
Lord of The Dark

Summoning Magic, Necromancy, Dungeon, Solo Leveling, R-18, Incest Fanfic based on the comic “Solo leveling”, with the hero getting into Jin-Woo when he first got the system. This part will be devoted to the hero’s journey from Ashbourne’s heir to the new Monarch of Shadows.离婚后,前夫每天都想上位

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7 Chs


And a few more days that I spent in the hospital.

I assessed my development with the help of a steel sword from the inventory. Twenty points of strength was barely enough to hold him confidently. This weapon turned out to be much heavier than it looked. An ordinary person would not be able to calmly wave it at all. This sword was definitely a hunter's weapon.

What's even more interesting, for the first daily quest, I received three points of characteristics. But the next day for the same task, I was already given five points. And, of course, first of all, I upgraded my physical characteristics, since in the first battles they will be the most important. Along the way, I seem to finally get used to the fact that this is not a dream. Although I don't understand how I ended up here, it's not like I have anyone to ask. Perhaps if I start asking questions out loud, the creator of the system will even answer me … but I really did not want to provoke him. Judging by the manhwa, this is a very creepy and extremely cruel creature, with which it is better not to joke. At least until I get really strong.

However, I had confidence that that being would not be able to take the system from me and deprive me of my powers. Even if he was the creator of this system, but the lord of darkness has already changed it. In part, that's why I started getting a little more awards. The purpose of the system is not to ensure a fair game for me, but to help my fastest development. The creator of the system introduced it into Zhong Wu in order to prepare his body so that it could withstand the power of the Sovereign, and not be destroyed by this power. And, gradually, this system makes me stronger, as much as I am ready for it.

And for some reason, now I was leveling a little faster than the canon Jin-Woo. Although, by local standards, its development was completely absurd anyway. The very fact that a hunter could increase his strength over time was already extraordinary in a hunter society. But, in any case, it suited me.

Despite the fact that Jin-Woo was a pretentious bender, there were constantly moments in the manhwa when he had to overcome and be on the verge of death.

Nevertheless, as much as I didn't want to continue to swing through this daily task for a couple of months, but, I didn't want to miss the time. I do not remember the exact dates, but I know that serious shocks await this world in the near future. Monarchs, former allies of the Lord of Shadows, preparing to go to war on this world. And the Lords, strange creatures that created the gates with dungeons, and continue to empower people to prepare humanity for the coming war. The beginning of this war is drawing near…

Well, even though this power of shadows beckons, I don't like what a dangerous world I find myself in at all!

Sexsucher in Dortmund

And then I continued to train hard, according to the requirements of the system.

And so, in fact, after the next execution of the daily task, perhaps the creator decided that I was too focused on increasing the characteristics. For the past five years, I've completely ignored the second award, choosing to focus on my physique.

Strength – 20

Agility – 20

Endurance – 20

Perception – 8

Intelligence – 7

And, in general, for my first level, it was a good foundation. In the five dailies I completed, I got twenty-five stat points, plus the three points I got on the first day, and the ten points I received as a gift from the purchase of the system itself. I raised my Strength, Agility, and Endurance equally to twenty points, and put another two points into Perception.

As in previous challenges, I received a box with a reward. I expected it to be some kind of potion again, but instead, when the box disintegrated into particles of light, a green key appeared in my palm.

Dungeon Key

Item grade – E

A key that allows you to open an instant dungeon. Can be used at the third entrance of Hapjeong Station.

Well, of course.

A reward calculated to keep me getting stronger. The system showed me the way to development. And it seems that the creator thought that I was already more or less ready for battle.

– Am I really going to do this? – I asked myself.

And indeed…

Sexsucher in Dortmund

Having received the key, I did not sit back and just continue to do the daily routines. Opening the map on the mobile app, I found the station I was looking for, and luckily, it was the nearest metro station to the hospital.

– Well… it's time. – I cracked my neck.

I've already been in the hospital for almost a whole week. From day to day I should be discharged. I even found my house on the map. I checked the address on my medical record. Well, anyway, the doctors had no doubts about my health, so there was no problem that I needed to be away for a while. And, leaving the hospital, I went to the metro station.

Yes, at least I don't have any armor, but I also don't have the money to purchase it.

But there are weapons.

And yet, in addition to increasing performance, completing daily tasks, I received another interesting bonus.

Passive Skills:

Fortitude Lv. one

Increases damage resistance by 10%

Active skills:

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Sprint ur. 2

Allows you to temporarily increase your speed by 30%, making dashes faster!

Alas, I did not have the absolute skill of unbending willpower. But, by the way, I also receive quite generous rewards, so I'm not complaining. However, it is worth noting that exercise has clearly benefited me. Musculature has become much more prominent. Although, such an effect is more likely from an increase in characteristics, accompanied by the influence of the power of the Overlord. Otherwise, it would take me years to swing in the gym for such a physique.

But now…

Damn, even though this is not exactly my body, but I really liked being in this shape …

And the appearance itself, it is worth noting, has changed a bit. Facial features become more… mature? And, perhaps it seemed to me, but I saw in my reflection the features of the old me, before rebirth.

