our world was invaded by this damn Dead Sea world, what were you orcs doing? You were continuing your attacks on us humans! I hate to kill all of you! Just like you wanted to kill me in general."

"It's not like that!" Clement growled angrily, reaching for Ted's neck collar and yelling, "We stepped in to help!"

"Yes, one side stepped in to defend against the invasion, and the other side is still attacking us, heh, heh ...."

Ted raised his hand to knock away Clement's hand, smoothly pulled away and drew the longsword at his waist, gazing indifferently at Clement and Kalis and said.

"Even if you don't use any abilities, you are not my opponents at all."


While the three parties were at sword fight, a burning playing card instantly blew a handrail on the side of the bridge to pieces!

Liu Yufeng showed an annoyed expression and walked over, finally stopping in the middle of the three frowning and saying in a very impatient tone.

"Not I say, almost have to."