
Lord of The Dark City

everything is destroyed. after 300 years mc just wakes up and he must survive in the middle of monsters, how can he survive..?

Yue_xixi · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Du Dian nodded slightly. The couple talked to him a few days ago. They all expressed the hope that he could inherit Gray's sewing skills and become a good tailor, but Du Dian had a goal in mind and refused directly.

The Gray couple is not angry. It is a good thing for the child to have a opinion. They are not serf families. They are worried that the child is too sinister.

"Unfortunately, it is too difficult for a doctor to get started. If you follow me from a young age, there is still hope to learn."Sheila pinched the dish, and some regretted that Du Dian was a smart boy. Unfortunately, the introduction was too late. When he became a doctor, he had passed the most sensitive age of the doctor.

"Say, what do you want to learn?"Gray smiled slightly.

Du Dian looked up at them and said, "The law."

"The law?"A couple of Gray, Sheila said: "Dian, do you know what kind of occupation is this?"

"I know that it is one of the three major civilian occupations, just like doctors."When Du Dian got the professional chart from Gray, the first time, he locked the profession. For him, the fastest way to understand the difference between the world and the modern world is that this career is the best.

Gray dignified: "You have to think clearly that the law school is the hardest. It is harder than being a doctor. It requires very flexible thinking and logic. Although you are a smart child, you are not in the orphanage. Basic learning, it is very difficult to graduate from the Law School and become a qualified God Officer!"

Du Dian looked directly at him and insisted on the tunnel: "I want to learn this."

Gray slightly frowns, this is Du Dian's first attachment in front of them, so that he does not know how to refuse, since the last time Ivy Family refused, he also faded some thoughts, regarded Du Dian as himself Real children, so they don't want to hurt their feelings easily.

Sheila saw Du Dian so seriously, pulled the sleeves of Gray and said: "Since the child wants to learn, let him learn, even if he can't enter the "Judgement Hall" at the end, it is good to be an ordinary lawyer, at least familiar with the law. I don't know how to break the law, it's just fine. "

Du Dian glanced at her and silently said that I learned the law, not to obey it, but to break it!

Gray sighed and said, "Okay, listen to him."

Du Dian breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at them deeply. "Thank you!"

When he heard Du Dian's words, Gray smiled again and said: "If you choose, you must stick to it. If you don't want to learn at the end, come back and learn to sew with me. When you are a textile worker, you can support yourself. "

Du Dian nodded slightly.



When the black death season arrived, the temperature also warmed up a lot.

On the third day before the college starts, there is a special festival called "Pray Day."

Each family rushes in groups and heads to the Via Cathedral in the middle of the residential area to pray to the Father and let them peacefully pass through the Black Death Season so that the plague and disease will not fall on them.

This is a grand ceremony.

The Gray couple took Du Dian to go to pray, and Du Dian also saw the world of faith, the Church of Light for the first time. But here is just a division of Church of Light built in a residential area. A huge four-winged angel sculpture is built in the middle of the square. Both hands seem to hold all the believers, full of kindness and peace.

The prayer day passed, and three days later, the colleges began enrolling students.

Du Dian was led by the gray couple, in front of the law school, which is about 10 kilometres from his home, the bustling parents were waiting here with their children, and the parents and children were dressed in simple, clean colours, completely different from other sallow, or plain-skinned workers, after all, the law school tuition, Also out of the name of the expensive, no details of the ordinary working families, simply cannot afford.

"I heard that I want to enter the Law School and I still need to pass the assessment."

"I already knew it, or do you think it is the same as the School of Sewing and the College of Geology?"

"I don't know, what is the assessment here."

Some parents whispered.

Gray wonders: "Is the law school still to be assessed?"

"Of course, it is the same as our medical school."Sheila blinked in the blink of an eye and bowed to Du Dian. "You have to refuel. I remember to check out some simple things. Our medical school is evaluating memory. It should be about the same here."

Gray stunned and smiled at Du Dian. "Take your own performance. If it doesn't, let's go to the Sewing Academy."

Du Dian rolled his eyes and thought that you would be happy. If you really want to test your memory, I can kill the examiner in minutes. His IQ is 142. In the old epoch, this has already reached the passing line of "genius" IQ. The 120 to 140 IQs are all smart people. Most of them are 90 to 110. As for his enchanting sister, IQ is even more It was 168, which was really unforgettable. At the age of twelve, he was admitted to Harvard University.

Their sisters and IQs are so high that they have inherited the genes of their parents. Both of them are scientists who have won international awards. If the disaster does not break out, they will be able to win an international award for the invention of the "frozen warehouse".

At this time, the parents in front of them went in and soon it was Du Dian.

"Parents stop, the children come over for assessment."A middle-aged person like a faculty member prevented the Gray couple.