– Okay…

In the meantime, I got to the station.

And, approaching the descent into the subway, he took out the key to the dungeon.

– Go…

I felt it. A bunch of power, something elusive, but for some reason, so familiar. Just squeezing the key in my hand, I take a step forward …

From the depths of the subway, a mysterious energy gushed out, blowing around me like wind. And the further I went down, the stronger the tension became. The key in my hands began to emit golden light…

Another step and I pass through a transparent veil.

The power of the dungeon overwhelmed me, and the sounds of the city were cut off.


You have entered the instant dungeon!

The system was generous with the message.

I just calmly looked around, seeing how the transparent veil becomes more cloudy and impenetrable, like a thick layer of ice.


The exit is blocked. To leave an instant dungeon, kill the dungeon boss or use a return crystal.

If I did not know that something like this was waiting for me, then this message could seriously disturb me. Moreover, I did not have any return crystal with me.

Returning to the dungeon, it looked like a subway station, but completely different. All the same rooms that I saw during the descent, but as if abandoned a long time ago. Weed sprouts sprouting between tile joints. Dirty walls, broken rickety lamps and the realm of twilight. Although, some lamps were still on, and that was the only reason there was at least some light.

The steel blade that I took out of inventory sparkled with a cold gleam. A simple sword without any frills. Its heaviness in my hand gave me a certain sense of confidence.

– Hmm…

There was no fear.

I felt strong behind me and calmly walked forward.

But only as long as there is no threat from the outside. I just got goosebumps running down my back, and I abruptly turned around, stepping back. And then I met the furious gaze of the beast. Healthy scarlet wolf. He didn't growl, didn't bark, just looked at me with hatred. But, if earlier he crept towards me quietly, now, when he saw my eyes, the beast seemed to have sharply increased in size. His muscles under the fur bulged in tension, visually enlarging the figure of the beast, after which the wolf abruptly rushed at me, uttering a half-half-roar.


Although I was ready for this, but this sound made its way to the very bones. My heart almost stopped, but…

The grip of my hand on the sword did not loosen and, taking a step forward, I delivered a stabbing blow. The beast, in a jump, could no longer evade in any way. He expected to grab my throat exactly where I stood a moment ago. Stepping forward, I simply broke the maneuver of the beast and, as if in a kind of stupefaction, with a mechanical movement, plunged the blade into its muzzle.

The point pierced the soft flesh in its open mouth, causing the beast to let out a pitiful whimper. At that moment, I noticed a metal structure on his lower jaw, but it did not interfere much. The blade went through with a clang, slicing through flesh.

A sudden move and I just cut the wolf in half.

– Haa…

The animal falls to the floor in two separate parts.

And I'm stronger than I thought…


Defeated Reikan Steelfang

Your level is up!


I hear the clatter of claws on the floor, and I sense the threat the monsters exude. Turning around, I already know what I'll see. Two more crimson beasts ready to attack.

– Raahh … – The one that was closer rushed at me.

– Khhh…

With a clang, he closed his fangs on my sword. Truly a steel fang…

But with just a little more effort, I cut open the wolf's head. It was only slightly more difficult than with the first wolf. But, I already felt that I was getting used to it. The growling of animals no longer inspires that piercing fear.

The second wolf, with his ears between his legs, retreats, but …

– You will not leave.

For a moment, the sprint skill was activated and I immediately overtook the beast, striking from below and simply blowing his head off with a blow to the neck. The wolf only managed to emit a piercing whine before choking on this sound.

Your level is up!


So far, there are no new enemies here.

Well, it's the same dungeon that was in the original story. Game scripts…

And lowering the sword, I breathed a sigh of relief. And then, continuing to monitor the situation, he opened the status window. Leveling up didn't give me any new points to distribute. But instead, all of my stats were increased by two points. One point for each level, of course. So, it turns out that for each level I get five points, like for a daily task now, only I can't allocate them myself, they are automatically invested in all characteristics. But, I felt the pulsation of the Lord's power…

This system continues to improve my body and gradually, the power of the Shadow Monarch was transferred to me.

Although, while it is still just crumbs, but a start has been made …

Something else…

I approached the bodies of the slain wolves, and after touching one, I received an item.

Rykan's Fang

Item Grade – Trash

Can be sold in the shop

With a chuckle, I followed the recommendation and simply sold the item in the system store, for which I received twenty gold coins to my account. I don't even know if that's a lot or a little. Well, then we'll figure it out. For now…

– Let's move on.

A sinister grin twisted my lips.

Feeling the increase in strength, I more clearly saw in these terrible terrible monsters – bags of experience. And, I did not have to look for them for a long time. Soon after, after only a short walk, I felt this strange impulse of menace. And then, having made a breakthrough, he suddenly overtook the beast, which was not ready for such a swift attack. Behind him are a few more wolves …

Already having an idea of ​​​​my strength, I deliver a swift blow, calculating its trajectory in such a way as to hook several opponents. And so I managed to cut two wolves at once.

