
Lord of the Cosmos

After world descend in chaos animal get mutate and become monster previous barren land grow out jungle order fell man has to hide in the corner but everyone is equal in nature people get power rise and fight for survival. In this period Rudra who has chance to become one of the overlord but give up this chance for his girlfriend who betray him and cause his death. He die with regret but get a chance to correct his mistakes by rebirth. He is going discover unknown secrets of universe and embrace on journey to become lord of cosmos.

burning_lion · Fantasy
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9 Chs


They exist the club and hijack the car in the parking. Brother where are you bringing us this not way to home.Eva look at the road that was heading to north part of the city but they live in western part.

"I know we cannot return to home for now and I will call the mom to come where we are going. He say and stop the car near warehouse in remote side of city. There is no one near this area because this is private property.

"Brother why are we here there is no one here. What are we going to do here."

"You don't know but this ware house is our property where dad train me in the past there is underground training facility. We are going to stay here. I call the mom wait for mom to come after that I will explain you all what is happening."

She node and sit on the table in the ware house this warehouse is empty other that some gym equipments.

She hear the sound of car coming from he outside. Car stop outside the warehouse and women in her late 30's step out she has long black hair and eyes, slime waist and she look like she is in her late 20's.she is Mia Wilson.She hurry in the warehouse.

When she open the door she is hugged by Eva who hug her very tight that she cannot breath. Mia rub her hand on her back and ask. "What happened Eva why are you crying tell me what happened."

Eva cry for few minutes and tell her about what happen today. Mia took a long breath and thanks he God that nothing harm Eva nad rudra save her on time.

"where is your brother and why are you here you can come home. There is bodyguard and soilders appoint by your father there."

" No mom we are all leaving this city. By all means all the personal soilders there family and all the servant we have."

She hear the voice from the back rudra is coming in from door and say. Mia was really confuse as why they have to leave the city.

"But why we have to leave this city Rud and even if we leave why all personal solider are coming with us we can leave with just bodyguard."she look at rudra with questioning eyes.

"Mom do you believe me that I will do anything to harm our family if you believe me so come with me without any questions."

"Yes I believe you but where are we going and when.we have to pack our cloth and accessories at home."

"Mom you don't have to do anything I make arrangement for all. I am also moving all the asset of our family and also want move company high level equipment. That why I require your permission."

"where are you going to put all this.you know that this machinery are very expensive and required isolated environment."she ask with doubt.

"I know mom I made the prototype base somewhere there is nothing there but is suitable for all this thing to store safely."

He turn his gaze away from his mom and look at wall and say "I also inform the dad about this and tell him to come where we are going."

When Mia hear this her expression turn even doubtful and weird . She ask him. " Rudra are you angry with your father from last 2 years are you forgiving him. You know that he is in his punishment period because of his last mistake. How can he come here his superiors will not allow him."

He hear her saying and humf with slightly angry expression."Humf dad can only make a fool of you not me . Do you know why I am angry with father for last two year."

Eva jump in middle and say "is it not because father made mistake and punishment by army. We lost the right to participate in major army programs and events."

"No do you really think army can punish major general that easily and banned his family from military programs. Are they not risking to loyalty of major general who can command more that ten battalion by harming his family like this. He is not punished but he is taking blame for military to not tranish it's reputation. And he do this willingly he did not think about us when he make this decision that how it will affect his family."

He his face turn embarrassed and look away from his mom and say in low voice. "I tell him that mom is going to file divorce against him and I tell him that if he didn't cam in three days I'm going to break my relationship as father and son with him.

For long time there is no sound coming from mom and Eva he turn to check and see that they were dumbfold by what he tell them and there jaw were hanging.


Mia shout at him in high pitch voice there was various expression on her face he look at Eva who was equally dumbfold when his mother was mumbling he sneak out of the warehouse. When he was he hear her mother shouting his name.

"Huf when mom is angry she is really scarry."

'you didn't tell me where are you going to set up your base remember that base could not be near any city or populated area because city will be most dangerous place. You can survive and protect all the people dear to you in city but you cannot prepare for second impact . You are one of the most powerful human on the earth currently but there is limit to it. You can't do both work at once.'

"I know I am going to set up base in the northern mountains because that place is relatively barren and remote no human and animals wander there."

"But there is problem how are you going to make base there you are single man and have no manpower even if you gather all your subordinate it is not sufficient."

He was also trouble by this he will have to search for pefect solution about this problem. "We will think about it when we reach there. I have to find place to make base I lie to mom that I have place but that not matter I can make anytime."

He said and sit in his car to get out of the city his speed to much faster that car but he have to go out of he city to use his full speed.

Once in exist the city and are on highway he turn his car and drive in the trees side of the highway.he park his car get out and run in the the direction of northern mountain.

He run reallrfast so fast that small Sonic boom. He reach the edge of northern mountains. It is call the the mountains but in reality it is mixture of mountain and plain land here is barren and very few trees are here and there.

'You run I can search area around 10 km you can tell me your requirements.'

Rudra think about what type of base he want and tell him. " listen I want to make base underground for now and will expand to down that why it should be hidden but I also want to built small town here and that why plain land required it should have natrural barrier. Water source should be near by."

'okay we have to first find water source this whole territorie is desert but we can find the dry river that must be lot of saturated water underground.'That voice say and start search after 15 min he can't find anything so rudra move forward. He move from palce to palce and voice scan the surrounding.

When they are finding water source Rudra ask the voice in his mind " Hey do you have any name it will really convenient to call you by name."

'I don't have any name actually I don't know what I am and what can I do.'

"Then how did you give me my previous 1%power. If you don't know about yourself and what are you and what can you do then do know how to do this all time."he question.

'No I also don't know when you but when you are in trouble there is energy inside me automatically start to flow to you but I make it stop and ask you if you want to accept it.'

"Can't you do this again and give me more."Rudra wait of that voice answer

After 2 min voice say 'I think I can but first time is free but for second time it is equal exchange that a rule by which I move. It is like pre installed software.'

"But didn't you give me way to way to cultivate for free."

'No I did give you way to cultivate but just tell you theory you are the one who find the way and also it is incomplete so there is no value of it for me.'

"okay I understand stand do you want name for you it is really awkward you know.I will give you option and you can select."

'Really are you going me a name tell me option I will select."

"Here is list Astro, Alice ,Leya ,bee….. you can choose from them whatever you like ."he wait for long time but no anwer come just he is going to ask voice come.

'hey I am very confuse why don't you choose for me. I like all of them."

"Rudra also think for moment and say " how about Leya it means Law."

'yes I like it thank you very much. You give me name I can also give you one thing do you want something.'

"Huh this is what you say about you can give me anything in exchange."

'yes that what I mean and giving name me is very special so you can ask really something big but if I don't have that thind then I can't give you. But you can save it for future.'

"Okay save it for future now is important to find water source and built base. Do you find anything."