"Dian, come on!"Sheila cheered Du Dian, but Du Dian looked at it and felt that her smile was too happy.

Entering this spacious room, I saw two middle-aged examiners sitting in a man and a woman, wearing black robes, and the complex patterns of golden silk embroidery on the robes. They were simple and gorgeous. They saw Du Dian and smiled: "Children ,come."

Du Dian went forward.

"Ask you a question, you have a frying pan. You can only fry two fish at a time. It takes a minute to fry. Would it take a few minutes to fry three fish?"The middle-aged woman on the left smiled.

"three minutes."Du Dian didn't want to answer.

The two examiners were a little surprised. This problem is not difficult, but even some smart children need to think a little bit before they can answer them. Du Dian seems to have no idea, and he directly said the answer, and it is correct!

"You passed, child, you are very smart."The middle-aged man on the right smiled and said: "Hold this, go to the side for a medical examination. If the medical examination is ok, you can officially come to the law school."Say, hand Du Dian a small note with a few words on it.

There is also a medical examination? Du Dian slightly frowned, nodded and turned away from the room.

"so hard!"

"I answered for four minutes and actually said that I was wrong. Isn't it four minutes? If you have to fry on both sides, it will take four minutes!"

"There is a problem with this problem. Why do you want to fry fish? I don't like fish, and what does the fried fish have to do with the law!"

"Yeah, my father is a chef. It takes only one minute to get three fish. They still don't believe it, hehe!"

Du Dian just came out and heard a few children in the room next to several assessments, complaining dissatisfied with the questions. His mouth twitched slightly, as if he didn't hear those words, he turned and went back to the gray couple waiting for him.

"how about it?"Gray opened his eyes and smiled. He also heard the words of the children. Although it is not clear what the specific questions are, it seems that it is not so easy to pass.

Du Dian gave him a faint look and said, "Through it, I will go to the medical examination."

Gray smiled and was a little discouraged, but when he thought that Du Dian was smarter than other children, he danced with great brilliance.

"The physical examination is to detect the radiation value in your body. In terms of Dian's skin color, the radiation value is definitely not high. There is no problem with the passage."Sheila seems to know something and laughs.

Du Dian in the heart of a move, in the global nuclear explosion, the world is full of nuclear radiation line, the Silver Cloud in the sky, also gathered a large number of radioactive dust, so there will be a rainy season, this is a rainy seasons, and rain on the world, is extremely dangerous, or even fatal, was wet light is sick, Heavy or even death.

However, he came out of the freezer and lived here for only a few months. The radiation value in the body should not be high.

However, he is very curious, what are these people using to detect the radiation value?

Is it an instrument? However, even the steam epoch has not entered here. How can I know "electricity"?

At this time, Sheila took him to the room next to a room that read "Physical Examination". There was no one in the queue. After all, there were not many people who passed the first test. There was a middle-aged woman sitting inside and saw Du. Dian's small note, smiled: "Come on."

Du Dian went forward and looked at it. He didn't see any instruments, but there was a row of glass tubes like thermometers.

The middle-aged woman took a note from his hand and glanced at it. When it was true, he took a clean glass tube from the side glass tube with a fine scale on it, aligning the sharp end. Du Dian's little hand, smiled and said: "Children, don't be afraid, it won't hurt."

Du Dian didn't expect to detect the radiant value, it was such a small glass tube.

With a slamming sound, the sharp end of the glass tube pierced the Du Dian finger. Soon, the red blood penetrated into the glass tube. Du Dian noticed that there was a red thread on the glass tube scale, which rose slightly. One point, stopped at the first grid at the bottom of the scale.

The middle-aged woman looked at it and confirmed that there was no glare. She couldn't help but look at Du Dian. It was only noticed that Du Dian's skin color was much more white than other children. Even the same age girl was not so white.

There was a hint of enlightenment in her eyes, and she said to the nearby Gray couple: "I have seen this low radiation value for the first time. It is incredible. It is estimated that such a healthy body will only appear in the business district. "

Sheila obviously also knew this radiometer, and she was equally shocked, and then relieved. She said to her husband: "This is a radiometer that specifically measures the radiation value of the human body. Dian's radiation value...It is quite low, even lower than us, and it is estimated to be comparable to those of noble children. "

Gray knows the importance of the body's radiation value, but doesn't care, but Sheila's words "compared with aristocratic children" make him happy and caressing Du Dian's hair.

Du Dian glanced at the red line on the radiometer and suddenly felt the line twisting slightly, it seems...It is a living thing!



On the evening of Du Dian's registration, in a castle in the business district.

Luxurious to the room like a diamond inlay, a shadow-like black shadow appeared quietly in the room, looking at the stalwart figure reading the information on the front desk, respectfully said: "Sir, this is submitted in today's residential area. The test situation is twenty-seven."