The third growled menacingly and even tried to pounce on me…

A glint of steel, and half-turning to deal with the momentum of the sword, I continue the movement of my weapon, striking again. The beast didn't even have time to react before the blade sliced ​​through it.

Your level is up!

The animals were in no hurry to run away.

On the contrary, more and more wolves arrived from other corridors.

More than a dozen…

Sexsucher in Dortmund

And without stopping for a second, I continued the fight. I was already seized by fighting excitement and, carried away, at some point I simply lost sight of one beast. And my thigh burned with pain.

– B-bitch…

Grimacing, I do not allow myself to be distracted by the wound, and sharply bend my leg. A knee strike to the jaw of the wolf continues with a crushing blow of the hilt of the sword to his skull. I can feel his bones break with a wet crunch, and the wolf's lifeless body falls to the floor.

I glance down at my leg for just a moment to see the bleeding cuts on my thigh.

But I continue the fight until the remaining wolves have been killed.

Your level is up!

Breathing heavily, I lowered my sword, realizing that I no longer felt the presence of the beasts. And my feelings just became sharper. I really felt the monsters if they were around.

– Hah…

Tiredly crouching near the wall, I took out a medical bandage from the inventory. Of course, while resting in the hospital, I acquired some items that could fit me. True, I did not ask anyone, and it was even a little embarrassing to steal first aid items, but I hope a couple of twists of bandages will not lose them. Oh, and disinfectants.

Having treated the edges of the wounds, I also moistened the bandages themselves in an antiseptic, after which I wrapped the wound around.

Although, I must say, although the wound looked menacing, I felt quite normal, and calmly stood on my feet.

However, I proceeded more cautiously. But, before that, he examined all the bodies of the defeated monsters in order to collect loot from them. Several wolf fangs. And, to my surprise, from touching one of the wolves, a bundle of clothes appeared in my hands. Ripped rags, but…

Traveler's Cape

Rank – F

Stamina + 2

Not much, but at least something.

The item was immediately equipped through the status window. And I even felt some effect, but the cape itself seemed to just disappear. When equipped, it did not show up on me in any way.

– Farther…

New group of monsters.

Your level is up!

And one more fight.

I felt like I was getting a little stronger with each promotion. And since I leveled up fairly quickly, the power surge was quite noticeable compared to how I entered this dungeon.

Your level is up!

Your level is up!

Your level is up!

I no longer paid attention to the messages, they flickered somewhere in the background, not particularly interfering with the fight.

Danger impulse.

Feeling threatened, I leaned to the side and struck without even seeing the target. And then, with lightning speed, he cut in half a large monkey with long claws that jumped at me from the ceiling.

You have defeated "Razan Black Shadow"!

Another type of monster.

I kept killing the beasts one by one, several at a time, and each time it got easier and easier. And, my feelings defined these monsters differently. Their threat impulses have become weaker. The difference in our strengths has changed, because I have become noticeably stronger.

You've got the title!

beast slayer

Efficiency against animal-type monsters increased by 40%

Taking a breath after another fight, I opened my status and checked the title. It still needed to be activated, which I did. And then he went again for bags of experience. And, with the acquisition of the title, the destruction of wolves and monkeys has become even easier. Monster hunting has become a cakewalk!


My sword already looked a bit battered.

Hunters' special weapons were very hard, that is, completely inflexible. After so many blows, it did not bend, but began to crack. A few chips and notches appeared on the blade, as well as a rather unpleasant crack, passing almost through the entire blade. A couple more hits, I'm afraid, and the weapon might just break. But that's not a problem, because…

wolf dagger

Attack +5

Yes, an item worse than a sword, but at least some alternative that I got from one of the dead wolves. And yet, one of the trophies was the stone of return. But I did not use it, deciding to deal with the boss. Jin-Woo did it, so I just have to give it a try. Although, imagining who I would have to fight, I directly felt how everything was getting cold inside.

While fighting the monsters, I had already passed the stairs leading to the lower level several times. And every time I passed by, I felt a powerful impulse of fear. The sense of threat from there was much stronger than from the local wolves and monkeys. Although, now this momentum is not so powerful, but still strong.


I have already reached the sixteenth level.

Killing wolves became very easy and I didn't feel the growth anymore. And the monsters keep respawning over and over again, it's just now, I'm barely progressing at their expense.

Sexsucher in Dortmund

Song Jin-woo

Level 16




beast slayer

Health – 97%

Mana – 100%


Strength – 35

Agility – 35 (+1)

Endurance – 35 (+2)

Perception – 23

Intelligence – 22

I haven't used sprint lately, a skill that drains some of my mana when used. So, my strength was restored. As is health. The wolves only hurt me a couple of times, and I always treated the wounds. But, my first wound on my thigh has almost healed. The regeneration with my stamina level is amazing.

And not only the characteristics grew …

Passive Skills:

Fortitude Lv. 2

Active skills:

Sprint ur. four

Also, I got…

Tattered Hunter's Gloves

Rank – E

Agility + 1

Not thick, of course, but, again, at least something.

And, it's time to go down to the boss.

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