
lord of tainted love

All he wanted was love, to be accepted by all, but it was never to be even upon his death. However as a soul in this dark abyss between worlds he is pulled to a different universe, and in this universe, he will get what he wanted. Love. No matter what it takes, he will be loved. I’m bad at this, anyway this is an AU or whatever it is called, because I think it would be funny to make a mess of things with me barely remembering things.

Human_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Power of Hastur

It's been some months since that orgy, we basically have one every night now, and speaking of the orgy, I think it stoped whatever the haze was, I was probably not fucking enough.

Milim hasn't appeared at all during that time. As for Shuna, we still haven't fucked but that's because I felt like letting her set the pace. Rimuru's pregnancy is going along fine, we also decided to summon a demon, the one that appeared was the Black Primordial, he pledged his loyalty to us and we named him Diablo.

She decided to go on a adventure with him and Shion, Leaving the city to me… well it's not like I was alone as I had Gaia with me, but I never turned off my fertility the first night we laid together. Gaia being pregnant meant she wasn't very helpful, it also meant that I got the three other girls pregnant.

The Elf and Dryad aren't really fighters and owned a textile business together so they are fine, what is important however is that I bred my little fairy.

She was surprised that she even got pregnant, but that's the past and we are in the present, and in the present the situation of three is good.

Sadly the situation of our city isn't good. Some bastard released a dragon on us, on our people, these people have come to love me and I will do anything for them. So upon seeing mangled remains of the people that I have come to love infuriated me, not only that but it caused my little slime a great deal of stress when I contacted her, which would be bad for the developing child. I have but one sentence to say, I will obliterate the dung fucker that is behind all of this!

But that will come later, I have a dragon to deal with and a army that came with it. Employing Kings Haki on enemy, causes them stumble about, some already died from panic attacks, losers.

I summon a yellow construct that takes the form of the giant archer Hawk-eye Gough, one of the four knights of Gwyn. I start to wonder if it will even work, but before my very own eyes it takes one giant arrows it appeared with, nocking it ready to fire. I keep looking at it wondering if it is thinking for itself, the dragon flys by and I can hear the arrow release, tearing through its wings causing it to fall.

I morph the Hawk knight to the executioner of Anor Londo, Smough appears with his laugh standing tall before the army, just like Gough, Smough didn't need any instructions. I watched as he flattened the people while laughing. What even is Smough in the game anyways, maybe a giant but who really knows.

Turning my attention back to the downed dragon, I warp my body. My physical form begins tearing reality, the dragon seeing the Eldritch monstrosity come slowly towards it tries repeatedly moving but is unable. With each step I take, it's struggling becomes all the more frantic. It stops moving when I touch it. My reality warping corrupts its very being.

It's scales turn to skin, tumours erupt from its body containing eyes, hair, and teeth, sickly green pustules bulging out some have burst. It's bones have become weaker and without the powerful scale's help holding it together, its gut explodes dumping gore under it.

The malformed dragon falls apart desperately trying to crawl away until it dies. I sense the souls of the army, they're dead but something is trying to take them but are unable to due to my present state of being. I capture the souls and send a dimensional rift to the location of the soul stealer.

These souls would make a good gift to Rimuru and our developing child. As for the dragon, I will dump its corpse on the people who unleashed it. I just need to use some post cognition and I find it's location, the place had no people close by but I know someone sent it, so I look further back and see a human male and someone else. Locking onto him, I follow him back to where they lived. It was the guild headquarters.

Hmmmmm. I think about it before just dumping the corpse on them, realizing something funny, I'm going to do a Portal. I create a portal, one side was under it and the other was a hundred meters above.

It sped up, going faster and faster. I than change the higher end to above the guild base, crashing into the building and exploding into gore. I stare at the remains of the building before closing the portal.


Milim showed up, apparently it was her pet dragon. Whoops… she wasn't that upset though, I promised to make it up to her and presented to her a creature I made. Using the hard light to construct its form, and using my reality warping powers to make it live, I had created Jeff, the land shark.

I know basically nothing about Jeff besides it being the pet of Gwenpool… I think, but that doesn't matter for he is real, behold his magnificent form. Naming Jeff, Jeff, granted him a powerful body and shapeshifting abilities. I could feel people approaching, I could it was Rimuru, Shion, and Diablo but there was someone else with them.

It was a woman, a female primordial demon, I can feel it, the energy was the same as Diablo's but this one…hmmm. I can feel my control over her, and I think she can feel it as well since she refused to meet my gaze. I smile. Diablo introduces her as the Yellow Primordial, Jaune. I use King in yellow and tell her to kneel, she does so without hesitation with a unnerved expression, while Diablo looks on surprised before he starts mocking her.

Hastur's powers are truly interesting, they have given me such incredible abilities. I walk over to my Slime wife, giving her a hug and a kiss.

I look back to Jaune and realize she is still kneeling, so I release her from the command. As she stands up she looks at me before leaving. To think I can control life associated with yellow. I push away my thoughts and pick up Rimuru in a princess carry, taking her to our room for a welcome back orgy.

Loathsome Dung eater this, Jerma Barf Drinker that, how about the Foul Fecal Fucker.

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